
Goal Alignment Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"If we are thinking about the future of existence, the problem we have to solve is goal alignment."
"Make sure your goals align with your investments."
"Our vision is directionally right, like you're not going to get your vision hundred percent right, but you're heading in the right direction."
"I should be able to pick up your roadmap item, any one of those bars that you guys draw on your roadmaps, and trace that all the way back to your goals."
"When you're on target, they criticize; when you're off target, they celebrate."
"Shed everything that does not resonate with your end goal, releasing the negative patterns and stepping into a feeling of patience and willpower."
"Align your actions with your goals to create a powerful, positive correlation."
"I think incentivizing a team through shared goals builds relationships."
"Your actions have to match your goals because right now you are throwing your money away on these liabilities that are not doing anything for you."
"The question is not are you worthy to reach your goals. The question is are your goals worthy enough of you."
"Never take advice from somebody that doesn't have your goals."
"You're on the same team, pushing the ball in the same direction."
"You can't stop someone who's just so united in their goals."
"Climate tech is the number one thing if I had to tell you guys right now in 10 years what I'm most excited about."
"Before you climb the ladder, make sure it's leaning against the right building."
"Sustained progress towards your goals tends to happen when people align their goals with internally what feels good to them - their values and their duties."
"Choose a degree worth the investment, align with goals," avoid regret and debt.
"It's that reinforcement that things you're moving in the right direction."
"Look for one whose goals you'd want to see achieved and would support you in your endeavors."
"Your spending has to align with what you want to achieve."
"Align your goals with that of the host or whoever you're working with."
"Super excited about this news because it contributes to one of your long-term plans."
"Apply focus without contradiction, achieve alignment, and experience exhilaration."
"That ending put you back on path with your goals and the stuff that actually matters. The Stars you can't Embrace and not be afraid of, you know the Stars you don't have to be ashamed of something that's actually for you."
"I just have fundamentally different views of how best to address this issue and how we can achieve the goal that we both want."
"Understand your progress in service of goals that are congruent with your values."
"Train the way that suits your goals don't lift for others it's gotta be for you that's the only way you're gonna be consistent in the long run."
"Getting everyone committed to achieving a common goal isn't easy."
"Whatever isn't matching up with your goals, your vision, your focus, you're just okay with releasing."
"Do things every day that align with that goal."
"Does this help me live the life I want? Your best life?"
"Just because you're not ordering or making food at home, or it's not a salad, doesn't mean it's not going to work for your goals."
"Don't allow anybody to speak into your life if it doesn't align with your goals."
"When you manifest, the only way you could truly be successful with manifestations, your actions actually have to match your goals."
"Having conversations with people where I know we're aiming at the same goal I find productive."
"We're all very like-minded and very goal-oriented, all on the same page in the mission."
"If you pull something into your life that's not gonna help you get to your goal, then why do it?"
"Setting clear intentions ensures alignment with their goals and values."
"You can't be walking in a completely wrong direction and think you are going to get into the right destination."
"Don't fear your desires; they help us come into alignment with inspired action."
"Are my decisions and habits consistent with my goals?"
"It's not necessarily about cutting people off, it's more so about analyzing boundaries now, how close and how much access do you give to the people in your life who may not help you with your goals."
"Alignment of goals prevents division and destruction."
"We're constantly re-evaluating to make sure in course-correcting to make sure that we're in line with where we want to be."
"This is your time to transform lack into abundance and align your goals with your heart."
"The activity becomes intuitive and one with our goal; we become capable of handling large complex amounts of data."
"What starts happening is you start attracting more people towards you that are moving towards a greater goal."
"Go out there, take risks, do things that are in line with your goals, and you will find that the universe opens amazing doors for you."
"What you want wants you, and what you are moving towards is moving towards you."
"Hang out with people that have a similar mindset or similar goals as you... it's actually so easy to get what you want to do done."
"Flexibility is crucial as no journey is without its unexpected turns and obstacles. The ability to pivot and adjust keeps you aligned with your ultimate goal even when the path changes."
"You want to make sure that you find one that aligns with your goals."
"Jumping on something that fits within your goals and interests can keep you motivated."
"...it makes it much easier to always link those achievements always link that sort of wider evidence if you like back into why you want to study your subject."
"In a well-managed organization, we keep on reviewing how well we are proceeding towards our targets and we modify what we do if necessary to try and achieve them."
"If you know what you want, what you have to do is bring yourself back to the present moment and just align your thoughts and action with the thing that you want."
"I'm excited to see what we can do, and we all want the same outcome."
"We're all good friends and support each other, and there's zero drama because we're all working towards the same goals."
"It's getting things done that are activities in line with your goals and what matters to you."
"It's about the idea of does this serve what you're trying to do?"
"Content creation is my biggest goal. If I could relate other goals to it, it's just better off for me."
"Make sure you know what your business goals are and how you can be driving social media towards those business goals."
"Make sure that you're choosing the right partner that fits you and your goals."
"You want to make sure you know the person that you're working with, that they know you, they know your business model, they know your goals."
"Every morning I sit down and look at the tasks in my Asana and the question I'm always asking myself is which tasks get me closer to my goals."
"How do I want to react to this based on my long-term goal?"
"The secret to changing yourself and changing your life is to simply take action every day that's consistent with where you're going."
"You have to work together to make sure you're on the same track."
"It's easier when the two of you are walking towards it."
"Getting back to regular meals as soon as possible that are in line with your goals is one of the most important strategies."
"Align your actions with your goals."
"We cannot be the best by operating through independent silos; it's time to row the boat in the same direction with the support of each other."
"Having a dedicated day or week just to focus on yourself, realigning it with your goals is just the absolute key."
"Once you dial this in, this is a powerful way to make sure that you're staying on track with your goals and really propelling yourself in the direction that you want to go."
"I'll read two to three books that check the intentions that I had in the goal video."
"By always locking onto the business goals and then unleashing the technical analytics capabilities, we can maximize the opportunities from those business objectives."
"We should not be giving the AI system a goal that is precisely defined and known to the AI system."
"If you have a goal in each area, everything you do is aligned to achieving that goal."
"You're very comfortable here, right because you're in your like purpose, you're right on target, you're on your goals."
"You need to be extra selective with the opportunities you say yes to because it could be pulling you away from your goal."
"Clarity is about having your actions match your vision."
"We need to be sensible and say what's our goal, is this beneficial for the goal, or are there consequences to this?"
"Track the right metrics for your business; KPIs are key performance indicators and are related to business goals."
"Your actions have to map to your ambitions."
"Collaborations, collaborations, collaborations. Find people who are focused on a similar goal or have similar values."