
Self-appreciation Quotes

There are 1013 quotes

"Great leaders...they really can celebrate themselves well. So they don't just get stuck on that one negative comment."
"Gratitude should always start from trying to find something about yourself that you're grateful for."
"I want to thank me for all those late nights I put in, for all the hard work, for overcoming the rejection."
"Happy Valentine's Day if you don't have that other person, you have yourself, and that is the most important person you're ever going to get to know or spend time with."
"You deserve to pat yourself on the back and not be so focused on what's next that you miss out on what's right in front of you."
"Find the things about yourself that you love and really focus in on them. It's not selfish."
"Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance that arises from a person's appreciation of their own abilities and qualities."
"You deserve to bask in your accomplishments; you deserve to feel proud of yourself for a lot longer than you regularly allow yourself to feel proud."
"Your workmanship is marvelous, how well I know it."
"Take some time to pat yourself on the back and be grateful for where you are currently at."
"That expectation is unreachable, so I think it's more about just going into every phase of life appreciating your face and your body now."
"We all have this wonderful nature, sometimes what we call our basic innate goodness, the original purity."
"Appreciate yourself. Appreciate the opportunities you get."
"We cannot praise you the way you deserve, only you can praise yourself the way you deserve."
"For the first time in my adult life, I was able to create a true, honest sense of self-appreciation."
"The way you take other people into consideration, take your future self into consideration, experience that love that you show toward yourself, and it's gonna make you feel so much more beautiful because you are."
"I got a lot of great qualities, but my hips are among them. I'll never be appreciated."
"It might not be impressive to you, but it's impressive to me."
"It's not about loneliness, it's about recognizing you're such a great person to spend time with."
"You have to learn to love yourself, to appreciate the gifts that you have."
"The biggest lesson from YouTube was self-appreciation, understanding my value beyond my work."
"You are beautiful, escaping in every single way, every day."
"You are doing so much better than you think you are, and you deserve to give yourself a break."
"You're doing a good job. You've got what it takes. You're moving towards your goals. Don't give up, but just give yourself a little bit more credit and patience."
"When you look in the mirror, you're looking at a miracle. There has never been nor will there ever be anyone on this Earth exactly like you."
"Be proud of all you've accomplished so far and give thanks and gratitude to the universe."
"As we evolve, we actually forget to pat ourselves on the back and appreciate how far we've come."
"But seeing the positives in fellow ADHD brains helped me recognize and appreciate my own strengths."
"Give yourself a round of applause if you made it this far!"
"Appreciate the person that you are. Understand that you are made uniquely perfect just as you were intended to be."
"I always wish I had somebody as dope as me to kind of help me and point me in the right direction."
"Appreciate yourself; you have so many skills and talents."
"Journaling allowed me to appreciate my strengths and the little bits I do have to offer to other people."
"Learn to romanticize the time that you spend alone."
"You are naturally beautiful, a wellspring of talent."
"Write down all of your positive attributes...and be grateful for these things."
"Solitude is enjoying or appreciating being with yourself."
"You're doing you, and you're doing it a damn good job at it."
"If you've made any progress, you should be so proud and grateful for yourself."
"I'm really proud of myself for being successful and I'm really thankful to you guys because you guys are the ones that put me on the map."
"I walk around the house butt naked and I stop at every mirror just to stare at my own posterior."
"I just feel proud of myself and I don't think I've ever felt that before."
"There's a reason to appreciate you and where you're at right now."
"I'm grateful for who I am and what I can do."
"I'm grateful for what I have, I'm grateful for where I'm going, I'm grateful for the process, I'm grateful for the journey."
"Stage four is you start to fall in love with yourself—it is the coolest experience."
"There is a transition when you go from self-love deficient... to loving yourself."
"Beauty comes in all different shapes forms colors, and every each of us is very unique, and we should cherish that uniqueness."
"Be proud of yourself, be proud of all of the work you've done and pat yourself on the frickin' back."
"You yourself are gaining all of these beautiful opportunities and you're feeling very, very happy."
"I want to embrace what I have. I'm not gonna be this age forever."
"I find this empowering and great by YouTube."
"Be proud of having survived the days when you thought you couldn't."
"Give yourself some credit for what you have done in your life, for the hard work that you have put in. There's nothing wrong with giving yourself credit."
"Great art doesn't make you like the artist, it makes you like yourself."
"It's important to admire the transformation that you've been through."
"At the end of the day like personal Excellence is awesome and Brilliant."
"Be yourself and surround yourself with those who appreciate your uniqueness."
"This is a song that is all about appreciating the different versions of yourself."
"Learn to appreciate little things you do more, today I made my bed, I'm gonna give myself an applause for that."
"You should really just appreciate what you have now because the you five years ago would be happy to be in your position."
"Appreciate where you start and where you go, and each step, because then you're gonna look back someday..."
"Honestly, how beautiful is this look if I say so myself?"
"You're very different, and that's what is magic about you."
"You are a bright energy. You've got to honor and appreciate who and what you are, even when you make mistakes."
"Life is good. Thank God. Or thank someone. Thank yourself."
"This is so special, what we can do right now, this is so amazing, have patience with yourself."
"I am like Van Gogh, utterly unappreciated in my time."
"Focus on yourself, appreciate yourself, find reasons to love yourself."
"We can also actively look to see the goodness within ourselves and others."
"Take time to celebrate your accomplishments."
"That is it for this one it's been a long one but I hope you've learned a thing or two I certainly hope you've made and if you've made it to this point give yourself a round of applause and a pat on the back."
"You're coming into a place of appreciation. Mastery attracts abundance."
"It's crazy looking back to see where you have come. It makes me really stop and appreciate how far I've actually come."
"Thank your body for doing everything it's done to bring you to where you are now."
"Class, kindness, politeness, inner beauty, and confidence. Those are the most important things."
"We're all kind of masterpieces and none of us are exactly alike."
"You are already successful, but appreciate your present moment."
"Embrace your own uniqueness; find true blessings and beauty in your own unique qualities."
"You also gotta remember like damn I've done a lot of good."
"Celebrate your own journey, your own success."
"Give as much credit as you possibly can to yourself, this is very important."
"The right person will show you more than you could imagine. Appreciate yourself, and the love will be reflected back in tenfold."
"Appreciate yourself, don't belittle yourself."
"Give yourself much more credit, don't be embarrassed or ashamed of your power or your gifts."
"You are unique, there's not another person on the earth just like you."
"You are an exquisite flower in the heavenly garden."
"What sets you apart from everything and everyone else are the coolest, most unique parts about you."
"You're gonna be able to see so much more beauty for yourself."
"If you've lasted this long, give yourself a pat on the back. You're incredible!"
"Celebrate yourself first. We are under-celebrated as a society."
"You may not give yourself the credit that credit is due, but I actually see you're going to be celebrating a win or you're going to look back and feel really proud of yourself."
"When I look at this basket I feel like it's saying to me, 'Jessica, you're great at growing peppers.'"
"Your future self is saying to appreciate those around you and to be kinder on yourself."
"I literally said earlier to buy lingerie for yourself so you can just literally look at yourself be like yeah appreciate your body appreciate your mind."
"Stay up all night drinking your soul beauty, intoxicated on your essence."
"I am grateful for my previous self's efforts."
"Even if you are seeing some things about yourself that you're not liking, make sure that you balance that out with things about yourself that are wonderful."
"Be proud of yourself, friends, show up for yourself, love yourself and love yourself some more."
"Be proud of yourself, you have accomplished a great deal."
"It gives you confidence, it gives you momentum, it gives you pride in yourself."
"Honor what you have and bring out those beautiful parts of you." - Frannie
"We are all in our own circumstances, like, we don't give ourselves enough credit."
"There's just something so beautiful about being both."
"I'm actually shook at my design skills right now."
"This is the time to be proud of yourself and to maybe appreciate those that were with you throughout your journey."
"I focus on the beauty and success of my spirit."
"Self-love is... I value and appreciate myself and I would choose to be me."
"I still consider myself the best dad in America and the best husband slash Beyonce slash longtime boyfriend / father of your kids / baby daddy / step daddy / everything I'm all be above."
"Single is a gift, embrace being single, being single is great."
"Your gorgeous tail deserves lots of tender loving care, don't you agree?"
"Thank you for being you and doing all that you do for the world and all that you do for yourself."
"Reward yourself for the things you have achieved."
"You have qualities only few can admire because most don't possess."
"But you know what, there is a solution to saving the oceans. At least this is a step in the right direction."
"So, how do you handle criticism? I don't respond. Why? It's fine that they don't appreciate my work. I appreciate my work."
"You do not need to wait until you've achieved something great to be proud of yourself."
"Recognize how awesome you are; give yourself credit."
"I really do believe that we're fearfully and wonderfully made."
"Exercise is truly a celebration of all your body can do, so celebrate yourself."
"Say thank you for your beautiful, amazing, strong body that's getting healthier every day."
"I love you. Wait, me or the sauce? Oh, me. I love all of you, but especially me."
"You have to learn how to give yourself your own flowers because you work. I work and live in an industry that is so racist and is so upset that something could slip through the crack."
"It's coming from within and you're just beautiful."
"I think it's important to document the moments that you feel most in love with yourself and repeat those moments."
"You hustle hard so give yourself a big pat on the back because this achievement deserves recognition."
"When you love yourself, you won't settle for anything less."
"Give yourself plenty of credit. Take extra time this month. It's giving yourself credit for how much you have done."
"I'm bringing regal elegance, pageant extraordinaire, and I just feel lovely."
"We're all human. You are beautiful. Look in the mirror today and thank your body. We're just so lucky to be on this earth."
"Enjoy your summer, enjoy yourself, and enjoy your body."
"Be content with how far you've already come. The universe wants you to be proud of yourself."
"Life is just way too short to not be appreciated for who you are."
"My body is a wondrous and magnificent machine, and I feel privileged to live in it."
"It's about being your own best partner... understanding the beauty of a relationship with yourself."
"The most important thing is the love and appreciation you give to yourself."
"Do what you want to do for you. It really doesn't matter what nobody else thinks as long as you love you."
"I called my album 'I Want to Thank Me' because I was like you know what I do need to."
"You're really starting to enjoy being you Taurus, and I like that for you."
"My hair looks so cute though can I just say what the hell did I do how did I do that."
"Celebrate your wins as well, you deserve it."
"You should be proud of yourself, you're still here to tell the tale."
"Notice how you feel, just invest 30 seconds appreciating yourself for making time today to do this."
"You literally went from this place of 'God, I hate being single, I feel so lonely, I feel so abandoned' to 'Oh God, this is great, I love this freedom.'"
"I'm proud of the woman that I am today with everything that's happened, every single thing."
"I always liked my energy and I was putting it out there."
"Well done, me! I guess I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back."
"First of all you need to congratulate yourself because you're better than 90 percent of the adult population."
"Treat yourself with that kindness because you're bloody well deserved."
"I realized that I just felt like an impostor to myself... I actually really loved that about myself."
"Empowerment comes from the fact that you love you."
"You are special. Treat yourself like the very special person that you are."
"Appreciate what you accomplish along the way."
"I celebrate the light and love that is me and have gratitude for this opportunity to shine."
"You will come to realize the jewel you are when you love and honor yourself as you are."
"Be proud of yourself up into this moment and don't stress that other things haven't gotten done because you've already done so much."
"What more could I ask for... stay beautiful, stay wild."
"It's really difficult to feel crappy about yourself when you're so busy feeling thankful for having two legs to walk on and two eyes to see the world."
"Focus on how beautiful you really are through this experience."
"I'm going to put on my favorite items, my best clothes, my best lipstick, my best perfume and enjoy it."
"You should be so proud of what you've accomplished. Give yourself a pat on the back."
"Know that you are so good at what you do and you should be proud of yourself."
"Commend ourselves for the progress we've made."
"Instead of comparing myself I just celebrate."
"Self-love is important. Something I really like about myself is my waist."
"Gorgeous individual beautiful person because the night here is a hot person I go crazy cuz I'm crazy okay no no and look at that one gorgeous gorgeous individual that you're connecting with there that's you."
"Acknowledge and appreciate the magnificent work that your body is doing."
"You need to appreciate yourself and your accomplishments so much more."
"Start where you are, appreciate what you've got, be grateful for what it is that you've."
"I'm trying to do a better job of appreciating what I have but still working towards whatever's next."
"Thank yourself and thank your body for saving you, for helping you."
"Magnus at his peak: 'My favorite player in history is me from four years ago.'"
"We've won and so it is important for us to give our side a little bit of credit."
"It's pretty crazy, I never thought I'd make it this far."
"There's beauty in your painting, even when you think your canvases aren't pretty."
"I genuinely appreciate that and like how I look in some of the clothes that we bought, but I also liked how I look in the band stuff and still think it wasn't over the top."
"I love and approve of myself. I appreciate all that I do. I'm good enough just as I am."
"You are always whole, you are always beautiful in our eyes, you are the prize, you are the chosen one."
"Maybe I have to start kind of celebrating the fact that I have these legs while I have them."
"If you do see yourself, I want you to give yourself a little pat on the back for being amazing."
"I always prefer to clean as I go as much as I can, even though I don't always feel like doing it. I always thank myself later when I do that."
"Appreciate the imperfection and uniqueness of your own journey."
"You're actually very passionate, talented at what you do, and very gifted."
"You are a pearl. Embrace your strength, beauty, and value."
"There are so many perks to being single and we need to learn to appreciate them."
"Focus on the amazing incredible things that you are doing."
"I've never looked at myself in something and felt that good."
"Valuing yourself for everything you are, for all that you do."
"Small, but mighty, I like that." - A testament to resilience and strength.
"Your full potential lies within your appreciation of beauty, your ability to have fun, and to appreciate the small things."
"Nobody is better than you, appreciate doctor."
"You are now embodying in June a very passionate, powerful leader... you're really embodying and appreciating your feminine energies and your masculine energies."
"Thank your younger self for having the courage that you did and for standing up and fighting the hurt and the pain."
"You are strong, you are beautiful, you are so worthy, and you show up for yourself."
"Shift any aspect of perspectives that you were left with about yourself. Celebrate who you are—literally on a daily basis."
"You will not have to consciously appreciate yourself forever, but it's very clear to me that many of you have never even started to do that."
"If nobody else will appreciate me then I guess I have to crank out my own appreciation up to a thousand."
"You need to understand where you were to appreciate where you are."
"Take some time to pat your damn self on the back."
"Listen, if you go to the gym five days a week, pat your own self on the back."