
Outcomes Quotes

There are 2587 quotes

"Your worth as a human being is not necessarily tied to the outcomes of your actions."
"The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best; therefore it tends to become the best; it takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best."
"The line between heroism and madness is often drawn by the outcome."
"No one buys a book. No one buys a paid newsletter. What the person's buying is an answer to a question, they're buying a certain type of outcome."
"What you believe about yourself has the power to create massive outcomes."
"Diversity leads to better outcomes. It's not anti-diversity on a pragmatic level; it's anti-diversity on a principal level."
"You cannot change your outcome without changing your mindset."
"What if... we tend to make the most creative worst-case scenarios. What if it did work out?"
"When you can accurately predict the outcome of your actions, things get very interesting."
"Of course, you know, many mistakes made along the way, but you know, all's well that ends well."
"We will either have achieved them or not, no tricks, no ambiguity. Rather delivering for you or we're not."
"When you focus on the emotion you're desiring to feel, you allow the universe to conspire and conjure up the best possible outcome."
"Focus on your priorities; where you put your focus is where you receive your outcome."
"It's not how you start; it's how you finish."
"It's a reminder that there are positive outcomes to horrific situations as well."
"We know a lot of data that when patients see physicians that look like them, they tend to do better, they tend to have better compliance, and outcomes are better."
"What you put in you got out and I think that's really rewarding."
"The distribution of entrepreneurial outcomes is such that the average doesn't actually tell you anything because all the gains from or not all the gains but most of the gains are concentrated in a very few super winners right and lots of people who are just getting zero."
"Trust that things are going to work out the way that they're supposed to."
"A watched pot never boils. Taking your eyes off the pot is exactly what it's going to take."
"The fact that it's giving a clinically observable outcome is a huge deal."
"You get better outcomes for students, teachers, and classroom climates; you get less bullying and all that great stuff."
"When you are consistent to something, the universe works with you to begin to multiply the outcome that you're after."
"All that matters, when it's said and done, is intent."
"The future, although prepared in every detail in advance, has several outcomes at any moment of our lives."
"This is literally a win-win-win type of situation."
"The life outcomes were better for the people who were able to get these puberty blockers."
"Then the final thing, you get that result. The result just kind of happens automatically."
"I could not have predicted this outcome, but it is intriguing."
"What's going to give the user the best result is ultimately what will resolve to the better business model."
"We've become so outcome obsessed that we've forgotten how important it is to have good intentions."
"The outcome is only as good as the work that you put into it."
"What we believe we're entitled to is generally what we're going to get in life."
"A self-fulfilling prophecy... means that what we believed to be true oftentimes becomes true, just because we believe it."
"We shouldn't be moralizing the relationships that exist within an economic system; we should be looking at the outcomes that they produce."
"Taking the right action at the right time in the right place can define the outcome of any conflict."
"Decisions can lead to alternative and often unexpected outcomes, perhaps as well, leaving players sitting in a puddle of their own emotional investments."
"For you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good."
"The idea that a society is better to the extent that people are concerned with each other's well-being and the greater the level of solidarity, the better the outcomes."
"If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting."
"Sometimes you can make all the good choices and still not get the good ending."
"What you put out there is like what you get back."
"Think positive thoughts, focus your intention and your mind on what it is that you want and the outcome that you want to experience."
"If you change the way you work, you change the time you spend on these new behaviors, you will actually change the outcomes of work."
"Remember, there is not one future share price of a company, but rather a range of possible outcomes."
"You have the power to change your actions, change your decisions to get a different outcome."
"One of the important things about systemic racism is that none of the laws or regulations that are embedded have to be explicitly racist; they might just produce what would be considered racist outcomes."
"All things considered, that encounter went pretty well, and it ended excellently."
"If you just watch what winners do and do what they do, odds are you will eventually have a similar outcome."
"It took a little bit longer than I wanted it to, but it all ended up working out well."
"Your interpretations determine your response; better interpretations, better responses."
"There's going to be a positive outcome even if it doesn't blossom or become something more."
"Maintain a positive attitude, and you will find that everything will have positive results."
"Expectations drive behavior. If you change your expectations, you will change your outcomes."
"We will be judged by the score at the end of the game."
"Show me the incentive, I will show you the outcome."
"There's people that you meet that they could take you off your journey somewhere else and you'll end up with a different outcome."
"We don't do bad things because we seek to be bad; we very often get to the worst points because all the way along, we thought we were doing things for the good."
"You are attracting something and if you stand firm in your worth and you understand what you deserve, the outcome that you're going to attract is going to reflect that as well."
"Anytime you start doing self-improvement and personal development, you start getting better outcomes because you like it first."
"There are moments when we do all that we can, but some outcomes are out of our hands."
"Equality of outcome versus equality of opportunity."
"The Universe right now is talking about letting down your walls, letting down your boundaries, and just starting to allow for this good outcome to come."
"This one I think actually turned out way better than anybody could have expected."
"Alleviating gross poverty would increase our GDP by 700 billion dollars just based on better education and health outcomes."
"Even small changes over time can add up to big results."
"In the end, you normally get what you deserve."
"It goes to prove that a little positivity, I think, can make some things happen."
"Thank you for your equal opportunities, but your equal opportunities do not translate to equal outcomes."
"With love being blind, I believe I'm gonna get some different results."
"I try to stick to the idea that the things you're in control of are your thoughts and actions, and other stuff, like outcomes, you have no control over."
"How things begin are not nearly as important as how they end."
"Probably either gonna do super good or like super bad, it's gonna be just one of the extremes."
"If it does not come out in the wash, it will come out in the rinse."
"Zero probability things do happen. In such continuous models, actually zero probability outcomes are everything that happens."
"You do your job first, and then it'll fall in line."
"You have to make a decision of faith that if you speak the truth, the results are the best that is possible under the circumstances."
"When we come at things from a loving standpoint... it's going to obviously lead to a very different conversation with a very different result."
"Extreme differences in life outcomes are so often prompted by such subtle realizations, subtle decisions."
"If he didn't respond, I win, and if he responds, I win. Either way, I win."
"A fair attitude will get us fair results, and a brilliant attitude will get us brilliant results."
"We tried that with the bloody five-year plans of Stalin and Mao. Remember how that turned out?"
"Systemic racism... is just racism by outcome."
"If there are consequences to the kind of stuff he's proposing, it ain't gonna be pretty."
"When you detach from any outcomes, the synchronicities will start popping up a lot faster."
"It's all about belief. If you don't believe, nothing's going to happen."
"None of the parade of horrors that decriminalization opponents in Portugal predicted...has come to pass."
"A really common error in judgment we make is we tend to evaluate how successful or unsuccessful something was based on the outcome of that thing."
"Some plans, however well thought out, can have hilariously unexpected outcomes."
"In life, there are times that you do things with expected outcomes, but the truth is, when you do them and you get unexpected outcomes, that's what makes it really interesting."
"Introverted leaders often deliver better outcomes than extroverts do."
"Global data...showed that people younger than 60 generally have better outcomes if they catch the virus."
"Show me the incentive, I'll show you the outcome."
"You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win no matter what the outcome."
"We're not going to wait to read the history books. We make smart decisions, you will see smart outcomes in two weeks. We make bad decisions, you will see bad outcomes in two weeks. So when they say the future is in our hands, the future is really in our hands."
"If you just do it, things will turn out okay."
"Everything about you is a result of your doing or not doing. Your income, your debt, your relationships, your health, your fitness level, your attitudes and behaviors, everything."
"Advocating for yourself... is gonna give you the best outcomes."
"Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it."
"Wars are very dynamic things, and what starts off blazingly well can end in disaster or quagmire."
"It doesn't matter. None of this [expletive] matters. You have to look at what the outcomes are."
"Better is the end of a thing than the beginning."
"You want to be in a place where you're not attached to the outcome. Once you get to a place where you're not attached to the outcome, you can kind of do anything you want and not worry about it."
"Sometimes, those unexpected times lead to something very important."
"Your job is the effort. His job is the results."
"Whatever happens after you tell the truth is the best thing that could happen."
"Your health outcomes can be dramatically superior with proper management."
"The US market for online learning is estimated at 200 billion dollars."
"This was kind of a bit of a lose-lose situation for everyone involved."
"The only thing we can say for sure is it usually goes much further than everyone thinks."
"There's a way to do this in a way that is responsible and is going to yield the best results."
"That's what happens when you stress test a bad plan; it comes up stupid."
"If Joker got Batman to kill him, Joker would have won."
"Different cultural attitudes and practices can lead to different outcomes."
"The record shows that independent central banks deliver better economic outcomes."
"I think that's the right outcome, but I'm gonna miss the entertainment."
"We're not victims it's decisions not conditions that determine our fate and future."
"Should revolutions be judged by their ideals or outcomes?"
"It all comes down to intent for me. If your intent is right, it's gonna work, it's gonna be better than you thought, and you're gonna have a lot less chaos."
"It's pretty clear what's gonna happen here." - Foreseeable outcomes.
"Let's be patient and let the cards fall where they may."
"If you can just sit on things, it usually works out pretty well."
"Yeah, you can see how that worked out great."
"Guys, when I tell you like, sometimes when you're intentional about something, like, it literally all just falls into place."
"Even if they were to make a bad choice, we can be confident that God will try to bring a greater good out of it."
"It's good is good rules versus good is good ends."
"You must begin to think differently if you want things to happen differently."
"Every single way of resolving the story resolves to something fascinating."
"That is almost the best thing to have come out of this whole process."
"We're seeing rather dramatic decrease in the need for hospitalizations."
"Even small intentions can lead to massive results."
"All knowledge itself is instrumental to our overall greatest outcome."
"The most entertaining outcome is the most likely one."
"The less you actually worrying, the more results come."
"The numbers tell you the winner and the loser for the most part. The numbers don't lie."
"It's really not about what's the best outcome. And I think when we don't care about the outcome, that's when we really destroy ourselves."
"The results are gonna come, they will be great, but you just need to be patient."
"People in predictable conditions will make predictable outcomes. If we fix the conditions, we can fix the outcomes."
"Good process results more often in good policy than bad process does."
"When a woman is obsessed with a man, that man tends to have better outcomes."
"Whether or not you made the right decision is actually a consequence of how well you manage the aftermath of the decision."
"Patience is very frustrating, right? But usually it leads to a better outcome than being reactive."
"Equity meaning equal outcome is impossible to achieve absent tyranny."
"Did Cameron's extreme methods lead to the cure of cancer or Alzheimer's? No favorable results were obtained."
"Do you want negative results? Then continue to have negative interpretations."
"It's important that people understand... his outcomes are not going to be equal to yours..."
"You're no longer trying to control or predict the outcome. You're trusting the outcome."
"Don't trust the process that inherently will produce a bad result like this process is doing."
"The most entertaining outcome is the most likely outcome."
"It's the journey that matters, not the end result."
"The more attention you give to what you're not getting, the more of not getting it you will get."
"A final product can come out and then we discover all these things."
"Learning how to deal with conflict better, learning how to manage ourselves in conflict is going to get us a better outcome."
"The solution is to take risks and to trust people because it might go wrong but it might go really really right."
"There's some people that really don't like the outcome but they're there to criticize the outcome, right? That means the outcome is not as bad as it could have been."
"Regardless of the outcome, you will grow from the experience."
"Pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure, over time, pressure busts pipes."
"If the result looks good, that's what matters."
"Sometimes you're just going to mess up and it's going to end up coming out horribly."
"These decisions are 50/50s. They can go one way, they can go the other."
"They have no idea how much nicer life can be when you're not trying to force an end result with the information you have."
"If you show me the incentive, I will show you the outcome."
"Things are working out better than you expect or better than you anticipate."
"Life is just a series of making decisions and they're either informed or they're not and that's going to affect your outcome to some degree."
"This has turned out a lot better than expected given the starting circumstances."
"Selfish actions lead to inevitable consequences."
"You might not end up with what you expected but at least you end up with something good."
"Do you think that this ended the way that it should have?"
"It could really mean the difference between winning and losing."
"That's something that the investigation will bear out."
"When something's a disaster, I want all the credit. When something's a success, I want none of the credit."
"Candidate quality has a lot to do with outcome."
"If you want good outcomes in medicine, you need innovation."
"Do something different if you want a different outcome."
"You gotta watch their deeds. Not what they say. Politics is personnel. Politics is outcomes."
"You learn in life that a lot of things are the result of effort."
"Stoics teach that instead you should judge the success of your work based on the amount of effort you put in and not on the outcome."
"Positive energy towards something will yield a positive outcome."
"The proof's in the pudding, but we gotta see."
"Failure doesn't exist. Everything you do in life produces a result; it may just not be the result that you wanted."
"So, at the end of the day, this is what we believe on this channel: any time that you tell the truth and you're transparent, it'll end up working out."
"And for now at least, it truly has ended not with a bang but with a whimper."
"When you work within the laws, you can be assured of eventual positive outcome."
"It's too early to know if this chapter will have a happy ending."
"You have to kind of like do it for the art and do it for the right thing and know that that's going to lead you to the perfect result."
"Impeachment is not gonna work out well for Democrats."
"They initiated this collusion charade and they found nothing."
"Go all in on economic populism, deliver materially for the American people and Democrats will crush."
"Yeah, you know these fights are better the way that they ended."
"It's not how you start, it's what it becomes."
"If you throw a bunch of spaghetti against the wall, some of that will pay off and some of it won't."
"If it's effective, I'll take a little uncomfortable for effective outcomes. What I won't take is ineffective and uncomfortable."
"If you believe you can't, then you won't. And if you believe you can, then you will."
"Just because something has negative consequences doesn't mean it was a mistake."
"What I really hope is in the end no matter what happens what direction it goes, the victims... get whatever healing they need." - Evie Lupine
"Whatever you have been thinking about, you've been pouring a lot of thought into, you could actually see those things manifesting for you at the end of the month."
"Bad ideas don't work, bad policy has consequences, ludicrous ideas eventually get exposed."
"Taking risks regardless of the outcome causes growth."
"This ending is working for you, not against you."
"I think it's one of those things where it's like I'm kind of glad that I didn't put a lot of thought into it because I feel like if I did I would have been, it would have been just something hilariously bad."