
Skills Development Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"By focusing on the skills involved in a task, rather than the object results, I can fuel my motivation consistently long-term."
"Critical thinking is a skill, and it should be honed and practiced."
"A programming language in my mind is a tool, and you need to be good at problem-solving to be able to use that tool effectively to solve problems."
"The meaning of life is to see how much of your potential you can translate into usable skill set."
"Finding the best job for you involves considering your degrees, skills, interests, and the skills you would be willing to learn."
"The best way to showcase those [skills] is to create a project on your own without help and then you want to create some sort of portfolio that markets this project."
"Don't stop learning after school. It's really important to upskill your skill set to keep up with the times and also to be able to take advantage of the new opportunities that are now available."
"YouTubers do learn and practice a lot of skills such as writing, filming, editing, as well as having a lot of knowledge about and experience in influencer marketing, for example."
"Don't just consume your way to preparedness; it's important that you're actually getting out there and learning the skills."
"Writing activities develop skills in organizing thoughts and ideas in a clear and coherent manner."
"The greatest negotiators in the world really maximize that because it's an invisible skill, but it's a skill you can change, it's learnable, and learnable. You can teach it, you can learn it, you can practice it."
"Brilliant is a great way to learn the fundamentals of engineering, data science, analysis, probability, statistics, and everyday technology."
"The soft skills are actually the hard skills."
"First and foremost, learn to be a problem solver."
"Copywriting is a forever skill. It doesn't matter what you decide to do, copywriting is transferable to every other aspect of life."
"Skills, high expectations, and facing challenges make kids stronger."
"The most important skills in the 21st century are how to constantly learn new things, how to reinvent yourself throughout your life."
"I get a ton of emails asking me, 'Haley I honestly just don't feel like I have the skills necessary to run an online business.'"
"Programming is about problem-solving, and with experience, you'll get better at debugging."
"We want to share European technology with you. We want to invest in skills for local workers."
"Always my answer is to increase your skills base and today one of the best things to learn about our cloud computing services such as AWS."
"This should be your focus in life: become excellent at English, spoken English and written English, the real skill, not some paper that says you're a PhD doctor."
"Privilege escalation... escalate your privileges... free labs on TryHackMe... highly recommend."
"Learning a language is an extremely useful and interesting skill."
"Invest in yourself, that's the education of getting the skill. This sets the groundwork for everything else in your life."
"Being magnetic is not an inborn trait reserved for the few, but a skill, a cultivated art."
"Patience is the first skill of a good programmer."
"Learning to code is one of the best things you can do."
"Being a good coder means being good at learning."
"The best way to learn programming is by doing."
"Every good shepherd has to learn to be a hunter first."
"Knowledge, skills, they are designed to have real-world impact. They are designed to give you the ability to do something that influences this world."
"My skills got better over the years, but my mental side is what made the difference."
"It's not about waiting until you're in love to have sex, it's about making sure that first you love yourself."
"Validation, confidence is a skill, it can be learned!"
"I knew if I could learn this skill and then I knew that there's like intricacies and tactics, I'm never going to be able to, I'm never going to be jobless essentially."
"It's about providing more value to your boss or to your own company and having more certifications or licenses to justify more income."
"Looking to level up your post-processing skills? Watch the replay now on our YouTube page."
"You've got all the skills you need... you can learn them."
"No matter where you are in life, you can learn these skills and change your situation."
"We all get taught languages, but we don't get taught how to learn languages."
"Skillshare is an incredible resource for honing your creative skills."
"Getting taught from an early age the basic skills you need to carry you through life."
"There's never a better time to improve your skills than today."
"Skillshare allows you to build skills that allows you to make a career that best fits you."
"I can leverage everything and I want to teach people how to do what it is that I do."
"You have to decide in order to achieve the goal that I want to achieve what knowledge or skill do I need to acquire."
"If you just take one thing from this video, then it should be to start honing your sales skills and being confident."
"The more skills that you develop typically the more that you earn."
"Start small, learn how to use Photoshop or get some advice on creative writing, watch some videos on illustration and see how you feel."
"One of the biggest problems with prioritizing the canon is that it means music students don't really learn about skills that are relevant to other repertoires."
"You're the master of your creations. Learn new skills in business or work that have been on your mind lately."
"Children have to learn how to negotiate, make a good case, and win over people to their point of view."
"Learning and developing new skills is always a great positive thing to do."
"You don't need money to make money. You need skills and time to make money."
"Together we'll become Adobe Illustrator superheroes."
"It's the public speaking practice that really helped."
"If you develop this soft skill, you'll be able to collaborate with your internal team as well as external clients."
"One of the most valuable skills in the 21st century is to be able to decide where and how and when we put our attention."
"It's not that hard anymore, and with advances in AI and other things, having skills in OSINT is just a force multiplier in any field you're in."
"You can improve upon existing skills that you have to gain the confidence that you need."
"You can't just accept you're bad at something... There are so many ways to approach things differently."
"I think everyone should take an acting class."
"Art Academy: actual art lessons that teach real-world techniques."
"Join my crew. People are benefiting left and right. So much content, interacting with me and my team. We're going to improve your business skills, your leadership skills, your life skills. That's our goal."
"Gaining skills is the key to a prosperous, unfulfilling life."
"Deep work is the superpower of the 21st century."
"You're going to level up your game as far as graphic design in a hurry by learning how to use the pen tool."
"Every single year, it got better and better. I got more precise with my skill set and made better investments."
"The skills you have determine the quality of your life, driven by self-awareness and self-mastery."
"Our job is to gain skills, learn, and improve our skills day by day."
"From an early age, Viking children would be guided towards developing useful skills for their future as productive members of society."
"As you scale up, you're going to need to really focus on your management and project management skills."
"If you're trying to become an elite dribbler... I recommend you watch all of this."
"Learning a little bit of programming is going to help out everywhere."
"You have to learn how to handle things on smaller levels so that you'll be able to handle things on bigger levels."
"Farming is also a pretty nifty skill to level up."
"Metalworking is very much like the carpentry skill but instead of focusing on wood you're focusing on the obviously stronger cousin of the two metal."
"We can actually foster the kinds of skills that many of the speakers have been speaking about today."
"Improving at fortnight is a difficult thing to do, but at this point you got the knowledge, you got the core mechanics, and you got the basics of fortnight."
"I learned the skill set of sales then I learned how to become a sales Leader... Trump is a salesperson and he's a sales leader."
"We really need to close this digital gap, equip our kids with options, and necessary foundational skills."
"Keep learning skills throughout your life because those who learn more earn more."
"Ask yourself, what valuable skills do I possess that the marketplace really wants?"
"Every child in our community at the age of 10, 7, 6 should be introduced to this idea early and be good at it damn good as good at running a business as we are at basketball."
"Tailor every aspect of your character, consume spice to conquer your senses and acquire powerful abilities, gaining skills and spells or whatever is fiction appropriate, hone your craft to become sought out for the finest creations."
"Think about the skills you want to showcase and the design aesthetic you want to showcase the most."
"So I started with smaller dent and bowling this way to go over it first, not bowling just trying, and slowly slowly took me three years to get into the right length."
"It's every single skill and what we are doing is we're making sure we counter for guys that just want to invest."
"Focus on safety use and grip before adding trigger control to your training."
"Now, the biggest thing you can control is your skillset and how you communicate that."
"Awareness is the fundamental skill we should always be working to improve. Awareness gained anywhere is a victory."
"Maybe you had to get specialized training or maybe you had to learn some sort of skill... now it's like you're getting paid for it."
"So my belief is always keep reinvesting the skills because that raises your lifetime baseline of earning potential."
"Remember how I said that we need to think of labor as a commodity?" - "If we want to help those who are economically vulnerable right now, then one of the best things we can do is equip them with skills to make them competitive in the job market."
"True Freedom isn't just being able to do whatever you want it's having the skills and the knowledge that's required to be able to live a truly free life."
"Employers today are looking for lifelong learners."
"You can't know how to hack it unless you know how to build it."
"Drawing Transformers: From self-doubt to skill - a journey of artistic growth."
"Dry fire training is really what's going to help you. You develop muscle memory, you sharpen target reaction speed."
"Deep Work: One of the most valuable skills in today's age."
"But there is actually a wisdom to the play. And it's one that I first came across when I was learning how to juggle."
"You see how every skill we have kind of has multiple purposes and this is one of the reasons that this build is so effective."
"These are skills not pills you can't dare passively you've got you've got to be active you've got to be brave you've got to be disciplined you've got to be committed and it's going to take time."
"Go get a trade man, go learn how to do something with your hands."
"Feel free to pursue both, that's what I always did. Being versatile as an artist and having many different skills is always going to be a plus for you."
"If you're good at something get even better at it."
"The only way we get something different is by doing something new and the only way we can do something new is we got to develop new skills."
"The biggest thing that you can invest in is yourself and your skill set." - "The biggest thing that you can invest in is yourself and your skill set."
"Alright Sunny, I'll show you how to be a real drift King."
"It's not a get rich quick plan this is a skill set like learning how to learn a new language it takes time to get fluent but then once you have it this is something you can use for life."
"Every new point and trait will help you in your next vision."
"If you combine Python with other knowledge that you've got, you can do many, many things."
"Learn to talk to a camera as if you're talking to a person."
"Marl learned new sword skills, and Tesi gained skills such as stealth and awareness."
"We will commit the resources to provide training and upskilling opportunities for 1.186 million manufacturing workers."
"You will almost always see that the answer comes down to some variation of I need to add skills."
"Relationships, networking, and skill sharing are integral elements for your success."
"Build high-income skills that will serve you for life."
"If we identify a strength and kind of teach you how to exploit that... maybe that'll help you climb."
"In Outer Worlds, you can invest in a skill group like dialogue, for instance, until one becomes a value of 50."
"You get better at something you're not good at by practicing what you want to become good at."
"Skills matter... and what makes this practical is that when it comes to learning skills and software, there are many affordable ways to do that."
"Video games can help develop problem-solving skills and enhance creativity."
"Critical thinking is something that can be taught."
"Grinding out skills in the game and in real life."
"Give these young people the necessary skills so they could go out and get good paying jobs in the future."
"By the end of this course, you will have the skills to help build a more inclusive digital world."
"Oh heck yes, this is one of the skills that I didn't work on in college and I really regret that."
"Becoming a good coder is not just about writing code."
"Using these pistols was the brochure insist a new source of beneficial outdoor recreation and a clean competitive sport that developed steadier nerves a quicker Keener eye and added self-reliance and confidence in an emergency."
"Skills are one of the most important pillars of D&D, defining how good your character is at doing things in the world."
"Skillshare is an absolute must for those who wish to learn and then create."
"Know both JavaScript and TypeScript to go far."
"Games can inspire us to grow through broadening our perspectives, polishing skills that can translate to the real world, and create a sense of community."
"It just made me realize... what if I actually got training? How many more people could I help?"
"Abundance in finances: relief, paying off debts, or mastering skills for prosperity."
"You got pick up skills dating skills relationship skills and 3% man and you need to learn how to transition through all 3 it's an art it's not a science."
"The president will shortly be signing an executive order directing federal agencies to start hiring based on skills and competency."
"Unlock unique role-specific skills as you perfect your distillation methods."
"Challenging yourself to do things like getting good at very basic clothing repairs... can be the difference between a clothing item lasting for years or it getting thrown away eventually."
"Dan is a great mentor to get you not only in the right frame of mind, but then to give you the knowhow, the tools, the skills to get there."
"Understand talking to camera... filming in general is a skill... a muscle that you have to keep flexing."
"Encourage skill, determination, cleverness, and insight."
"You can absolutely teach critical thinking, it's a skill like any other."
"There's a lot of changes coming out... and you need to invest in those future skills."
"Success with women is very much a skill more so than it's a reflection on a human being."
"One, you'll be training yourself to look for the code of creating value."
"What are the first things I now have to think about and honestly for me, the first thing that you need to be doing, I think, is skilling."
"I've always wanted to get better at skills with anything to do with construction and building."
"Take the time to obtain additional knowledge, skills, and talents, then use them to achieve your goals and obtain success."
"Many people have been using quarantine as a time to perfect their bread or coffee-making skills."
"Technical colleges provide excellent experience for young people not just academically but also in the technical skills that they provide."
"What are we doing to increase our critical thinking skills?"
"So my question was for Andreas I'm also from like a traditional business background and so how did you kind of or what was your path in developing your skills kind of scientifically and computationally after school and kind of what did you do to develop those."
"Ultimately what really matters is learning these foundational or fundamental principles and just learning those skills."
"As you start developing your skills and your fundamentals and stuff, you can start to build your visual library more and more to be able to use references in a way that is different from actually just copying the reference exactly."
"Resistance to change means that people may not have the skills or ability to make a change, but we can help them identify the skills and tools they need and develop those skills and tools to make that change."
"Nothing wrong with buying tools, but doing things like this is a means of developing skills."
"I started doing weird edits, it was all self-taught."
"I don't regret it for a minute. I learned so much about, well, first of all, I developed a ton of skills like communication, organization, people management skills."
"Literally, rebuilding a nation and giving them back everything means that we have to... we have to have all the skills."
"Having skills, truly having skills, honing skills, working hard, perfecting, branching out... these are vital things."
"I won't be a UFC fighter all my life, so it's always good to keep your skills."
"Having that deep understanding doesn't come out very often but every once in a while, if you can draw lines 15% faster, then you're in a graphics application, that's a pretty big deal."
"Develop your Jedi communication skills."
"Develop your analytical skills. Critical thinking is deductive, rational, objective, while the right brain is inductive, intuitive, and emotional intelligence. You really want to develop both sets of those skills."
"I was getting paid to learn and improve my skills, working the job that was like my dream job."
"When you get to that point, when you spend that time and you say that you develop these skills, you are a different level at that time."
"Elevate your coding skills from junior to senior developer."
"Learning them now, regardless of the profession you go into, you will have a distinct advantage over other prospects for that position or for that work."
"That's why... I'm gonna go to the center for skills development and training and we're gonna explore center of gravity even more."
"It is a long journey, there's lots of different parts to it and different factors to it so you just have to keep building up your knowledge and skills."
"You guys are building on your skills, your talents, your abilities. This tells me that in terms of your finances and your career life, you guys are actually seeing a lot of results coming back because the effort that you're putting in is finally coming back to you."
"YouTube videos can be seen by everybody, yeah. And so I thought it was a good connection of all the different skills I wanted to learn while at the same time providing me a creative outlet to talk about the thing that I love, which is credit cards..."
"Learning all these skills, that's absolutely my goal as I go through life."
"Recent studies have shown a high correlation between employee advancement and the effective use of soft skills."
"Homework has been shown not to improve academic performance; it would be better for children to spend their time on activities to develop extracurricular skills instead."
"These reforms are a step forward, providing everyone with a ladder of opportunity to get the skills, security, and prosperity that they need."
"We want and we need to build the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills that we'll need for a growing and rapidly changing economy."
"State-of-the-art skills, tips, tricks, and techniques we share with you here on Online Training for Everyone will help you today and in the future."
"They should learn how to be successful in society, they should learn job skills as well as coping and life skills, and give back positively to the community."
"Focus on your skill, and where you're not good at, hire a team; you're only as strong as your team."
"We found that secret sauce, those skills and tools that make a difference."
"Learning to grow... understanding the skills and capabilities that you as an individual need to move to the next level."
"Learn a bunch of skills, then work on personal projects that use those skills, put those personal projects in a portfolio, and then share that portfolio with a hiring manager or apply to jobs online because that is what will make you stand out and get noticed."
"This event is designed to equip you with all the skills and knowledge required to excel in reinforcement learning applications and effectively leverage human input to enhance AI systems."
"You should always keep in mind that over all those years since then, I kept learning more stuff and accumulated more knowledge and skills."
"Hopefully, we can help you grow your IT security skills as well."
"Never give up on learning and growing your skills, but for the most part, this is what he is."
"You need to practice that, but you also need to look and see what you can improve upon in your customer service, in your scoping, yeah, in your time management."
"Congratulations on your accomplishment. Just think of all the skills you've learned along the way."
"This is about those four core skills and putting them into practice."
"The relationship path is more about working in a relationship first, and in there working on the relationship, you tend to build the skills."
"Work on your skills, have fun with your friends and family, work on your fitness."
"Being a fangirl gives people valuable transferable life and work skills."
"Behavior intervention is all about two things: it's about intentional teaching of skills that children need to function well... and making sure that they're using those appropriate behaviors or skills instead of inappropriate behaviors or skills."
"The best way to learn hardware and how to fix things similar to software is learn by doing."
"Knowledge and skills to solve this interesting little math word problem."
"I do not prepare people for a test, I'm more interested in helping them build skills, helping them think clearly, helping them build comprehension, helping them build reasoning."