
Decisiveness Quotes

There are 3911 quotes

"Stop looking for the perfect thing; there's no perfect one. Just choose something and get in the game."
"The best advice I ever got around kids was: Tom, have kids, don't have kids, it doesn't really matter, but whatever you do, do it all the way."
"You need to stop lingering. Your task is to slay the princess, not endlessly debate about what to do with the princess."
"It's time for the chameleon to stop changing colors. Choose and conquer now."
"This is why you're meant to lead. Just lead. Don't ask questions, don't ask for other people's opinions, just lead."
"There are very few things in life that are as liberating and freeing as the ability to say no."
"It's either 'hell yes' or 'no'. If it's not something that you're 100% all-in for, then it's not worth pursuing."
"The power of walking away and never looking back really is amazing."
"You either let yourself do it, or you don't. There's no middle ground. There's no trying."
"You only get one chance to go hard and go fast. If you wait, if you hesitate, if you doubt, then you will always be looking back wishing you had done more earlier."
"Your thoughts about it must be positive, clean-cut, decisive, persistent."
"You can't just sit here and wait anymore. You can't just sit and wait and hope."
"Listen to me, when the time comes, you gotta run and not look back. This is over."
"The most effective weapon you have in a self-defense situation is your ability to act immediately, directly, and explosively."
"This Bronco means everything to me, and if I wouldn't have acted, it would have been gone forever."
"I wouldn't have changed anything if I could go back. I wouldn't have answered the phone because I'm working. I am who I am."
"Decisiveness does not mean fearlessness. Fear is very real...Fear is not the enemy, indecisiveness is."
"In the time of decision, indecision is a crime."
"Decisive people experience the joy and relief that comes with making a decision versus the pain and suffering that comes with indecision."
"Being decisive gives you a sense of direction and clarity of mind and peace of mind."
"If you wait for consensus, you'll never get anything done."
"Remember you can always change your mind because you can!"
"Indecision is a dream killer, and clarity comes from engagement, not thought."
"Sometimes it's not even about what choice we make, just make a choice and commit to it and go."
"You can't be half in and half out; you can't cherry-pick; you can't have your cake and eat it."
"It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious."
"It's about knowing when to be patient, waiting for your moment, and then striking decisively."
"The difference between an indecisive person and a decisive person is that the indecisive person tries to pick the right choice, and the decisive person makes whatever choice they pick work."
"If you want to be a little bit more decisive, you've got to be a little bit more open to making mistakes."
"Be clear and decisive; focus on what you really want."
"Don't sabotage your own success by being too indecisive on what you want."
"Decisive action requires a certain level of moral certainty."
"Decisive evidence, a decisive witness, what else could possibly be required?"
"I'd rather you be hot or cold; if you're lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth."
"Real maturity when you walk in your faith with God is your yes gets quick."
"Be decisive about what you want because it's going to come to you."
"Tell everybody that before the day is out, we shall have a wedding or a hanging. Either way, we ought to have a lot of fun."
"Bold, decisive leadership works. It has worked, and I hope it continues."
"The trial judge likes to stick by their guns. They like to basically make their ruling, stick to that ruling, and allow that ruling to proceed all the way to a verdict."
"I'm assuming y'all want me to feed you now, right? Yes, there's lots of options but only one choice: waffles."
"If the championship is on the line, or my life depends on it, I wouldn't hesitate one second. Larry Bird is my man."
"Waiting for the right time... there's no right time to do certain things in life."
"You need to accept that you're worth more than waiting for someone who can't decide if they want you."
"Trust yourself and your decisions. Don't be swayed by other people's strong opinions about what to do. Take action and be confident that you have chosen the right path."
"Act on the opportunity that's before you and commit to it without equivocation."
"The moral of the story is I chose a half measure when I should have gone all the way."
"I've never felt so certain that I've had enough of you."
"You're leaving indecisiveness and aimless wandering in the past. It's time to strike a plan, create a vision, and focus on the bigger picture."
"We are in a spiritual war, and we are the deciding voice in this battle."
"It's my way or the highway, and the highway is the unsubscribe button."
"If your spirit is trying to lead you somewhere, go go don't question it just get up and go."
"There's no neutral ground when it comes to the direction our lives are moving in."
"The time for half measures and talk is over."
"There's really nothing to risk and nothing to lose here."
"For those reasons I've said very clearly, no."
"It's really important to answer this question."
"Be decisive, clear, concise, on point, ready, train to go, demon time."
"This is a crisis and what a crisis mandates a decisive leader with the vision that's what you have."
"There is a point where you have to draw a line in the sand."
"I'm big on picking your side and staying there."
"The time elapsed in between when they have an idea to when they execute is very small."
"Just jump off the damn diving board and go in the water."
"Be honest on where you stand, not wavering, that's the point."
"You only get one chance to go hard and go fast and go early, and that always means a shorter lockdown over the life of that lockdown than if you wait."
"We cannot do it compromise and say to the climate you know just wait a bit we're still not sure what to do no we can't do that."
"When you exert that sort of decisiveness and have the courage to leave somebody who you know is not right for you, then that actually builds a lot of strength within you."
"Confidence is a great word because it begets decisiveness."
"Once you know a person is meant for you, and you know it instantly, there's no sitting on the fence."
"Trading breakout or bailout: if it doesn't work, I get out of the way."
"George tells her, 'You're better off not having these friends. Just cut them off.'"
"Tim kept telling her, 'Just rip the band-aid off, say goodbye, and leave.'"
"Hesitation is the enemy. Hesitation allows the moment to pass, the opportunity to be lost."
"Stop fretting, stop ringing your hands, and get behind your ticket, because on the other side your alternative is Donald Trump or Rhonda Santos."
"A true martyr would have answered without hesitation."
"Your answer is going to be pretty much so right."
"You gotta be decisive in this game. If you're indecisive, that's when you die."
"The case against Donald Trump is open and shut."
"You either do it or you don't. There is no in-between."
"If there's a conflict coming, let's have that conflict, let's get it over with, rip that band-aid off and on to the next thing."
"Sometimes you just really have to kill guys. Let's move on."
"Matters and go do that [ __ ] and shut the [ __ ] up let running the world happen."
"It's time to leave it behind, just don't go there anymore."
"You shouldn't be dating him. End of sentence. Game over."
"In a series full of mind games, sometimes you just gotta shoot."
"I want to do the one shot, just get over, bang, hit me with the chip, bang, and then we keep going."
"You're becoming really decisive about what you want and what you want to manifest."
"The mayor did just rip down the signs in dramatic fashion... it's the smart move."
"I trust people to make decisions about their body... full stop."
"I'm out of here! She said, 'I'm out of here!'"
"Choose your moment well, move forward without hesitation."
"If you're on the fence, don't be on the fence. Do it. You're not going to regret it at all."
"Let's stop taking forever, try what you know is gonna work."
"Now he shut down everything from the top window."
"We can't just sit in the middle on the ground, there is no middle ground."
"There is no middle ground, you're either going to have to fight them or they're just going to take you over."
"I think you've acted quickly, swiftly, and with good measure."
"There's no time. Time is now. Rip the band-aid off."
"Tattoos force you to be decisive, let go of the need to nitpick everything."
"Either you can stand back and let the contrarians force your decisions in life or you can cut through the noise."
"This full moon is the champagne cork popping, it is the moment where you're like you are basically saying I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna go for it and do this for myself."
"I've been trying to find a reason why I wouldn't do that and all day I couldn't find a reason."
"Enough is enough, I'm not wasting any more time."
"Just get him gone man, okay? If you want to sell him, sell him right."
"Your request to represent yourself is unequivocal."
"Determined means that you make firm decisions to do things and you don't let anyone dissuade you."
"Yes, no, we're yes, now let's throw this son of a [__] out."
"Let's just put them away, shall we? Case closed."
"Our campaign has been about seeing clearly, speaking honestly, and acting decisively in the best interest of America."
"Once a decision is made, never waver. All energy is directed towards ensuring its success."
"When you have a well-defined plan, you know exactly what to do."
"If these governors won't help us beat the pandemic, I'll use my power as president to get them out of the way."
"Just do it, don't think about it. Thinking is the hard part."
"You're either convinced or you're not convinced, that's it."
"Complaining just gets old... you gotta [expletive] or get off the pot."
"Khadijah achieved that in two words: 'No way.'"
"There's no more time to hang back or sit on the fence."
"It should have been a snap because a snap is a very swift and decisive motion."
"Make a decision, whether it's right or wrong, make a decision."
"When God wants something done, he wants it done all at once sometimes."
"I'm ready to sign a big beautiful stimulus, you saw the other day I said go big or go home."
"Desperate situations require desperate measures."
"Step the [ __ ] aside, let the adults handle it."
"Fill the seat! Fill it right now! Do not wait, fill it this week..."
"Not without emotion, but certainly without hesitation."
"We just got to go, man. Okay, we gotta go in this, so we just gotta be extra quick now."
"The most consequential 'no' in all of recorded history."
"The UK and our allies will respond decisively."
"It's time for you to cut folks off, negative connections, it's time for you to cut off negative connections."
"Either gonna be African or you ain't gonna be."
"One thing about me when I'm done, I'm done. Like, it's really no going back."
"Chain of command is too slow, just get the job done."
"If I don't like a show, I ain't watching it, bro. Period."
"Action, decisiveness, and just going for it is really important."
"You're gonna start to have this perfect plan in action and you're just gonna know exactly what to do at the right time."
"Stick by your decision. Distract yourself with friends, activities, and self-improvement."
"All you need is one good reason to just [ __ ] do it."
"The power of yes. It's confirmation but it's also really powerful."
"Stop procrastinating, stop being indecisive. I think the universe is going to give you what you want but you got to stop second guessing it."
"You have to act now. It's a critical moment."
"There are no Sancho alternatives. I don't want to hear about Gareth Bale."
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that's the answer, yes."
"Let's just rip the Band-Aid off and get it over with."
"Don't take the mark... under any circumstances."
"Let me give you a prediction into the future. The answer is no, they won't."
"This is your time to change it's like walk away from the menu, take it out."
"When I make a decision, that decision is final."
"The PC, I don't think we even need to conversation, go, yes, go."
"I'm not much of a leader. I've always gone with my gut, and my gut is stating that we need to go now and kick these galactic butts." - Rogue
"They're not afraid to walk away, knowing their own worth."
"Game done finished in the first five minutes of the second half."
"If you click on someone's head, they are going to die."
"You gotta do the first thing that comes to your brain, right? Whatever the first thing that comes to your brain, do it that day."
"If she's holding you back from your mission, let her go immediately."
"You can't make decisions about favoritism, you've got to be ruthless and aggressive."
"I think you need to jump on it...whatever it is."
"It's the truth, it's right, and this is what I'm gonna do."
"This person is very confident, very grounded, they know what they want."
"Excuse my French but if you mother effort mic drop."
"We can't afford any maybes. Leave the maybes to Oasis and Man City. We need a full sale. We can't afford this might work."
"It's time to learn how to be more decisive, to be more intentional about the process, instead of the stupid traditional narrative."
"Roosters are typically defined by their decisiveness and straightforwardness."
"Decide, declaration... Decide in your heart."
"Your mind's made up; stick to your decision."
"I didn't stick my toe in the water to see if it was cold... I jumped right on in there."
"In a landslide, hamburger and fries." - Rhett
"I'm in support of every single decision... every single one of them is a W."
"They have been way too quiet, and Kierstama needs to stop sitting on the fence."
"We're doing this or we're not. No 'okay, later.' Deuces, bye."
"Cut it all off right here, it's all coming off, it's all going to go short, just save me some time, just chop it all right off, here we go!"
"Have a clear and decisive plan. That is the most important thing with being in business."
"You did or you didn't, it's really that simple."
"They're very passionate about making decisions and take action quickly."
"As soon as you decide to take action...you will be fully capable of doing that."
"Time is too short for indecisiveness and vacillation."
"Fasting absolutely speeds up... the metabolizing of fats."
"This person missed out on an opportunity with you because they took too long in making a decision."
"Girls are attracted to someone who is decisive, direct, confident."
"I'm not a weak person. If things don't end up working out in our relationship, we have no problem breaking it off."
"There's a sense of relief with this decision, like it's just right and feels natural."
"Can we just cut this crap out...this is what I signed...get it over the line."
"You put your foot down with someone and lived your life unapologetically."
"Yeah, my entire face, yes, I will get his name."
"This is not a time for questions okay this is the part of the movie where you leave right."
"There's only one thing you can do with your hand, and it's pull the trigger."
"A hundred percent, do it if you want to do it."
"Bill Barr is dropping the hammer and he's not playing games."
"Time to Say Goodbye To The World of indecision."
"be patient wait for the perfect pitch then and only then do you swing and swing hard"
"The filtering question for aggressive minimalists is simple: Is this a tool that advances my craft and professional pursuit directly? If the answer is yes, keep it. If it's no, cut it and be ruthless."
"Opportunities don't negotiate. You take it on its terms or you get nothing at all."
"If you see one of those things, you do not hesitate. You take it out or you run."
"You can lead, you can follow, or you can get the heck out of the way."
"Straight in the bin boys, straight in the bin like a hot knife through butter"
"I feel like this is a sign I need to just go for it."
"Once you get that 'I'm done,' nothing's taking you back."
"If I saw that, I would buy it, like, right away."
"You're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study, not to bring back, but to wipe them out. That's the plan."
"A lucrative deal that gets put in front of you and you are going to drop everything you're doing to take it."
"Cutting people off is hard, but if you want my advice, just genuinely do exactly that."