
Dialogue Quotes

There are 6798 quotes

"If your opening chapters are full of character dialog that snaps off the page and tells you who they are by the way they talk, then you are doing better than 99% of the people."
"Instead of the monologues of #MeToo, we need to have dialogues. Instead of human resource centers becoming 'her', we really need to have dialogues at work about what's working for women, what's not working for women, what's working for men, and what's not working for men."
"We need more conversations. It doesn't need to be 'I'm on the left, I'm on the right.' It's like, what do you actually think? What do you actually believe?"
"Peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun; it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"The more of a conversation we have, the better."
"A real friend can go against your thoughts and give you his input. He's trying to improve you, and also, you know, y'all add to each other's dialogue. That's beautiful."
"Open and free dialogue is the foundation for a free society. It is also the foundation that peace can be built upon."
"The technology affords us the possibility to engage in an intense dialogue at the edge of what we know."
"I'm always happy to have civil dialogue with people, whether I agree with them or disagree with them."
"I want to see people coming to the table in good faith, not trying to dunk on each other, to explore ideas for how to actually get things done."
"Socrates believed that dialogue was a much more effective way to think and do philosophy, which is a system we now know as the Socratic method."
"If you want to treat people well and be the change you want to see in the world, I want to have conversations where you can actually look at the ideas and at the end of the day, the best ideas would be the ones that influence your policies as an organization."
"May the best idea win. Let's engage in dialogue, let's talk about your idea, let's talk about my idea, and may the best idea win."
"We should not seek the clear winning of a debate, for that is the concern of surfaces, but to win over the other to one's belief and/or to be won over to the other's belief for the sake of what is true and good."
"We find ourselves in an academic setting, and the purpose of this singular space, the academy, is to foster good faith conversations, often difficult ones, about life's deepest and most important questions."
"This is where we can engage in free and open dialogue, in the spirit of seeking truth."
"I appreciate you guys having this conversation."
"It's less about me being right or others being right; it's just trying to find what is the common cause that we can at least agree on."
"There's no problem we can't solve if we can talk about it."
"The mere act of talking, even though most talks will fall apart, is a precursor to an eventual peace."
"Are you calling me dangerous? Is possibly my favorite line from the film Glass Onion, a Knives Out mystery."
"You're gonna realize, most of what you said really doesn't matter to me."
"There has to be a continual dialogue between all of those values so that the whole value structure, which has to be diverse, doesn't collapse into a single dimension."
"I try to take a more conversational stance where it's, 'How can I inch this person over to our position?'"
"The goal of this event is to create a space to engage honestly with others in open dialogue surrounding divisive ideas."
"This discussion was a great display of intellectual honesty."
"Dialogue, generally, is one of the most active ways that you can convey information and characterization."
"If you can get those five things into your dialogue for your characters—likeability, proactivity, character's arc, their flaws, and motivation—suddenly your dialogue is going to start to pop off the page."
"If you can master doing some of these things, if you can master getting across all of this in dialogue... you have just mastered characterization in a way that will not put your reader to sleep."
"A beat, like for instance, 'He slammed his hand on the table. 'I am done talking to you.''"
"It's peace and peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun. It's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"Conversation is the cure-all of this division."
"What is lost by doing this? How can this not be helpful to sit across from somebody and talk to them instead of about them?"
"There is no military solution in this issue. On the contrary, preventive diplomacy and dialogue should be followed as means to achieving an easing of tensions."
"I love what Emmanuel Acho has done with his 'Conversations with a Black Man.' It's like these kind of uncomfortable conversations. How can we just put these things out there and be open-minded to it, not be so judgmental or critical?"
"I walked away very encouraged by your capacity to hold a respectful and charitable space for those who see things differently than you."
"The door is always open for dialogue... those have to be rooted in what's reasonable, what's affordable, what's responsible for the country."
"Dialogue between opposing sides is where you find humanity and where truth is ultimately found."
"Free speech isn't just another right; it's the mechanism by which people of different opinions talk instead of strangling each other."
"I want people to have real conversations with people that don't believe what they believe, to come to the truth."
"She cries for a long time before asking Seika what will happen to her now."
"We should be able to discuss these things just listening to each other."
"Rebellion believes that we can't solve problems without talking to each other about them."
"I'm Michelle Jub, and I'm not here to tell you what to think. I'd much rather hear what you have to say."
"Prayer itself is a dialogue and not a monologue... I don't think we get that far with it."
"This is a conversation that has to happen again and again because it's the only way we'll get to a better place."
"Politics doesn't have to be a raging fire destroying everything in its path."
"We're all on our individual journeys, but here we can coalesce and come together, communicate openly, and ask the difficult questions, have the difficult conversations."
"We need to have events like this, we need to have people come together, ask open honest questions and get to know each other."
"Indoctrination leaves very little room for good questions and open conversations."
"Seek out opportunities to open our hearts first, and then we can talk about these difficult, complicated ideas."
"We are looking at information; we're trying to have robust dialogue to get us as close to understanding something like the truth as we possibly can."
"Race relations have to do with race relations... We have to step forward and ask questions about each other."
"Our human strength lies in our diversity and independence of thought, in our acceptance of non-conformity, in our willingness to discuss and to evaluate various conflicting points of view."
"The script for the game was massive, with the final draft weighing in at 360 pages with over 30,000 lines of dialogue."
"Characters can be overtly queer, and we're allowed to talk about queerness without it being a special moment."
"This dialogue has been like a jazz trio, because we're just bouncing off and riffing off different voices and listening very closely."
"Fairness is allowing people to hear all the perspectives."
"The antidote to speech we don't like is more speech. It's not shouting people down. It's not talking louder. It's engaging in meaningful conversations when we have disagreements."
"The most important part of that process is keeping the avenues of communication open. It is tough work. So, come at it with curiosity, keep the avenues of communication open, and always, always try to talk out of story and personal experience."
"If you start to create that space, you can start to create some understanding... come at it with curiosity... and always try to talk out of story and personal experience."
"The conversation has to involve all the parties involved. You can't just attack one end because you're missing half the story."
"It's important to recognize the different moving parts within the movement because yes, I have spoken to people who have a 'defund the police' sign, and I ask them what they mean by that, and they say abolish the police, whereas you'll have others to say, 'Oh, defund the police means just take some of the money we allocate to police in the municipal budget and give it to social workers.'"
"Problems like this don't get better until we start talking about them."
"If universities would open their door to intelligent dialogue with our differences, I believe things will change."
"You don't have to agree with anyone here; just the fact that we're having conversation is like the spirit of freedom."
"That free speech and open dialogue are the royal road to truth."
"We care about the big issues of life, but we also care about the kind of conversations we have across political, religious isles."
"I'm more interested in dialogues because I think that where my skill set lies is more in building bridges."
"The way out of our current state of idiot political polarization isn't the final establishment that one side is right and the other is wrong but to engage in sophisticated long-form discussions to deal with the actual problems that are producing the polarization."
"I want to create a community that I can talk to and help evolve."
"In order to have a democracy, we need to speak about these kinds of things and it's important to mention them and address them with our government officials and public servants here, as I'm sure you all can appreciate in this great country of ours."
"I'm here to have an open conversation and to actually figure out how we as black people and the police officers can kind of mend this broken relationship."
"It's a spirit of intellectual honesty and adventure where we're not trying to just win points."
"All we have is human conversation and all we can appeal to are honest efforts to get at the truth."
"Our ability to upgrade the conversations such that they're able to find common ground and for us to move forward together is potentially very important."
"Just talking with people humanizes the issue and takes it down from us versus them."
"Assume that your interlocutor has good motives."
"Rationality isn't enough, but it's certainly an adult form of communication and the prerequisite to a discussion like this."
"We have reached a point in society where it is so polarized that we can't meet in the middle to have these conversations without destroying each other personally."
"I think that we need to start having these conversations and start talking to the people that we don't agree with so that we can actually reach some common ground."
"A great deal of the reason for America's constant ability to self-improve is because we're able to reason, we're able to talk, we're able to analyze."
"The answer to bad speech isn't censorship; it's more speech."
"It's not partisan to stand up for decency and democracy and dialogue."
"I certainly have enjoyed taking the time to talk with you all."
"I'm striving for a discussion, not for conflict. Let's share our thoughts respectfully."
"We need to see genuine talks that translate into concrete results on the ground."
"The only solution to this conflict is through dialogue and diplomacy."
"Let's just keep an open mind, you know, listen to each other and be willing to also change our own perspectives because that's what actually makes a good dialogue."
"Your voice matters too...the goal is not to win, the goal is to find common ground."
"We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature."
"If someone is an atheist or someone's a skeptic and they ask you as a Christian, 'Hey, why do you believe what you believe?' That's awesome. Tell them what you believe."
"Through dialogue, there can be accommodation."
"The best way to combat hateful speech is with good speech."
"This dialogue and transparency is a fundamental pillar of democracy."
"It is possible to engage people that you dramatically disagree with in opinions in productive conversations."
"You can't stop people from speaking...stopping conversation isn't the way to combat ideas you don't like."
"We need to begin to open up pathways of understanding instead of being closed up."
"We don't have to agree on politics, but we should not have a conversation around whether I deserve to exist or not."
"My genuine intent in having this conversation with you, and pretty much every conversation that I have on the Internet or even off the Internet for that matter, especially on topical subjects, is to stay as close to the substance as possible."
"I think there are a lot of reasons why this conversation is a necessary conversation."
"We are big believers in dialogue; that's what college campuses and academia are supposed to be all about."
"We need conversation to define what's right and what's wrong."
"We're trying to combat it and so now, the beauty is moving forward, we can create a counter-narrative. We can create more healthier dialogues and more healthier conversations to be able to create better men, better women, and improve Black America."
"One thing that we do not tolerate here is name-calling, character assassinations, or just blatant disrespect of people whose ideals are different from ours."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to hear only your opinion."
"Dialogue means freedom, and conversation means intelligence."
"If you want to bring your characters alive, focus on the dialogue and making your characters speak in a distinctive way."
"We're going to talk about disinformation and let's talk about censorship."
"Design is a dialogue and the concept ensures you have something to talk about."
"We are all constantly changing... Knowing that change is inevitable and creating space for you and your partner to talk about what the relationship was, what it is now, and where it's going."
"At a time when we are so divided and so broken, having a national conversation about who we are and how we'd like to go forward as a country is really needed."
"We embrace different points of view; dialogue and discussion make this place great."
"I am genuinely interested in your constructive thoughts, whether you disagree with me or agree with me."
"Without consistency, you can't even have any meaningful conversation."
"It's gonna take more than just one conversation to sound the alarm about the need to be vigilant."
"Rarely does a game manage to keep up good banter over so long a period of time."
"I gave her credit because she encouraged dialogue and that sort of brought my wall down."
"When you start attributing either good or bad traits to a person's race, you have now started an incredibly contagious dialogue that is deeply racist."
"We have to have a dialogue with the universe; we have to have a dialogue with people in our lives; we have to have a dialogue, and there's both giving and receiving."
"Talk to your neighbors as humans. Don't fall into the sort of partisan divide."
"We have to have Democrats, Republicans that can talk to each other. What we have right now is not working."
"I also hope we can engage in these matters with maturity and utmost respect for one another and each other's beliefs."
"If we give a chance to a meaningful dialogue and communication, freedom will prevail because people like to have freedom of expression."
"What's always attracted me about the idea that two people with differing viewpoints can get together in front of a neutral audience."
"The international community should contribute constructively to help Myanmar to stop violence, to create an environment conducive for dialogue and reconciliation."
"Discussion is meaningless if everyone has the same opinion."
"You've got a group of internet hyenas who whenever they hear anybody trying to promote a nuanced position, immediately say 'what aboutism' or 'both sides'."
"I am hopeful because the fact that we can even have this conversation... it's something that is changing, shifting the tide a little bit."
"I think we get to disprove that by shifting the way we approach conversations."
"The conversation moves to a whole other level that not only is reconciling relationships, it's transcending the usual left and right polarity in a very effective way."
"This is not rocket science, and if we can stop having this very polarized conversation, we can actually get somewhere with smart, simple policies."
"We need to be able to speak our mind and our opinions in order to flush it out, in order to further the conversation."
"You don't need to talk to me, wolf. A voice like dried leaves on a sidewalk spoke from the darkness."
"The big thing that my goal on the planet is is to sort of raise collective consciousness to start intelligent conversations about spirituality."
"Let's have that conversation and... try to promote normalcy, try to promote community, try to promote truth."
"I have been very encouraged by the conversations that I've been having with my counterparts across the provinces and territories."
"Dialogue literally means through reason. I think when we stop talking, we go into a totalitarian dystopia."
"Educators and civic leaders should not play along; instead of arousing easy antipathy, they should strive to cultivate the robust exchange of ideas across differences." - Michael Roth
"The free exchange of ideas is something that makes us better."
"If we're gonna start talking about privileges and oppressions, let's start with the ones we can all agree on."
"To preempt such violence, it is paramount that these communities have outlets to enter dialogues with each other."
"A lot of people on the left are progressives have kind of lost the ability to have these conversations."
"Nobody takes the time to educate; they just say, 'you're wrong.'"
"How are we ever going to make progress as a country if we cannot sit with people we disagree with?"
"People have a real hunger for deep intellectual dialogue, and that can be met with these new technologies."
"Having an open dialogue is just so important."
"The more people like you and like Sam Harris and Eric and Brett Weinstein, people who are open-minded, people who are willing to discuss things politely with people and not shove their ideology down other people's throats, the more we exchange information with each other."
"I'm pro-engagement, pro-dialogue, pro-relationship, figuring out a way to work together."
"Hashtag Black Lives Matter is a statement of support for a specific social movement to which the reply, 'Wait, don't all lives matter?' is a query about principle."
"Stop it both of you, this won't solve anything. There's been enough fighting and conflict today."
"These conversations don't divide, they actually unite."
"The fact that we talk across ideological difference... makes it more difficult to create dehumanizing tropes and memes."
"Create new art from the art you consume and continue the conversation."
"I don't want to debate you; I just want to have a conversation."
"The creators wanted to start a conversation, and now we can have that conversation, because now, you know better."
"Philosophy itself is a dynamic and evolving field, characterized by a multitude of perspectives, an ongoing dialogue, and differing interpretations of fundamental questions."
"Hopefully we can do it with some good humor and a light touch and a bit of detachment and in a peaceful and thoughtful and rational way."
"Violence is never the answer; a confrontation will get us nowhere."
"Keep up the important conversation. Thank you for being part of them."
"These are the kind of conversations that are going to be essential for us as a country if we're ever going to grow past this hideous moment we're in but also to be a better country moving forward."
"Anybody who can't have a conversation about their ideas is not the kind of person who should be wielding power."
"The most powerful thing is when people have really been talking about not just mental health but just really being vulnerable and talking about emotions and fears."
"Being able to have a conversation is essential for progress."
"Every character would say exactly what they mean to say and nothing would be left to the imagination. But Tarantino... has an abundance of subtext."
"Establish the goals of the two characters, where they have the potential to collide with devastating conflicts, and then you over the course of a five-minute conversation peel back the layers."
"Free speech is only relevant if we allow people that you don't like to say things you don't like; otherwise, it loses all meaning."
"The goal is maximum truth-seeking, really allowing voices to be heard."
"If we do not share common definitions of words, we cannot have conversations with one another."
"We need to bring people together to even if we disagree to have conversations."
"We at least have to see each other as common Americans if we want to have those conversations."
"I speak with people who disagree with me on a regular basis, and frankly, I kind of find it more fun. It's more interesting."
"I think there are often better alternatives like non-showy conversations that take the focus off of 'winning' while still permitting a dialogue to take place."
"If we wish to have a country at all, people who hope to be part of the American bargain are going to have to use things like reason and discussion."
"Democracy is built on dialogue and compromise."
"Isn't it better to have a conversation about this than to scream at someone from the rooftop?"
"We want to have real conversations and do it in a respectful way."
"It is beyond time to choose dialogue and diplomacy as the only pathway to resolve this conflict."
"We open on a conversation between hope and possibility."
"I actually really appreciate being invited because obviously my views are different from most of yours...it shows a kind of openness to wanting to learn."
"Free speech is the predicate to having an open conversation on any of these important issues."
"Teaching students about critical race theory takes away the fear factor and creates a safe space for conversation."
"We're fine with [science continuing], we're not self-conscious about that one bit. Christianity is perfectly happy to be in the marketplace of ideas."
"This is why it's good to talk to people who don't agree with you and aren't in your circles."
"What's the point in having a discussion if you agree with everything that is said?"
"We wanted to do the meeting with the Nigerian people present too, so that we could hear from the people of this country because their voice matters as well."
"The only possible solution we have is dialogue about the problem about exactly where to draw the line because otherwise, we can't. No one knows how."
"It's weird because in this culture war, the tribal left, whatever you want to call it, is like, 'Let's just insult instead of address the issue.'"
"I hope this will be a wide-ranging conversation that people find illuminating. I hope it'll be a challenging conversation where we tackle all of the things that are uncomfortable about it and get into all of those pieces."
"We should find common ground. Isn't that middle ground?"
"Let's talk it out, you know what I'm saying? I'm trying to show [__], let's have conversations."
"Why should we evangelize? Why are we comfortable with not talking to people about Jesus?"
"A lot of these issues are really difficult, complicated social issues that require people to actually sit down and have difficult conversations."
"I'm interested in both sides of the story, both sides of the aisle, and I feel that that is missing from so many people now, that they only want to hear the narrative that verifies their belief, rather than being open to the possibilities of being wrong!"
"We're talking to one another, let's stop screaming at one another."
"One of the most important dialogues that, in my view, the human species can have right now is how to think well, how to reason well."
"Conversations can be fruitful, and it doesn't always have to be about agreement."
"This is just the start of a much longer conversation."
"Kana Akatsuki's prose and ability to write dialogue put her work a cut above other submissions."
"It's sure to generate an interesting dialogue, as always, I hope you found this analysis of the case of Eileen Wuornos to be interesting."