
Uncertainty Quotes

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"Confidence isn't guaranteeing a result; if you're confident in something, you're willing to do something with uncertainty."
"Human nature says we want it more when something is uncertain, when something is slightly unavailable."
"The only truth right now is that I don't know what's gonna happen, but there are measures I can take to take control of my health as best as I can."
"It's exciting because we don't know quite what to expect landing on the water under parachutes like this."
"The future stretched away in front of us, unknown, unseen, not perhaps what we wanted, not what we planned."
"I think a lot of people are afraid. I think a lot of people are in a position where they just don't know what to think, they don't know what to do, they don't know where to turn."
"The future is a scary and unknowable thing, but it's our scary and unknowable thing to at least try and shape for the better."
"Embrace the unknown, embrace the fact that we don't know what's going to happen."
"Any moment, it could disappear, and I could easily be working at McDonald's again."
"If you're not sure, you should keep investigating."
"The very structure and nature of life is uncertainty, and as a human being, we have a component of us that's always trying to find certainty in uncertainty."
"In the brave new world of tomorrow, what is the answer to uncertainty, misinformation, and division? Who can you trust?"
"How do you know at the beginning of life what's going to make you happy? You can't know that."
"The future is unwritten. There's nothing there other than our projection of it."
"Uncertainty has the spirit of a child, full of questions, just like a child, full of curiosity, which means it's full of opportunity."
"The economic recovery remains uneven and far from complete, and the path ahead remains uncertain."
"The Human Experience was mostly characterized by strife, uncertainty, and conflict."
"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring."
"I know how uncertain everything feels to you right now, but I really do think that good things are in store."
"We could be in World War III right now, but we might be in a couple of weeks."
"We take it each game at a time because you never know what's coming."
"Be prepared for 'I don't know,' because sometimes that's the right answer."
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"You never know; life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."
"It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing."
"What would make me a role model now? Starting when you're uncertain."
"I'm not really sure where I was, probably somewhere in the center."
"We can't figure out what's in [Putin's] head... we do know what we have to do to support the Ukrainians."
"If you have to let go of the consequences of your words because you're just going to let the cards fall wherever they're going to fall, you get to have an adventure because you don't know what the hell's going to happen."
"Control is an illusion. Nobody has any idea what's going to happen in the next five minutes."
"The more uncertain the time is, the shorter the plans you make."
"Stop. It'll be what we make of it. I don't think it's up for us to determine it and predetermine it. We'll all get to figure it out as the time goes."
"We're in times that are uncertain, volatile, ambiguous, and people are looking for answers."
"Content creation has always been precarious, fraught with uncertainty and burnout."
"She cries for a long time before asking Seika what will happen to her now."
"We have the rules of chess; we don't always know what the best move is."
"They could give us a boost, but they weren't 100% clear on it."
"You don't wake up one day and have yourself together; a lot of people really have no idea what they're doing."
"After much deliberation and research into this, I have come to the conclusion that I don't fucking know."
"We live in an uncertain world, it is a decision to try to maximize your victories while taking a certain amount of risk."
"Life is inherently uncertain, and that is completely terrifying. To cope with this reality, we humans construct myths, belief systems, and societal self-soothing mechanisms to make ourselves feel secure."
"Nothing's 100% certain in science; that's why there's so much scrutiny."
"In 10 years, the only thing I can say with confidence is that we will be in a radically different place from where we are now, but what that place will be like is anyone’s guess."
"Don't be afraid if you don't really know what direction you're going in."
"I think the entire financial structure of the world is in flux."
"You just don't know how the cards are stacked; you can think you're always going to land on a heads, and sometimes it's tails."
"Choices matter, and you're not really sure which choices matter. You're always aware of the consequences of your actions."
"Yellow enjoys paradox and uncertainty and is adept at resolving paradoxes."
"Uncertainty is feeling alive, feeling the thrill."
"Life is going to change so much in the next ten years, and it's either gonna be great or it's gonna be horrific."
"What I know is that moments of uncomfortable uncertainty... is going to breed something bigger or something better."
"You can never know something is true with 100% certainty; there's always a degree of uncertainty."
"The world can change quickly... be ready for change and be okay with uncertainty."
"In the face of uncertainty, the determination to save, to protect, and to fight becomes the true measure of heroism."
"Life will work itself out, okay, we don't know what's happening."
"Confidence for me is the ability to handle uncertainty."
"Peace be unto you, because it is difficult to have peace when you are uncertain."
"Accepting the existence of uncertainty is a healthy thing."
"One hallmark of self-actualized individuals is that they are unfazed by uncertainty, mystery, and paradox."
"Rather than pushing for the answer, surrender to not knowing which can lead to more profound insights."
"The most important thing in life which you can believe in with certainty is uncertainty."
"Embrace uncertainty. You don't know what's going to happen next, and that's one of the reasons why life is so beautiful."
"The problem is we're so afraid of uncertainty, we think if it doesn't work out, it's going to be terrible. It's not hopeless; it's not terrible. When things go wrong, it's wonderful."
"You have my total attention now; I'm not quite sure if I've got yours though."
"When Kennedy for the Apollo Mission said, 'We're going to do it because it's hard, not because it's easy,' that means you have to embrace uncertainty."
"Perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel, or maybe it's another train coming at us."
"We're now in a potentially dangerous terrain, some sort of no-man's land between one set of strategic assumptions about each other that have stood for several decades and a brave new world where everything may be up for grabs."
"No one's sure about anything, you just gotta be sure and like believe in yourself most importantly."
"How do we get comfortable with uncertainty so it doesn't consume us?"
"When a game forces a difficult moral choice onto a player, those players really have to think about what they're going to do in that moment because the outcome of that choice is unknown."
"It's hard to even figure out what to think as of yet because it is so convoluted."
"Agnostic atheism is the idea that I don't know if there's a God or not."
"For you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good."
"50 percent of what we know is wrong, we just don't know which 50 percent."
"The reality is we don’t know where life is going to take us."
"You've got to resist the temptation to faint because of uncertainty."
"It's going to be new for everyone, but yeah, a bit scary time, honestly."
"It's Schrödinger's cat. You hear me, John? Schrödinger's cat. The cat is neither dead nor alive. Open up the box, find out if the cat is dead, move on with your life."
"You have to be able to be confused and to not know in order to be able to explore the unknown and become creative."
"There's nothing markets hate more than uncertainty."
"We are in a unique moment with the unknown and the possibilities of what could happen seem only to grow by the day."
"We are clearly in a time of uncertainty and that's the challenge, nobody knows which way this is going to go."
"Life is like an adventure...if you knew everything, it wouldn't be nearly as good."
"Please stay safe wherever you are; nothing is set in stone."
"The only thing that's certain is that nothing's certain."
"I think the place we start there is acknowledging what we can know and what we can't know."
"There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know."
"But this sweetheart of a relationship may turn sour depending on what happens here today in this courtroom."
"Embrace the journey, even when the path is uncertain."
"This world of acting is such a gamble, you never know what's going to happen next."
"You have to trust that the next step is going to be there when you can't even see it."
"It feels cozy, feels cozy, but I don't know how long that's going to last for, I really don't."
"Even though you might not see the entire pathway, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't start."
"How do you know it's worth it? You don't. That's the whole point. You got to take a risk."
"How do you know that if you pay, they're going to let them go?"
"The problem with believing that science is certain is that it basically is very unscientific and it goes against mainstream consensus concerning the philosophy of science because science changes."
"I don't think predictions about November are particularly useful at all... it's going to be relatively close."
"The world's becoming increasingly uncertain... Bitcoin, like fixed money at 21 million, works 24x7."
"Life could get very, very strange and very, very wonderful."
"What we're talking about is actually that we know that we lost it... It's better to deal with known unknowns than with unknown unknowns."
"The most important thing in life is learning the art of swimming, to keep your head above water in the uncertainties of life."
"Sudden unexpected infant death has been a really difficult area of science and it probably will continue to be because sometimes infants die and we don't know exactly why."
"Quantum mechanics tells us that the universe is fundamentally probabilistic, we don’t know exactly where the particle will turn up the best we have is a probability of where it will be."
"Timing is everything. Gotta cherish every moment of this [__] because you never know."
"Making predictions is always difficult, especially about the future."
"This is weird. This is very weird. Like, I have no idea where I am right now."
"This is a woman who's lost everything... she's looking ahead and very unsure."
"It was the first time where the entire world has felt the exact same fear, confusion...uncertainty."
"It seems like they don't want to commit to anything because they don't know what they're going to be doing. They're just basically making it up as they go along."
"No one knows what will happen tomorrow, no one knows where they are going to die. You might as well use your life in a way that is beneficial."
"There are no for sure strategies; there is no 100 percent strategy."
"It's a very fair enough test because no one knows the future for sure."
"It looks like Six might have been captured; Lord knows what happens from here."
"We don't know she's going to walk down the aisle one day. What am I going to do?"
"You never know what those next three dots are going to be... This thing runs on and on and on... and that's what life is, amen."
"The truth is that no human being can predict the future and we have no idea what's going to come next...but as best as you can, don't [lose hope] because you really don't know."
"Keep what you got, just enjoy it. Oh, who knows when this storm will pass, but just wait."
"Fear is all about uncertainty; once you know what you're up against, the fear goes way down."
"Indie developers struggle financially and there is always this element of uncertainty and risk when it comes to game releases."
"By no means is victory guaranteed, but that is huge."
"Things change very quickly...everything is fine until it isn't."
"Democracy's victory was not certain, nor is democracy's future."
"I believe that a lot of people are scared of change because they don't know what's going to happen."
"I don't think anybody knows what the market is going to do. I think you do know whether you're making an intelligent purchase at a given price."
"No one has their life figured out at my age."
"A lot of people don't know if there's gonna be next time. We actually don't know. I don't know if there's gonna be a next time."
"The time of the unknown is the magic time. You're in the special time right now."
"Life is crazy and weird and ever-changing; it barely makes sense at any given moment, and that scares us."
"You can't act without faith...we're moving into the unknown and we do that because we have faith...if we have to make a decision about that maybe we try to have faith in the idea that the best should be pursued and will prevail."
"We don't know what things will be like 100 years from now, anybody who says they do is lying."
"If you don't know what's just around the corner, that's okay, be prepared for anything."
"Just because you might be good at something or you might like things doesn't mean you know where you're going to go or what life will bring."
"Embracing uncertainty as a means of transforming our perception seems like the only rational path forward."
"The world today is much more complex than ever and much less certain than ever."
"Sometimes 'I don't know' is in fact the right answer."
"For most of human experience, we lived in societies where past, present, and future was about the same, but a couple of hundred years ago, we began to live in worlds where there was such rapid change that people became uncertain."
"Your job is not to know what the [expletive] is going on. Your job is to be absolutely certain that you have no idea what the [expletive] is going on and learn how to feel from raw chaos, from raw uncertainty up."
"Having faith in yourself and your journey is essential, especially when the path ahead seems unclear."
"We let ourselves drift with every breeze; we are frightened at uncertainties just as if they were certain."
"I cannot tell you what the future looks like, but I'm always hopeful."
"The future of Bungie right now, ladies and gentlemen, is very uncertain."
"All this destruction for nothing. Where are we supposed to go, our home is destroyed. What do we do now, where are we gonna live?"
"We know we cannot continue to go in this direction. We also know that we don't have a recipe for figuring out how to correct our course."
"Whenever you make that next phone call or send off that next email, you never know who will be on the other end of it."
"Most Americans wake up every day with that sense of impending doom...they're driving around empty, they don't know what's going to happen, and they're desperate."
"I'm less certain about a whole host of things than I ever was when I was 20 years old."
"There are no guarantees in the world of investments."
"The next ten years are probably safe, but at some point, it gets really serious."
"Be prepared for anything, expect the unexpected."
"I always enjoy our conversations, unfortunately, I have to go. I will be back. Maybe."
"The nature of life is uncertainty, but right now we're in a heightened sense of it, and there's a lot of fear and anxiety as a result of the unknown."
"Probably either gonna do super good or like super bad, it's gonna be just one of the extremes."
"The biggest problem was like travel and how uncertain that is."
"No matter the events of your yesterdays or the uncertainties in your tomorrows, you can hold tightly to God's faithfulness."
"We are often the most certain about the ultimate when we are the most uncertain about the immediate."
"I have no idea what's going to happen right now, and I'm actually really excited."
"We may never not have tomorrow. Tomorrow may never happen."
"If you don't know and you don't know by the time you die, you leave it for the next generation to pick up."
"The only thing we should be certain about, by the way, is that nothing is certain."
"Help us understand how we're supposed to behave and when there is doubt, they provide a framework for us to fall back on."
"The world as we know it is ending, but what comes next?"
"It's a whole new world. There are more questions about it than answers."
"Like all of you, I'm happy to get 2020 behind us, but of course, there's no guarantee that 2021 will be better. These calendar dates are just concepts that have very little connection to the dynamics of what is actually happening out in the world."
"In times of crisis, seeking solace and meaning in the face of uncertainty is natural."
"A whole new world staring you in the face, and you don't know what it's going to bring, but that's kind of the fun and excitement of it. Instead of looking at it and being terrified, try to look at it as your new adventure."
"I believe that when she's trying to sell an answer, something that she's not so sure of, she gives us those confirmation glances."
"For a lot of people, selling stock is kind of a mystery game for them. It's almost like they're rolling the dice whether they should continue to hold, sell, buy more, buy something else."
"We don't have to be absolutely certain about our beliefs, and we can still have a whole lot of knowledge about a lot of stuff."
"We don't really know how to do online community well; we're kind of still making it up as it goes."
"Diversification of asset classes, diversification of countries, diversification of currencies, because I think the one thing we know is that we don't know a lot."
"If we can let go of this need for certainty, and if we can get comfortable with living in ambiguity, and living in this state of not needing to know, not needing to control, not needing things to be a certain way, we'll actually realize that we can experience a lot more gifts and a lot more synchronicities."
"Every day when we get up out of bed and put our feet on the floor, we roll the dice."
"I'm not working with a full deck; my life gets shuffled more than I asked it to."
"Recognizing uncertainty everywhere and familiarizing ourselves with it reduces its hold on us, making us realize that our goal of certainty may in fact be unreachable."
"At 8 years old, all of a sudden being in a shelter, having no clue what's going on, that's hard."
"The future is that time which is unknowable, which is hypothetical, and which is potentially willable."
"Nobody can predict the future, least of all economists, but that doesn't mean that their advice on these decisions is not worth listening to."
"Uncertainty scares people...but the more uncomfortable you feel valuing a company, the greater the payoff to doing evaluation."
"The future is uncertain... but what we do know is that there are some troubling indicators that we're seeing right now."
"I think the internet is a very polarized place where everyone has to have an opinion, and it's almost shameful to admit that 'I'm not sure, I don't know.'"
"We live in turbulent times for DOTA. No one knows what's next, or what the future holds for any of us, but there's one thing that I do know, and that's that we're gonna be okay."
"As I always say, I'm betting against God here, and there are infinite ways to be wrong with predictions and only a handful to be right."
"The obvious answer is I don't know, and it still surprises me, but it excites me too."
"The universe has a limit in accuracy, and so what black holes have actually taught us so far is that it seems that uncertainty is the only certainty."
"If anyone tells you they know how this fight is going to go, they're lying because this is the epitome of a 50-50 fight."
"Experts are experts not just because they know the level of uncertainty, but because they say, 'Here's what we can do to alleviate the uncertainty.'"
"We are in totally uncharted territory. This stuff has never happened before."
"Stepping into the unknown and being unsure but still going for it anyway just goes to show how powerful you are."
"Because right now, there's a lot of uncertainty out there, a lot of misinformation out there."
"As a scientist, the right answer is, I don't know, and no one does."
"In the face of uncertainty, what do you do and on whom does the burden lie to provide a plan?"
"You never can tell what goes on down below; this pool might be bigger than you or I know."
"Because you never can tell what goes on down below; this pool might be bigger than you or I know."
"We cannot speak regarding the financial markets in 100% certainty; that's where ego comes into play, that's where traders get married to a bias."
"We do indeed live in interesting times; it's a little scary."
"The psychological torment of not knowing if you're losing your mind is just a terrifying thought."
"Gambling is an inherent part of life... we have to make decisions with hidden information, we have to deal with uncertainty, we have to balance the risks against the rewards."
"This is a very uncertain world with a very uncertain set of possible outcomes, many of which are riddled with serious ramifications for a lot of people."
"We're all guessing. We don't know the answer. What we do know is that John Fetterman's doctor released a letter saying he has no restrictions on what he can do."
"Trust Him even when it's blurry; trust Him for another touch."