
Root Cause Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"We need to address the root cause; that's what my patients deserve."
"Sugar is driving atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, dementia, and likely cancer as well. One root cause of a multitude of problems."
"All relationships' problems stem from poor communication skills."
"Pornography is always rooted in some unhealed pain."
"If you can think of what it is that might be the root cause of your anxiety or your depression and you can remove the root cause, then I think you'll be in a good place."
"It's not about treating symptoms, it's about the cause of the symptoms."
"You will never be able to deal with the fruit until you have clearly identified the root."
"Functional medicine is about the cause, not just the symptoms."
"It's more treating the root causes than it is just the symptoms."
"You improve and then you stay improved because you're actually addressing the root cause."
"The remedy work on the primary problem not the symptom."
"It's attempting to affect the symptom and not the root cause."
"If you're trying to get to the root cause of why you keep repeating a pattern in your life, that's the deck you want to use."
"If you want to fix autoimmune disease, you gotta get to the cause."
"If you treat the symptoms but not the cause, it won't ever get better."
"You have to fix a problem at its source, understand the upstream causes rather than worrying about the downstream results."
"It's about dealing with the root cause rather than putting a Band-Aid on the problem."
"The cure to depression is to figuring out the root of it, my root was being broke, yeah I figured out the root of it and then that's it."
"I think a lot of people's root is of depression is being broke."
"That the medical mainstream, the medical establishment is incentivized to keep giving people more treatments, more drugs, more surgeries, rather than heal the root cause. Because if you heal the root cause, you've lost a customer, right?"
"And sometimes going out for days on end when you've got a lot of issues going on um and just ignoring them and distracting yourself from them isn't actually going to get to the root of them."
"We have to deeply analyze in where all these things are stemming from."
"Addiction is actually rooted not in the brain but in life experiences."
"Authority goes at the root cause of the cycle of loss and death and the things that are so unjust."
"The way to address these things is to get at the root causes."
"Unless you get to the cause or the underlying issue, you're not going to have complete remediation."
"The root cause of a negative behavioral pattern."
"True healing addresses the root cause, not just the symptoms."
"The fundamental cause of all addictions, and I don't care what they are, is always trauma. That results in us having emotional pain, distress, lack of peace."
"One limitation of modern medicine is its tendency to focus on alleviating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of an ailment."
"Jesus said use your binding and loosing powers because whatever you bind, Kevin, is bound. He said go to the root of the evil in this country and in this world. He said cut it off at the root."
"When you work at the root, the problems disappear."
"...the Christian church needs to stop dealing with the symptoms and start dealing with the cause."
"The root cause of addiction is some type of pain."
"We are changing the root cause of these symptoms as opposed to just treating the symptoms."
"Functional medicine is looking for the root cause of disease and that's what we want to spread throughout the world yes the entire world yes thank you."
"The subject we're gonna cover today is truly the root of your anxiety, your frustration, potentially your depression, and for some of you, your excitement, your peace, and your joy."
"It's difficult for people to understand the root of the problem."
"The most exciting part about it is when you are addressing the root causes unlike with a drug where you may get a little bump and then you go right back to declining."
"I only work with people that are very sick and these people they have tremendous healing when they find root cause."
"Until we deal with the root of it, it's kind of impossible to get better."
"He wants to deal with the root issue."
"Let's stop treating symptoms... let's start treating the underlying cause."
"The mistake must be at the root, at the very basis of human thinking."
"no doctor in the world you know I mean that cares about you and loves you that's holistic will ever recommend coping mechanisms versus actually dealing with the problem and the root of it"
"The problem is not always the problem. Chest pain is just a symptom of other potentially bigger problems."
"The deeper issue is still there. We need to solve that."
"Meditation is wonderful, but it's still in the root cause business. It's like the band-aid guys are getting good at."
"We need data to analyze the root cause of the problem."
"If you really are to deal with a serious, you got to find out what is it that's poisoning the bloodline that's causing the symptoms in the first place."
"Pride is the problem under all the other problems."
"If you don't fix the why, it's not going to work."
"If we do not address the cause of the problem, we will never solve it."
"When you get ready to start healing is you have to identify the root."
"If you deal with the root, you've dealt with the fruit."
"You have to cut all the way down to the root and tear it out to get rid of it."
"I'm just a person who's really passionate about help getting to the root cause of health problems and things like that."
"One of the limitations of modern medicine is that it often focuses on treating symptoms rather than the root cause of an issue."
"In any business, it's always about problem-solving. You must tackle the root of the problem, not just the surface."
"Identifying the root cause, I love that as well."
"Whatever you think your problem is, it's usually just a symptom of the cause."
"Gender inequalities lay at the root of many of the processes that create and sustain gender inequality in the adult world."
"We have abandoned this and we have become content with helping someone manage their symptoms instead of getting to the bottom of it so they could be free of it."
"Address the root cause and if that means you you've got to directly confront it and it's going to kind of suck and you know you've got to go through that in order to really see what you're working with."
"We talk about all this stuff but we never talk about what the root is. Like, why are so many people having to go to these centers and be put on dialysis every day? What is going on?"
"We must take care of the root issue, not just the symptoms."
"It's hard to fix something if it's not the root cause."
"I always ask what's the problem underneath the symptom because you know that you have the leave and then you have the root."
"Find out the root cause, put more efforts and time to cover up the timeline, follow the original goal and vision."
"I see a definite shift in people understanding why insects are there and addressing it, addressing the root cause rather than just the symptom by spraying copper on it."
"The demon is not the problem; the demon is the consequence of something else that happened. Deal with the root issue."
"And if we hear the cry of that root, we can get to that root and uproot it. And the root is rejection."
"You have to look beyond the symptoms to see the source."
"I think at the heart of most issues, you can always find money."
"Most people are working on symptoms, not the problems."
"It's not just treating the symptoms it's treating the root of the problem."
"I would argue the root cause of the problem is the cost of healthcare. Why is it so grossly expensive and out of whack with other nations?"
"Make sure you're getting past the symptoms to truly understand the root cause."
"Understanding the root cause of the problem is crucial."
"It’s just this endless do loop of not approaching the solution from the base layer, but just kind of building these layers and layers of insanity on top of each other that don’t actually address the root problem."
"If we always go back to the root it's inflammation."
"Stop the cause, not suppress the symptoms."
"If you just go attacking bad fruit, but you don't deal with the roots, bad fruit continues to grow back."
"All you're going to be doing is fixing the symptom of the problem."
"The root of the problem must be torn out of the ground to prevent future disasters."
"...when they first start they don't even know what the problem is, they know the symptoms, they know they feel uncomfortable, they know they want to make changes but really get to the heart of the issue."
"The root of every problem in the world is self-pride."
"The root is lust, so until you remove that root spirit, which is lust, then the symptom or the tentacle of pornography will always be present."
"I think if you're needing supplements long term then you need to look for root cause like what's going on with you and and fix whatever's the root problem is."
"The root cause is the quality you got to start at the head and cut."
"How can we get to the root cause of this? Slavery happens because there's a demand for it."
"The problem was not with behavior, the problem was with the root, with the heart."
"What's the root of all evil in the world? Convictions."
"If you are struggling with an unwanted behavior, it is going to be helpful to get to the root of said behavior."
"On the surface, most of the things we worry about have nothing to do with the actual root cause."
"I don't do shots, I get to the root cause of the problem. A shot does not fix the root cause of the problem, it tricks your body into believing the pain is not there."
"To have a effective treatment for tinnitus, we have to identify the true root cause and have a specific protocol, specific solution that is really based in what is the true cause of tinnitus."
"The ax is laid to the root of the trees. All sin has got a root cause to it."
"You know, understanding what the root cause of these things is, and it's so important."
"That's why you don't fix the effects, you find the cause."
"The five wise method is remarkably simple: you drill down to its root cause by asking why five times when a problem occurs."
"What was the root cause of this incident, the lessons that we learned?"
"If you're not getting to the root cause of the issue you're going to be spinning your wheels so this is where you start active self myofascial release."
"The real root cause of all sin, crime, evil in the world, is heedlessness."
"Assess the root cause of insurgency."
"You don't fix something by treating the symptoms. You fix it by going to the root of the problem."
"Understand the root cause of any mistake that you make."
"We've now begun to understand the deeper root cause, the Global intimacy disorder."
"If you fix the root cause, which is diet lifestyle, you could roll back these progressive diseases."
"I'm board certified in holistic nutrition and we focus on root cause healing."
"None of the treatments work on it because people never get to the root cause."
"You cannot fix the leaves to manage the roots; you gotta treat the roots, and all the other things start to get better."
"We just get to the root problem of it with focus."
"Solve the root problem which is usually environmental, knowledge, or skill-based, and that will usually solve the motivation problem you're seeing."
"Let's fix this and let's fix it at the root cause."
"'That's why it's important to address the root cause of the problem.'"
"Once you figure out the root cause of why you perceive things the way that you do, why your internal matrix is constructed the way that it is, you can then deconstruct that matrix."
"Finding root cause is a critical concept in IT support because it means that you're able to prevent an issue from happening again and again to multiple users."
"If you don't solve the root cause that's going on, it doesn't matter what program we send you, you're going to keep running into the same issue."
"You always gotta go to the root of the issue."
"We've got to do the harder work of actually addressing the root cause."
"It's important to identify the roots of the problem... so you can fix them."
"More and more people know where the real root cause is."
"At the root of anger is pain, at the root of frustration and acting out is pain."
"If you're constantly playing whack-a-mole with your health or with your symptoms, it's because you haven't gotten down to the root cause yet."
"You should be able to actually finally arrive at the place where you are taking care of things at the root cause."
"It's not about the features... it's about understanding the stories and the root reasons why people are not using it."
"Root cause analysis is about really getting into the bottom of the issue."
"Selfishness and self-centeredness that we think is the root of our troubles."
"We always have to look for the root cause."
"Great decisions address the disease, not just the symptoms."
"When multiple elements are affected by a single root cause, those are called common cause failures."
"I understand how that might address the symptom, but I'd really like to discuss how we can identify and address the root cause of the issue."
"We shouldn't really treat the symptom; we should treat the true root of the cause."
"Are you kind of tired of dealing with the symptoms of the problem? Why don't we deal with the real problem? Why don't we fix the soil?"
"That means we are the overall root. So that's the end."
"The cause of diabetes is lipotoxicity or insulin resistance... instead of giving medications and trying to manage numbers, we want to go to the root cause."
"I can help you accomplish that health goal, right, but through this experience of finding the root of it."
"Once we start looking at the root cause, which is uncertainty intolerance and the alarm, we can really start chipping away at the structure of the anxiety."
"If you want to actually address the root cause, you have to take a step back and realize what changed in our environment."
"Insecurity is the root cause of so many sins."
"Treat the cause, people, not the symptom."
"We look at the underlying root causes of why people have the disease in the first place."
"You could whack at the branches for years and decades of attitudes and behaviors, but you won't get anywhere unless you focus on the root."
"This is the equivalent of covering a problem with a sticking plaster and hoping that the problem will go away, rather than examining and addressing the root cause of the problem."
"We have to get back to the beginning of the root cause, identify what the actual issue is, and avoid hitting that island altogether."
"Root-cause analysis is a method to find the root cause."
"Deal with it not from the fruit but from the root."
"Stress is the root of all diseases."
"We don't make excuses; we don't treat the symptom; we get to the root of the problem."
"What if we just go to the root of the problem, as opposed to try to put a Band-Aid on it?"
"The root cause of unsafe behavior is often management failure."
"We need to find and close the root cause of how they've breached the org in the first place."
"You can't cut off on the branch, you need to find out what the root is."
"You always got to get at the root cause, and that's what I do as a naturopathic doctor, getting at the root cause as to why people don't feel well."
"Let's deal with the root of the problem."
"You're finally going to get to the root of the problem and fix it."