
Prosperity Quotes

There are 12293 quotes

"You have to enjoy the little bit of life we have upon this planet; it's just a blessing and prosperity to everyone."
"I would just walk down the street and say, 'There's prosperity. I'm breathing in prosperity.'"
"This could be a big ending of something in your life but also the beginning of reaching for something more in alignment with your true prosperity."
"Peace and prosperity go together; when there is peace, there is more prosperity."
"You have to be wealthy in your mind before you can actually be wealthy and be visibly wealthy."
"Prosperity can be assured if you care well for tomorrow."
"I think both can be true at once. The world is in a very chaotic period, and one that may continue frankly, but at the same time, we've built these incredible societies, particularly here in the West, that are stable, that are prosperous, that are comfortable."
"We should all benefit; everybody in this economy should benefit."
"Where there is no prophetic vision, the people perish."
"We bring peace, prosperity, and really pretty ships."
"We predicated our civilization on those propositions, and look at it. It's not so bad. We've brought wealth and plenty to billions of people around the world."
"The blessings of the Lord make rich and add no sorrow."
"By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life."
"The feeling of wealth produces wealth. Keep this in mind at all times."
"Money supernaturally came from every direction into my life."
"If poverty was a fruit of God, it would be in heaven."
"Material and spiritual prosperity: the spiritual aspect of prosperity is richer than anything you will ever have."
"You will soon be thriving with an overflow of abundance and blessings."
"Lessons introduction: There is an infinite abundance in this universe."
"The Count to Four Technique: To be genuinely successful is to enjoy a large measure of happiness, health, and prosperity."
"The more self-dependent you become, the more prosperous you will be, the more free you will be."
"Prosperity is in our own hands to do with as we will, but we will never reach it until we learn to control our thought."
"You'll be focusing on the things that make you feel like you're on your true prosperity path."
"With your determination, you'll achieve rising success and prosperity."
"You are a vibrational match for a lot of blessed abundance in your life."
"It is normal or natural for you to desire a fuller, richer, happier, and more wonderful life."
"It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life and be happy, radiant, and free."
"Money is a symbol of the economic health of the nation. When money is circulating freely in your life, you are economically healthy."
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers."
"I am a magnet for money, and prosperity is drawn to me."
"It’s the hope of almost every generation in history that their children and grandchildren will go on to live wealthier, more prosperous lives than their own."
"In not pursuing money, I have made money pursue me."
"Money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited."
"You'll be endowed with a lot of comforts, lifestyle; you will be able to make continuous gains and able to find happiness and respect."
"Your financial circumstances will improve, then you'll be able to achieve a hidden financial gain, an unexpected financial gain."
"I am a money magnet. Abundance is naturally drawn to me."
"I am successful in creating prosperity in my life."
"Every day in every way I am becoming more and more prosperous."
"I am prosperous, healthy, happy, and live in abundance."
"Money flows freely and abundantly into my life."
"I am destined to find prosperity in everything I do."
"The completion of the electoral process, based on dialogue and compromise, is vital for the peace and prosperity of the Somali people."
"Rebuilding an inclusive, progressive, and prosperous Somalia is fundamental for all Somalis."
"A peaceful, democratic, and prosperous Pakistan is not just important to the Pakistanis; it's in the interest of the United States as well."
"You're actually going through a period of good times and a period of plenty."
"Our town shall be well cared for. Let's get that bread."
"In a region rife with instability, here lies a relative oasis of peace, democracy, and prosperity."
"Planting the seeds of growth, prosperity, and abundance."
"Prosperity also means having good health, a home, friends, and peace of mind."
"The truth is that there are no limits to the amount of prosperity you can attain."
"Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first fruits of all your increase."
"90% with God's blessing is better than 100% without it."
"You are building a solid foundation for yourself in life that's built on bricks of gold."
"You are worthy of the abundance you are worthy of the new job, the new car, the new house whatever it is; it's coming to you, it's already yours."
"You're headed into a time of celebration, victory, success, prosperity."
"Food is medicine, and you learn how to eat foods from the garden so you find your inner peace, you find your inner prosperity."
"And the sum of all self-interests would make for a balanced, harmonious, and prosperous society."
"The Greatest Generation is remembered for its heroism, technological innovation, and prosperity."
"I am worthy and deserving of success and prosperity."
"Prosperity: As I celebrate and support the financial success of others, I open my life to even more good."
"This October, abundance and prosperity is coming to you, or this could just be symbolizing that you're going to be lucky."
"Pray for the peace, happiness, and prosperity of all members of your family, your associates, and all people everywhere."
"The abundance, the prosperity, whatever you are working towards, it's coming. Point Blank period."
"A fire within me ignites my will to prosperity and abundance."
"I am always manifesting abundance and prosperity into my life."
"Good luck and abundance are coming your way."
"The shocking truth about prosperity is that it is shockingly right, instead of shockingly wrong, for you to be prosperous."
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."
"The liberal soul shall be made fat, which means having overflow, abundance, more than what is needed."
"If God can get it through you, He'll get it to you."
"Everything and everybody prospers me now, and I prosper everything and everybody."
"Prosperity is having enough of everything that is vital to my survival."
"You have to change what you see every day because if you were brought up the way I was brought up, you didn't look for prosperity, you looked for scarcity."
"Prosperity would be the opposite of being worried about money constantly."
"It's God's will for us to be in good health, to be prosperous, and to be whole."
"I welcome the prosperity that continually flows into my life."
"God says in His word, 'I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you.'"
"There is a very strong argument that advances in financial systems, trade practices, and economic controls have done just as much to provide us with the wealth and prosperity we enjoy today as all of the other advancements in technology."
"Prosperity begins in the mind; you must lay its foundations in your thoughts."
"The truth is, we were all intended to live the life abundant."
"Remember, prosperity cannot flow into your life while your mind is filled with poverty thoughts and convictions."
"Prosperity cannot come to you if you are all the time driving it away from you by your poverty thought."
"Remember, the word prosperity includes wealth, but also things that even money can't purchase! It includes good health, peace, good families."
"Everything will happen the way that you wanted to and as you have imagined... Money, wealth, power, recognition will now multiply for you in February."
"Service to others is the means to prosperity."
"One of your purposes is to be very prosperous, is to enjoy the fruits of life... to enjoy freedom of money, wealth, to enjoy a very prosperous life, to attain things that you very much deeply desire."
"More money, more purpose is where God wants all of us to actually be."
"Visualizing prosperity will open up the mind and set the thought turns toward increasing supply."
"Surround yourself with a prosperity atmosphere... you will build into your environment, into your life, whatever dwells in your mind."
"America is free, America is good, America has a law enforcement body that overwhelmingly is ensuring that you can live a free and prosperous life."
"Prosperity is in our own hands to do with as we will."
"It feels like you're very financially blessed in the coming months."
"Prosper means to succeed, to thrive, to turn out well. When you are prospering, you are expanding, growing spiritually, mentally, financially, socially, and intellectually."
"In order to truly prosper, it is necessary that you become a channel through which the life principle flows freely, harmoniously, joyously, and lovingly."
"The liberal soul shall be made fat; he that watereth shall be watered also himself."
"A prosperous person is one who knows how to get other people prosperous in their spirit and in their soul."
"The obligation of a society as prosperous as ours is to figure out how nobody gets left too far behind."
"We must remain open and oppose exclusion... openness is the sure way to human prosperity and advancement."
"We are determined to do everything that needs to be done to rescue and lead our country to prosperity, freedom, security, and peace."
"Capitalism is the single most successful, prosperous, egalitarian, and robust economic system in human history."
"The Lord will make you abound in prosperity."
"Prosperity is flowing towards you, so be open to receiving it."
"You were meant to be very abundant and prosperous. Obstacles are being removed, spiritual supporting connections are increasing."
"You will be very prosperous, not even a question."
"The way out of a lot of the problems we have is with development. That prosperity, when you get rid of poverty, you can also get rid of drug gangs, you can also get rid of terrorism."
"Prosperity should be viewed as essential to protecting the natural environment."
"Prosperity isn't just about having money; it's about being rich in love, success, joy, comfort, beauty, wisdom, good health, and time."
"Prosperity begins with feeling good about yourself."
"Self-image is very important because feeling good about yourself is prosperity."
"It's not the money that's going to take care of everything; it's changing whatever is inside of you that attracts that."
"You can't help but feel the outside forces moving in your direction, bringing large sums of money easily and quickly in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis in the best interest of all."
"Large sums of money come to me easily and quickly in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis in the best interest of all that I get to keep."
"He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. - Proverbs chapter 28 verse 13"
"The new beginning is bringing with it a lot of prosperity."
"Let's embrace a new notion I call mutually assured prosperity or MAP. MAP, or perhaps still better, the notion of globally assured prosperity or GAP."
"Global economic interdependence has led, on average, to longer, healthier, more prosperous lives for humans."
"For you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good."
"The divine plan for the future of North America is a condition of intense activity in the greatest peace, beauty, success, prosperity, spiritual illumination, and dominion."
"Adopt that cat. That is the biggest like it's the coming of prosperity."
"It's about those things. It's about fertility, it's about prosperity, it's about love, it's about how things are going to get better."
"We prophetically declare that the favor of the Lord is upon you and your household."
"The distribution of working-age populations will be crucial to whether humanity prospers or withers."
"I give thanks for the prosperity that is mine."
"I am a magnet to money, prosperity, and abundance."
"I release all resistance to prosperity, and it comes to me naturally."
"Just because someone gets rich, someone else did not get poor."
"This is a time when God wants to prosper us, this is a time where he wants us to be in health, this is a time when he wants us to hear his voice clearer than ever."
"That's global prosperity like we've never seen before. Right? Because energy is fundamental to everything else. If you've got free energy, everyone's filthy rich."
"True riches include abundance and prosperity in all areas of life, including health, relationships, and personal fulfillment."
"The thing that makes most wealthy people wealthy and what keeps wealthy people wealthy is financial education."
"And thus you shall say to him who lives in prosperity: 'Peace be to you, peace be to your house, and peace to all that you have.'"
"End extreme poverty by 2030, boost shared prosperity."
"Our common prosperity will be advanced by allowing all humanity -- men and women -- to reach their full potential."
"The days and hours of Jupiter are proper for obtaining honors, acquiring riches, contracting friendships, preserving health."
"Strange financial favor, I speak it to your life, I speak it to your destiny."
"Prosperity lies ahead... focusing strongly on work, your finances in the next seven days, that is going to unlock a new level of abundance."
"Science is the engine of prosperity. All the wealth we see around us comes from science."
"Prosperity makes monsters, adversity makes men."
"America has become the freest, most equitable, most just, most prosperous country in the history of the world."
"Atheism more often arises in stable, prosperous societies where people don't feel they need religion to get by."
"The arc has bent so that there is more freedom, there is more wealth, there is more prosperity."
"Adopting an attitude of abundance attracts prosperity and success."
"This water represents prosperity, love, and life, may that exude to every vein in my body."
"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, He adds no sorrow with it." - Proverbs 10:22
"You're about to come into quite a bit of money or some sort of business success."
"Having a consistently strong economy isn’t just an arbitrary badge of honor for a country, but also leads to significant growth and prosperity for its people."
"God desires us to be in good health and prosper even as our soul prospers."
"I will always seek knowledge; I will follow my divine path to prosperity."
"As the sun on the horizon starts to rise above the water, you see not only the sunrise but like this beautiful double rainbow, a symbol of hope, a symbol of prosperity and good luck for you."
"I am a magnet for money, prosperity, and abundance."
"Prosperity: As this tree grows so strong, so fine, so may I prosper from the universal divine."
"Believe in the Lord your God, so shall you be established; believe on His prophets, so shall ye prosper."
"Prosperity and stability require vigilance as new threats emerge."
"We want to enable everyone to become more secure and live a richer and more prosperous life."
"We envision that this region can be a place where the opportunity for prosperity and growth exists for all people."
"I open my hands and welcome prosperity into my life; abundance comes easily."
"Investing in a full vision of infrastructure is how we build a safer and more prosperous America."
"The simplicity of peace, of prosperity, of fairness."
"Trust in your money and down you go, but The Godly flourish like leaves in Spring."
"By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life."
"Doors will open for you, abundance and prosperity are headed your way."
"Material manifestation in a positive way will come for you... you can achieve more money, you can do a project that creates more financial stability."
"As Allah gives you a better job, as Allah gives you a higher salary, as Allah gives you better deals, you should become closer to Allah."
"Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be established; believe his prophets, and you shall prosper."
"A society only prospers when old men plant trees they will never sit in the shade of."
"The city became prosperous and it's also because of Frankie, who's Tom's other disciple, that the underground mafia sort of flourished."
"We simultaneously exist in perhaps the most materially prosperous era in human history and the safest area in human history."
"I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers."
"You were created for prosperity and success; it's your time to break through."
"Wisdom builds the house, understanding establishes it, and knowledge fills its rooms with all precious and pleasant riches."
"You can't just print wealth; you can't print your way to prosperity."
"Father, my greatest passion is that your name be hallowed, your kingdom come, your will be done. If through my prosperity, then so be it; if through my poverty, then so be it."
"Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest."
"We journey together. We stand in the breach to preserve a way of life that, while imperfect, has brought prosperity, honor, and dignity to generations past and will for generations to come."
"I realize that I am the prosperity that I seek. I realize that the prosperity is automatically reflected more so in how I relate to others, in how I relate to information, and how I relate to environments and circumstance."
"It's a really beautiful energy with leforce, especially since... it's about your prosperity path, your soul path, the reason for being."
"You guys, financial health, literally your abundance, your resources is growing, baby."
"We stand in a breach to preserve a way of life that, while imperfect, has brought prosperity, honor, and dignity to generations past and will for generations to come."
"Switzerland is content with looking inward and bringing its citizens prosperity."
"Beloved, I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers."
"We are living in such tremendous affluence and prosperity and equality."
"Being selfish in terms of putting your happiness first can lead to so much abundance and prosperity."
"You are the source of your prosperity. It's not coming from somewhere else, it is within you."
"The question before seven billion people on the planet is how can we create prosperity."
"The American populace right now has the highest standard of living they ever have had."
"We believe in prosperity that is shared and that reduces poverty and inequality by lifting up the many and not just a few wealthy people at the top."
"We live in astonishing times for human beings, with prosperity we take for granted, lifespans, the lack of pain, and a unique sense in human history that when problems arise, we can solve them, figure them out, and make progress."
"A period of 200 years of unprecedented prosperity followed in Europe after the Black Death."
"Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity."
"People in the West are so dumb that we've become so prosperous that we now think going back to primitive ways of living is more healthy."
"This is holistic wealth. This is happiness, focus, prosperity, liberation. Tap in."
"The system that has prevailed in the United States is the only one that has ever provided for the wild prosperity of vast differences in race over time."
"America is not only the most prosperous country on the planet; its black citizens are among the most prosperous black citizens on the planet."
"No government, no elite, and no authority has ever created prosperity and happiness by making itself lord over men and women who are all born to be free."
"The best way of getting people to not fight wars is by making people happier with a more positive middle class and hope for growth in the future."
"Every peak has a valley; every economic period of prosperity has had a corresponding economic drop somewhere in the future."
"Now is the time to act boldly and wisely, to not only revive this economy but to build a new foundation for lasting prosperity."
"You are only moved into your position of promise when you are ready. Everything you have gone through helps with the principles you need to prosper."
"You are prosperous and meant to thrive, an example of prosperity."
"Be open to how prosperity comes to you, for it can flow to you in infinite ways."