
Animation Quotes

There are 10355 quotes

"I love the animation for the door; it's reminiscent of the Lego movie animations."
"Each season of Korra has a specific theme or idea: Season one was equality, three freedom, and season two was spirituality."
"Hasbin Hotel is a good show with great aspects like the music and the animation."
"The highly anticipated Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse is swinging into theaters."
"One thing to remember about having a good and memorable animation sequence is having solid storytelling. This means you know what's happening, why it's happening, and how it's happening."
"Animation and character design is really about storytelling."
"This game winning the outstanding achievement in animation at the DICE Awards this year was absolutely warranted."
"I'm excited to announce that the September challenge of the month will be the first ever animation challenge of the month."
"John R. Dilworth... would be responsible for one of the most beloved horror cartoons of the new millennium."
"Pinky and the Brain, an animated television show about two mice who develop schemes to take over the world."
"Cuphead’s animations are second to none, and through knowing when to use and when to break some of the 12 principles of animation, MDHR has made a game that looks amazing, and plays even better."
"Unless you've been living under a rock, you should know just how acclaimed Marcel the Shell with Shoes On and Puss in Boots: The Last Wish were."
"It's no secret that the Academy absolutely does not respect the medium of Animation."
"So, it's gonna be a while, but I think that the artistry that goes into these films is gonna get harder and harder to deny."
"Appeal means characters that you animate should be somewhat pleasing to look at."
"It's going to say you sure you want to render it's not a real render and I go yes and then it's going to kick out a really really fast play blast version of our animation."
"Animation has all the possibilities of life, without any of its limitations."
"Framework was cataloged and published in the 1981 animation Bible, The Illusion of Life."
"Character designs, facial animations, the quality of The Voice work, the cutscene Direction, the art design...all of this is a straight 10."
"Anime, a style of Japanese animation, is typically aimed for both adults and children."
"The argument that animation could be more mature, could be dramatic, could be adult, could be a perfect medium for a story like The Lord of the Rings, was absolutely true."
"The passion of all the collective animators working on Mob Psycho, you could see how much they put into this and how much they cared."
"Each movement and each transition from pose to pose is animated with the utmost care to ensure that we don't miss a single step."
"You can actually manipulate these keyframe values here to change the speed at which the triangle goes across the page."
"Hades is a comedic miracle of animation... James Woods as Hades was about as perfect a comedic performance as you could get."
"Our Uniform is up for Best Animated Short, and I think this might be my favorite animation style out of all the shorts this year."
"Lord Shen is an absolutely fantastic villain."
"It's such a well-built-up moment within the narrative and it culminates with Po holding on to a cannonball, briefly becoming the yin and yang symbol."
"It didn't feel like they were all specifically assigned idle animations; it really felt like everyone was just kind of inhabiting this space."
"Arcane was probably the most exciting cartoon of 2021 and the biggest indicator of what's to come for animation moving forward."
"Talented animators and storytellers, they are so wonderful, and I'm so glad that they are getting the level of success that they are."
"Regardless of one's opinion on the show's controversial nature, there is no denying its impact on the world of animation and pop culture."
"Despite its flaws, 'Drawn Together' was a show ahead of its time."
"Encanto looks at generational trauma, family bonds, and approaches these ideas with a level of maturity that makes it popular with older audiences as well as its targeted audience."
"I sacrificed the entirety of 2015 to learn how to animate."
"Demon Slayer has some of the most gorgeous choreographed fighting animation since, in my opinion, the Todoroki Deku tournament arc fight in My Hero Academia."
"Animating the right thing can really enhance the user experience, making the interface feel more interactive and responsive."
"This cool way they're doing this gives me vibes of Spider-Man in the Spiderverse."
"Definitely with Over the Garden Wall, which felt like a classic and was so unique in its own right."
"Naruto and Sasuke's first major battle is a major milestone for the story and for the show's animation."
"I think it's beautiful. I really like the Disney-style animation."
"The strong writing, clever humor, and colorful animation captured the hearts and minds of grown-ups around the globe."
"Animation is not a genre for kids; it's a medium. Animation is film. Animation is art."
"The quality of animation isn't to do with money; it's to do with talent and time."
"Arcane is a beautiful, impactful, and genuine fiction aimed at telling a story of tragedy and trauma."
"Encanto might just be the best animated film I have ever seen and certainly one of the few Disney films to actually bring tears out of me."
"Encanto is beautiful, absolutely amazing, and one of my new favorite films. It's everything I've wanted from an animated film since I started doing this job."
"This is the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life. VivziePop, I owe you a big one."
"Hasbin Hotel just existing is a massive achievement and a triumph for independent artists everywhere."
"Boris is comic relief but the guy has sincere moments with Balto that are genuine."
"Animation is about creating the illusion of life, and part of maintaining that illusion is making the effort to convince the audience. We want to be fooled, but bad animation can easily pull us out of the experience."
"I'm not asking for realism in fighting game animations; I'm asking it to sell me."
"I thought the poison ivy was fantastic. Her voice work was really good. I haven't seen a poison ivy this good since the animated series."
"Even though it's only been 15 years since its release, Wall-E has already become a classic with its beautiful animation, lovable characters, and sincere tone."
"I'm flying! The animation for the wings looks so sick."
"Fairly Odd Parents is in the category with SpongeBob of all-time cartoon goats."
"Chicken Run is literally another movie about animals rising up against their human overlords."
"The DreamWorks logo isn't just a logo that comes before the movie, the boy on the moon is literally God in Universe."
"Water, Earth, fire, air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, the Fire Nation attacked."
"Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him the most, he vanished."
"The animation is done better than it even has to be; they're making epic moments out of the mundane."
"You don't need to animate it this well; it's so extra, but I'm glad they did."
"Remember, not to overdo animation when you're doing a presentation. The point is the message that you're conveying."
"Despite being a fan project, despite being made by one person, it's honestly better than a lot of animation you see from actual studios."
"The game has the best combat animation of any Persona series entry to date."
"Wolf Walkers was awesome. It's like kind of a kid's movie... I hope this one puts them on the map."
"Many of us grew up watching Nickelodeon shows, with most of their greatest hits being animated series from the '90s. They were huge hits and still hold special places in the hearts of many people even today."
"The animations for sadness, disgust, and joy, and just the way the characters move is so brilliant."
"I love the idea of this skill, and I love the animations."
"Every kind of stage of animation requires a lot of work, and every single thing put into the show requires a good amount of thought."
"The future of animation is ideally a future with a diversity of voices and talent and style that don't exist right now."
"This was like the premier film for Locus, a big step into the world spotlight to say, 'Hey, we can make animated cinematic movies, check it out.'"
"Rise of the TMNT is a visual orgasm from start to finish. It's the best 2D animation on a TV budget I've watched since Kill la Kill."
"I have gained so much motivation and inspiration from anime over the years and just like any animated series in general that I've enjoyed."
"A close look at the writing used in classic animation to walk the tightrope of creating dark, mature storytelling for adults while still appealing to the kids watching alongside them."
"Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas is another worthy entry in the recent renaissance of animation... a reminder that animation is the most liberating of movie genres, freed of gravity, plausibility, and even the matters of lighting and focus."
"What makes Kyoto Animation great is a unique, highly immersive method of visual storytelling."
"We still like to do Brickleberry again one day... A cartoon can always come back."
"The humor...much of the slapstick humor hits and has creative delivery, taking full advantage of the animation medium."
"The characters look more like clay puppets with painted on accessories, and I absolutely adore the effect."
"It's pixel art, but it's done in a not overused pixel art way. There's a lot of frames in the animations that look, make it look very much fluid."
"Spirited Away is one of the best animated films ever made. Correction, it is one of the best films period."
"Much has been made of director Hayao Miyazaki's attention to detail in the visual art or movement of his animation, but Miyazaki also applies this level of detail to the fantasy elements in his stories."
"Princess Mononoke is one of the most powerful, complex, and beautiful animated films ever made."
"It laid the foundation for a company that would go on to develop some of the most widely viewed computer animated content on television."
"The goal for the animated suit was to create something that everybody who watched Saturday morning cartoons would be familiar with."
"As an animator, I always find it fascinating to watch how the character animation evolves from game to game."
"Every frame of these animations is taking full advantage of the inherent appeal of Sonic’s character design."
"The animation is helping to reinforce the fact that THIS speed is where you want to be."
"Sonic’s character animation is great at conveying the mechanics of his locomotion."
"You see, character animation is an enormous contributor when it comes to how a game feels."
"The real trick to character design is to go with a simple idea executed well. Simple designs encourage the animators to have fun. You don't want to bog them down with a bunch of patterns and pockets."
"The final battle between him (Biakuya) and Koga is astonishingly good... the animation is just off the charts."
"Much like the materia system, this would allow characters to select from a variety of attacks, each of which would have their own unique animation."
"Gravity Falls officially turns 10 this month... a show that profoundly impacted many, even beyond that, I'd go as far as to call it one of the most important cartoons of its time."
"Drawing fast and gestural is a super important skill to have when it comes to drawing for animation, for storyboarding, or for character design."
"Storyboarding requires us to draw hundreds of panels that consist of character acting while having a variety of different shots and staging."
"The allure of that video is that like we sent a bunch of cartoons to space and aliens interpreted that and made a child's cartoon but it's just like disturbing stuff."
"The critical difference here is readability. In a very well-animated boss, you will be able to get a feeling for what they're about to do based on their movements."
"Slave Knight Gael... Pay attention to his animations. You know what's going on with him... Every attack that he does is prompted by physical motions."
"At some point or another, you've probably seen a popular animated Disney film, Beauty and the Beast, which was released about 30 years ago to tremendous praise from critics and audiences."
"Hillenburg really loves hand-drawn animation and thinks of drawing in the SpongeBob SquarePants movie as far superior to the TV show."
"What makes great cartoon characters is a creator who has a strong vision for what his character is, and Steve Hillenburg was really the guiding light."
"The final moments of the Tournament of Power, Goku and Jiren's fight being one of the most beautifully animated sequences in all of Dragonball."
"When we talk, our pupils are not just staring blankly into the abyss; they're kind of always darting all over the place and looking around, and to make our character feel alive, that's something that we want to do as well."
"Just think about: are there moments like that that I can add these little effects to my scene to help, you know, cement these characters doing specific things?"
"I think the world needs more animation. I think animation is one of the best ways to tell a story."
"Arcane is a singularly beautiful piece of art, and I'm lucky to be a part of it."
"Batman: The Animated Series was both a distillation of everything that made The Caped Crusader popular for decades as well as an inspiration for countless TV shows, comics, movies, and of course fans, in the years that followed."
"I really love Moana and I don't think that's ever gonna change."
"Tangled is great, a gorgeous return to form for Disney's traditional fairy tales after Princess and the Frog started to get there but fell a little short."
"It's a gorgeously realized tribute to their past that also offers glimpses of what the future has in store."
"As we close on one decade of animation and enter another, it's sad to say goodbye to a whole decade of animation but it's just as exciting to welcome in a whole new era."
"Pixar's ability to craft compelling villains remains unparalleled."
"If you need a friendly neighborhood Precure expert, I'm your girl."
"Go princess Precure is my favorite season of Precure."
"The film was positively received by critics for its world-building, animation, and characters."
"Mustafa's piece is mesmerizing with a mix of frame by frame and tween animations that comes together in a very aesthetically creepy way."
"The animation work they did for this game is just stupendous."
"That looked really cool, you know what else is really cool? The animation when you click the like button."
"Favorite cartoon growing up? Probably Dragon Ball Z."
"Nothing stands in the way of Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup."
"Star Butterfly, one of the most powerful magicians in Mewni."
"Lord Dominator, one lady that nobody messes with."
"Marceline and Princess Bubblegum, seemingly all-powerful in their own way."
"Korra, the number one most powerful woman in animation."
"Rather than CG being used to replace traditional cell animation at the cost of a consistent art style, it was actually used as a tool to work alongside it and often enhance it."
"Anastasia has all the benefits of a studio budget that Bluth lost with Spielberg."
"Avatar: The Last Airbender is a childhood classic, and you can still enjoy it as much as an adult as you did when you were a kid."
"Throw in the Queen of Genovia, Julie Andrews, as Princess Fiona's mother, and you get Shrek."
"The attention to detail in a place further than the universe is incredible."
"For those who love exciting battles and unhinged violence and eye-popping animation then this is definitely the one for you."
"Looking at the actual animation, beyond just the art style which you could argue is just stylized a little bit to be a bit more low-budget, there is a lot of prowess going on in the individual character expression animation as well as the VFX."
"The tension and suspense of this moment are captured at a pitch-perfect pace by the animation style."
"Wall-E is a charming, awesome love story... It's the best science fiction movie of all time." - Mike Carlson
"Luffy in Gear 5 becomes a cartoon come to life."
"Fresh Guacamole was nominated for Best Animated Short Film at the 85th Academy Awards."
"Seeing someone like Squidward... Sincerely discovering the thrill, and peace he finds in helping others... Is easily among his most glorious moments of all time."
"He needed to make another full-length animated feature where he and his animation team would give it everything they got and once again put his entire studio and legacy at risk."
"Angular 5 animation allows for dynamic and engaging user experiences by animating elements within the application."
"Nothing is ever going to beat seeing that scene in the animation where the ghosts of the past fly out of the paintings."
"The sensation of swinging is greatly enhanced by the graphics of course but also the incredible animation quality."
"Ben 10's own little Avenger Squad, or Alien Force, which is why the show is called Alien Force."
"Schoolhouse Rock was a really cute cartoon and started airing in 1973... it's very cross-generational nostalgic."
"The show was incredibly cute and I remember it being very satisfying to look at."
"Hell of a Boss has impacted the world positively."
"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends offers a poignant and insightful commentary on the challenges of growing up."
"Everybody loves Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's pretty much the perfect cartoon."
"The animated shorts are some of the best stuff in almost I would say all of gaming, genuinely."
"Transformation is one of the most powerful plot devices, visualizing characters' paths in self-reflection."
"Transformation in animation is the powerhouse trope that it is because it's a very versatile tool in storytelling."
"From ancient myths and fairy tales to modern animated movies and shows, the theme of radical change continues to captivate audiences across the world."
"There's something so special in the studio Ghibli universe."
"Rankin Bass specials have been influencing artists and creators since the 1960s."
"How to Train Your Dragon does the impossible; it makes you care about not only dragons but Vikings."
"The creative staff and showrunner adore the idea of bringing Gumball to life, extending the universe from the fans."
"Animation could appeal to all ages and future strong characters instead of relying on cheap gags."
"There are a ton of creative uses of animation throughout this film."
"Ultimately, Satoshi Kon's legacy is not one that would be forgotten for a long time."
"Apparently, it was considered a landmark achievement in animation at the time, and I would say it holds up today."
"The matchup between Iro and Ozai would be so close."
"The animations you see in Pokemon camp, the overworld, and all the characters in the game are amazing."
"Toy Story became the highest-grossing movie of 1995."
"The Luxo lamp can be seen as a constellation of stars in the opening credits."
"Weezie's penguin design is a tribute to the Linux mascot, Tux."
"Upon its completion, Toy Story became the world's first computer-animated feature film."
"John Ratzenberger, who provides the voice of Hamm, became Pixar's good luck charm."
"The character was eventually named Buzz Lightyear."
"The Prince of Egypt really used the visuals to its advantage."
"Exo Squad maintains its legacy as a compelling original animated series that didn't shy away from dealing with mature subject matter and the realities of war."
"Albino black sheep is an animation website that is acted as a portal for creators to submit their flash animated videos since the early 2000s."
"Big shout out to Geoffrey Palmer who does the animations."
"Rhea and the Last Dragon, this looks amazing."
"Jones wanted something catchy and more in line with other Looney Tunes."
"Marvin was a beloved character with a newfound popularity."
"Destroy All Aliens is the next big entry for the younger Ben 10 saga."
"Every character has moments of highlight, but Olaf and Josh Gad, my goodness!"
"Spirited Away perfectly captures why Hayao Miyazaki's films are so enchanting."
"This I think is my favorite animation we've seen so far and one of my favorites that we're ever going to see."
"The movement of the camera, the sway of the gun, the frames of animation used for firing the gun, the way enemies react to each shot—this stuff was really just so satisfying."
"Regular Show will go down in history for being an amazing cartoon."
"My favorite part about Avatar was how much personality every single character had."
"I'm glad I finally did this and made a bit of a portfolio for the style of Animation that I like the most."
"Trying to draw actual expressions onto a ton of background characters every single time is always just a massive pain. Work smarter not harder. Cover your grunt characters' faces, that's my advice."
"Luca isn't Pixar's best film, it might not even be in its top 10, but this somewhat Ghibli-inspired Italian set homage to Stand by Me was frequently referred to as the epitome of a relaxing summer movie."
"The Fleischer Superman persevered, developing animation techniques that make it considered today to be one of the most high quality productions in the golden age of animation."
"Toph who makes every other earthbender look like they're playing with the rocks."
"The first thing that jumps out about Avatar: The Last Airbender is how much pure freakin fun it is."
"Gravity Falls made 'less is more' into a true art form."
"Why only stick to what nature can express when animation gives us the freedom to put our twist on our surroundings?"
"If Pikachu had a photorealistic yellow rodent face then I doubt the comedic or emotional moments would have worked as well as they did."
"Some things are better off left in their cartoony and stylized states. Cartoons allow for expression that photorealism and real-life limits."
"David has everything The Prince of Egypt has, like powerful songs and breathtaking animation."
"After watching that, I hope you maybe learned that it's not quite as crazy as you think it is to create these animations."
"The characterization, especially Blitz, is the highlight of the series."
"Songs in Hell of a Boss are amazing, another unexpected surprise."
"In conclusion, Hell of a Boss is definitely one of the most impressive success stories I've ever witnessed on YouTube."
"The longer this animation plays for, the more random it will start to look. They'll stop lining up and it will just look more natural, more organic. Lovely."
"I have a lot planned now for YouTube stuff. You guys who stay subscribed to the channel and everything... I have stop motion animations."
"Everything Mapa touches turns to freaking gold, okay? They are making anime so freaking hype."