
Poverty Alleviation Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"The single greatest force for raising literally hundreds of millions, billions of people from abject poverty is capitalism."
"Our job is to empower people. Everybody can get out of poverty because everybody can contribute."
"It's enough to raise entire cultures and countries out of poverty... Entrepreneurship did that, and it did it with its arms tied behind its back."
"Social Security lifts more Americans out of poverty than any other program."
"Lift up almost 1.5 million Canadians with disabilities out of poverty."
"It's no exaggeration to say that being lifted out of poverty is a transformative event which affects people's lives positively in all sorts of ways."
"China eradicates extreme poverty. 98.9 million Chinese in rural areas helped out of poverty from 2012 to 2020."
"Education is in fact a ladder out of poverty."
"By getting people out of poverty, we fix most environmental problems."
"If we could shed the apocalyptic pessimism and encourage young people to work diligently towards a mature and integrated vision of the economy and the environment... that's a viewpoint that's much more likely to lift people out of abject poverty and also to produce a greener and more sustainable world."
"If you were to be empirical about this and compare where China was in 1979 to where it is now, on the economy alone and living standards and the war against poverty, there has been phenomenal progress."
"Socialism is a method that countries in the impoverished world have utilized to raise their people up out of poverty, to industrialize, and they've had quite a few success."
"Socialism has raised countries out of poverty."
"The best thing you can possibly do for poor people over any reasonable span of time is to drive energy costs down to the lowest possible level."
"China has lifted more than 600 million people out of poverty and do you know that China is now the second largest economy in the world?"
"The pursuit of a better world for all through the elimination of poverty, discrimination, and injustice."
"End extreme poverty by 2030, boost shared prosperity."
"It's not surprising that there's data that suggests that for every ten people who get access to the internet, about one person gets lifted out of poverty."
"A country that has taken more people out of poverty than any country ever."
"I think the Earned Income Tax Credit is the best way to put money in the pockets of people."
"This channel over here is a level-up, anti-poverty space for black women."
"The best data indicates quite clearly that if you can get poor people up to a point where they are producing $5,000 US GDP per year, they immediately start to take a medium and long-term view of environmental stability."
"The best way to help the poor is not to become one of them."
"Capitalism is responsible for saving over a billion people from extreme poverty in the last 15 years alone."
"The benefits of globalization... lifted unprecedented numbers of people out of poverty."
"If you actually want to make poor people less vulnerable also to climate, but presumably also to all these other things, you lift them out of poverty. It's not rocket science."
"If there are ways which we could act which clearly would lift people out of poverty elsewhere, and we can do it without destroying our motive to be helpful, then we should do it."
"Entrepreneurial spirit is one of the ways that you get people out of poverty."
"I think capitalism is the best system known to man to lift people up from poverty."
"Getting social security earlier literally saves and extends the lives of poorer Americans."
"These women could double their capital by simply having one less cup of tea every day for 30 days."
"The Chinese model of government, however described, has delivered extremely impressive economic growth, lifting many millions out of poverty."
"We've lifted more people out of poverty in the last 12 years than had been lifted out of poverty in the entire history of humankind before that."
"More economic freedom lifts everybody out of poverty...the places around the world that are poverty-stricken is to bring them more economic freedom."
"The first step towards leaving poverty, getting to the middle class, is making sure you have a decent high school education, one where you can read, write, and compute at grade level."
"We have to help individual people out of poverty."
"Capitalism is the best system known to man to lift people up from poverty."
"The best way to reduce poverty is to actually give people agency. This means giving people money."
"Recent Nobel prize-winning work suggests that the best way to lift people out of poverty is to give them money."
"My wife and I run a charity called Rebuild Globally, which is putting children through school education. It's the two-key solution to ending poverty."
"No system is perfect, but name any system throughout the history of mankind that has pulled more people out of poverty than the free enterprise in a capitalist system."
"We're hitting on all cylinders, so we're fully community-based. Our mission is to combat poverty through expanded transportation options."
"Xi Jinping declares extreme poverty has been wiped out in China: President says 850 million people have been lifted out of destitution in an unprecedented accomplishment."
"Being able to efficiently and effectively allocate resources has been instrumental in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of absolute poverty over just the last five decades."
"If you want to make a country rich, you make the poor rich."
"Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour... so no one has to raise a family in poverty."
"For about $10 billion a year, we could make sure that almost everyone in the poor part of the world, so that's almost half a billion kids in primary school, could be better, smarter, and make more money. That's worth more than $600 billion each and every year."
"It should be something we welcome, actually, a lot of very poor people getting to decent living standards."
"You have an obligation in my view to do everything we can to help poor people."
"Capitalism would not have made lives better for the poorest people around the world, radically better."
"We're going to try to make the poor rich, kind of try to alleviate absolute poverty with a pro-human view on environmental stewardship."
"The defining and ongoing innovations of this age – biotechnology, the computer, the Internet – give us a chance we’ve never had before to end extreme poverty and end death from preventable disease."
"I'm amused to see that the New York Times is finally recognizing that capitalism raises people out of poverty."
"Liberals have always been pro-capitalism because they know capitalism is the only way to lift great numbers of people out of poverty."
"Every day over the last goodness knows how many decades, 175,000 people have been raised out of poverty every day."
"You would have to have a heart of stone not to be glad that hundreds of millions of people have come out of poverty."
"The reality is that the last... years since World War II, the democratic and the capitalistic systems of the world... have lifted more people out of poverty than any other time in history."
"The world needs to come out of energy poverty. It needs to come out of economic poverty so that we can all begin to function at basic human levels now."
"Our children are going to get a good education because education lifted my father out of poverty and lifted me out of poverty."
"Reducing childhood poverty should be a bipartisan effort."
"We have to create a society where everybody who works is guaranteed not to live in poverty." - Chris Hughes
"Give directly, this is sending money to people in poverty, so good."
"Make the poor rich, and the planet will improve, or at least get out of their way while they try to make themselves rich."
"You can't have over 100 million people living in poverty, millions of young people in their productive agenda, and do something else. We must get those young people to be productive. It's a win-win for the country."
"This would lift families out of poverty. The estimates are that it would reduce child poverty in the United States by 54 percent."
"Free enterprise capitalism is the only instrument we have to end Hunger, poverty, and extreme poverty across our planet."
"Providing people's basic needs as a right eradicates generational poverty it eradicates all the structures that keep people down."
"John's money helped save the Southern United States from abject poverty."
"Energy is everything. You wanna deal with absolute poverty or even relative poverty for that matter, energy is everything."
"We can't abolish poverty in this country if we don't find a way to increase worker power."
"In America, if you work 40 hours a week you should not be living in poverty."
"Everyone wants to see poor people brought out of poverty everybody wants to see the world become safer richer more liberated everybody wants to see the world become a better place."
"Capitalism is the greatest wealth creating engine in human history's let the more people out of poverty and you are a beneficiary of the very system that you are bashing right so stupid."
"For all of the geopolitical problems that China's economic growth has created, it has been responsible for lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty."
"I do think this technology will lift a lot of people out of poverty."
"These are the key elements of the assistance plan that will lift 12 million Americans out of poverty and cut child poverty in half."
"The pie on the classic you know pay on to capitalism is is the best known system to mankind to lift people up from poverty."
"Sitting on a worn-out mattress, he chatted with an 80-year-old man about how to fight poverty."
"That means a kid born into poverty in this city would graduate with almost fifty thousand dollars in an account."
"The best solution for poverty is to abolish it directly through a guaranteed minimum income."
"The child tax credit lifted 3.7 million children out of poverty."
"Just a simple fact that you take $15 minimum wage off the table, that's a start to ending poverty."
"Mako wanted a more legitimate life, one that would bring him and his brother out of poverty."
"Capitalism has set many more people out of poverty than any other system we yet know of."
"The way out of poverty is through entrepreneurial capitalism."
"Education is supposed to supersede poverty and social ills."
"We're going to lift one million people out of poverty."
"Let's focus on policies that uplift people out of poverty and promote sustainable development."
"If you actually want to help people living in poverty with evidence-backed high impact Charities I highly recommend you check out givewell."
"Charter schools give students their only chance to break out of cycles of poverty and misfortune."
"All India really wants is to grow their economy in peace and lift their people out of poverty."
"The only sustainable route out of poverty comes from having a good job."
"The best way to get people out of poverty isn't to keep handing them cash grants from the government."
"Let's make a religion out of coming out of poverty."
"China has eradicated extreme poverty in their country. They have lifted like 780 million people out of poverty."
"The more you pull people out of poverty, the more you reduce criminality."
"Straight cash. Money is the most effective way we can help people improve the situation for their families, their communities, and themselves."
"China's main focus has always been pulling people out of poverty by any means necessary"
"If you've made it out of poverty, it is your responsibility to help others do the same."
"Lifting people out of absolute poverty is the most important piece of the puzzle."
"Education is the biggest intervention we've ever had against poverty or even for that matter against prejudice."
"The best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them."
"The greatest system to lift people out of poverty is just capitalism."
"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty."
"Education is the only tool that takes us out of the hardcore of poverty."
"In my first three years, we lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty, the largest poverty reduction of any president in American history."
"Anyone who has read economic history knows the key to lifting countries and people out of property out of poverty."
"If we want to be successful in addressing poverty, hunger, malnutrition, we have to work with women."
"Commerce entrepreneurial capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid."
"Escaping poverty is possible, even in Africa."
"A country that not only proves that escaping poverty is possible, but one that also became a role model for other countries on the continent."
"800 million people out of extreme poverty, astonishing achievement."
"Bitcoin could be the great equalizer and help people get out of poverty."
"If the world gave up its military there'd be no more poverty."
"A billion people raised out of abject poverty by opening up markets capitalist markets."
"The road out of poverty goes through a college education these days."
"What has lifted people out of poverty? Capitalism."
"Clear investment strategies which help alleviate poverty, promote job creation, build sustainable infrastructure, and of course, bridge the digital divide."
"Reports indicate that the child tax credit alone is going to bring many people many children many families just straight out of poverty which is great."
"We need policies that really disrupt poverty and not accommodate it."
"When he was in power you know he helped fight poverty he helped expand social programs health care education very important things that these countries have all lacked."
"Capitalism is the only thing that has elevated billions of people out of poverty."
"Stimulus checks and additional unemployment benefits helped lift over a million Americans out of poverty in January."
"Here's what China has achieved in the last five years: alleviated extreme poverty, built a huge high-speed rail network, renewable energy in every home, and much more."
"China lifted 800 million people out of extreme poverty. That is an incredible accomplishment."
"Our aim is not only to relieve the symptom of poverty but to cure it."
"Mohammed VI earned the title of Guardian of the Poor for making the fight against poverty one of his priorities when he became king."
"Anything that gets people out of poverty is good in my opinion."
"Biden's plan would be a boon to the poor and for broad economic growth."
"Three simple rules to escape poverty: Keep a full-time job, graduate high school or equivalent, wait to have children until you're married and older than 21."
"Access to energy lifts people out of poverty and provides access to education."
"You cannot care about lifting people from poverty and be anti-capitalist. There is no other economic system that has lifted billions of people out of poverty."
"Humanity first, we've forgotten to take care of the poor."
"They've lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty."
"It's not a question about whether or not China should develop. China has to develop in order to lift more people out of poverty."
"A market economy ... has been an unbelievable engine for lifting people out of poverty."
"There is only one cure for world poverty that's ever been found or ever will be, and it's very simple: it's called the empowerment of women."
"Let's be the generation that ends poverty in America."
"A poverty reduction, poverty alleviation, empowerment agenda for people in rural areas and urban areas is all very much on the table."
"It's going to really be a lifeline and it really is an opportunity for individuals to move beyond poverty."
"Bernie Sanders: 'Morales did a very good job in alleviating poverty in giving the indigenous people of Bolivia a voice.'"
"The only system that has ever lifted people in any number from poverty has been capitalism."
"Direct cash relief has been demonstrated to be a massive success in alleviating extreme poverty."
"Building generational wealth, assets, investments, and all of that will remove us from the pit of poverty."
"Ending abject poverty is literally on the ballot in 2020."
"I actually think we put together a really nice video here."
"Increasing access to the internet especially for those who are poor or in poverty is going to help give them access to jobs and basically an extra economy for them."
"Do whatever you can whatever can lift you out of poverty."
"China's poverty alleviation accounts for 80 percent of the global effort."
"The only time on this planet where more and more people are getting out of poverty is because of that one word capitalism."
"Do you want to know what it takes for a country to escape poverty?"
"We lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty, which is a record."
"We need to help working families and poor people across the country feel like they have an opportunity again."
"We have the ability to eradicate poverty... And I believe we have a moral obligation as a country to do so."
"This could be an absolute game changer as far as helping raise children out of poverty."
"Providing a monthly universal payment to families with children has been shown to be really effective in reducing the rate of childhood poverty."
"Home ownership is the number one factor that drives people from poverty to the middle class."
"China's recent poverty alleviation record has fundamentally transformed the consumption possibilities of very low-income people."
"I don't care how we get there... What I do want to do though is look at breaking these chains of intergenerational poverty."
"China lifting 728 million people out of poverty is the greatest contribution to human rights in the entire world."
"Capitalism is extremely anti-racist since it's done more to lift people out of poverty, lift nonwhite people out of poverty than than any other of its competitors."
"We eradicated poverty for like a month during the pandemic."
"Under Lula's leadership, Brazil lifted 36 million Brazilians out of extreme poverty."
"We've got to zero in on poverty and the empowerment of workers."
"Johnson's Great Society was a series of initiatives with goals including ending poverty, reducing crime, and eliminating inequality."
"If you want less poverty, increase freedom, increase ease of transactions, increase ease of starting and release less regulation on a business."
"Capitalism has played a significant role in alleviating poverty while criticizing excessive government meddling in the economy."
"They're trying to lift people out of poverty. That's not a bad goal in itself."
"Education is the best way to overcome poverty, bridge social gaps, and prepare young people to enter the workforce."
"We got to get out of poverty and we get out of poverty by making money and reinvesting money in our own communities."
"You're not just meeting the needs of the poor, you're making the poor priority."
"The eradication of extreme poverty in China is perhaps the greatest, most impressive anti-poverty program in the history of the human race."
"Be the change you wish to see. Group photo of everyone Bernie has lifted up from poverty."
"The solution is a much more serious social safety net and policies that lift up the poorest people."
"Improving the plight of those living in poverty."
"In the last six years give directly has given 100 million u.s. dollars in cash to people living in extreme poverty."
"Three million party members were dispatched to neglected and remote areas to work on poverty alleviation."
"Why can't we find a way to work with China to solve the world poverty problems?"
"This stimulus check is a step towards aggressively fighting poverty."
"China and its leadership is if I'm not mistaken they have made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization."
"Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than anything else in the history of humanity."
"We really need a global Marshall Plan for poverty, the environment, and sustainability."
"It would lift over 900,000 Americans out of poverty."
"China was for so long this very poor country that has alleviated so much poverty, all extreme poverty if I'm not mistaken, and it did it without being any, without the neoliberal capitalist model."
"Capitalism has freed us almost entirely on the planet from poverty, technology, medical, you know, the lives that are being saved capitalism got us there but right now this is one of the great political Wars that we're facing."
"Together we will lift millions more of our citizens from welfare to work dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity."
"This country is committed to the United Nations, ending poverty within the next decade."
"Technology is what's lifted the world out of poverty."
"A super effective antidote to Poverty is money."
"Properly applied capitalism is what lifts people out of poverty."
"The best thing for poor people is to get them jobs and get them working."
"If we want to help the poor, just solve the problem, you know."
"If we want to help the poor, just solve the problem."
"We're lifting millions of people from welfare to work dependence to independence and poverty to prosperity."
"China's economy continues to grow and raise countless millions out of poverty each year."
"If you really want to help the poor, stand up for capitalism."
"When I look back over the things that have gone wrong in the last 30 years it's easy to forget that we've taken 1.5 billion people from extreme poverty to being just poor a wonderful thing."
"Capitalism is the best. It's not the perfect way, but it's the best way to get people out of poverty."
"The best way to get out of poverty is an education, right? Yeah, you know I think of Dr. Ben Carson and his story."
"What's good news to a poor man ain't going to be poor no more."