
Environmental Factors Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Before diagnosing someone with depression, make sure they aren't just surrounded by assholes."
"Time is now playing against the Armed Forces of Ukraine as the rains will begin in the fall."
"You can literally do whatever you want; you're just not in the right environment."
"There is an increased likelihood of pandemics in the future due to increased exposure to non-human pathogens, urbanization, globalization, and climate change."
"We have to look at the forces outside of ourselves, these huge societal, environmental forces that are shaping obesity."
"Mental illness has a genetic and environmental component and it's exceedingly complex. It's nobody's fault."
"Climate and behavioral factors could influence the evolution of the current pandemic."
"There's no possible way to take into account everything that's under that water, churning around. I mean, there's sea life, all different currents, there was a storm just a couple of days before they were found."
"Could their illness be caused by something genetic or environmental?"
"The climb can be very challenging due to altitude and unpredictable weather."
"There's two congruences that we see: an interest in our nuclear capabilities and a connection with water."
"Different realm traits can fundamentally change how the game plays based on the map that gets generated for a playthrough."
"It's not just a genetic disease because the rates of cancer depend on your environment more than it does on your genes."
"If we can agree on one thing, I think it's that we're living in really uncertain times, and this is the breeding ground for a lot of the changes in the environment."
"We are the ones that are the greatest allies of Asian people."
"Experts believe the children are either suffering the affects of some sort of drug or even a type of mold known to cause hallucination and severe sickness."
"There are many more factors in play than simply the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere."
"The planet's superheating for many causes, but high pressure heat domes are a significant factor."
"But the mystery remains and the investigators are still looking for clues answers that like the disease lie dormant in the soil just waiting to emerge."
"Water visibility is factored into the depth of the water in the Ultimate version."
"That was a bad idea making my house on sand like that."
"The short answer is probably. Mental health challenges are a combination of a genetic predisposition and an environmental set of pressures or circumstances."
"On top of all of the financial hardship, we're going to have to contend with nature now."
"The main limitations for growing food are not soil-based; they're water, topography, and temperature."
"California gets a really bad rap and a lot of the realities about California like why are there a lot of homeless people in California? The weather is really good."
"Weather is always kind of the one thing within mountain goat hunting that throws the curveball and it's the one kind of big setback you have a lot of the time."
"Heat and humidity actually slow the coronavirus."
"We want to fight this on very open ground where the lizards can't get any protection from the hail of arrows."
"The environment and lifestyle matter more than what I say."
"The plague faded as fast as it had begun; winter was approaching, the cold was killing the plague basilisks."
"Hungry bears driven into urban areas due to poor berry crops."
"The town, the way it was set up, and the climate and the environment made it into a death trap."
"It's not your fault, it could just be that there's not a lot of cats on this island."
"Begin to say how will that person's movements impact the deer movement. So if you can pinpoint where that person is setting up and you monitor the wind, how will the deer work the downwind side of that tree stand location?"
"No evidence was found that suggested James had succumbed to the elements, predatory animals, or even an accident."
"Different tire strategies can happen they need to make sure that happens again and I know was an anomaly because of the heat that what they can realistically tires made that race really good."
"It's so difficult to wrestle in this level of humidity because you start sucking for air very very quickly."
"And naturally build up a greenish film or covering called patina. Salt and sea spray accelerates this natural process..."
"World Health Organization has been trying to tell us for years, depression is a response to things going wrong deep in our lives and our environments, our pain makes sense."
"And in the case of these brain disorders it's often not obvious and the problem may be far away from the brain it might be in the gut or it might be in your diet or it might be a toxin or might be an infection and or it might be mold."
"Remember that there are a ton of things that will impact your EV's real-world range."
"I added another force, a wind, to affect the movement of the feathers as they fall to the ground amidst a large amount of crows lifting off."
"Understanding climate: weather over time, influenced by earth's tilt."
"Create conditions to make health normalized."
"Very cool how there's a terrain and weather."
"Master rank represents a large difficulty spike... significantly harder monsters and harsher environments."
"The fate of Rome was decided not by Emperors, soldiers, and barbarians, but also volcanic eruptions, solar cycles, climate instability, and devastating viruses."
"General winter will play a big role, but it'll be the Russian army that does it in the end."
"It's all about sun angle, everything's about the sun angle."
"An increase of forest resources can be explained by factors such as silvicultural development, favorable climatic conditions, and the fertilization effect of additional carbon dioxide in the air."
"I believe the climate is the most important aspect of where you live. It affects every aspect of your life."
"Almost every autoimmunity has an environmental trigger."
"If you work or read in front of an air vent or if you live in a desert climate or if you're inside with the heat on, you want to use our optimized warm compress regimen."
"We learned that there were leaks under the building we were in and when it rained the water was giving the mold the moisture it needed to live."
"By changing the ratio of UV to visible peak, we can make a GFP that switches on due to environmental influences."
"We found a very strong correlation between environmental house dust microbiomes and asthma development in children."
"If you've got a wall, anything you plant near there will be in the shade and it's likely to be quite dry."
"People who grow up in farming communities, exposure to well water potentially, some industrial exposures, so some solvents and things, have been linked to Parkinson's disease."
"The Maya... carved huge stone cities but met a mysterious decline... likely due to famine, drought, and environmental changes."
"My entire system broke down from living in China, having mercury poisoning."
"...if we can get the humidity right temperature right the lighting right you're going to impress all of your friends."
"Charles Deaton cited it exactly how he cited it because of the fact that the prevailing winds came in from the southwest."
"...what we think could be happening in those in those experiments with the 1,100 part per million that may not be so high..."
"So the most important thing to make your art last as long as possible is to be aware of the environmental factors that can accelerate fading."
"The natural state of humanity is healthy. But right now, something is happening in our environment that is not our genetic heritage."
"It's a bit of a myth that these fish, once you've got on your site at that size, these fish can't grow. What really matters here is the circumstances behind what's happening."
"Temperature and humidity influence influenza virus transmission."
"...there's a way to describe disease as a natural reaction in response to certain environmental factors or to describe it purely in terms of its symptoms or the things we know about it, not speculating about all the things we don't know."
"If someone has asthma and all you're doing is changing medicines for that particular day and you're not asking about their housing and their environment, then you are missing out an opportunity to affect that person's life tremendously."
"We work a lot on the underlying causes of pandemics: deforestation, climate change, wildlife hunting."
"Different genes can be regulated differently, expressed or not expressed due to different environmental conditions."
"This highlights that the climate change is not always dependent on the atmosphere or even on the illumination from the sun itself."
"If you focus through the narrow lens of just looking at deficiencies, you'll overlook the more important thing of light intensity, airflow, humidity, temperature, water saturation in the roots."
"Take the responsibility yourself for your own area and if you want a growth-promoting area at work, work on your movement, work on the air quality, and work on the lighting."
"We're all facing these four elements right: light, airflow, humidity, and temperature."
"The track changes over the course of a race, this isn't pavement, it changes rapidly as the sun sets, the wind blows."
"The decline of the Nazca civilization around 600 CE remains a puzzle, with factors like environmental changes and social shifts likely contributing to their end."
"By understanding how the temperature, pressure, and altitude can affect your aircraft's performance, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable flight every time you take to the air."
"The impacts of sea level rise are local, and you need to put sea level rise from warming in context with other factors."
"Fire progresses as a series of ignitions and it follows the same rules regarding topography, weather, and fuels."
"Understanding the life cycle biology of the pest helps you understand when the pest may appear, what environmental conditions make it more likely to appear, and when the pest is more susceptible to control."
"Soils equal a function of parent material, climate, biota, relief, and time."
"Plants that get more heat and light are bound to have high water and nutrient requirements."
"The speed at which age leaves its signs on our face is influenced not only through time but by genetic encoding and environmental effects."
"The rusting of iron requires both oxygen and water, and the process can be accelerated by other factors such as pH, the presence of salts, and stress on the iron."
"Always factor in not just the PC itself, factor in the ambient temperature of the environment it's running in."
"Those are the three main things we talked about: heat, sunlight, and just having a greener thumb, having better health to our trees."
"Every organism interacts with physical factors in its environment."
"Social disorganization theory kind of takes an environmental approach to understand why crime occurs in certain neighborhoods."
"It's all dependent on the time of day, how hot or cold it is, where you are, and a whole heap of other factors."
"It is important to recognize that there are several variables which can affect the risk of toxicity from heavy metals."
"One of the most important factors in human comfort is the humidity level."
"It's really interesting how much the wind influences the outdoor comfort."
"It's all due to which direction the wind is blowing."
"The species has been experiencing rapid population declines across its breeding range driven by a variety of factors."