
Psychological Quotes

There are 286 quotes

"People's internal experience and external presentation don't always match up."
"The brain's neural activity resonates most coherently when there is no dissonance between the advanced new cerebral regions and the older, more primitive ones."
"Well, Clarice, have the lambs stopped screaming?"
"This is not drama anymore; this has become psychological and financial abuse."
"Session 9 isn't just a cheap hack-and-slash, instantly forgettable type horror film, but a psychologically probing, deeply unsettling journey off the edge and into the abyss of the human mind."
"There is a war going on and it's for your minds."
"It's like somebody's inside you, and they're controlling you, something like that."
"Sometimes hell isn't big tortures but lots of little tortures continuously gnawing at you."
"For a lot of people it is an emotional experience."
"It gets at the heart of what makes Death Note so great, the scheming, the philosophizing, the ruthlessness."
"An assumption builds a bridge of incidents that leads you inevitably to the fulfillment of itself."
"A subtle mental energy and focus began to creep in."
"She's got the secret that nobody else knows that she was able to essentially kill her husband in secret in her mind."
"When you're born in this world, you're looking to connect."
"Your shadow self is supposed to be selfish, supposed to be stubborn, supposed to do whatever the heck they want because it takes a lot for you to get to that point."
"Your shadow self has a very soft side to them."
"Your body is a temple and your shadow self is trying to remind you that your internal can be a part of your external as well."
"The man didn't shoot at his real self; he shot his reflection in the mirror."
"They’re being hunted by a distorted echo of themselves."
"She had a real underlying psychotic edge to her."
"His shadow self, his character, is bringing him to a place far worse than where he originally started."
"To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself, it represents psychological completion."
"Blitz's entire sequence involves his subconscious putting him on blast, just being thrashed and pelted and flung around mercilessly by tortured visions of his past."
"Mars in the eighth house in its own sign: sudden healings, psychological breakthroughs, realizations."
"Resident Evil 7 brought the scares both psychological and visceral." - Foreign Mojo
"Its physical appearance and violent actions are permanently burned into the memories of all Inside players." - Foreign Mojo
"The atmosphere that Soma creates is second to none." - Foreign Mojo
"We're stuck having to second guess ourselves."
"There's nothing more frightening than feeling trapped."
"The heroes entered the mindscape of criminals and instead of trying to handle justice in a world where all the scales seemed to be tipped out of their favor, they force a change of heart onto evildoers and have them confess their crimes themselves."
"Event Horizon... it's a very crazy movie, it's a mentally [ __ ] up movie."
"I simply am not there, Howard. It's Bateman, Patrick Bateman."
"Love, happiness, rage, jealousy, and fear—all roiling cacophonies that make us who we are."
"Can you connect what he was like before it's what he is like now that's the biggest question."
"Inner work has not been done yet, the inner work has not been done."
"I guarantee you that a piece of you is stuck in the worst moment you've ever had. That's what human nature is."
"I've heard good things about this series. Drama, psychological, Shonen. It's psychological tag on that, so that sounds really, really good."
"After my mother's murder, all I wanted to read were crime novels, novels of detection, true crime books, and anything pertaining to violent crime and psychosexual abhorrence."
"You don't own or feel you own any of the things that he did."
"Run is among the most heart-gripping psychological dramas in recent years, and this might be Sarah Paulson's best work to date."
"The overlook cannot act of its own accord to strengthen its power it needs a vessel for this and in order to inhabit a vessel the overlooked preys on three things within a person desire insecurity and attachment."
"Being infected with something, loss of control, having a hive mind take over, that's scarier than the zombie apocalypse."
"Our reaction to the end credits is actually a trauma response."
"Their self-worth comes from external validation."
"Fear of the unknown keeps many in a painful state."
"Weston is on a subconscious mission; His subconscious mission is to be loved and approved of and liked and validated exactly as he is without changing anything."
"Terror is a highway because whether you go near or far you're going to find something either you can't explain or that absolutely horrifies you."
"Night Film is just a special book to me. It twisted my mind in a way that I did not know it could be manipulated."
"The energy of not caring is internal. Our answers are always within."
"True love—everyone wants to find it and some think they have, but imagine a relationship that starts out like a fairy tale but slowly turns into a nightmare."
"I'm drawn to psychological thrillers. I love watching people outsmart one another."
"Sure Bateman's a serial killer, but wouldn't you go a little crazy if you were trapped in a world of pointless materialism with no hope of ever facing consequences for your actions?"
"It feels almost like a psychotic type of love."
"The Last of Us Part II: An exploration of grief, anger, and trauma."
"Every single person on this planet no matter who you are if someone has some Professor X Jean Grey like telepathy reading has one thing they're insecure about."
"It's like a psychological horror and I felt chills a couple of times while reading. It is an incredible book."
"Do we project our own emotions onto our perception of time?"
"When I win the battle for the mind, I win the whole battle."
"What we're actually trying to do is to make the negative thing unreal."
"This is just a signaling device to help spread the idea that everything's okay."
"They wanted to go deeper and darker. They wanted something psychological."
"Chris is a mastermind and he's creating games psychological like jigsaw."
"The attachment systems in our again we hold them physiologically, the idea of breaking attachment fills us with panic because as human beings we need attachment."
"90% of it is just like a mind game. It really happens in your head."
"The destruction of the maternal relationship is the end goal of the maternal relationship."
"Every single addiction... will eventually replace their actual life."
"I really feel is very underrated and that most people don't talk about much even though she's pretty much one of the biggest elements that elevated the psychological horror side of the experience."
"By failing to respond, you wound the narcissist."
"Gaslighting is perhaps one of the most insidious manipulative tactics out there because it works to distort and erode your sense of reality."
"Acting like an animal is part of being demonized."
"Understanding stress is about how you react to threats, real or imagined."
"Every human is capable of murder if you push them enough."
"Healing often is a process of you removing the codes that don't belong."
"The final twist reveals that Norman is the killer and he killed Mrs. Bates but manifests her as an alternate personality."
"The survivor truly had to overcome the abductor, not in a physical manner, in a psychological manner."
"As the film becomes crazier in its blurring of reality, every character psychologically unravels for a strange and dark climax."
"It's the kind of prison whose bars are created in one's own mind."
"It's a psychological suspense thriller, that's what it is."
"The movie plays with your head and creates a spooky atmosphere"
"I loved how it was like psychological. It kind of, like, you put yourself in the shoes of everyone there. You're like, 'Oh my god, you can't trust anyone. Who is it? Who's the thing? How do we know they got the thing?'"
"Psychological horror movies are trying to toy with your head, and I just love that experience."
"You are on your own worst nightmare."
"Symbolic damage meant to affect psychology and morale."
"Everything in this run has been psycho."
"The most terrifying crimes can happen within the theater of the mind."
"Imagine it was more humans. The scariest thing we could discover now would be humans on another planet. We are psychologically prepared for aliens, but what if we found humans instead?"
"Psychologically, as far as a survivor attitude, that's a huge step that was just taken to get out of the darkness and into the light."
"It's called survivor's guilt. It's a sign you're a good person, not a bad one."
"That ending was so messed up psychologically and it gets more disturbing as things happen."
"'Taxi Driver,' way ahead of its time."
"Cujo. Steven King. About the dog. Oh yeah, the dog one. Crazy [expletive]. You know, crazy how he [expletive] with your mind, that dude."
"If you can brainwash your daughter into thinking that her inching out of the driveway was your mother trying to run you over then, well, she tried to kill you, so it's okay for you to help try to kill her."
"The biggest takeaway for me is someone could hurt you really really really bad and that is the Boogeyman in your head."
"It's a real disability. It's like a emotional, psychological dyslexia, complete... It should have that... One of those initial things in America, like obsessive-compulsive disorder. No humor disorder."
"... it's like something out of a genuine horror movie especially with the music and the Dutch angles creating that sense of psychological horror and tension."
"Re-experiencing happens as a result of what I call unfiled data in their brain that needs to be added to the master plan to stay safe so the inner person is continually going what do I do with this."
"Most of the dangers are psychological. The dangers primarily are not chemical."
"The chains of bondage are more mental than physical."
"The emotional damage he's creating is called post-traumatic stress disorder of abandonment. I know because it happened to me and I've been dealing with several issues my whole life because of it. It's horrible."
"She gaslighted him and she drove him over the edge."
"I mean, when you look up and you're just experiencing perfect weather, it really just truly changes your brain psychologically."
"The message of this movie is Stockholm Syndrome."
"If you push somebody spiritually and psychologically, you're either going to achieve a breakthrough or breakdown."
"My relationship with women, when I was having problems with women, that would build up the pressure, so to speak. And then when I saw a woman in a vulnerable situation, that would trigger, and that's when I killed."
"As soon as LSD becomes a psychological crutch to you, take LSD - boom, the crutch will be gone."
"You may remind this person of something from their daddy. They may have had an absent father in their life, but you being this way brings them back to that psychological saying that everybody will be attracted to someone who reminds them of one of their parents."
"Disco elium is a ro Shack test, depending on how you interpret elements of the game and how you view the story, it can reveal a lot about the individual playing it."
"Trauma is after all a disorder of time. You're here now but your psyche is somewhere else, trapped in a memory of the past."
"But what would you do if you woke up in a room full of strangers and were told by an off-screen presence that you guys had to kill each other off one by one?"
"It's your head, you can go anywhere. No, no, no, it wasn't a real doctor offering, it's in your head, you can go anywhere, you're not trapped."
"Nolan would aim to tell the story through Hughes's eyes, one man alone, his greatest opponent being himself, his deteriorating perception of reality, and claustrophobic unhappiness, isolation, fear, insomnia, neurosis, and altered states."
"The days turned into weeks, and I slowly recovered physically, at least, the psychological scars ran deeper."
"an amalgamation of philosophical themes in an iceberg style series that quickly turns from psychological horror to existential thinking"
"It's not only the idea of Merida being in danger here but the psychological horror of knowing her mother would kill her."
"...the film, oh my god, where do you start with spoilers? It is the most intense ride and it's all about this psychological meanings behind the comprehension of how the world around us works manifesting our thoughts into existence."
"A haunting is nothing more than psychological priming."
"Psycho is still one of the greatest films of all time."
"The body horror in 'American Mary' is twofold. On one hand, there's the graphic portrayal of surgeries, alterations, and modifications, and then on the other is about the psychological impact and obsession with changing someone's body like body dysmorphia, you know?"
"Harry is a psychologically troubled man living in a world he perceives to be decaying morally and ruled by hypocrisies."
"Pursuing goals that ignite psychological firepower."
"It's important that psychologically you share your own your own skin there must be something that you leave behind last year that you don't take with you into this year."
"That's where the trauma is, is how much it gets into your head."
"When you find yourself in love with someone who doesn't love you or who can't love you properly, it can be a psychological trap."
"It's just like this, I can't imagine a relationship where somebody's hitting you or someone's telling you it's your fault you made me do this to me, and then having a psychological state where you think it's true."
"Not every curse has to result in bloodshed, but there are curses that could exist in psychological harm."
"It's something that can get under your skin and into your head."
"I really felt like this was picking up on so many nightmares that I've had. It really is just kind of a Litany of nightmares."
"In our safe and sanitized contemporary culture, what we perceive to be threats are much less physical than they are psychological."
"...extremely violent outbursts and radical changes in personality."
"Donnie Darko: A mind-bending cult classic about a troubled teenager who receives cryptic visions of a mysterious figure named Frank."
"What did kill Dr. Gilbert? His shadow, his subconscious."
"Of course, the only reason Art would prop her up like this is to slow Victoria down by inflicting as much psychological damage as possible, and it definitely gets the job done."
"You're playing mind games. You go into a place in your mind that I never thought I could go, but somehow you just do it."
"This is a story of family abuse disguised as a ghost story with the ghosts being psychological archetypes."
"...they went full Lifetime movie on me moving stuff around leaving letters from like myself to myself like the full nine yards of doing things to make me think that I was losing my mind..."
"Poking a bear... like Guts is dealing with the heaviest psychological moment of his entire life."
"... fundamentally changes in thoughts, perceptions, and emotions."
"It doesn't rely on traditional horror tropes; it's very psychological and very haunting."
"That'd be such a crazy ending so like a show what if there's like like these characters are like image to your friends right but they used to be into the outside world but now she's awake and now they're just stuck in her head."
"This movie was messing with my mind."
"...a twisted trippy psychological Supernatural Thriller that is visually stunning to say the least."
"From what I can tell, there's only one person who's ever managed to hurt them, to really hurt them, and that's Gertrude Robinson."
"Mine goblins, you know what I mean?"
"This movie is amazing, dude, what the heck, this is peak slow burn horror or just psychological horror, whatever you want to call it."
"Listen, he was terrified of being left alone again. He's a clever man, he knew exactly how to drive Vincent right to the edge."
"This is a psychological mess, right here."
"Survivor's guilt [ __ ] feel guilty for surviving uh I ain't [ __ ] feel guilty for being one of the last [ __ ] standing."
"There is psychological value to touch and eye to eye contact. You really do lose something when you're only digital and not physically."
"Cal, also known as The Ordeal, is a Belgian horror film that blends elements of psychological horror and unsettling drama"
"Be and Sound Studio is a psychological horror film set in the 1970s centered around a British sound engineer named Gilderoy"
"Stockholm syndrome is kind of god tier."
"You didn't really lose your powers, you just have a mental block."
"The whispers and drums in his head caused quite a claustrophobic feeling and I think it successfully communicates the idea that there's something within him trying to force its way out."
"It was like getting in a roller coaster, strapping in, and getting emotional and psychological whiplash back and forth, but still wanting to see what happens next."
"It's been a condition that has been very much understudied, under research area, and unfortunately also by many being seen as a psychological issue, which it is not."
"We really tried to put that into our work. It's not always horror, sometimes it's more psychological and thriller, but it's just the love of the drama and the proper acting of it."
"Retirement is massively psychological. Taking your OAS at 65, getting that government paycheck, but delaying that CPP, you're hitting the psychological checkbox and the financial one as well."
"Misery is the epitome of psychological horror that still holds up."
"I thought it was a fantastic flick definitely psychological"
"But the most terrifying thing that I could ever endure is my own mind."
"...when a part of that psychological merge suddenly gets torn away, it's going to be very, very painful."
"I suffered from a thing they refer to as survivor's guilt."
"It is truly a descent into madness. It is a super wild reading experience."
"It's like the silent hill games, it would play with your head."
"There's an element of the human psyche that can die and come back and die and come back and that's what happens to you when you encounter a catastrophe and you make order of it and you climb back out of the underworld."
"In an emergency situation just being able to hear somebody else's voice or hear some music on the radio or weather updates psychologically it's a very comforting thought."
"Trauma can completely erase your memory."
"The horror lies not just in the physical invasion but in the psychological one."
"The most disturbing analog Horror Story, the Mandela Catalog, is great psychological horror, no eerie jump scares or typical horror stuff, but lots of cryptic eerie slow subtle horrors."
"What's worse? The monsters outside or the monsters inside?"
"They need that narcissistic supply. That's their food, that's their lifeblood, that's their oxygen."
"Religious trauma is a real thing."
"Trauma can be physical or it can be psychological."
"Envy stems from feeling threatened."
"She proceeds to psychologically play with my mind like a cat. It's passive-aggressive."
"...this is ultimately another climb back into the womb type of story, it is a Freudian tale where it's all about shame and guilt and masculinity, sex, that's all kind of twisting into this terrible, terrible nightmare about um mommy being overbearing..."
"...but towards the end, it feels like we're ringing the dish rag dry a little bit, yes, we have mommy issues, but at what cost and to what end?"
"Living with both isn't fascinating, it's more like having two different sets of forces in one psyche that recurrently create turmoil and emotional pain."
"It's an interesting progression since it correlates with Mima's acting career and her insanity."
"Nightmare makes you see your worst nightmares."
"I think half of what I do is psychology... helping students overcome fear and nervousness."
"The film cleverly questions how much scarring can be left on a person without touching them."
"This film is psychological, it's the breakdown of how they think and react under stress."
"I prefer psychological fear, true fear."
"The psychological impact that this job has on guys... those things stick with you."
"Each of us has the innate psychological ability to achieve dramatic changes in our lives."
"Fear of abandonment and abandonment issues... affects so many of our therapy clients."
"The cost of being successful comes with a lot of things, it's not just money in the bank, it's more mental and psychological than anything."
"It's a really great psychological thriller with some really great horrific panels."
"Psychological loneliness makes you feel like no one understands you, that you're by yourself in your own struggle."
"Attraction goes way beyond physical; it's emotional and it's psychological."
"As he gained skill and experience in integrating the personalities of his characters with his narratives, Tolkien grew more and more interested in these psychological crisis points."
"Psychological operations can increase the combat power of friendly forces and adversely affect the combat power of the enemy."
"The psychological and emotional weight of the throne destroying him symbolically if not literally."
"Your body remembers, your emotions remember."
"The shocking ending will definitely stick with you as the concept isn't just a gross depiction of the plastic surgeon's damaged psyche but also a complete invasion of your comfort zone."
"Serial experiments Lane is unpredictable, unusual, but also strangely relatable, which makes the whole experience all that more unnerving."
"The Babadook is both an allegorical trip through grief as well as a genuinely terrifying journey from start to finish."
"I swear I can feel eyes on me, as if all these years later, it's watching me still."
"It's like a game of Jenga, a really cruel game of Jenga, you're just taken away these little pieces of a man's foundation bit by bit, just breaking him."