
Coping Mechanisms Quotes

There are 988 quotes

"At the end of the day, your body's just trying to help you out a little bit."
"Every single day I was minimized. I would shrink. My superpower growing up was making myself invisible."
"Sometimes our minds can be poison, and if you put your attention towards the minor poison that alcohol is and it takes away the attention from sometimes how poisonous our minds are, could be a good trade-off."
"When I was listening to my feelings when I was depressed, they were just telling me don't see other people, stay in your room, play video games all day."
"I felt extremely depressed and anxious after all of this, and a few months later, I forced myself to pick up a different style of drawing to prevent myself from thinking about them."
"The cheapest form of reappraisal is humor. When things are tough and you go: 'Oh, I'm just gonna laugh at this.' What do you do? You actually completely reduce the threat, the stress dramatically."
"Find help, find relief, find that contentment through patience and prayer."
"To cope is to make a specific alteration mentally, emotionally, or physically so that you can manage or adapt to something that is causing you stress."
"People have been developing coping mechanisms to exist in a profoundly unhealthy and distressing society, rather than actually changing society to be conducive to human health and well-being for far too long."
"Our feelings will come out in behaviors, in a short temper, in anxiety, in too much food or wine or time on the internet."
"You feel better in the moment, but it doesn't actually make anything better. And it probably makes things worse."
"Quantum Jumping is the idea that people in times of distress can purposely choose to jump from one universe to another parallel universe."
"Women are a lot more likely to go and to seek help when they're depressed. Men are a lot more likely to drink."
"Sometimes you just need to laugh at the darkness."
"We all have different ways of coping and using; some people probably use antidepressants; I use God as my antidepressant."
"Life is inherently uncertain, and that is completely terrifying. To cope with this reality, we humans construct myths, belief systems, and societal self-soothing mechanisms to make ourselves feel secure."
"Create a trigger that can override the negative state; it's a pathway out of the dark space."
"Most really truly innovative things in our world are discovered by traumatized people because they live in a world that's unbearable, and so they have no choice but to find new ways of coping."
"I feel so lost. When I used to have anxiety attacks, I'd focus on my breathing, listen to my heart beating. Now, I can't breathe. I don't even have blood."
"The mind is a dam that stills the raging river of the world."
"Loneliness. Who's comfortable with it, who's uncomfortable with it, and who takes a hundred painkillers a day to avoid it at all costs."
"A coping mechanism is a process, a procedure, or a technique that enables you to manage or adapt to stress."
"Many of these coping mechanisms - they served us to begin with. They enabled us to continue surviving in an atmosphere where we were challenged with our very survival."
"And so, premeditating adversity, defensive pessimism, negative visualisation, all of this is stuff that helps us recognise the suffering that we do in our imagination."
"Even if you are struggling, it doesn't justify horrible actions, even if that is some form of a coping mechanism."
"Coping mechanisms can help people adjust to, stressful events, while helping them maintain their emotional wellbeing."
"Hopefully you did too. Also just one more time in case it wasn't clear, coping mechanisms are typically a very good thing and very helpful in day to day life."
"Humor is also one of the coping mechanisms considered to be an adaptive mechanism; a healthy response."
"The addictions and the diseases and the mental illnesses that people develop are actually normal responses to an abnormal situation."
"Like a switch that you can flip and suddenly not feel grief, but it does point to a specific set of mechanisms or a specific set of steps that you can engage in order to start to move through the grieving process in the most adaptive and effective way."
"Stop trying to drink it away, smoke it away, fuck it away."
"One of the things that has been helpful for me as I get anxious, get fearful, is to think about the good that will come from this."
"I dealt with it so in here for so long. That's why I was a writer."
"It's not a secret, I don't do it anymore... they taught me how to control that, how to kind of learn different things that I can do instead of harming my body."
"It's normal to be stressed during a zombie apocalypse."
"What we are telling ourselves about ourselves is basically a lie that we construct in order to cope with some horrible dimension."
"Laughter is the only thing getting us through."
"Our freedom to cope in our own way with life's ordeals ends when our coping mechanisms become an added ordeal for other people to cope with."
"God has a purpose for allowing the disappointments of our life."
"Something being used as a coping mechanism doesn't automatically make it good."
"It's so therapeutic and just knowing that I'm spending my weekends doing things that distract my brain from everything that's going on in the world."
"The world's a very harsh place, there's chaos, disease, destruction, tragedy... How do we keep sane in a world that is insane? Laughter is medicine."
"Every other Hearthian explorer you meet represents different ways in which people cope with the inevitability of death."
"Between all the sci-fi mind games and portal gun-less dimension hopping, this show is doing something else: It's showing us two different and seemingly opposite strategies for coping with grief."
"Medication will never fix your problems. It just puts you in a state of mind to better deal with them."
"Coping in the best way that they know how is not shameful; it's not wrong."
"Given the madness we're surrounded by perpetually, I thought it might be fun to grab a glass of wine, that being the fun bit, and just go through three of the stories from today with a slightly sarcastic tone."
"People with CPTSD need to learn to recognize and address triggers to feel more empowered and safe, ultimately aiding in their recovery and daily functioning."
"Once you deal with your traumas... they're never gonna go away, but they're gonna get a lot easier to deal with."
"Masking is when you try and suppress your natural state of being and your symptoms so that you can fit in."
"A lot of autistic people have a huge ability to mask, even young children have the ability to go to school and do everything they need to do at school and then they'll come home and they will crash."
"Studying sports psychology has helped me develop a much more healthy view on how to handle losses."
"I can't think of any other way to stay sane, to be frank."
"We can't beat death, and we can't beat suffering, but we can come to terms with it, and I think the best way to do that is through laughter."
"Of course you have some magical thinking going on because in childhood you really had no help dealing with this kind of nightmare that you were going through."
"Don't be hard on the coping mechanisms that you've developed; they're really effective, they make a lot of sense, and they have probably helped you to survive some really difficult moments in your life."
"Apparently my fear of beetles is enough to trigger a meltdown, but performing as a stand-up comedian is not."
"The reason why we get high at night, smoke, and every night to party is because we just survived the day. So every night is a celebration."
"When you feel like this, look at a rose in the garden and think that it makes sense for us when you feel like this."
"When I'm talking to a four-year-old, often I'll ask her what she's excited about for tomorrow or the week ahead. I think for most people, it's really hard. The world is a heavy place, and the way that we navigate it is that we have things that we're looking forward to."
"With dogs, we always talk about fight or flight, but there's a third one, and that's freeze. Or in his state, how do I just melt into not existing? I just want to pancake to the floor and want to camouflage into this kennel so nobody sees me because I just want all of this to go away."
"In a way, you've learned how to see the silver lining of a cloud because otherwise, life would be bleak."
"Family, faith, sobriety, and then I would just add exercise, have been really important for me in dealing with tough times."
"Essentially, your consciousness has to fragment, in order to deal with the fact that on one side you need that need, and on the other side, you need to cope without getting it met."
"The most important question to ask yourself is: 'What am I trying to suppress or numb out with alcohol?'"
"If for a moment you can, instead of trying to dull that down with the alcohol or the Netflix or whatever you're distracting yourself with, come into that moment and say, 'Man, this pain is really profound, and it's real, and I'm real.'"
"An addiction is a coping mechanism. It is, in essence, self-administered pain medication."
"I have a tortured soul...sometimes you try and numb the things that hurt your tortured soul, but in reality, you can't. You have to face your problem."
"Do something else. You feel like calling them out? I don't care if you go and pick up some yarn and start to crochet, write the Great American novel, take a walk, bake a cake, go to the garden, or binge-watch a show for the tenth time."
"Therapy is real, therapy helps. Stella Rosa black helps too."
"Why are you doing the hand slapping thing? I'm trying to release the anxiousness."
"Depressed people have a veil... but coping tools or probing skills do for you, they open and open and open until you can see."
"At the time, I would have said one-night stands made me feel emboldened, but in reality, I was using sex like a drug, trying unsuccessfully to fill a hole inside me."
"Hard times are guaranteed in life, and a positive, playful attitude expressed via good humor makes life's difficulties more tolerable."
"Autistic people putting themselves last... I've spoken quite a bit on this channel about a particular threat response that often comes into play when you're masking autism called 'fawning'."
"You can't prevent the trauma from happening, because it's already happened, I guess is what I'm saying. So the experience will never change, but the way that you respond and react to it, can."
"We've gone through denial, anger, bargaining, and depression... but for the rest of us, maybe the lol stage of grief is an alternative."
"The proper response to completely absurd things is to laugh at them. When you take laughter off the table, it takes away a giant weapon."
"Sometimes it just does not work out, and that's fine."
"Mental health coping mechanisms: talking to people, taking long walks, helping people, and linking your life to your spiritual life."
"Depression is something that absolutely dealt with in my life...virtually everything that happens to us later on in life begins as a coping mechanism in childhood."
"Reality is irrational and chaotic. When life gets too overwhelming, we can turn to symbolism for comfort, whether it’s religion, astrology, our own fantasies, any thoughts. Symbolism helps us make sense of life, death, and morality."
"I'm taking benzos right now to cope... Addiction runs through my family."
"We learn how to be funny when you're miserable, just humor is important."
"Anxiety never lasts forever, thoughts always change, they're like the weather passing over a tall mountain. The mountain is strong enough to survive every type of storm. Your thoughts are just thoughts."
"People experience trauma, I would just erase that. Things happen, it is what it is. Things happen, you can boil all of this down to fear of rejection. People are okay with failing, they're just not okay with other people seeing them fail."
"Women need to be careful of turning to alcohol to cope with the stresses of motherhood."
"Being human doesn't come with a user manual, and sometimes we don't have the tools we need to navigate life stressors."
"Escapism isn’t just about running away from problems; it’s about finding new ways to face them."
"Jokes should deal with the worst and scariest things, that's why we have humor."
"If you're able to laugh at something difficult in life, you're able to turn it around."
"Negativity only ever triggered me into binges."
"The ghouls have already won if we can't laugh at the absurdity of it all."
"The power of prayer right now is what will get us through this."
"Black care can rarely catch up to a rider whose pace is fast enough."
"It's okay to be both sad and okay at the same time."
"Have you always been a very like self-deprecating person? Yes, it's that defense mechanism, or you just think it's funny. It's both."
"Humor is a response to things that are difficult."
"I just learned to laugh and make fun of the bad things."
"In a weird sick way, it's almost like a gift."
"If you can make these low points funny, then you're gonna be okay."
"How can you laugh about anything? How can you do anything else but laugh?"
"Going home to focus on your mental health is amazing. It's not an aesthetic, it's a necessary coping mechanism to become the best version of yourself."
"Irony and comedy... they can be ways of kind of testing out things that you're not completely comfortable with yet."
"Drug addicts don't get over drugs... they just learn how to deal without doing drugs."
"Addiction wasn't your problem, addiction was your solution to a problem."
"It's so important to know when someone's projecting and how to handle it."
"You gotta laugh sometimes to stop from crying, y'all."
"Let God handle it if you can't handle it, let the universe handle it."
"I give you the strength to manage the overwhelming feelings that storm your thoughts, to face unsettling news without fear."
"If I can write about it, it'll be okay. If I can write about it, it will be just fine."
"I feel guilt and I feel shame, and the only thing that I've thought about since all this has popped off was hit something as hard as I can."
"I honestly think she had hope and she was just doing it and packing up and pretending that she was getting ready to go home because she had nothing else left."
"Every time people were coming at me with something, my immediate response was just to turn on my stream and talk about it. I was like, I don't really see why people let [it] fester and they just act very strange about it."
"Just having the knowledge of things coming through was one of the main things that kept me sane."
"Laugh at toxicity because if you ain't gonna laugh and you're gonna take it too seriously you're probably gonna cry when you see what's become of this sad sad planet so with that said and done might as well laugh."
"That's what I'm saying when you're feeling like all is lost, a true artistic masterpiece can help lift up your spirit."
"Denial makes you feel better, it provides some moments of solace, but longer-term it's a recipe for disaster."
"Laughing at terrible things is better than crying about them."
"The trauma and the Depression was what was making me drink."
"You gotta stay light-hearted and comedic, dark humor is important."
"Sometimes coming up with these bizarre theories or conspiracies are just a way to cope with the depressing reality of this case."
"It's scary to be a citizen but it's a good time to be a comedian."
"Helping others is one of the most powerful ways not to feel scared or helpless."
"Preparing deflections to break the narcissist's flow gives you an escape hatch which you can activate at any time."
"Through all of the darkness and the rough things that she had going on, Phoebe did find an outlet."
"People do what anybody would do if you're in a place where you feel powerless."
"I've had chronic anxiety and panic attacks since I was a kid" - "puppy play is this really great coping skill."
"If you can learn to goof about something, you take away all its power, it's true, own it."
"Prayer is the most appropriate thing for a soul to do in the time of trouble."
"Life is about lessons and blessings. You keep your failures to your damn self."
"Everything that is a symptom of CPTSD only occurs if it gets triggered. You can't stop the world from triggering you, but you can learn to calm how you respond to triggers."
"Stress is certainly a factor, human beings relieve their stress quite often."
"Animal Crossing: New Leaf... especially to maintain a sense of community while dying slowly here."
"You got to laugh if you're offended, you got to laugh."
"After Caylee died, Casey did what she'd been doing all her life - she pretended everything was okay."
"Being on stage in front of so many people, being so intimately exposed caused her to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol."
"Everyone has their own way to deal with pain."
"What a way to deal with stress: don't mess with the stress, mess with the desserts."
"The phone is both the cause and the relief of our anxiety."
"Escaping the moment is another way of saying distraction, isn't it?"
"As long as you don't skip your antidepressant pill, another magic pill, gotta cope somehow."
"Prayer may not always be your way out, but it will always be your way through."
"How spirit may strengthen to bear an unbearable world."
"The long-term effects of therapy can give you the tools to deal with challenges as they arise."
"Even if one of the problems of modern adult life is that we’re constantly pretending, pretending also seems to be the solution to holding on to our passion."
"Girl, you gotta keep yourself busy, and the way I kept myself busy obviously was going to the gym."
"Providing intense emotional support can help people help their bodies cope with even a very serious illness."
"My optimism is often what is the way that I internally answer the anxiety."
"Find humor in the situation. Like those times you're like, 'I'm gonna have to laugh right now or I'm gonna start crying.'"
"Unhealthy coping strategies were necessary when you were young; they might even have saved your life."
"When you can take the darkest [ __ ] in your life and laugh at it, then you got control of it."
"I started using when my oldest son was shot and killed 13 years ago."
"We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones."
"Entertainment, joke sarcasm humor is the ultimate coping mechanism to go through challenging times."
"The craving is spiritual... I was eating my way to feel good."
"Those kinds of stories prepare us for the fact that there are dangers out there and maybe give us some coping mechanisms."
"It seems legit logic if you got a song stuck in your head you play it till you're sick of it same kind of thing."
"Mental health issues are an ongoing process to try and deal with, and most people don't ever get rid of their mental health issues, they just kind of learn to live with them."
"Laughter is the only cure for first sadness and hard times."
"It's my channel and I never want to lose grip of that."
"Deal with the pressure from teammates... create a mute bond."
"If you can't fix what's broken, you'll go insane."
"I'm a fan for the exact same reasons. I can pop on a comedy special at night when I'm at my lowest, when I'm at my darkest, and I can laugh."
"Sometimes you just have to laugh at the darkness in life."
"Sometimes friends, the high road is under construction, and therefore we take the low road."
"Whatever pain you can't get rid of, make that your creative offering."
"So satisfying now I can go take some pills to get the headache out of my head from this dude talking the whole time."
"Sex and materialism both being used as coping mechanisms for Kendrick."
"We're all just trying to make sense of this ridiculous, crazy world by whatever means necessary."
"The munchkins used to get ripped on set. What else are you gonna do?"
"Those are the desperate lies of a lonely child."
"I'm living a much healthier lifestyle and I have so much better coping mechanisms."
"Conspiracy theories are a convenient alternative to an uncertain world."
"Believing in an all-powerful shadow government is a convenient alternative to thinking this is a terrifying event that no one could have predicted."
"Emotions aren't scary and aren't going to hurt you; they provide vital information."
"Rather than dwelling on his feelings of alienation, David threw himself even further into music."
"We know that when times get rough those barriers get thin and it is easier for Monica to get in to the brain good luck getting it took this brain just like completely separating from it just gave me this like power that I didn't know I had."
"We laugh at the news because if we don't laugh, we'll cry."
"Eating can be a coping mechanism that allows you to avoid the resolution of emotional issues that negatively affect your life."
"We believe that things happen for a reason and even in the moment when we were still in shock we were going, you know, there's a reason this happened."
"Humor and satire is such a um it's part of our human function right when things are rough and difficult."
"Just make some chicken Parm and everything will be okay."
"I thought if I don't laugh I'll cry and be in a dark room for years."
"Whatever that thing that you feel you need to cope, you should be doing it."
"Tragedy doesn't immunize you against comedy."
"All addictions work until they stop working."
"He has an uncanny way of neutralizing bad thought patterns."
"It's almost best to Double Down On It, exaggerate, roll with the punches."
"How do you fill that empty feeling that you have inside? Shop. Sex. Drugs. Gossip."
"Anger is more useful than despair, but laughter heals and protects."
"It helps when I'm overwhelmed, when I feel like I can't calm down... it helps improve clarity and focus."
"Death is really normal to me. We see death so much that we make jokes about it."
"We process it with like, 'I'm gonna cry, but then I'm gonna fucking figure out a way to laugh at this shit.'"
"A sense of calm can be achieved even in the roughest of seas if you have compassion for the waves."
"I'm sure if you've gone through any type of grieving or any type of thing you try to hold on to the things that are the most solid in your life and this is one of those."
"Stress, anxiety, the things that we're facing as a planet right now, it leads you to need ways to center yourself, ground yourself."
"This too shall pass and in the meantime you need to focus on your future."
"Every time I get upset about something, I start to think about things I'm grateful for."