
Defense Quotes

There are 11534 quotes

"If any object presents a threat to the safety security the American people, I will take it down."
"We need more shotgun shells because it's our main way to defend ourselves when we're not on our tames. It's life or death out here, bro."
"Sometimes the best defense is a good offense."
"I just love goals like that. That's like R9. That's what I like about Rasmus."
"What a defensive start to the game for the bananas."
"Because even though we live in a world with satellite-based reconnaissance and hypersonic missiles, it seems there's a significant place on the battlefield still for a man in a ditch with the will to defend it."
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... I'm nuking your [expletive] country."
"Defense procurement is not a game where you can just load a previous save if you've made a suboptimal decision."
"Fashion has always been my defense mechanism."
"Enough is enough. For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation, and my legacy."
"The US developed the Tank Urban Survival Kit, or TUSK... designed to defeat RPGs by detonating them prematurely upon contact with the cage structure."
"We defended the Capitol from native-born citizens, and that says a lot."
"This is a big document... If you're not making a document like this and trying to defend yourself, something is wrong."
"I love the way you defend yourself. That type of conviction and certainty needs to be recognized and applauded."
"Love is a much stronger defense than a wall."
"Contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the Saints."
"If you don't have the balls to fight and defend an idea, then you don't have an idea."
"An act of kindness sometimes is the strongest defense you can have."
"It was for defense; it wasn't just a house, it was a home."
"The more offense we have, the less defense we need because if I just have a wall of turrets, everything will die before they're able to get a chance to even take a breath."
"Defending is way harder than attacking. Defenders have to be alert 100% of the time."
"We are defending the system that has kept peace and been important for international security."
"Gabby is so obsessed with this narrative that's being pushed that she defended her best friend's offense."
"I see a future where we defend democracy, not diminish it."
"We're going to preserve, protect, and defend our incredible Constitution."
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil."
"The further you get in life, the more defense is important."
"Magic Archer is a wonderful supporter or defender against the graveyard."
"This deck is so very powerful, providing so much defense whether it's against the beatdown in a golem or a royal giant."
"Knowledge is power. You can read books in your leisure time and use them as weapons in life-threatening situations."
"When you see someone being attacked in this way, it is incumbent on you as an individual to stand in solidarity with them."
"We have to go our own way and in this multipolar environment, the only way is to enhance defense, enhance security, enhance European foreign policy."
"The only way we can even hope to fend off their onslaught is through preparation."
"Truth is an absolute defense, and I've got the proof that he's both."
"The defense of any woman, especially my wife, is not debatable."
"The brass shield is the proud owner of the highest guard boost of any medium shield and can manage over 50% negation against three different elements."
"The order must be verified by the Secretary of Defense to be an authentic order given by the president."
"Defenders are beginning to desert; they're weaker than before."
"The watchman upon the tower would have seen the enemy while he was yet far off."
"I think there's a kind of virtue in someone who's willing to defend ideas or people they believe in."
"Nothing will get past this hypersonic vengeful temple, absolutely nothing."
"CDC and our public health partners are the nation's first line of defense against these disease threats."
"When you defend the rights of one person, you defend the rights of every person, no matter who is at risk, no matter what in-group or out-group to which they belong."
"The Arcadia Empire is a kingdom known for its famously corrupt rulers and extreme lines of defense."
"Those who accuse Rowling of punching down against her critics ignore the fact that she's sticking up for those who have silenced themselves to avoid the job loss, public vilification, and threats to physical safety that other critics of recent gender orthodoxies have suffered."
"The will of the Ukrainian people is to not be invaded and conquered by a fascist neighbor."
"Everybody deserves a defense and everybody deserves a fair trial."
"I will always defend him on his professionalism. He's a professional footballer, one of the most professional footballers I've ever seen."
"Nuclear deterrence is the Department's highest priority Mission."
"The defensive masterpiece from KY is absolutely online, and he does what the Viper could not."
"Victory is achieved by defending things that are important."
"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended."
"Germany has expressed its desire to build a modernized, high-tech, powerful military."
"It's gonna shoot out a constant stream of energy and kill any zombies that come around to it."
"The assistance we're providing, including Stingers and Javelins, is defensive, helping Ukraine defend against an invasion."
"Battle stations everyone. With me now. Your journey ends. This enemy has taken our home, and now they threaten our very existence. But if we attack together, we can take back our home, or we die trying."
"Even if you disagree with someone's speech, you'll defend their right to express themselves. That's a value that we need as Americans and that's a value that we need online."
"The guardians of knowledge within the Cult Mechanicus will go to any lengths to defend any threat to their supreme monopoly on technology."
"NATO is not supposed to be an aggressive alliance. It's a defensive alliance, at least on paper."
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to your death your right to say it."
"What is the most important quality of a defensive weapon? Is it weight? Is it size? Is it ergonomics? Is it accuracy? No, it's reliability."
"They are the defenders of humanity. They are my Space Marines, and they shall know no fear."
"Mankind has strived to defend themselves throughout all of human history."
"We have to be able to defend freedom. We have to know what it is. We have to be positive."
"In the heart of defense, lies the strength of a nation, unyielding."
"General Sirko, the commander-in-chief of Ukraine's Ground Forces, has issued another strong statement talking about the vital importance of defending Bachmut and about the need to go on holding out in Bachmut."
"If you don't have a defense, you don't win anything."
"Shellder: Encased within a shell that is harder than diamond."
"Cloyster: Even a direct hit from a napalm bomb can't destroy it."
"Stop it, y'all. Quit playing. I didn't do this stuff. This is not me. I'm fighting for my life!"
"Small nations like Ireland do not and cannot assume a role as defenders of just causes, except their own. Existence of our own people comes before all other considerations."
"An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us."
"The heroism of the Ukrainian defenders has been beyond reproach."
"The Belt and Road did not begin as a military venture; it actually began as a defensive venture in order to diversify transportation corridors."
"Be aggressive in action, chivalrous in victory, stubborn in defense."
"Meter can also be used defensively and for mobility."
"Varane, uh, Triore, Road to the Knockout, I believe it was, we'll try Oreo, right? He's great defensively, good physicals, great defending, great pace as well."
"The real factor in a Barker v. Wingo analysis is the possibility that the accused's defense will be impaired by dimming memories or loss of exculpatory evidence."
"The battle in which we must now engage is nothing more nor less than the defense of democracy itself."
"The best form of defense is attack. So, where do you attack to keep the pressure off your own forces, even if you don't have any great expectation of a big breakthrough on the battlefield?"
"Pluralism plus the ability to defend your position, the willingness to defend your position, the courage to defend your position—that is what real truth is about."
"When it comes to the defense of historical, objective truths, no matter the consequences, hold the line."
"If you're a bad guy, you wouldn't want to attack the Valley of Peace because it may cause the legendary Dragon Warrior to rise up and defeat you."
"Let's find out if the defender can survive an entire night while spies are trying to invade their office."
"The number one defense against defamation is the truth."
"I would defend your right to say anything you have to say to the death, regardless of how much I disagree with it."
"Neither service could win a war without the other, and the two are equal and vital partners in ensuring the U.S. military remains the most powerful on Earth."
"Your knowledge is your first line of defense."
"Our greatest defense against the schemes of the devil is to be grounded in God's Word."
"Whenever we protect our neck or use our arms and hands to protect our vital organs, this is a very defensive kind of closed body language."
"The state-of-the-art tanks that the United States and Western countries sent to Ukraine immediately after enabled the Ukrainian Army inventory to have much more advanced tanks."
"The frustration in debates is that they very rarely defend the god that they actually believe in; they defend instead some abstract notion of a god."
"This experiment we call America is worth defending."
"I'm not going to sit here and just defend them because they're my friends. I'm here telling people what I know about their character because I feel it's the right thing to do."
"It's about defense of America, it's about defense of our democracy, it's about defense of our freedoms."
"Imagine what Churchill would have had to do... without an army, without a basis to be able to defend itself, Britain would have been so much more vulnerable."
"As your president, I will defend our democracy with every fiber of my being."
"We're standing to defend Europe against Russia, against Putin. He can't be allowed to win."
"We will defend our freedom and our democracy."
"Later this month, the United States Department of Defense is set to release a trove of documents pertaining to what might be the most obsessively discussed and imagined topic they've ever investigated: unexplained aerial phenomena, or as we usually say, UFOs."
"We absolutely must defend our civil liberties."
"The ideas that grew out of the Enlightenment, they were given voice in our country in our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights. Those are worth defending."
"It was one of the best games we've ever had just in terms of the circumstances. It was pouring down raining, it was windy, the ball was soaking wet, and just to come up with a huge stop on fourth and one by our defense."
"Our truth is that it's our land, our country, our children, and we will defend all of this."
"I am here. We will not lay down our weapons. We will defend our country."
"We need to recognize what we believe in, what we stand for, and what we're willing to defend."
"Unbelievable defense, just unbelievable composure under the pressure."
"Our egos defend us; they do a lot of good things, but they're also harsh rulers."
"Defence procurement is a complex system with a variety of actors, all responding to their own interests and incentives."
"There is not a better secondary in the NFL than what the Saints have."
"All great teams are built from the defense onwards. Shut the back door; that will give more security to score goals."
"The shield generator pack... is going to effectively double your life bar."
"When the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized, they are better able to resist tyranny."
"The 49ers defense is really really good... they've invested heavily along that defensive line with six first-round picks."
"We'll fight back to back, even if it's for the last time."
"Given that I believe this invasion is illegal, it follows that the only people fighting legally are the Iraqis who are defending their country."
"Look, I'm 28 years old. I've had to defend my country in two wars and in many battles. Nobody wants peace more than Israel."
"Our democracy must be perpetually defended by every generation of Americans."
"There is no fortress which can defend against the jackass loaded with gold."
"Most martial arts... have a very strongly developed sense of counter-attack. You go into any wrestling class, and you'll see a big emphasis put on what they call re-shots."
"It's the most capable tanks in the world. It will enhance the Ukrainians' capacity to defend its territory and achieve strategic objectives."
"The United States will soon spend more on debt interest than it spends on defense."
"If you can't defend it, it's not yours. Protecting Taiwan, protecting our home is our own responsibility."
"Hello there, Shroud... we are the defenders of the galaxy."
"The Trophy protection system...could detect and neutralize incoming missiles like a shotgun fly swatter but for anti-tank missiles and those pesky RPGs."
"A fascinating and complex character who has absolutely no reason to love Layndale and its people, and yet has emerged as its greatest defender."
"I have defended Azealia Banks many times because I do think that she gets a certain kind of criticism because she's outspoken, because she's brash, and because she's dark-skinned."
"You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!"
"This is a fight for our home, for our ideals as a nation, and for our right to exist as a Jewish democratic society in our country, in our homeland."
"The theater is my home. I won't be fucked with here."
"My whole life has been as a scientist, and if you're attacking me, you're really attacking science."
"If you cannot defend your club against lies about your football club, you cannot love them."
"How dare you take that away from my football club... you're not taking that away from us."
"It's a responsibility that no matter who your client is...they're human beings, and if they've been falsely accused, there's nothing more important than making sure the truth comes out."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi's defense was nothing short of insurmountable, using tight minimalistic blade work combined with agile body contortions to Stonewall or even evade attacks."
"Please step in to defend us, don't just watch while someone throws a fit."
"Manipulate attackers to the only approach in one way and fortify that path, that's the principle of castle design."
"The system should destroy anything that attempts to corrupt it."
"Hackers get a bad rap and it's totally unfair."
"Unlike past regions, the strongest trainers from coast to coast unite in order to protect the people and places they love."
"If you're on a team you feel the need to basically defend your team."
"Duke, they just... they go on those spurts, and it's all sparked by their defense."
"You pound on the floor to play defense, play with emotion."
"The wall was never intended to keep everyone in. It was to keep the invading humans from coming in."
"You're gonna have infinite armor, you're gonna have 99.99% damage reduction from armor."
"By making sure the zombies can't break through, we make sure everybody inside this base is really safe."
"You should always err on the side of having your center too well protected."
"We're defending a tool that has saved so many lives and it's a shame to see the amount of media surrounding a man that was choked to death."
"I may not agree with everything you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it."
"The art of field camouflage and the improvement of natural obstacles to an enemy's advance were brought to a high pitch of perfection."
"Having to defend, having to say, 'I didn't do this right.'"
"We will not spare our forces or our lives in erecting a steel wall in defence of the Motherland and in defence of its sacred capital, Moscow."
"Gary's return impacted us defensively, his speed and on-ball pressure."
"We have to stand up, we have to take a stand on behalf of those who are being hurt."
"You can play defensively because his counter it game is so strong and offensively his lows aren't that scary."
"It's not the most powerful gun but if your oppressor has guns, it's better than not having a gun."
"It's better to be on even footing with your enemies in the arms race."
"Bermuda now at plus three defense." - Incredibly difficult to KO
"A superb recovery drive and an incredible defensive drive from Adam Carroll."
"I always want mechanics that favor offense, and this mechanic is very beneficial for offense. It's good for defense too."
"The bastard Pack successfully defends the AEW All Atlantic Championship."
"Things looking pretty good now, we've got a choke point here."
"Sephi heard shouts coming from her room and rushed outside to see a man holding a knife over her mother."
"It's only by defending those values that we then might get to a position where we can inject public life more broadly with a sense of purpose."
"And we will be guided by the science. When the science changes, we must change our response. When the virus changes its method of attack, we must change our method of defense."
"Free speech is easier to defend when it's speech you like."
"The Cyber threat is daunting, but when we combine the right people, the right tools, and the right authority, our adversaries are no match for what we can accomplish together."
"Those who favor putting males in female sports have not bothered to defend their claim at all or to engage with the points raised by the other side."
"Our form of government is not inevitable but it's worth fighting for."
"I think masculinity is under attack on some level as a bad thing, and so I don't think masculinity is a bad thing at all."
"Odi's best defense is going to be offense." - Taking proactive measures.
"You're not gonna come in here and kill additional Americans."
"Fair enough, any reason to block is good enough."
"Germany is doing the Anschluss, we want to fight them as soon as they demand."
"Anti-aircraft research might be useful; we'll think about it."
"Canada's former defense minister claims that aliens are real and so on"
"She's just trying to pin her baby on Mr. Levon because she knows that Mr. Levon is a good man to me and to our kids."
"You're not a champion until you defend your title."
"The history of the 21st century turns on how fiercely we defend freedom in Ukraine."
"Here's the choice you have: you can shrug your shoulders and give up on doing anything that helps Taiwan better defend itself."
"I'll not stand idly by... while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people."
"You don't want to give anyone the chance to get on their offense because you might be only a blue belt at defending what their master black belt is attacking."
"Professor Griff should not be sitting here getting attacked by somebody who's not on the front lines."
"You should defend your current wife especially when your ex-wife is overstepping her boundaries."
"War can be stopped not by making the strong weak but by making every nation weak or strong, able to defend itself."
"Tactics are your first line of defense, but armor is meant to give you that extra edge to help you survive."
"Just as we fought to build our rules-based international order, so are we now fighting to protect it."
"If you have good awareness of where people are and know the state of your lanes, you should be able to respond to backdooring."
"I'm asking for weapons that would not be used to wage a war on somebody else's land but to protect one's home and the right to wake up alive in that home."
"It's difficult, defending the rights of unpleasant people to say unpleasant things."
"Garrison defense will literally change your life and punish your enemies in a way that they will not see coming."
"If a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend life and property, then I will deploy the United States military."
"But if he was here to defend himself today, he might just point out that you have, in fact, heard of him."
"I hope all those who have attacked him for simply loving his wife now see that he has helped us all."
"Being able to defend vulnerable people when powerful people try to crush them."
"These kids have nothing to apologize for from where I sit."
"Merely going to protect property was provocative."
"Throughout history, free societies have had to take exceptional measures to defend themselves against external threats." - Neil Ferguson
"I've been the most strident defender of freedom through all this."