
Results Quotes

There are 5343 quotes

"Chess courses are not a waste of money if you ensure the material you are learning is applicable, if you choose quality over quantity, and if you understand that spending money does not equal results."
"If you're not consistent with all of these things, then you're not going to get results."
"The real good results come months down the road. You're looking at your skin, and suddenly people are commenting on how good it looks."
"If you want to get results that you've never gotten, you have to do things that you've never done."
"Patience is the skill of understanding that results take some time to occur."
"Most people drastically underestimate the amount of work that it takes for them to get the result that they desire."
"Things change. Your actions bring different results."
"The real proof of what we have done is in the results."
"The type of faith that produces results is not qualified by size but it's qualified by strength."
"I think it's very [important], and again we see the results already."
"It is not enough just to visualize or even to feel into what you want; you need to commit to some action, and the more focused and aligned the action is, the quicker the result will come."
"The more you can feel empowered in your thinking, the higher the likelihood that you're going to produce results."
"You start seeing results when you start making the difficult choices."
"Results do not come linearly; there's an exponential growth curve for results in whatever you're doing."
"Where ever your attention goes, energy flows, and results show."
"You might not be seeing these changes now...your hard work is paying off."
"You're not paid based on effort but based on results."
"When you change the paradigm, the change in results is automatic."
"He put the work in which is why he received good results."
"Almost all the results that you want are a lagging measure of your habits."
"Act toward the world, everything, and everyone, with an attitude calculated to produce the results you want."
"Without practice and exercises and techniques, there will be no results."
"The better your attitude the better the results you produce."
"If you do it correctly, you can have great results after that."
"What ultimately creates results in your life are actions."
"Visualizing it leads you to doing the work, and it's only through actions that you will get the result that you want."
"If we do things when we feel passionate, it yields a much better result."
"A powerful woman is a woman who possesses the character, determination, and intellect to produce the desired results for her life, regardless of obstacles or circumstances."
"There's too many people that are just inconsistent with the process but then always want the result... it doesn't work like that."
"We spend now over three trillion dollars on health care in the United States, but the results, unfortunately, are disappointing."
"It's impossible to pray and fast and not get results."
"Sometimes it's best, I think, just to change your approach and just completely forget about results and just go clean."
"Actions you take now will yield swift results... charge ahead with your visionary plan."
"Results are the best, easiest form of motivation... Results take time. You just have to stick with it even if you're not seeing it, things are happening, I promise."
"The reality of it is this...good practices, good results."
"They are world famous for getting awesome results, crazy fast, and for being downright addictive."
"It's not to discourage you, it's to make sure that you're maintaining a state of progression and seeing results."
"The philosophy of Kaizen is small improvements made every day leading to huge results over time."
"If you have the right learning process in place, the results will take care of themselves."
"The fire is not a prayer; it's the result of an encounter with God."
"A shift in mindset leads to a shift in daily choices and a shift in daily choices leads to significantly better results in the long run."
"The identity that we hold drives the actions that we take and the results that we get."
"Change your mindset, change your actions, reactions give you results."
"The only way to improve results is to increase our level of awareness."
"When you do it in God's timing, the results will blow your mind."
"To get good results in our life, we must properly understand our relationship to this great impersonal power."
"That's the crazy part: they still did it. That's why the proof is in the pudding."
"I have always tried to be evidence-based. I believe less in theories or constructs and I believe more in results."
"If you think that the policy that you're proposing will reach a certain conclusion, produce a certain result and it doesn't, I think you should acknowledge that."
"If you're committed enough to something... you end up getting better results and more success because you're more in a position where it's a must."
"If you keep doing what you've always done, you're going to keep getting what you've always gotten."
"You can only have two things in life, reasons or results. Notice reasons don't count."
"Leaders are ultimately judged by their results."
"People will pay for good service and good results. It's not about the time spent; it's all about the results."
"Talk's cheap, isn't it? You know, I could have, I should have. You get a million excuses. I don't want a million excuses; I want one result."
"The numbers are going down, all because the people of Ontario have followed the protocol."
"If you focus on a few things, you'll have much better results."
"You can't read or debate about push ups. If you want the ROI of push ups, you've got to do the fucking push ups."
"Do the same, get the same; do different, get different."
"An idea isn't worth anything before it yields results."
"Believe me, you will command a level of results that will make you afraid."
"When you put all this stuff together, it is amazing the results that you can get."
"You gotta realize, you're paid for results, not effort."
"If you do what everybody else does, you'll get what everybody else gets."
"What it comes down to is being a hundred percent consistent, committed, working hard to the program, and that's where you get the results."
"Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk, and that's when you're gonna start seeing results."
"The discomfort you feel when running, pumping iron, or doing some other physical activity is what brings results."
"When you put intention behind what you do, you get better results."
"You have to put in the work. You have to be consistent. You have to be patient with yourself, love yourself, and I promise you, you're gonna see results."
"We all have equal opportunities, even though we may have unequal results."
"The surface results that you can expect are a fading of brown spots and discolorations, and also kind of a skin smoothing."
"Being more disciplined and sticking to a routine more, you'll start seeing results."
"Be patient with results but impatient with action."
"I'm not a career politician, thank goodness. I get results and I keep my promise."
"You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. That's when you may get the biggest results."
"Whatever results you're getting right now, that's what you're committed to. And if you really want something different, then you're going to actually have to fundamentally change what you're doing and who you are to have that."
"The beauty of fitness is it teaches you results are going to require effort and that effort may cause pain."
"Progressive capital means in action, not just in words or rhetoric, but actually in results."
"You can still get the result even if you're not confident."
"Wish fulfillment coming in, manifesting results."
"I'm very satisfied with those results for that particular training session."
"I firmly believe that if you have the right learning process in place, the results will take care of themselves."
"There's a very big difference between just doing stuff and getting results."
"Take personal responsibility for making it happen."
"You have to be willing to change yourself to get the result."
"We're allowed to enjoy a result and a performance."
"Momentum is consistency, consistency is results."
"Let your results speak louder than your voice."
"Your results will turn those who ignored you into fans."
"Drastic changes won't bring drastic results."
"Honestly, just the work we've been putting in."
"Leading to a far better workout and far more impressive results both in terms of muscle growth and fat loss."
"It's hard not to be impressed with the end result."
"The more action you take then you're going to get a better result."
"Every successful action is cumulative in its results."
"It's flawed, but you can't argue with the results."
"Yes, people can change. Yes, you put the work in and you get the results. Period."
"Incredible round two results in this entire tournament."
"You don't have to look good to bring about good outcomes."
"There's a higher level of proof called results."
"You make progress by implementing ideas, getting things done, action, results."
"Well, first of all, the results are the results based on legal votes."
"That's how you get the result that you want which is traffic highly targeted traffic that's ready to opt-in"
"If you put in low energy, you get back low results. Slow improvement. If you put in negative energy, negative emotions, negative attitudes, you get back failure."
"Train hard, but if you want to see the best results in the long run, you need to train smart as well."
"People that take actions are the ones that get the results instead of standing by and watching the game."
"Be patient... the results are probably gonna show up."
"Scientific beliefs are supported by evidence and get results."
"The standings are better balanced now... more authentic standings with a mixture of results."
"Guys it's working it's actually worked a few years later."
"Anything that you're focused on and you're being consistent, self-disciplined with, and doing it every day, that's gonna produce results."
"The better data you have, the better these results will be... the problems come up with the data."
"Whatever you're working on, you're going to see the fruits of your labor."
"You're only going to get out what you put in. By putting the best quality into a dish, you're going to get the best results."
"The absolute weight loss was 15.3 kilograms which is almost 34 pounds."
"The results I'm seeing from photographers is mind-blowing."
"When you are really mindful about the workout that you're doing, you can get completely different results."
"Shortcuts will get you results...hard work is going to give you misery."
"Successful gamblers focus on process much more than results."
"You learn in life that a lot of things are the result of effort."
"Calories in, calories out... you're gonna see results."
"Peace is key. When you're in a peaceful environment, around peaceful people, in a peaceful state, you have way better results."
"If you just keep going, just do the same things for an uncommonly long period of time, you will get results in that thing you're seeking."
"We just have to prop him up, prop him up, I believe you ought to practice what you preach, that's when the reader brings results, can you say amen."
"Sometimes Minecraft has that...where you have to do some grinding to get the good results."
"Nothing happens overnight, nothing is immediate."
"Let's just jump right into that to begin... you'll be surprised at just how insane my results end up."
"Patience is better, but its fruit is sweet." - Marshmallow experiment
"The results are going to be absolutely glorious."
"This is where we find out who's put the hours in."
"We've had some unbelievable results unbelievable results and it also gives the people hope."
"Actions and results are really the only measures of your character and success."
"I think you'll agree that that's a more than acceptable result for the speed and accuracy of the process."
"If you put the work in, you'll get the score that you need. Very simple."
"It was really empowering for me to get to see how much fun I get to have with my diet but like still get incredible results."
"Get to the end product or you ain't getting [ __ ]."
"It doesn't have to feel like it's working to be working."
"This low-fat experiment that I did on myself gave me insane results."
"The process worked. Yes, the results of the process did not work."
"Go slow, slower is hotter and actually evokes better results."
"It's important that you have control on both sides."
"It's a good problem to have and obviously I can't complain if we're getting those results."
"Everybody wants the results, but you gotta put in the work."
"The more time and effort you put into it, the better your results are going to be."
"I don't care about the narrative until that thing is called."
"End of May is really when you're going to see some big results."
"Leadership is about setting the vision and then producing results... and I think if you look at our actions, our actions have been very strong."
"Take action from a place of inspiration, excitement, and joy. That's where we have long-lasting results."
"Small daily improvements, when done consistently over time, lead to stunning results."
"Champions win ugly all day, it doesn't matter if it comes on the backside, you get the result."
"Start with your why because reasons reap results."
"It's about being diligent. Diligence gives you results."
"Expect really quick results and meaningful coincidences."
"If you don’t put enough coal in the tank, you’re not going to have enough heat to get the train going fast enough."
"You have to believe that if you work hard, you're going to get the result."
"Don't tell us what you're going to do, show us what you've done."
"Nobody cares about excuses. You can only be so good, but we gotta see production."
"Stick to it and do it religiously, and you'll definitely see results."
"If you're not a hundred percent in it, you are not going to get the result you want."
"Your mind is going to produce whatever you ask it for."
"Nothing good is going to happen on accident."
"Whatever the result is, is just a byproduct."
"I'm actually pretty happy with these results."
"Once you start seeing results is when you'll decide to stick with it."
"I feel really fulfilled, I've got a sense of purpose, we're working really hard, we're seeing results."
"I want you to inspire somebody when they look at how hard you've been working or the results you're getting."
"The key to seeing results is to master your metabolism."
"Conventional wisdom cannot produce anything but conventional results."
"MSM just continued to grind out these results... the hustle is real."
"People have been getting really good results in their financial situations and also in their love lives."
"If you want their results, then you got to lose your motherfucking excuses."
"Fingers crossed, yep I was about to say we are half a month away from hopefully the results being brought out and that's a good sign."
"Don't tell people your plans, show them your results."
"Hold your vision; stick to the process for great results."
"You can do it throughout the day, and you're going to get much better results."
"I don't understand why people can't be positive, why can't you be positive about that result, get rid of your negativity and be positive!"
"Roll your sleeves up do the work submit to the process and wait until the results come."
"You can never achieve different results trying the same thing over and over again."
"After a while, you start seeing yourself putting in work and you start seeing the numbers go up... so where's mines bro?"
"If you don't put in the effort, you will not see any results."
"If you're not getting the results that you want then you have to change something up a little bit."
"They're getting really good results... 2x what the industry norm is."
"Results speak for themselves: Lead ads are producing shocking results."
"Continual sustained action can get you the results you want."
"Don't be anxious or concerned as to results, they will follow."
"Consistency is key. You can't expect to get results if you haven't got consistency."
"Your effort is going to map to your results."
"There's no equality of outcome, your effort is going to map to your results."
"Accountability is essentially the glue between the commitment someone makes and the result you get."
"Magic is a formula... if you do x y and z properly and in the right order... then there will be a result."
"The results of surgical intervention our catheter intervention are very, very good for the vast majority of patients."
"Most people focus on the results and build a plan, but if you start with the identity and build the habits to reinforce that, then the results just come on their own."
"Consistency is the result of proven strategy."
"For as great of a character as Gojo is, there comes a time where stepping out of the way and letting F unfold is the only way to get results."
"Real magic happens when we put the things into action."
"Saturn in its own sign indicates final results of some career project."
"Every day you need to go hard or you go home; you either gonna have a reason or you gonna have results."
"It's time to stop making excuses and actually start generating results."
"Be a turtle for God, infinite patience produces immediate results."
"It's not about liking people, it's about results."