
Individual Responsibility Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Everything that you know, society is so delicately balanced where we don't ask anything of the individual; it's always blaming someone else and expecting someone else to change."
"Placing the responsibility of burnout on the individual is a very subtle scam that's happening society-wide."
"Anyone at any level can choose to take care of the person to the left of them and the person to the right of them."
"Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his or her responsibilities by others."
"We've constructed a social and economic order with massive structural exclusion... and meritocracy recharacterizes this structural exclusion as an individual failure to measure up."
"There will always be that failure of individual accountability, but I would still rather...choose self-governance and individual responsibility as our way."
"The proper solution was to live properly as an individual because you're more powerful than you think."
"If we each live properly, we will collectively flourish."
"I think people should act locally rather than globally. Look after what's around you, look after the ones close to you."
"We all have to take responsibility for this, and it starts with us as individuals."
"The goal here is just to get people held accountable, held responsible, so that big institutions... my focus was on individuals being held individually accountable because I thought that would be the most effective means of change."
"This country isn't going to be saved by some Messiah coming from on high. We each have our own role to play."
"If you want a democracy, if you want a republic, you have to believe that you are a free actor capable of acting morally."
"People say all sorts of stuff, and it's on each person individually to take down responsibility and use their brain and think for themselves."
"You and I should...be holding our politicians accountable for that because everything can't be done on an individual basis."
"At the end of the day, you're responsible for yourself, and nobody else is. And no one's going to come to help you, no one's going to go out of their way to make sure you're in a good position unless you do it for yourself."
"People start to see an individual politician or activist as responsible for said issue rather than seeing it as structural."
"We're gonna have to stop blaming each other for every crazy person who does a crazy thing."
"Don’t let it happen. It depends on you." - George Orwell
"So do your part. That's how we will keep each other safe."
"The point is what can we all do as individuals to have a positive impact on the world around us."
"What intuition tempts us to believe: 'When there's a problem, government should act.' What reality taught me: 'Individuals should act, not government.'"
"The West got it right with the idea of the sovereign responsible individual. Meaning and responsibility are the same thing."
"Just like Beyoncé, Ni'Jah is only responsible for putting out her work, she has very little knowledge or control over how people react to that."
"How many individuals does it take before it's not the individuals who are prejudiced but society itself?" - Mallory Blackman, Noughts and Crosses
"A lot of it is going to be on you, the individual. It's just the way it is."
"Individuals should be held accountable for their actions."
"This has to start with individual people and it has to come from the bottom up not from the top down."
"It's important that people really understand that this is important for everyone but it's important for the individual who has the vaccine themselves and those around them."
"It's erroneous to blame that on the individual when the system makes it possible."
"Freedom, opportunity, and self-determination—that's on you and me as individuals to go get that."
"The meaning that transcends mere materialism is found in individual responsibilities."
"A sturdy frame needs truthfulness, backbone, the willingness to say if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody's problem but hers."
"You are the only person that you yourself control. You are the only person for which you are absolutely absolutely certain at all times of your own reasons for your actions."
"Focus on what we can do as individuals to improve ourselves and improve the community."
"You have no right to spew a deadly virus to kill or sicken others."
"The idea that it's just him who's done it all and that we can excuse away all of his behavior, come on, this is absolutely ridiculous."
"Individual choices matter more than rules at this stage." - Chris Whitty
"All of us have an individual responsibility to stand up and defend our democracy."
"I think individuals could take small actions. I think it starts at a community level and it builds up from there."
"Wrong no but can members within it be wrong absolutely and can large groups of members be wrong yes."
"Nothing will change without the individual changing though. That's what you guys gotta understand, without you doing your part, nothing's going to change."
"A new order of conditions is to arise; there must be greater consideration of the individual so that each Soul becomes his brother's keeper."
"If you want to get away from cities, if you want to start homesteading and taking care of yourself, being more individually responsible, you have my tremendous respect."
"It's terrifying how one individual is capable of damage of such magnitude."
"Nothing's like amateur wrestling... it's all on you."
"There's no way to have a collective Society that's healthy without having an individual that's healthy."
"Let's start with ourselves and then move out."
"Statistics don't change if individuals don't change."
"You're not called to change the world, you're called to do what you can."
"The media doesn't decide what the truth is, you and your own research does because we are the media."
"No one was to blame for his children's deaths other than Samantha."
"The church should be a refuge, a safe haven for children."
"It's not fair to indict the whole family because of the choices of one grown man."
"The only person that's gonna save you is you."
"My mind is always open to trying new things."
"It's the fulfillment of our duties as a citizen that allows us to be free both as individuals and as a people."
"You individually need to have a plan for how you are going to contribute."
"Guess what? You're kind of just being a useful corporate patsy."
"You don't own the actions of other white people just because you happen to be white."
"Your power is not putting your well-being in everyone's hands but your own."
"You don't get people to stand up on their own two feet if everything is given to them."
"It's not the account, it's the individual that's barred."
"The choices we each make in the coming days will have a material effect on the road ahead."
"Nothing stopping the less meritorious from climbing the ranks but themselves it's only fair and natural that they remain on the bottom."
"A free State is one in which everyone possesses their own firearms, opposes every attempt to disarm them, and fulfills their duties to provide security."
"The welfare culture discouraged individual responsibility, it pushed people to make hard choices which damaged their families."
"His win is not just a political shift, it's a Beacon of Hope for those who cherish Freedom, individual responsibility, and economic sanity."
"What a world we would have if every single person changed what's underneath the roof and in the heart."
"It's not my place to judge what anybody else does. They're full-grown adults, they can make a decision for themselves."
"Astroworld is literally the reason why [she] is no longer alive... so obviously Travis is responsible in some way."
"Remember you are a person. It is your business."
"The true subject in this case was the girl. She was the one that had ripped off these guys from a kilo of cocaine and then she tried to save her own hide by laying it off on an innocent person."
"That person should be fired. It doesn't speak to the Gucci store or America at large being racist, that just means you got some stupid sales associate at Gucci."
"In the judeo-christian tradition, guilt is individual, not collective."
"Jesus won't protect you anymore. You do custom [__], you're done. No, I'm not protecting your peers. Each man protect yourself. That's the first lesson. Self-preservation. Islam shout out Louis Farrakhan."
"Do your research and find what works for you."
"It's the person behind the gun, and it's about helping people before they ever reach that point."
"I blame the culture. The culture is a real thing, but the culture is also made up of individual human beings making this choice to constantly eat candy."
"The only thing that'll actually make a difference in this world is your choices."
"Ultimately, it should boil down to the understanding of personal liberty and self-reliance."
"Somebody has to be that one voice, and I'm willing to do that."
"Blames individuals instead of blaming systems."
"The view of the 19th century was that an individual was fundamentally responsible for himself."
"Take whatever you want from this, it's your life."
"You can't blame Billy Joe Bob for the political climate in this country."
"We've got to fight to resist this notion that if somebody black does something, it reflects on all of us."
"It's not beyond your capability to research who Matt McKinley is."
"Most of all, I hope people will read it and reflect on how we all can do better as individuals and as a society."
"The only thing you can do as one individual is make sure you're working on you."
"It's not going to end at the corporations; it's going to be to every individual."
"No politician is going to save you. All of them are self-interested. All of them give a damn about themselves and they do not give a damn about you."
"You can't blame an entire group or community for the actions of an individual."
"It's up to individuals to discern the truth."
"Change starts with you, with all of us."
"Yes, peace, the very peace the world is seeking right now. It begins with me and with you and you and you."
"Humanism is about our relationships, but also about our individual responsibilities and to respect the meanings that other people are creating in their lives."
"Overreacting to this coronavirus thing, figure it out for yourself."
"He's not going to drag you to heaven."
"I think this book is dangerous not because it's demonic, but because it holds the individual culpable for anything bad that ever happens to them."
"But at the end of the day, everybody's going through this life, and they have to make their own decisions."
"A lot of social problems have their origins in actions taken by individuals."
"It's individuals, not abstract institutions, that protect democracy."
"The world waits for no one, it's up to each of us to discover its magnificent destinations."
"The fault lies with Anello, and him alone."
"Your dreams are gonna be most important to you."
"We're a nation of laws, and we've been reminded by you and by Speaker Bowers and Secretary of State Raffensberger, Mr. Sterling, that our institutions don't defend themselves, individuals do."
"When it comes to climate change, this myth of the individual completely breaks down."
"People are responsible for their own actions, and no one could be burdened based on someone else's actions."
"If you agree that it is a systemic issue and your analysis goes back to the individual, then you're looking at the problem wrong."
"The challenges presented by our age really have to be faced by every individual human being today."
"What do you view the role of government to be as opposed to the responsibility of the individual?"
"The only guarantee of freedom today, or at any time, is in the willingness and ability of an individual man to do whatever must be done, wherever it must be done, to preserve that freedom."
"And no bearer of burdens will bear the burdens of another."
"Prevention is something that is largely in the hands of the individual."
"Everyone's a janitor with their own keys, trying to figure out how to open up things as best you possibly can."
"Reform starts with the individual."
"Everybody as individuals should be thinking about what they can do to minimize their environmental harm."
"No man is account for his father's sins, nor the father for his son's. The righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself."
"The answer lies in each and every one of us; that individual health is essential to Global Health."
"Every single one of us can go a little step, can take charge of what we can do."
"It begins one person at a time, it begins with you and it begins with me."
"When there is a material impediment that creates an injustice, we do equity to a reasonable degree that still recognizes the individual responsibility of the person involved."
"Sending a person to prison alone is definitely not a deterrent; it's up to that individual person."
"The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child."
"The best hope of stopping this epidemic and the advance of dengue fever relies on our individual actions."
"If each person doesn't do their individual part to take care of what they can do for the climate, this is just the beginning of it."
"I think there are some causes that are within the control of the individual, but I think there are some causes that are outside of the control of the individual."
"I'm not inheriting any of that nonsense. We're individuals and you're responsible for things that you do wrong."
"Wrong is not a color, wrong is an individual or individuals."
"We need to do it on an individual level, but not for the world first of all; it's for us because we are it."