
Correlation Quotes

There are 916 quotes

"Gratitude is the human characteristic most associated with overall well-being."
"Metabolic dysfunction and blood sugar dysregulation are astoundingly correlated with many leading forms of cancer."
"Economic freedom positively correlates with things that we all want in society."
"There's a 71% correlation between your subjective well-being and the strength of your relationship with your significant other."
"Very often, the most creative people also have the most pain."
"You can't have agency without responsibility. The two come hand in hand."
"Correlation suggests a relationship, whereas causation suggests a direct cause."
"Suicide is correlated with a sense of purposelessness in life."
"The mere fact that we've had a difficulty in getting healthcare in some parts of the society for a period of time and now we're seeing excess deaths, that's what you'll call a temporal correlation."
"Just because things are correlated does not mean that one causes the other."
"Just because two things are correlated does not mean that one causes the other."
"People do get depressed. They get depressed for a lot of the same reasons. Depression was powerfully correlated with increased inflammation."
"I really do think there's a correlation between your environment and your ability to think."
"The idea that there seems to be a bit of a correlation between every time the sun itself reaches solar maximum... and the occurrence of flu pandemics on the planet."
"The higher the ego, the lower the happiness."
"I'm not saying you're inherently wrong for having positions that line up with the public statements of the Kremlin. I think that those correlations are true because the Kremlin lies constantly, and it's wrong in almost everything that it says."
"Just because something's correlated doesn't mean it's going to happen 100%."
"The most atheistic societies in the world are the best off... societies like Iceland and Sweden and Australia and Denmark and the Netherlands."
"Correlation does not imply causation; just because two things happen together doesn't mean one caused the other."
"The basic story is pretty simple: more school. And more school means smarter."
"You're finally finding that style that's looking really good on you... you're starting to find your personal expression."
"There's a direct correlation of who benefited from who gave the most political money."
"There's a very distinct correlation between me changing my life and my success."
"You cannot infer causation from an observational study; you can just see a correlation."
"Correlation is simply a relationship... Causation is where one thing causes a change in the other."
"Correlations are a great way to get an idea of how different variables relate to each other in a dataset."
"Just because something is correlated with something else does not mean it causes it."
"I think that's a pretty strong correlation between gendered behavior and sex."
"Effectiveness and simplicity are on a linear path together. Meaning for something to be extremely effective, it also must be very simple."
"Every single person who scores highly in one of those two categories has a specific... and there's incredibly high correlation between these two facts."
"There has been a clear correlation between Trump campaign events and incidents of prejudiced violence."
"Crime rates declined quickly, just like lead correlations."
"There's no connection between a level and the degree of impairment."
"Independent journalism and democracy are 100 correlated."
"There's definitely a correlation between adversity and achieving a lot."
"If you're not intelligent, you're more likely to be poor."
"Positive correlation stick in that word correlation there."
"There's a strong correlation with racial animus."
"There's a clear link between the quality of their diet and their risk for these common mental disorders."
"Correlation is consistent with causation, causation is a direct link."
"Humor is actually highly correlated with intelligence...it's a proxy of intelligence."
"Anti-Semitism and authoritarianism are always sistered together, always always always."
"The bond market and the ISM are tied at the hip."
"Dad as intelligence goes up happiness often goes down."
"Art has had the lowest correlation to the stock market of any major asset class according to a 2020 report by Citibank."
"The correlation between religiosity very much goes one-on-one with GDP with money."
"It's just interesting that the correlation between all the events is so strong."
"The success that you have as a football club has to be linked to what you're doing on a football pitch."
"There's no correlation between more video games and more violence, but definitely between more guns and more violence."
"Emphasizing that there is absolutely a link."
"Leglocks and position are just as strongly linked as any other submission hold."
"We need to lean into it. The correlation exists, and we have to face it."
"Your brain is going to work better if your body is in shape."
"Success and tough skin, man. It's hand-in-hand."
"What do people think of the economy? There isn't a direct link between the confidence numbers and spending."
"The amount of confidence you have in something does not necessarily correlate with how correct you are."
"Happiness and success aren't necessarily correlated."
"Fear leads to madness—they often go hand-in-hand."
"There's really no correlation between having stuff and learning things."
"There's a direct correlation between youth employment and violence reduction."
"Bitterness and the belief that one can easily predict the future are highly correlated."
"The less religion there is, the less violence there would be."
"That's just so perfectly correlated with the Taurus eclipse which happened on November 8th."
"They say money doesn't buy happiness but there is a correlation between having a higher income and being happier."
"I find it interesting that two names from the downsizing letter somewhat match together with the patient list."
"I think there's a very strong connection between those two facts."
"Correlate fundamental discovery of new information with volume and price action."
"Your gut health is directly correlated with your mental health, weight, and physical health."
"So if you look at the year on year change in the velocity of money versus the year on year change of CPI, we can see there's a relationship."
"Women joining the workforce correlates with wages going down."
"Social media use is correlated with higher likelihood of depression."
"With the most skilled players having the highest IQ scores."
"Being a male was very negatively correlated with surviving."
"The correlation is a bit unrelated, basically nonsensical. It doesn't quite matter because Bitcoin and crypto is the future."
"Your income is in direct proportion to your level of personal development."
"The correlation coefficient tells us if the data is highly correlated, meaning our regression line should match our data tightly."
"The market pretty much moves together in varying degrees of strength."
"We're seeing a rise in anti-asian hate crimes in the United States I don't think that that is a coincidence."
"The higher that number, it means the higher that the two variables would be correlated."
"I feel like I have better creative days, you know, like it's all kind of tied together."
"During periods of high inflation, stocks and bonds correlate; they both fall together."
"Once about eight out of ten variables line up to soreness and growth point in the same general direction, I got to think there's something to it."
"What we reap in this season is directly correlated to what we sowed."
"I think Bitcoin is one that's going to be on its own, it's not really correlated to any asset at this point."
"When the company did well, we did well; when the company did not do well, we did not do well."
"Association does not prove causation."
"There is a correlation between money and happiness, but it tops out."
"If a mother experiences significant heartburn, then the baby is more likely to have hair."
"The most significant correlate between not being able to swim is not being taught how to swim."
"Success doesn't necessarily equate to happiness."
"Justice is always the precondition of peace."
"When you can correlate the changes you made inside of you with the effect you produced outside of you, you're going to pay attention to what you did and you're going to do it again."
"The 60/40 portfolio was predicated on this idea that stock and bond prices were inversely correlated."
"When you have inflation, they move up and down together."
"I see a kind of inverse relationship between gold and the US dollar. The course of the dollar can often be significantly impacted by changes in interest rates."
"Where there is no Jesus, the crime rate is always high. Every time."
"The study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events."
"Stocks and Bitcoin are likely to continue to track each other."
"Anybody that likes this video could also really enjoy that, I definitely think so."
"Our quality of life is in equal proportion to our ability to trust."
"We are indexed and correlated per my prior remarks. Everything in the public markets is now beta to some extent, served by daily liquid funds."
"Faith really does matter. It so happens that countries that became Protestant became more financially successful than countries that were Catholic."
"There is a strong correlation between pain and depression, especially chronic pain."
"...the more I did stuff like that, the more successful we became, and it wasn't long before that correlation started to be really visible."
"Your mental state can definitely set the tone for how you feel about your physical state."
"The more democracies you have, the more peaceful the world can be."
"Their successes and their influences pretty much go hand in hand."
"There's a correlation between self-discipline and self-love."
"While the correlation is not complete, it is analogous at least."
"So it's quite-- correlation, not causation."
"Your lower back is rarely the cause of that low back pain."
"Metabolic health and mental health go hand in hand."
"Grip strength was directly predictive of brain health."
"Maybe that's why he has been hot as well."
"When you spend more, you get a better performance."
"As the fitness increases, the information increases. It's literally if you would be taking the log of the fitness and superimpose it with the calculated information they're almost on top of each other."
"There is a high correlation between the number of fixtures that you have and the amount of points you get."
"Mental illness is a harbinger of creativity, not intelligence."
"The failure rates are extremely high, but it's not coincidental."
"A rising tide lifts All Ships so there's the direct I think correlated end screen traffic."
"I did a little research and found out that there's a correlation between Bigfoot howls and coyotes answering them."
"Whatever happens in the mind has a biological correlate."
"If two things are always experienced together and can never be shown separately, then you have cause to think that they are in some sense one."
"Height doesn't directly correlate with strength..."
"There is some kind of correlation between high temperatures and decreased economic output."
"There's a lot of correlation between TikTok and SoundCloud."
"The data suggests that hotter temperatures correlate to lower economic output."
"Video games exist everywhere in the world, but there's no correlation between violent people and video games."
"There's an intimate relationship between mental health and sleep health."
"Teeth health is directly correlated to your heart health. That is a thing."
"There is a clear link between these drill videos and very serious violence."
"Your physical health has a big part to play with your mental health."
"News follows the stock price. This was reporting the news that justified this."
"Wherever there's a consequence, there is fear."
"Cities with a higher than average country music radio market share had higher suicide rates."
"The more I relax, the more my body heals."
"Oh, to figure out how much power we actually get from wind over the trip, and then we can correlate that to wind speed. Exactly."
"ED is the first sign of cardiovascular disease, numerous studies have shown."
"Connect the dots with everything."
"Pelvic floor dysfunction can contribute to erectile dysfunction."
"Your happiness increases when you make up to $75k."
"There seems to be mounting evidence, it's not consensus but it's certainly not regarded as Fringe, that the increase in Social Media is being pretty strongly correlated with increase in depression, self-destructive Behavior."
"A study from the University of Texas showed that respondents who claimed to binge-watch shows on Netflix were more likely to suffer from depression."
"The decline in testosterone levels is correlated with depression and suicide."
"What is the connection between suicide and drinking and drugs and stuff like that because it must be [ __ ] huge."
"The financial crisis and the rise of big Tech... it's not a coincidence."
"A correlation is like a relationship. You can find all kinds of correlations in data."
"...if you measure the spin of one and it's up you instantly know the other spin is up also..."
"There's a direct correlation between the percentage of the population involved in the occult and the percentage of the population that's having these UFO encounters."
"This already has to be the most impressive link of two seemingly unrelated objects in mathematics."
"The fascinating thing is that the description of the harbor in The Odyssey matches almost exactly what we see in front of it."
"Archaeologists have proven an important historical link between Homer and the Warriors he describes."
"Better grip strength doesn't necessarily mean you have a higher overall strength."
"There's a big difference between understanding what is correlated with the outcome versus what causes it."
"Airspeed is a direct measure of your angle of attack regardless of your altitude, pitch attitude, or power setting."
"We perceive certain things as directional. We say that the rooster crow does not cause the sunrise but the other way around even though it occurs earlier and is highly highly correlated."
"The obvious question is, did kids who were exposed to higher levels of lead grow up to commit more crimes than they otherwise would have?"
"They have found a connection between leaky gut and symptoms of autism."
"Science fiction influences science quite a lot."
"Look at the lifestyle that you want to live and to see the body that you get."
"Last time I saw that, that happened and yeah, you put bits and pieces together."
"Bounties aren't power levels, but just because it's not an exact one-to-one match doesn't mean there is zero relationship between bounty and strength."
"Sensation does not necessarily correlate to effectiveness."
"Understanding how things developed on Skypiea will help us comprehend how things would develop everywhere else."
"Bitcoin isn't functioning as a digital gold at all. In fact, it's inversely correlated with gold."
"The crime is directly related to the lack of education."
"Good song equals good movie, right? I mean, it makes sense. I think that's the movie logic."
"The good news is it was this time, it was right here in this moment for the Bitcoin price chart that XRP's price chart took off with it."
"The more intelligent you are, the less happy you are."
"We're seeing a reverse correlation here between bitcoin and between commodities and we're seeing a stronger correlation of bitcoin to the equity market."
"All objects which are found to be constantly conjoined are upon that account only to be regarded as causes and effects."
"Anything can cause anything because all you need in order to have a causal relation is a constant conjunction and anything can be constantly conjoined with anything else."
"Red meat consumption is often correlated with unhealthy habits, but it's not necessarily the cause of cancer."
"When the DXY is bullish, it's difficult to see significant bullish price action for Bitcoin."
"In both these cases, there's a common thread."
"You can have correlation without causation."
"There must be some common factor that was irrespective of the content of the test."
"What is good for the heart appears to be what is good for the eyes."
"There is no correlation between happiness and earnings."
"Understanding the nature of inference, trying to discern the role of causation, correlation - these sort of deeper questions that are very, very important to really disentangle."
"Correlation and causation are not the same. They need to be separated through A/B tests."
"...while it's true that at the lower earning levels more money makes people happier as they can afford to eat Medical Care education these things, the correlation between earnings and happiness at higher earning levels becomes less clear."
"There's a very, very clear correlation between how many hours you sleep and your risk of injury."
"... typically anytime you have coal or oil in an area, you will typically have natural gas as well."
"Correlating activities across sources provides a more comprehensive picture of the actor's activities."
"I can't think of a better plan at this point, uh, it all seems to be related."
"The Tate McCrae effect is a story of finding what makes you unique by looking into the things that you might think have no correlation to your pursuit."
"There's no necessary link between something working and it being true."
"Money doesn't help with happiness."
"Correlation is not the same as causation."
"Better life equals better performance."
"You have to see the correlation between what you're feeling what you're thinking what you're dominantly entertaining and then what starts to become your experience."
"Money actually does make you happier."
"Success doesn't guarantee happiness and happiness doesn't require success."
"There is a correlation between intuition and happiness."
"Over 90% of illness is directly linked to stress."
"Having excellent performance doesn't always equate to sales."
"If we then take these results and compare those to what happens in our physiology... it actually corresponds very much to an increase in dopamine."
"Proceeding trends in the stock market predict election results, wars, peace, and the macroeconomy better than election results, wars, peace, and the macroeconomy predict ensuing trends in the stock market."
"Education and economics run hand in hand."