
Fatigue Quotes

There are 1782 quotes

"Almost all lost motivation is actually fatigue, burnout, overwhelm, and stress."
"I hadn't seen him since the day we filmed it...almost 7 months prior. Being on the night shift, I had an hour of sleep before we met around 5:00 p.m."
"Superhero fatigue has evolved from a term used by some corners of fandom to something reluctantly accepted as industry fact."
"I don't want to be strong anymore. I'm tired."
"Would you rather be slightly thirsty no matter how much you drank or slightly tired no matter how much you sleep?"
"I'll be honest, I'm tired of living through major historical events, but keep up the great work."
"Honestly, married by the end, I was tired of you defending yourself."
"Hey, it's nice to sit and relax in this calm for a bit. All the fighting can really tire a person out."
"The biggest word is fatigue...fatigue covers a whole range of both physical and psychological behaviors."
"Come along fellow people who just have to accept that we will never not be tired anymore, let's take a walk."
"I'm extraordinary tired, sleep-deprived, and exactly in the right mindset to do two hours of ridiculous anime surgery."
"I'm very tired. I had a very long stream yesterday. I had a couple of beers this afternoon because we all went out."
"Vince Lombardi said, 'Fatigue makes a coward of us all.'"
"It's exhausting. Like, I think that's one thing people maybe don't understand about depression and anxiety is just like the physical and mental fatigue that you get from it."
"According to the commentary, it's the hottest it has been so far. Both teams look tired."
"Of course, I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I have two kids, I'm in the middle of a pandemic, and I'm making a show alone."
"What may save us is exhaustion... we're going to stop fighting because we're tired."
"The vibes are high because it's very new, although we will be sick of it in a week."
"I think I'm gonna wrap this up here because I'm tired and the my ring light is kind of burning into my eyes at this point so thank you for joining me for my rant here."
"There comes a time when you are black and you're tired of accommodating whiteness."
"I'm exhausted. It's been a day but it's been a good day."
"He's a significantly different fighter when he gets tired."
"They're so tired. They're exhausted. All I got to say is tomorrow it's gonna be a little bit crazy because tomorrow is the day." - Dianna
"You desperately want to rest or close your eyes but you can't."
"There are some white people listening right now that are tired of hearing us talk about all it is [ __ ] so [ __ ] them."
"Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Are you tired? No, I'm not."
"All he wanted to do right now was to collapse upon a bed with a stiff whiskey."
"She's had a long day, she needs to hit the sack."
"One more strike and it's over. I feel like it's inevitable anyway. I physically can't watch every single video I've made on my second channel." - KSI
"I don't have the energy or willpower right now."
"He will not want to do another year of this, I'm convinced by that."
"I'm tired, I am just like I could just pass out kind of non-stop every day."
"I know that a lot of people, yeah, I do have droopy eyes, I've been really tired."
"I'm tired of bringing it up, but I wouldn't if I didn't have to."
"How about I just put my head down on the desk and wait for the clock to run down?"
"I've been streaming for two hours, Jesus. Ah, so yeah, I need to get some sleep somehow, some way. Seven in the morning."
"Results for many people are almost too good to be true. Afternoon fatigue just vanished out of nowhere."
"I appreciated the impact this man had on English literature. Look, I'm happy for him, but if I never had to read another one of his books, it would be too soon."
"Current events feels like a treadmill, like a hamster wheel."
"We need to change something, everyone is tired of the war."
"I'm tired of these manipulators, they're just taking advantage."
"I had all these notes in my... I wake up the next morning, couldn't remember my dream which was very upsetting and I'm very very tired and I and I'm hearing him talking it's just like it was last night he's still talking."
"Every game I come out looking absolutely tiresome and deflated... I've had enough."
"We make our worst decisions when we're exhausted."
"It's pretty exhausting to just regularly mention that riot and marathon are just trending down."
"I felt so fatigued all the time, felt like I was trapped in a coffin underground."
"Every decision based on fatigue and desperation is usually wrong."
"Decisions based on fatigue and desperation are usually wrong."
"Hopefully I'm done reacting to this video because I just get a headache each time watching it."
"They're tired of living in character, they're tired of the costume that they're wearing, time for the scene and the play to end."
"Superhero fatigue is real because Hollywood lost interest and stopped trying."
"It's interesting as evidence that ESP exists that when people do it they get tired and lose their talent."
"I hope you find rest now, what like he had to push one more barrel until he could return to the afterlife?"
"I just feel like so no energy today, sipping on my white monster."
"Americans have grown weary amid what feels like a never-ending cycle of bad news."
"Your mind is operating at 80, so fatigue can calm you down."
"People are really getting tired... it's causing people to change spiritually."
"Everyone's a little bit tired towards the end of this game."
"You're just too tired, like mentally, emotionally, to deal with it."
"It felt like a lot of weight on your feet because you've been standing literally eight hours all day."
"Honestly, there have been times when I was like I just I don't want to do this anymore."
"It's been a tremendously exciting time, and we're very tired because it's late, but we're happy."
"It's come to the point where I need to take a break, you know? I'm just really tired."
"Is there any fatigue in the squad? You are battling on four fronts."
"Last year when I graduated from my undergrad, I was feeling the Elle Woods vibes as well."
"He is so tuckered out from all the playing. I guess it's kind of realistic that they have it set so that a lot of activity drains the toddler."
"I feel you know now is the time to move forward on any ideas also I feel that you are really exhausted so some of you may be like you know what I need a break..."
"I was getting tired of wearing my hair in struggle buns"
"Become aware of when you start feeling exhausted."
"You look exhausted, you trying to get that ball?"
"It's about truth, honesty, vulnerability, the good stuff. All these guys coming in here trying to show who's got the bigger bank account, the bigger jet, a bigger car, get tired."
"Sackboy, a big adventure. He's tired, he's a little rusty."
"We often just talk about random stuff because we're tired."
"We will win so much you’re going to get sick and tired of winning."
"She's really tired... never felt so scared before."
"Honestly, I'm just kind of tired and just kind of want to chill and vibe with all of you."
"Trust your path and know that when you're giving up hope... it's because you are exhausted."
"Nobody likes playing fatigue, so that's usually not something the devs want."
"That's why I said unsure because I was extremely tired. I could have been hallucinating from exhaustion."
"What happens after getting tired is what matters."
"My brain feels like there's gravy on it right now."
"I just feel tired at this point... I know I deserve better and I am sorry but this is not going to work anymore and it's over."
"You look like you're doing a lot better I know you were super tired that day you were probably exhausted there's about 20 on the trip."
"After seven days on the jolly mountain fire, I feel beat up. Not as young as I used to be."
"Initiating sleep troubles or feeling tired even after sleep? Check with a physician."
"I accidentally fell asleep, but honestly, throughout nursing school, I've learned that happens."
"When the 3 hours of sleep starts to hit you during the day."
"I think I'm losing the will, Olivia. I'm really tired."
"You're playing games with black folks and I'm sick and tired after 50 some years in national politics."
"It just gets tiring when people only see me for my disability."
"It's concerning that with the threats to our democracy being as high as they are, that people might be burnt out now because that is exactly what the Republicans and these conservatives want from us."
"I'm tired. You hungry? After all of that [___], I can definitely eat."
"There is no such thing as comic book movie fatigue, there is mediocrity fatigue."
"So I need your time I'm tired take a break okay okay give me a few of those and two."
"It appears to be that for a lot of first world countries... you hit a certain amount of months of 'hey [ __ ] chill out' and then they just all decide to give up."
"In time, you will know what it's like to snooze, to feel so desperately wide awake yet to rest nonetheless. Run from it, sleep arises all the same."
"I'm exhausted of people supporting this man in office."
"Sometimes I just want to go, you know what, I'm [__] done struggling, I just want to go live."
"The rate at which Konami introduces new stuff is exhausting as someone who's only casual."
"Success! The plant is doing some funny things, I think the plant has probably had enough of our... huh, probably."
"I want you guys to do deliverance... it makes it easier. Mike, I know you must be tired, bro. You've been casting down demons for hours in Jamaica."
"I've been talking for like a million hours now and I don't feel like writing an outro, this is what you get."
"The first week is just going to be absolutely remarkable... you may feel a little bit tired... but it's going to be a beautiful realization."
"Oh man, it was just... You ever work a job and been working it long enough to start hating it?"
"You're tired of waiting, tired of having to be strong on your own."
"Fatigue is an issue. I mean, I’ve been doing this for ten years. I still love what I do. I didn’t always love what I do, and I always wanna keep loving what I do."
"You're tired of obligations, sacrificing who you truly are."
"Thanos is tired, killed his own daughter, and then wiped out half the universe's population. Get the wine ready, this boy is primed and ready for a big, bad retirement."
"If I'm feeling like Brawl Stars is a grind, there's a really good chance that many other people are feeling the same way."
"They are tired of the political chaos and drama from both ends."
"Liverpool started the season really badly last year having had a really good season the year before because they were tired."
"But my heart just kind of wants y'all to just send Tom home like I'm just tired of this dude just always winning all the time he always around like okay I'm just like most times let the new [ __ ] spin like that's just kind of one of them."
"I know you guys want to see it but I'm very tired and I've been live streaming for a while so make sure you tune in tomorrow night."
"Many people's adrenal fatigue on the issue of World War III is starting to wear thin, and I get it, but understand this is the time to be buying the dip."
"We ultimately concluded that it was likely that both crew members were experiencing some effects of fatigue at the time of the accident."
"I just feel like I've run a marathon, or come off a fairground ride or something, and I've been asleep at the same time. But it's amazing."
"I am in the mood for spring guys it's not even funny I'm pretty sick of winter by."
"Let's just go home, gamers. Spent a lot of time in there."
"He's tired of fighting, he just wanted people to be safe, that's all he wants."
"When you feel tired, maybe this is your sign to wake up."
"It's fatigue of just being tired of the bait and switch."
"Tiredness is an emotion, and that may sound kind of weird, but remember that emotions are not just psychological things; they're physiologic things too."
"It's not that you're out of breath, that you're super tired, it's that your muscles just won't contract anymore."
"You might feel just the burden of total fatigue. You give a look at a curl bar and look, my muscles are ready to go."
"It's been a long day and I cannot wait to eat."
"General fatigue, sluggishness, and feeling irritable throughout the day."
"I'm exhausted but that was really good, really good."
"You're a hard-working person, but if you put in too much effort you'll get tired."
"We see a revolution of black people that are just tired of the same old stuff."
"Am I watching this? Am I hallucinating? Am I that tired? Yes, that's what I was warned to, I was just like what am I watching..."
"I know that we get tired of doing the story before the audience does."
"I slept about three hours, my stomach feels terrible, I haven't eaten food since yesterday so this is a struggle stream."
"It's always like a 6 or a 7 or so right and then one day for whatever reason you're tired and you say it differently and it becomes better and you're like."
"Even though it is pretty late now and I'm like kind of exhausted this was actually really enjoyable."
"I'm not gonna yell at everyone, I'm getting tired of the human race."
"I'm gonna go hibernate for 12 hours now I need it honestly it's probably like 5:00 a.m. right now girl and I feel it I really feel it in me I need sleep."
"I still got a lot more work to do tonight, but all I've been thinking about is the cool side of the pillow and learning how to make prison wine out of ketchup packets and old fruit."
"Remember, the more tired people get, the less effective they are at their jobs."
"You've been sick and tired of being sick and tired."
"I feel a bit like a First World War battlefield."
"Some of the greatest people that have shaped the world have been tired."
"Sometimes you just get tired, but you have to keep going."
"More than anything what I got the most tired of was being tired."
"Sometimes you just need a nap, y'all, like I was sitting there trying to edit and then I was like dude I'm just like yawning and just so cold."
"Humanity's tired of it yes so yeah absolutely."
"Y'all, I'm telling y'all, I cannot get up. That's how I found out I was pregnant."
"He felt unusually tired but shrugged it off as he prepared his coffee."
"I kind of feel tired, but like my body doesn't feel tired."
"Look on the bright side, you know, the light at the end of the tunnel. Getting tired of this."
"The endurance would be subject to the distance first of all, how far can you sustain effort, how far can you prolong fatigue?"
"Again, we want this to be over with. Please god, let it end."
"Thanks for being here, my throat's getting dry for some reason."
"I'm tired of beefing with people I'm tired of you know I mean I just want to bring people together if that makes any any sense"
"I know it's live, I know it's late, but I don't even know what I'm here to talk about, you know? I've talked about what's happening over and over again for the last few years. I'm actually tired, sick to death of it."
"My arms... the bottom half my arms look skinny. Um, my wrists, I'm beat. Seriously, that's the sad part."
"Eventually we're going to get sick and tired of it."
"If you're somebody who's eating sugars and starches all day but you feel chronically fatigued, it's time to stop that pattern."
"I'm sick to death of hearing about unconscious bias."
"It exhausts you from A to Z it makes you less capable and the less effective version of yourself"
"I'm just so tired of trying to feed into or disgust or deal with the energy of people hating on things that we're supposed to love."
"Yeah, we're tired. Very, but that doesn't mean the grind don't stop."
"We're tired of running dude, we don't want to run our whole lives."
"I felt like I wanted to take a nap and then at the same time I felt like I wanted to get up and run, and I don't run so really interesting kind of day."
"People are just getting tired of this recycled woke nonsense."
"Repeated technique failure is a sign of excessive fatigue."
"The fatigue is there especially among people who have like done everything they're supposed to do."
"Now that we've eaten, we're starting to get the lag."
"He sounded kind of tired to me, a little bit wiser."
"I'm sick and tired of drama, sick and tired of like basically just meaningless useless energy."
"You don't want to feel pinned down exhausted anymore."
"What are some other hardships that they've gone through because I'm honestly tired of seeing this?"
"Imagine if Mordecai got tired and said, 'Look, I'm tired of bailing the king out.'"
"I'm burnt out for today, I'm gonna open the last couple of chests that we can open."
"It's hard to be focused when you're fatigued. I want to be practical. Can I be pragmatic, sir, please?"
"I'm literally wrecked... but I am dramatic so."
"You're tired of the drama, no more BS situations."
"I just want to be done with this, I'm tired of emerald mining already."
"To say they are exhausted would be an understatement, but they have little choice but to roll with the punches and wait for better days."
"I'm starting to fade because I can't even talk right now."
"Y'all, I was so tired, so I didn't get to show y'all anything."
"Trump doesn't look good, he looks exhausted."
"But how many of you know that when you get tired when you get fatigued when you get desperate you start lowering your standards pretty quick."
"People are tired of the fake stuff, they're tired of people not being real."
"I'm so tired man, so tired, good night guys."
"I'm so tired of the weaponization of political opinions."
"I'm tired of suppressing my feelings, tired of being villainized."
"She gets tired after about, I'm gonna like half a mile maybe half a mile so today we're bringing the stroller."
"Here are some signs that you are mentally tired and perhaps need a break."
"Grandpa was really tired but he loves you very much."
"Exhausted from the long day, Taejun couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right."
"The poor man has been so very tired recently."
"Oh my brain is turning into mush; how long have I been streaming? Over three hours, whoa!"
"Knackered here in the UK just means tired."
"Fatigue is the most common symptom in multiple sclerosis."
"You can be anointed and exhausted."
"I'm so tired of love songs, sick and tired of love songs."
"...don't push yourself to the summit because when you get tired you make mistakes..."
"Sometimes by Thursday I get tired of cooking."
"The most common complaint is fatigue. I'm tired I have no energy."
"I am tired, so please excuse my fatigue."