
Smile Quotes

There are 943 quotes

"The most special thing about you is the smile on your face."
"An atheist materialist account of reality can't make sense of our ability to reason, think, and understand."
"It takes more things to frown than to smile."
"A smile is hope, a smile is love, a smile is understanding."
"A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control."
"Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath."
"A smile can truly save another person's life."
"Even the smallest smile can have a lasting impact."
"Her wonderful blue eyes that when she smiles, they light up her whole face. I'll always remember that smile."
"Ethan's smile isn't just that, a great smile."
"Smile, which opened on September 30th, only dropped 22 percent in week two, continuing to slowly float down the chart."
"A smile is beautiful no matter how it looks."
"It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it."
"When this person smiles it lights up the whole room, lights up their whole face. They may have a really beautiful smile or just this really unique smile."
"She had this really huge smile and I feel like a smile is a universal language we know primordially the reason that we smile is because we're bearing teeth in a positive way which means that we're not being threatening."
"Wear a smile on your face because it's hard for people to give you negative energy."
"The shortest distance between two people is a smile."
"Proving that a smile can be found where you least expect it."
"A batman smile like that, and not be a killer?"
"I've just heard something that's made me smile."
"Their smile is really stunning and something people comment on quite a lot."
"You will fall in love with their smile."
"She falls asleep dreaming of the day and misses the first and probably only smile Lord Lucas Brandt has ever given in his life."
"It wouldn't kill you to smile, you know."
"The woman's smile and act of kindness remedy Hayate's sadness."
"I think you're nice, I like your smile, I like your laugh."
"Smiling triggers the release of feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin in your brain."
"I think you have a great smile, I think you have a good laugh."
"Smile with delight, this is the season where you're just going to smile."
"Hey, remember to smile; it will help you remain positive."
"A smile is something nice to see; it doesn't cost a cent."
"The smile is a way to release tension."
"Always smile throughout the process."
"Always smile, it's going to relax you, it's going to relax them."
"Your whole face smiles when you smile, and your whole face lights up."
"You look so much better when you smile, so smile for me."
"Whatever makes you smile, create your own traditions."
"All you gotta do is make somebody smile."
"What makes you beautiful? My smile."
"I want something to make me smile and I feel like this is going to be the perfect movie for that."
"She loved to bake she loved putting a smile on everyone's face."
"He's the first person to smile at her without expecting anything in return."
"A contented smile appeared upon her bloodless lips, the smile of a patient at the first glimpse of hope."
"Mietta thanked for such a valuable gift and once again showed a gorgeous smile."
"No gift is greater than a smile, and no harm is more deleterious than rejection."
"I guarantee you her smile lights the room up."
"Remember, a smile is the best uniform we could wear."
"My smile, your smile. I get a lot of compliments about how nice my smile is."
"Whenever I smile I make someone's day better what a cool way to buy happiness for free."
"Remember, nothing you wear is more important than your smile. It brightens everyone's day."
"If I die tomorrow, I will die with a smile on my face and no regrets whatsoever."
"Your smile that you can't wait to show off to the world when it's worth showing off to the world."
"When I have a smile on my face it really radiates inward."
"This emotional moment brought a sweet smile to Rosalin's face."
"A marvelous thing to learn to smile when you're talking to people."
"He's got a wide smile but he doesn't have a white smile."
"He's really drawn to your smile and your laughter. Like, whenever you smile or laugh, he just finds it so cute. And there's a lot of sexual attraction, but also love here, like this feeling of love and excitement."
"You just want to smile when you're around you. Like, they just want to keep on smiling. And they're also really attracted to your smile when they look at you."
"Smiling, even if it's initially forced, can make you happier."
"Your eyes are the windows to Heaven, your smile could heal a million souls."
"A smile can really get a man easily hooked."
"The nicer you are with that music, the scarer the scene even becomes. Smiles are big in horror. It's that instant visual, visceral, primal contradiction of your terror."
"The more you smile, the more you want to smile."
"You light up the world with your smile."
"If you don't think this smile gives, I had a master plan the entire time, I don't know what to tell you guys."
"Make it somewhat of a positive experience. If you smile, other people will smile."
"Smiling is very important. Your smile makes friends. Make sure you are smiling and giving off that warm and welcoming look."
"Even in death, the vagabond's face was lit by a gentle smile, the same one he carried through his unfortunately short life."
"I love that smile. Says I have no clue what I'm doing."
"When you smile at someone it turns on the reward center in their brain because they feel like they did something good to make you smile at them so they automatically feel this like connection to you because you smiled at them."
"Shunsui's enduring smile in the face of sorrow."
"If you really want to make a grown man smile, press the subscribe button."
"There's something about your eyes whenever you smile, they totally change."
"'I just gave a weak smile and ignored the whole thing, and learned later that he was back on the steroids when this happened.'"
"You're quirky, cute, and your smile lights up the room."
"It's kind of like when you see them and when they smile to you, they will not only touch your heart, but they will touch something much deeper."
"A kind remarkable or warm smile might make their day."
"If you feel moody, hold a pencil between your teeth. The muscles involved in smiling will send special impulses to your brain, producing endorphins."
"So make sure you smile, but it can't be a fake smile, it has to be authentic."
"You can turn the world on with her smile."
"I absolutely fell in love with your smile. Yeah, you just radiate light."
"A beautiful smile is the most important thing to make you look beautiful, handsome, younger, whatever it may be."
"He supported me through college and continues to do everything in his power to make me smile."
"I felt an uncontrollable smile grow across my face."
"I permitted the corner of my mouth to smile as I enjoyed her proximity and concern."
"When you smile, right, you actually release some serotonin. It's a happy neurotransmitter."
"The best way I could describe it was like Nic Cage, a smile from the movie 'Face/Off'."
"When you smile, it's like the sky's never known clouds."
"Love. Smile is an absolute must for me. Absolutely."
"A smile a day just makes everybody happier. So, I love a good smile."
"I love a good smile. Very important."
"When somebody sees your smile, a cycle breaks."
"So what's in a smile? We know that the sides of the mouth have to turn up. That's done by tightening the cheek muscles here."
"Julia smiles for the first time in a long period after finally opening up about her anxiety."
"Look at Angela's little cheeky chappy smile, look at him."
"Unique character design, cool devil fruit ability, and just look at that gorgeous, gorgeous smile."
"A sincere smile was named after a sadist French neurologist who electrocuted people's faces."
"Starting with ourselves, every time we smile, there's a little party happening inside our bodies. Our brain releases these happy little chemicals called endorphins."
"Please keep a smile in your heart and one on your face, and you just can't go wrong."
"Even in a global pandemic, your smile is the most contagious thing."
"My best advice is to approach all situations with positivity and a smile."
"Somebody really loves your smile."
"Does it kill a person to be nice or give a smile? Can someone make this make sense to me?"
"It wasn't one of his sarcastic smiles but a genuine one."
"Behind every smile lies a story untold, waiting to be heard."
"Bringing a gentle smile to your face."
"I love her simplicity and her smile."
"Her beautiful face was lit up with a confident smile of a child expecting approbation."
"You really do have a smile that makes others smile."
"If I can smile, it costs nothing to smile, makes you feel good."
"...if you can smile it costs nothing to smile makes you feel good."
"...I've never been more terrified of someone smiling at me than Kevin Feige."
"Smile for me, okay?" - "Smile for me, okay?"
"Every interview that I see, I'm charmed. He has a great smile and I just, I like him."
"A smile reveals a cheerful spirit and thus draws others to you."
"All you got to do is make somebody smile."
"My smile is anywhere near perfect."
"Many a man owes his good fortune solely to a pleasant way of smiling."
"Your smile is like 80% of your business card."
"For all her travail, her sorrows, and her harried history, let's remember Ireland with the face she always manages to turn to the world, the one with a smile."
"Your smile makes them fall in love."
"That perfect smile belongs to the world."
"When somebody walks by you and smiles at you and something about that particular smile makes you go like all I saw was that smile."
"Invest in your smile, that's what I say. It's worth it."
"How the owner of Hollywood's most disarming smile achieved success."
"Your smile is the most contagious thing in the world."
"A real smile engages the whole face."
"It's a kindness revolution. It doesn't hurt to smile."
"Remember, do something today to make somebody smile."
"Had a big old smile on his countenance."
"Capturing the essence of us," he smiled, seeing their love unfold.
"A single smile just like mine could travel around the earth."
"Your smile is probably the most important and special feature you have."
"I've always loved your smile because you have my mother's smile."
"Wrath seemed to be my father’s only emotion. I never saw him smile, laugh or anything."
"Her smile was so contagious that it could make anyone forget about their sorrows."
"A smile is cheaper than a bullet."
"You're so charming. What do you do with that smile?"
"People love when you smile, when you laugh. They just want to see you smile and laugh more."
"I wish I could see her smile right next to me for the rest of my life."
"Smile a lot. Smiling is one of the most beautiful things in the world."
"No matter how difficult it all was, he always smiled."
"I can't stop smiling, my face actually hurts."
"Chan smiled and touched the place on his body where Dalia hid him and the system notified him that he was terminally ill and his character had 146 Days to Live."
"It doesn't cost money to smile, you know that. I smile more when you make more money."
"'Every journey begins with a single step,' Almus replied with a gentle smile."
"A nice beautiful smile really shows that you have confidence and it makes you approachable."
"Someone needs your smile, someone needs your love."
"But what I'll say when you look at them, they will smile and what will they say? 'I'm fine.'"
"Strangers may even want to compliment your smile, it seems like you have an amazing beautiful smile."
"Smiling at times like this can mean the world."
"A whole life of fun, I think when you have to leave the world, you still have a smile on your face."
"Hisoka is smiling, that means that something very, very unpleasant is likely to happen."
"His mouth was smiling, it was such a big maniacal smile, I didn't even know it was possible for a human to make."
"The most beautiful makeup any girl can wear is a smile."
"Ironically paradoxically you can smile I don't know why that's true but if you have room inside um for the pain of the world uh somehow you are given the grace to to process your own pain and to see it as simply part of a much bigger mystery that everybody has to walk through."
"Your smile has a very alluring effect on men; it truly touches people's hearts."
"I feel like when I see someone smile that has a beautiful smile, I'm like, 'Wow, yeah, like you have a good smile, you're gonna be known for your smile.'"
"Love to see you smiling more. It doesn't happen very much, but it's good to do it."
"Smile. It costs nothing but creates much."
"It's not just putting a smile on someone's face, you know? You're changing people's lives."
"Smile, as the album was now titled, was scheduled for release at Christmas."
"I go back to the Bhagavad-Gita... and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming tragedies."
"...they have such a beautiful smile, and let me tell you, I don't want to be cheesy, but that smile screams 'I'm in love with you' or 'I'm intrigued' or 'I find you amazing.'"
"I really love this smile that he's got."
"You can't kill me because I'm already dead," Andrew says with a smile.
"People may complement your smile a lot and the way your eyes look when you smile."
"Her smile lit up the room and her eyes sparkled as she gazed at him."
"He wears anxiety well and that smile goes a long way."
"She smiled to herself at the thought. If the magazine article she'd read were to be believed, his face could tempt a saint though."
"Smile if you haven't smiled in a while."
"Look at that smile, she's just contagious."
"This dessert always seems to make people smile."
"The God only smiled, questioning if he really felt that way."
"I hope you had fun. Come on, where's your smile? Come on, it's a smile I'm looking for."
"Remember to live life with a smile."
Craig's defining feature was what his sister Barbara called his "grand piano smile."
"I remember thinking, when I was much more in that sort of open heart phase, every time I saw someone smile, I just thought, 'Oh, there's enlightenment, there's awakening, no matter who they were.'"
"Her million-dollar smile is her weapon."
"His smile is here, so this is the first thing that she gets."
"You have a very nice smile. I like the nose ring, I like the jewelry."
"He smiled telling those players not to worry."
"Oh yeah, go ahead, smile, you know you want to."
"There's nothing better than a natural smile that's not forced."
"Zara's smile was like a treasure and her laughter a melody that danced in the wind."
"I watch you as you drive, do you know I'm looking and I can't help but smile."
"It was the first time Adolf Knight had smiled in many, many months."
"Honestly, I'm slightly stressed but I'm smiling for the camera just for you. Just for you. I'm smiling for you. So hit that subscribe button, you know you want to. Let's go."
"Even during this global pandemic, which has killed hundreds of thousands, your smile is the most contagious thing in the world."
"This person has a beautiful smile."
"This person's smile is coming through so much."
"Mandy's smile has a profound impact."
"...plus it's just the right level of cheesy and over the top i can't help but smile every single time that i listen to it."
"Nobody makes me smile like you do."
"Is your smile everything you'd like it to be? Bright sparkling, magnetic?"
"You have a beautiful smile. People love your smile."
"I like someone who has a nice smile."
"You can see the grin without needing glasses."
"When you smile, your brain doesn't know if you're faking it or not, it just feels good somewhere inside."