
Life Progression Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"We have to set bigger goals and continue to progress through life because we have to have a purpose, we have to have a drive."
"Life moves only in one direction, and suffering comes from wishing that it didn't."
"Life goes by very fast. Start now. Stop waiting. There's nothing to wait for."
"Life unfolds in chapters like a book, and each chapter presents a purpose that the next chapter leads into."
"There's a chronology to climbing a ladder; there's a chronology to living your life."
"There are only two stages of life: progression and regression. There is no stagnation in the universe."
"They're proud of you but they don't want you to stop your life."
"Contacts...There's a one-to-one relationship between the number of people you know and the number of people who know you in a positive way and how fast you move through the line of life."
"Life will pass you by...the last six years have flown by, and I'm really grateful for the decisions that I did make in my early twenties."
"Life only moves in one direction... you can never go back in time."
"Forgiveness is an energy dynamic... It is making a choice to move forward in your life." - Gary Zukav
"Me progressing in life was like, I thought I was doing the right thing."
"Your planet is turning direct guys, and it means that all the tests almost for the past two, two and a half years, they're starting to ease up."
"You've already passed this test, it's time for you to move on. The Wheel of Fortune, it's about Karma, it's about passing a test."
"This is the time where you're going to be very focused on your future and progressing in your life."
"It's actually very important to set goal posts and then once those goal posts are hit, to move on with your life."
"There were moments; things tend to happen in a gradual way and they build one on top of the other."
"Life continues to move on whether or not you move past your pain or not."
"Watching these characters as their lives progress so quickly in front of us, you know, it's just perfectly captured by the music."
"...time will keep moving forward if I don't get help and then at the end of my life, I'll still be waiting for my life. That's such a haunting but like beautiful way to word that. I'm not a professional. Link's in the description. Live your life."
"My life is piecing together gracefully and abundantly."
"Remember that our Lord Jesus Christ said that you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty."
"Life is gonna move on whether you're ready or not."
"Life moves on whether you get over the heartbreak or not, life will move on and so will you."
"The worst thing in life is to be somewhere, grow and then go backwards."
"Hell yeah we all have changed... People are not going to stay the same."
"I love you, love you too, just want to get all of my life and just keep rolling forward."
"Oh my god, you're gonna go on, you're gonna have lots of babies!"
"Don't ever wait for anybody, Scorpio. Life keeps moving."
"The world is always a world of becoming, and you live it forward into an unknown."
"Once you do that, that's gonna unlock the next chapter of the book that is your life..."
"What happens when you hit this inflection point area at the top now the ball is heavier but eventually the heaviness and the weight of the snowball... It's the simplest thing in the world."
"Comparing myself to my old self... I want to be better than who I used to be. I want to get better with age and I want to get better as I move forward in life."
"Gemini, you're doing what you need to do, moving forward with your life regardless of this person. You're not keeping your life on hold for this person. You only live your life once, right?"
"Power and intention is very important because that is how you move forward in life."
"Religion can be a barrier to someone's progress in life."
"There's always another step, there's always more growth, there's always more things that you need to do."
"It's a form of freedom to say I'm not gonna obsess, I have to keep moving."
"Time speeds up so fast... I see myself healthier, mentally fit, physically fit, spiritually fit."
"Something is a stepping stone to unlocking your happiness."
"Avoiding making a decision can often stall your life more than making the wrong decision."
"I feel like what has been on hold for you is now being lifted."
"Time seems to move much quicker... where did those five years go?"
"Things are starting to move again in your life."
"My first truck is the next house is the next one you get."
"I guarantee you that by the time you're 25 years old you won't be living in a hovel, you're going to be living in a nice apartment in a decent area with the job."
"A person's life runs uphill or downhill depending on whether he fails forward or backward."
"Life moves on. So, what's today's video about do you ask? Yesterday March the 4th, today is March the 5th so yesterday marks the one-year I'm not gonna say anniversary, but one year since I left the UK and came to China."
"Just knowing that I can move forward with my life for the time being gave me the hope I haven't felt in a very long time."
"Keep on living until you get to chapter five until you get to chapter six until you get to chapter seven chapter eight."
"But time moves forward no matter how slowly it seems to be moving, it seems to be moving."
"If you don't make new memories, the old ones will always hold you back."
"Let's keep looking... you guys are just ready to move forward with everything in your life."
"Life moves forward with joy, love, friendship, strength, and peace."
"You're going through a lot of progression in your life and you're really enjoying yourself."
"It takes a little mistakes like that and people giving you a second chance to have your life roll out in front."
"It's a progression of life, y'all, it's like that with everything. We start out keeping things simple, we over complicate it, and then we work our way back to simple."
"Here's the thing, right, natural progression of time, right? You're a kid, little school, big school, uni, marriage, kids, dead, yeah?"
"Relax, you learn, you adjust, and you move forward."
"Seeing everyone who they are at the end and just you know hearing how everyone moved on with their life like that was so well done and absolutely incredible."
"...we want it resolved, we want everything to be better, and we want to move forward in life."
"...eclipses tend to bring in themes that had been in process and tend to bring movement along in certain areas of life."
"Things will progress as they're supposed to and I will be okay."
"We just want to get on with our lives, you know."
"How gorgeous is that generator? I didn't think that as my life progressed, I would think things like 'I love generators'."
"Every year you get older and you get closer to retirement."
"You gotta elevate eventually because we are all getting older."
"I've walked around looking at life this way, I just have become addicted, just totally obsessed with the learning and progression in life."
"Life goes on though. I mean, I've had my dream in the past."
"You do your best and then you redirect in a sane way, try to give back as best you can, and move on with life."
"Write the next chapter of your book."
"I'm happy to do a straight pound note, tell my stories, and go forward in life."
"The years are going to go by regardless, and the best way for me to figure out what I want to do is to start trying stuff."
"We have to move on with our lives."
"I gotta eventually move on in life because life is still going."
"Everything just comes with time, so just don't rush it."
"Every year is more than the past year because our life is supposed to be more this year than last year."
"You're the oldest you've ever been."
"And move forward with our own lives."
"Life has momentum; you cannot stop it. Things, places, people, they change. With any luck, maybe they'll change you too."
"Life goes on, it's kind of like we can't be so attached."
"I think at some point in time, you have to help yourself... get on with your life."
"I move forward, that's what you should do."
"Time is very valuable, so the older I get, the further these things are going."
"Life's moved on for all of us really in a lot of ways."
"It's not only your choices dictating you and your progression but also how your choices can invert, dictate, and affect others."
"You're 27 now, but you're gonna go to sleep and you're gonna wake up and you're 35. No, you're 47. No, you're 54. It's like, hello, what just happened?"
"Life is rolling on, like there's now another generation."
"You just have to accept what you're being shown and move forward based off of how things are panning out in your life."
"Life is going forward always, you know, and this is what I'm attracted to in life, this is what's appealing to me right now, this is what's making me happy."
"Life does go on, and sometimes for the better."
"I graduated law school, I got engaged, I took the bar exam in July, passed the bar exam and got a job."
"You can get what you want only through the operation of that universal law by which all life advances continuously into fuller expression."
"Speaking of moving on, here we are all these years later, I have my own kids, my wife."
"Life was going to happen while you weren't there."
"Life do go on regardless of what we do, life gonna move without us."
"The energy is flowing; the time is going to pass anyway."
"The more willing we are to move forward in life, the more fully we become ourselves."
"Do you remember when you were young and you just thought your life would be a continuously growing line of happiness and success?"
"Things are going to the next level."
"Everyone wants to bounce back and go back to where they are, but that's not life, that's not motherhood, that's not being a woman. You have to kind of progress forward."
"Life proceeds in small, very incremental steps."
"The years just go by so fast, the older you get."
"Allow it to come to completion so that you can move forward and see where life takes you this year."
"You're just ready to kind of take your next steps in life."