
Negative Thoughts Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"My negative thoughts were huddled in the shadows of my mind and were being kept at bay by this floodlight of grateful thoughts."
"Those negative thoughts in your head, those aren't the truth. We just hold on to them and we identify with them. Let those go."
"Surrender negative thinking. You have control over your thoughts. When negative thoughts surface, say 'Thank you for sharing' and quickly refocus on positive affirmations."
"Even the negative thoughts, and anger is short-term soothing at the expense of long-term change, right?"
"Do not dwell on thoughts which are disturbing. Do not dwell on what you might call bad thoughts."
"Every negative thought feeds it. Thought is energy."
"One must proceed to cast out these negative intruders and replace them with confidence and hope."
"I invited these negative thoughts into my mind... and I sat with them, had a little conversation with them, looked them eye to eye."
"I silence you, spirit of hate; I silence you. I refuse to sit here and entertain you with these depressing thoughts, with these frustrating thoughts, with these overwhelming thoughts. They're not your thoughts."
"Being negative almost never serves any real purpose."
"If it tells you your life is not worth living, do not buy into those voices in your head."
"Ugly thoughts of a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on their face."
"So, it's been a really dismal year, really dismal year, and maybe that's got some dark thoughts percolating in that brain of yours."
"Every unkind, unloving, negative, fearful, judgmental, prejudicial thought contributes to chaos."
"It's very hard to control negative thoughts directly by trying to suppress them generally they tend to just want to continue to geyser up all the time."
"Many negative thoughts are due to a sense of rejection and lack of confidence in the god self within."
"Free yourself and others from outmoded beliefs for yourself first before you try to help others. Releasing negative thought patterns is something spirit is saying is going to work for you at this time."
"Catch your negative automatic thoughts, look for evidence, and replace them with empowering alternatives."
"Negative thinking and self-talk are formidable adversaries on the path to spiritual growth."
"Start becoming aware that you also have a part to play in whether or not you are thinking negative thoughts or thoughts which are serving you."
"There is one battle that some people go through... the battle against bad thoughts."
"You have to find a way to take those negative thoughts and turn them around."
"By assessing your thoughts, writing down what's holding you back, and testing them, you can overcome all sorts of negative ideas."
"It's frustrating that the enemy has gotten this sneaky foothold in your thoughts and in your mind that just isn't true."
"Identify yourself with your aim in life and cease mental marriages with criticism, self-condemnation, anger, fear, and worry."
"It's more unhealthy to look into snoop because you're going looking and it's just planting those negative things in your head."
"You have the power to change this. You don't have to be stuck in your mind thinking these terrible thoughts all the time."
"If you put negative thoughts into the world, I think it comes to fruition pretty often."
"Made the world inside your head a bad place."
"It is far easier to cremate, burn up, and destroy negative thoughts at the moment they enter the mind rather than try and dislodge them when they have taken possession of your mind."
"We start to get fearful or doubt, we start to get anxious and we start to really get our head going with a lot of negative thinking."
"So what is it that you need to conquer and defeat? It can be negative self-talk, always getting down on yourself, comparing yourself to others."
"Letting go of those negative thought patterns and recognizing that you don't have to fix everything on your own."
"97% of any of the negative thought that happens in my mind is a lie, a cruel lousy lie."
"When Satan comes against our mind, we don't fight back with a physical weapon, we fight back with a spiritual one. The most powerful weapon we have against negative thought patterns is the word of God."
"Recognize the negative limiting or self-deprecating thoughts. Those are the ones that lead to most often these bad habits that we have."
"Positive thoughts are the source of, not the antidote to, negative thoughts. Positive thoughts and negative thoughts are water from the same well."
"Negative thoughts can distort your perception of the world and of yourself, keeping you stuck in a life filled with fear and distress."
"The more you step into the power of the soul, the more that you see things from a soul perspective, negative thoughts are just, they won't have any more power over you."
"If you could see what the negative thoughts did to your body, you would stop very quickly doing that."
"And you've scored a victory today that disempowers them, right? That when those thoughts come like, 'Oh, you're worth nothing and that was your fault and if you'd been better that wouldn't have happened to you,' like you said, 'Wait a second, I don't actually believe that.'"
"When disappointment gets to your head, you're gonna have some bad thoughts."
"The recognition that when you're assimilating a negative thought or a negative judgment, that's actually lowering your energy."
"Negative thoughts may pile up and become a seemingly insurmountable mountain to climb."
"Negative thoughts just don't mysteriously show up in the mind. It happens gradually when we're forgetting to pray, when we're forgetting to stay in the word, when we're forgetting to call other Christian people and have Fellowship."
"The enemy's primary mechanism of trying to steal, kill, and destroy is really through the arena of thoughts."
"Every time there is a negative thought comes to your mind, your brain releases a neurotransmitter as a reward, and this itself becomes an addiction."
"I don't need to pay attention to these negative thoughts. I can just acknowledge them and then let them go."
"You have a lot of negative thoughts, surprisingly I guess."
"Fighting negative thoughts can make them stronger."
"Dig underneath recurring negative thoughts to find the beliefs driving them. Create positive affirmations to overwrite those pathways. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones."
"I feel like we're our own worst bullies, and when we see someone vocalize what we've already said to ourselves before, I feel like it confirms that thought."
"Most of your problems disappear if you don't give power to those negative thoughts."
"Anytime these intrusive, negative thoughts...anytime you hear those, you want a strategy for saying, 'Not helpful now, Not true, I got this far because I put together a good package.'"
"There's a voice on their shoulder telling them it's no good and you've got to get rid of that."
"You can't battle against your negative thoughts...you can only start to...lose interest in the content of your mind."
"You need to break through those thoughts because it's the devil's trying to stop you from doing something great."
"Control your negative thoughts, especially when you're getting to the tests."
"The more depressed we are, the more negative our thoughts, and the more negative our thoughts, the more depressed we feel."
"Using what he calls the Devilmite Beam, he can exploit his opponent's negative thoughts, no matter how faint, and convert them into an energy beam of immense power."
"Negative thoughts about ourselves, the future, and the wider world around us all combined together to lead to clinical depression."
"The first step involves breaking with destructive thoughts and attitudes towards ourselves that we internalized based on painful early life experiences."
"If you walk around all day with hateful and fearful voices in your mind, this destroys your peace of mind long before it harms anybody else."
"Curtailing negative thought as a lifestyle is the ultimate goal because negative thought limits our abilities and our power over our lives."
"The more that we try to run from negative thoughts and feelings and ignore them and push them away, the longer it's going to take for us to grow."
"I have my daily struggles still, and also a lot of negative thoughts, but at least there are also some positive thoughts right now."
"We start to address what are called your negative sleep thoughts or NSTs."