
Muscle Mass Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"The more muscle mass we have going into middle and older age, the better the vitality we have."
"Important to maintain muscle mass as you age."
"Muscle mass at least as we get older, is critical for health."
"For longevity and supporting lean muscle mass, you should prioritize your exercise sessions and worry about fasting later."
"There is no single disease in the world where having muscle mass is a disadvantage."
"Muscle mass is like mutual funds deposited at a young age, which will give you benefits 20-30 years later."
"The more muscle mass you have, the better you will survive every injury, every disease."
"High-quality protein is key for maintaining muscle mass and addressing metabolic pathologies."
"More muscle mass and more muscle strength is associated with lower all-cause mortality."
"As we age, maintaining muscle mass through adequate protein intake and resistance training becomes increasingly important for preventing frailty."
"Minimum effective volume is the least amount of volume required to start building some amount of muscle mass."
"The amount of muscle you have is the most important for healthy aging... independent of how much fat you have."
"Muscle mass is the most important for healthy aging the moment you get 60 70 plus."
"Never praise a big bodybuilder just for coming in big because it's a pro bodybuilders they're gonna have crazy muscle mass they're gonna come in big."
"Muscle mass is the largest site for beta oxidation, imagine the more muscle tissue you have, the larger the capacity to burn fat."
"Protein helps spare lean body mass and build lean body mass."
"High cardiorespiratory Fitness is the single most potent correlate with longevity but a pretty close second is high strength and muscle mass."
"Having more lean muscle mass on our bodies is how we become long-lived, healthy people."
"Establish what muscle mass you're happy with, then adjust protein intake accordingly."
"Maintaining muscle mass is critical for healthy aging and body composition."
"The more healthy skeletal muscle mass you have, the greater your survivability against disease."
"Maintaining strength when in deficit is extremely important if you're trying to maintain muscle mass."
"To best achieve fat loss, we want to lose body weight and retain or preferably increase muscle mass."
"More muscle means greater insulin sensitivity, usually."
"For strength goals, efficiency and muscle mass are key factors."
"Increasing muscle mass through hypertrophy training can further enhance strength."
"The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn at rest."
"It's never too late to get gains in muscle mass and strength, particularly with resistance training."
"You can get stronger without getting more muscle mass very clearly."
"The most powerful predictor of longevity after age 65 was your level of lean body mass."
"...if the average woman is at 32% skeletal muscle mass and sarcopenia is 26%, most women are closer to not having enough than having more than they need."
"People that don't engage in some form of resistance exercise... I'm not saying you have to go to the gym and work out three hours a day, but you got to do some form of resistance training to maintain muscle mass."
"Losing weight fast while maintaining muscle mass sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? It isn't though, it's reality, and we know how to do it and we will help you achieve this."
"If you have been doing resistance training up until that point and continuing it, you're building not only bone but certainly built up a lot of bone density reserve earlier in life, but muscle mass helps, right?"
"High protein diets are effective for building muscle mass via resistance training."
"Good muscle mass basically is your fortunetelling card to say that you're likely to live longer."
"There's just no downside to have more muscle mass."
"Making sure you have healthy skeletal muscle in your youth or even in midlife really changes the trajectory of the way that you age."
"Skeletal muscle mass is related to survivability of all cause mortality in any kind of injury or illness. The more muscle mass you have, the more likely you are to survive."
"The more lean body mass you have on your body, on your frame right now, the more your body is going to burn calories for you."
"There is no evidence to support dietary protein upper limit so we need a mechanism of action what is the mechanism of action we have seen in studies that 3.5 grams per kilogram of body weight actually improves muscle mass and improves lean tissue."
"Maintaining muscle mass is a much more important factor as we're looking to improve our metabolic health."
"Resistance exercise is absolutely critical to extending muscle mass as you age."
"Modern hunter gatherers do not lose 2% of their muscle mass."
"Having low muscle mass has been shown to increase the risk of Falls, increase the risk of fractures, decrease quality of life, cause higher morbidity from other health problems, and even be a leading predictor of early death."
"The truth is, on average per decade of life after the age of 30, humans tend to lose between three and eight percent of their total muscle mass."
"If you do all the resistance training in the world but you don't eat enough protein quite simply you still won't maintain or build muscle mass it will still decrease because your body simply doesn't have the building blocks."
"One of the main reasons that people lose too much muscle mass as they get older is because they're not eating enough protein."
"Muscle mass is related to survivability of all-cause mortality in any kind of injury, in any kind of illness."
"I don't care what diet you go on you can do whatever style diet you want but I'd really hate to see you lose muscle mass like we can't we can't afford that"
"Loss of muscle mass is one of the greatest contributors to age-related disease and physical and mental decline."
"So if muscle mass is still an important measure, the resistance training in a gym is definitely the gold standard."
"If you're trying to manage your weight, but you're not getting sufficient sleep, 70% of all the weight that you lose will come from lean muscle mass, not fat."
"Exercise maintains muscle mass, helps control inflammation."
"We want to put on muscle mass but we don't want to put on too much fat too quickly, that's right."
"Being at a heavier body weight or a higher body fat percentage will allow you to carry more muscle mass."
"The more muscle you have, the more glucose you can tolerate with less insulin."
"Preserving, maintaining, building muscle mass is really important. From the age of 40, we are losing around one percent of our muscle mass per year."
"You know, aging gracefully talks about sarcopenia, where you lose muscle mass as you get older."
"...people who have more muscle mass tend to have a better immune system."
"You lose less muscle mass on higher protein diets."
"Focusing on increasing muscle mass works far better than trying to focus on fat loss."
"Increase your calories but keep your protein high; you're not going to lose that muscle mass."
"Having more muscle mass increases your strength potential; it doesn't always mean that a bigger muscle is stronger, but it means that with all other factors equated, it most likely will be stronger."
"This is really going to help you build and increase your muscle mass."
"Even in your 50s and 60s, you can increase your muscle mass."
"Declining muscle mass is one of the biggest drivers of aging. Most ingredients designed to build muscle, the research from the public teens, has shifted away from athletes and into elderly people."
"One session every two or three weeks would be enough to just not lose muscle mass as you age."
"This is all about sustainable power, so this is increasing muscle mass."
"The risk of death when you have low muscle mass, low strength, and/or low VO2 max is 150 percent higher."
"Exercise is good. It helps us prevent fractures by helping us maintain or grow our muscle mass and it affects our bones positively by helping improve their structure."
"The larger the muscle mass you involve, the greater the anabolic cascade."
"Worry about muscle mass. How do you keep from getting sarcopenia, how do you keep from losing your muscle mass? That is the number one most important thing that you can do for the rest of your life."
"One of the best advice I can give especially as we get older is to improve your muscle mass."
"More muscle means that your body uses a little bit more energy just being a person, just existing."
"For men and women to maintain hormone levels, particularly testosterone, you want to maintain that muscle mass."
"One's muscle mass has the highest association for all cause mortality, that means dying from any cause at all."
"The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn at rest."
"If you're trying to put a lot of mass on somebody or a team in a very short period of time and if we see that volume is one of the biggest drivers of mass gain, why wouldn't you try to optimize it?"
"Oxytocin is proven to be magnificently effective for increasing muscle mass."
"What a great example of how different weight looks on someone who's got muscle versus someone who doesn't."
"The healthier your muscle mass is, the greater your survivability across all disease states."
"For every 10% increase in muscle mass, insulin resistance reduces by 11% and prevalence of diabetes reduces by 12%."
"More muscle on your body equates to a faster metabolism."
"By performing strength training and focusing on increasing muscle mass, you can drastically increase your metabolism."
"The average man can gain maybe 12 pounds of lean body mass in a year."
"The more muscle, the more fat you burn."
"I'm the leanest that I've ever been with the most muscle mass that I've ever had, so that's a win in my book."
"The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be because you'll have more active tissue on your frame."
"The more muscle mass you have seems to be good for all-cause mortality up to a point."
"Increase or maintain your lean body mass; it's directly correlated to basal metabolic rate."
"Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so if you happen to be building muscle and losing fat, you might not see any changes on the scale whatsoever."
"When you're fatigued, you don't lose muscle mass; when you're fatigued, you do lose strength."
"Adding protein to the diet will have a tendency to increase satiety, drive down the intake of the rest of the stuff, and support lean body mass."
"The more muscle mass you have, the more mitochondria you have."
"There are some disadvantages to having pretty big muscles."
"Sleep is one of the keys to having good muscle mass."
"Aging is in fact associated with a reduction in lean mass which in turn leads to a significant decrease in resting metabolic rate."
"The age-related loss of muscle strength is three times faster than that of muscle mass."
"The strongest predictor for overall health in seniors is the amount of muscle mass they retain."
"Barbell curls are excellent for building mass and overall size on the biceps."
"People who are obese... can absolutely gain muscle mass while on a calorie deficit."
"Muscle mass seems to be the greatest predictor of total daily energy expenditure."
"We lose bone density and muscle mass while we're up here, and that's a result of not having to fight against gravity."
"People who have more muscle mass are basically healthier on almost every level than people who have lower amounts of muscle mass."
"Using strength training as a means to hold on to your muscle mass and continue to keep your bones strong too, by the way, is very important for women."
"Exercise shows benefit during cancer treatment... maintaining lean muscle mass."
"Most of your muscle mass gains are going to come from doing big heavy compound movements."
"The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you burn while you're in a resting state."
"Continue your weightlifting regimen to encourage your body to maintain muscle mass."
"The more lean muscle mass you have, the more efficient your body is at burning off that body fat."
"Creatine is a notable exception as it's backed up by some fairly strong evidence that it will help increase strength and muscle mass in athletes who supplement with it."
"Having a higher amount of muscle is not known to be unhealthy; in fact, it's protective for various reasons, including protecting against diabetes."
"If somebody has been determined to have an elevated blood creatinine level because they're jacked and more muscle mass than usual, then there's really nothing to be concerned about on any front."
"Increase muscle mass, optimal movement patterns via muscular symmetry and strength, increased strength and stability in end ranges of motion to prevent injury."
"When you increase your muscle mass, your resting metabolic rate increases."
"Muscle is metabolically active; if you have more muscle mass, your body will naturally burn more calories daily."
"For every 10 pounds of muscle you add, it's going to increase your BMR by 80 calories."
"Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are wanting to lose weight but the scales are going up, it's not necessarily a bad thing."
"The most important aspects to gaining muscle mass is going to be the diet."
"Muscle mass actually gives shape."