
Simple Pleasures Quotes

There are 769 quotes

"My happiness levels have gone much higher because I'm suddenly enjoying simple things that also are good for me."
"Focusing on little things, like getting a coffee, walking, and going to watch the sunset, I find peace in those things."
"It made me want to go to the mall and smile."
"If everything is wet around you and you have some dry socks... not using that, my mind is being blown."
"If you're having a crappy day, there's one way to turn it around: go pet a dog."
"It's all about finding joy in the little moments, like enjoying a burrito bowl and soaking up some sun."
"I just want to find somebody and be able to come home to and say, 'Baby, I'm home,' and she comes home and says, 'Baby, I'm home,' and I get a kiss. That's what I'm looking for."
"My favorite thing to do at the minute is grab a sandwich, head up to the roof, and eat my lunch up there because the view is amazing here."
"It's like popping bubble wrap; you just never get tired of it."
"It's more enjoyable to have like friends, family, loved ones, share food, enjoy a sunset, etc."
"This is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee."
"I'm gonna carry this high for a long time. No ice cream can make me as happy as I am today."
"So was the bread worth it? - Honestly? Yeah. I love bread."
"I wake up and snuggle my husband and do the Wordle of the day."
"I just want to be there. I just want to get a rice krispies treat at the confectionary and watch the Dapper Dans and see the castle."
"Phoebe enjoyed apple juice and Cheetos, wearing sparkly pink sneakers, reading books about dogs. She loved rainbows, butterflies, puppy, and cats."
"My heaven will be making my daughter's breakfast sandwiches. That'll be my heaven every morning."
"If you like the Outdoors, there's not much to beat that."
"The little things in life... walking around in nature."
"That's a beautiful thing to see a dog running around with a frisbee in their mouth."
"There's nothing better than putting brand new sheets on your bed."
"If you have any sort of hobby, why not make yourself smile?"
"Now, last time I was standing up, but being able to lay down, I'm just watching TV honestly, Barney, it's pretty great."
"He just looks so happy with his little pearl shell."
"Sometimes in the middle of the day I just need an avocado toast."
"I like when number go up... ain't that the truth."
"Y'all ever sharpen a pencil all the way down? Made you feel cool, right?"
"It's the chocolate bars... they are amazing."
"If you don't have any fuzzy socks what are you doing"
"I love food so much. Every time I eat, I'm like, 'I'm so happy.'"
"Not admiration but trust. Just promise to have fun playing pingpong."
"Tossing a bunch of confetti into the air and watching it fall never stops feeling awesome."
"You can find a lot of happiness in the ordinariness of life."
"The concept of a simple hamburger had been revolutionized."
"If you can find happiness in an industrial-sized dryer with a four-horsepower motor, that's legit. Like, that's... There's some people that is all they need."
"Find the joy in the small things; be there for one another."
"I'm happy to go get coffee and I'm good at it."
"Life is the simpler things that are the most pleasurable."
"Hunger is the best sauce, makes salad taste real good."
"Pizza is delicious and it is truly the greatest."
"Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?"
"The simple sensation of pressing Lego bricks together is a joy that simply never diminishes."
"Strawberry Shortcake tastes so good, I mean yeah you can't hate Strawberry Shortcake."
"Pure bliss for me dumpster diving and stuff like that and just making memes whenever making twenty-five dollars on a video or something like I love that."
"Oh bread good. Oh Krispy doughy bread good for so many uses like toasting sandwiches."
"It may not be the healthiest meal in the world, but you just can't beat a good PB&J."
"It's something that gives me complete satisfaction right after I put it on."
"Nothing beats playing catch with your old man."
"I do like fancy dinners, but sometimes you just can't beat Chinese takeout."
"Each room and I had a big blanket on top of me. So all good."
"A good date is like going for a walk, talking, enjoying nature, getting to know the person. It's not about spoiling or impressing them."
"It's good to find things that make you smile, even if it's just for five minutes."
"People are excited about Ghost, he finally got his snoot booped."
"Eggs! Eggs! Egg eggs eggs egg start cracking eggs!"
"Going for a walk and sniffing a flower is truly the time tested way to feel better as a human being."
"I hope that in all of this that's been going on, that you find the small joys like a date night at home with your family or with your loved ones."
"How sweet it was to bring that coffee to her."
"Small functions like the little magnetic covers make me happy."
"Get outside, walk barefoot on the grass or barefoot on the beach."
"Something about a brownie and milk, man, so good."
"The lights at the gas station felt comforting."
"Ginger snaps and a nap sounds divine, doesn't it?"
"Life's good when you can just wake up, drink coffee, and click on things."
"Adulthood, getting super excited over chairs."
"Enjoy the small things in life. It's free. Just enjoying what is in front of you is free."
"Hey, you know what, it's the little things of life you got to enjoy."
"This is the best part, the bottom of the bowl."
"All I want to do is watch Man United play because at least when they're playing we're not analyzing the situation."
"There's two good things about this past week: getting to watch the Leafs play and it's easier to pick up Iggy's poop."
"Life is precious man and kids are still cute and sex still feels good and food tastes great and the sun still rises and the rain feels wonderful on your face."
"There's truly very little that brings me more joy than my rice cooker when it sings."
"Cold watermelon cube on a hot day in the summer, change your life."
"A fart sound effect, one of the funniest pieces of comedy that mankind has ever been so lucky to be able to enjoy."
"Wow, this is the most fun thing I've done all day."
"An appetizer and small salad can be perfectly delightful."
"It's those little joys in life, those little Creature Comforts. It's what we work for. Keeps Us going."
"There is a simple joy in watching numbers go up."
"Seeing the fireworks is better than seeing no fireworks."
"Lollipops are pretty much the best things ever."
"We should be able to say, 'I really enjoyed this,' and that's okay."
"The box has always been something I've considered one these simple joys in gaming."
"This one turns on a toaster, and you guys really like your toasters."
"Watching this batter turn into a honeycomb candy consistency is probably the happiest I've felt all week."
"Running and jumping through Jellyfish Fields, missing the bus out of Rock Bottom... that's just a simple pleasure in life."
"You know, it's just simple joy isn't it you know they're all harmless the birds the uh the foxes which are actually outside right now you know i just say it's just it's just your joy in my eyes to be honest."
"I've never been more jealous of someone in my entire life because she was just playing Mario at Chili's."
"The happiest people are those who find joy in simple actions."
"There is a real special feeling to a fresh set of pajamas."
"Wednesday wins! I guess I'm getting that lollipop."
"Just plucking them off the vine and eating them like an apple."
"Cotton candy magic just makes me so dang happy."
"Another thing that I like to do is I like to walk from one end of the apartment to the other."
"It's the tiny things that just bring me so much delight."
"It's these little things that put a smile on my face."
"Make the right choices, choose the maple donuts."
"Let people enjoy whatever lame comforting things make them feel a glimmer of happiness."
"Steaming Cups of Tea make everything better."
"It's the simple pleasures. It's just like I don't know, it's the thrill of [__] you know what life is worth living for."
"That's a perfectly cooked yolk, ooh and it's on bread with butter, that's good."
"I get to wear hoodies again! It's September, it's getting colder, I'm so happy!"
"I like having those figs out, that's awesome."
"I'll take the 400, and I'm sure I'll have a good little trip with my grandson."
"It's a lot warmer inside here than it's outside."
"My perfect stag do would literally just be Avatar to the cinema with my friends."
"You cannot treat other things as if they're like AMC and GME, because something like AMC and GME, it's a Black Swan event, it's a cultural wildfire that has never happened before."
"When days are green, I sit back and I enjoy my piano, it's that simple. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Embrace something small in our life, find something joyful."
"I finally feel alive, I feel like I just needed some food, some iced coffee, and meat."
"But at least the guns made a loud banging noise so they're very happy."
"It's one of those little things that stands there and it just makes me so happy."
"The secret thing that always makes me smile is puppies."
"Sometimes we don't need everything to be like this big epic crazy movie sometimes it's cute to just revisit your childhood in a fun new way."
"Sometimes a good burger on the beach is the best thing."
"Let folks enjoy things and acknowledge my nephew years ago I was babysitting for him and he was watching the minions movie on video and he was dancing around and jumping having fun."
"There's not many things that get me excited in life, but a well-cooked potato gem is right up there."
"How satisfying is it when you get out of the bath and put on fresh pajamas?"
"First order of business: Doritos and a cup of coffee. AI, make it happen!"
"As long as I actually enjoyed it, that's more than enough."
"Things are on the up-and-up, look at that meat, thank you chickens."
"Showing myself a little bit of self-love and doing some self-care doesn't necessarily have to be like this huge big thing."
"Something about a latte just makes me feel safe. It's very comforting."
"Candy is always good chocolate anything like that."
"I love saving these in the back of my cupboard and then like halfway through the year I realized I've still got a Christmas tree like a Reese's one in there and it makes me so happy."
"Eat marmalade and be good to people and you'll make the world a better place."
"It's not about the luxury train or riding in a Hummer, it's about sitting and laughing together."
"Mom, I just think you're beautiful and wonderful and the most amazing mom in the whole world."
"One does not simply walk away from peaches ripe on a tree."
"It's just a breath of fresh air to think about just shooting stuff."
"My favorite parts of my day are my morning and then my night... it's just special to me."
"Do your best guys, enjoy life just enjoy life."
"There's nothing quite as good as a gooey chocolate chip cookie."
"If yachty got me $10 flowers I would be happy."
"This watch actually makes me happy to be alive."
"I had some good uh deep fried catfish took my ass home tucked in by 11. That's what I like."
"Dog videos make me 5 to 25% happier these days."
"Cook some good food and enjoy it with the ones you love."
"This is all I wanted: the ability to be able to chew my food as fast as I can eat it."
"Playing in the muddy puddles is so much fun."
"It feels good to be back, just back in the UK, back in my own car, just doing what I do like how this all started, just sharing cars, enjoying driving."
"Isn't that a good thing that my life is really happy and I feel content just by having a cup of soup?"
"The sweetest thing, it's like peanut butter and jelly."
"The simple joy of hearing a child laugh, the pleasure a child can get from just playing with a cardboard box."
"Simple delicious and unhealthy next up are l chips tortilla style tortilla chips basic edition and bold and spicy."
"The meaning of life? Eating as much spaghetti as possible."
"You're never too old to enjoy a rice krispie treat shaped like a ghost."
"I want to make sure to savor life's simple pleasures."
"Sometimes we can just watch a story being played out by some actors, and that can be great and fun."
"You give me a comfortable bed, a cold room, a good television, and a good remote control, most people are pretty happy."
"Got some candy here this is just simple sugars something to taste sweet taste good and give you a little bit of an energy rush when you need it."
"I'm having the best day of my life, love french fries."
"Enjoying the simple pleasures is where true joy is."
"I’m gonna eat some Christmas candy and take a nap."
"Little things that bring you so much happiness and peace every single day."
"There's nothing better in the whole world than a sweet, plump strawberry, freshly picked."
"What is better than having a delicious glass of wine with a good read? Not much, I would say."
"It was just really comfortable to get on some pants."
"It's not my first tea from today, but it's wonderful without sugar."
"It's like me and a candle, it's just everything I want out of a scented candle."
"It's oddly satisfying... it's like melting wax."
"This has been the most fun I've ever had on a yard cart."
"Sometimes simple meals can be about even less than the family sometimes they're just about the joy of conversation over a bite to eat."
"Every single day is perfect. All I do is eat good food, play video games, and sleep."
"Do not underestimate the power of taking a raggedy old t-shirt, reserving it in a top drawer, and putting it over your head before you remove your sweaters."
"Tame the inner nostalgia you have for a nice bowl of cereal."
"Life is good, it really is the little things, isn't it?"
"What more balm for the soul can one ask for than taking a stroll with a couple of peacocks?"
"Every time I'm having like a bad day I just look at this and it just makes me a little happier."
"Everything's better when you eat the potato."
"The little things in life that make life so special."
"Words to live by: always room for more pizza."
"I mean, who doesn't like receiving flowers? It's the thought that counts, yes."
"It's 10 o'clock at night and I mean crepes. Life is good."
"We're already at a profit margin just being able to sit, take a bath, and auction off a few things."
"You are never too old to nestle under a blanket and get so cozy and warm."
"I mean, sometimes that's all you can ask for in life, is just a good chicken chipotle burrito."
"It's a jack-in-the-box. It's a freaking jack-in-the-box."
"Nothing better than being free and naturally happy."
"Oh goody, Peppa loves the big hill, everybody loves the big hill."
"Sometimes cheap old hot dog with some relish takes the cake, you know I'm saying? It doesn't have to be gourmet all the time."
"Kids really don't need a whole lot to be impressed."
"I don't care about productivity, I don't give a [__] about success, I need you to do the stupid things in life, smell the roses."
"Pizza Fridays guys, it's hard to beat those."
"Sometimes it's just fun to watch things go boom."
"Life's a living, sat there for 10 minutes is just fantastic."
"Find joy in the simple things, like a cup of tea."
"Never underestimate the power of a sandwich."
"That's so bite-sized and accessible, delicious like a tater tot."
"What a lucky thing to be able to sit here and observe other people like what a beautiful thing."
"You know, just neat stuff... and I just think that's neat as hell."
"All we did was just like binge Netflix eat snacks go in the pool read and that was really it it was just four days of relaxation."
"The simple things in life truly matter the most."
"Raise your glasses for a toast to a little bit of chicken fry and cold beer on a Friday night."
"A garden without carrots is like a day without sunshine."
"Pick something to look forward to each week that doesn't cost a lot of money."
"I'm just grateful and thankful for the opportunity to have this beer now."
"I think we lucked out by getting this cookie."
"Nothing spectacular... but it's definitely something."
"Just get around to enjoying life a little bit."
"Every night as long as they're up there seeing stars."
"It's the simple pleasures in life: coffee, chocolate, bread, sunshine. You have to be grateful for all the little things because those are the constants."