
Military Quotes

There are 10484 quotes

"In the military, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves so that others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to people who are willing to sacrifice others so that we may gain."
"Morale is very high...because the casualty rates have stabilized."
"First and foremost, let me say thanks to the military and the service members who conducted this dangerous operation. They achieved the tactical success that was asked of them to achieve, and they all returned safely."
"I have the absolute and utmost respect for anybody who serves in the military."
"Jump forward two decades from that point, and the most common US nuclear attack submarine was still an improved version of the Los Angeles, while a strong majority of China's attack submarines were now much more modern designs."
"The demand for labour in the military is massive, meaning the Russian Ministry of Defence is now offering payments of something like 200,000 rubles per month for those willing to join the military and go to Ukraine."
"Hypersonic missiles are designed to cruise within the Earth's atmosphere, giving their targets minimal time to detect and intercept them."
"Do you regret joining the army? No, I don't regret a thing I've done. Not one thing. It made me who I am."
"America is easily the strongest economy in the world, easily the strongest military in the world, easily has the most soft power in the world, easily has the greatest institutions of higher learning, easily has the greatest medical doctors and healthcare professionals in the world."
"The rank and file, the military, the lower enlisted, the junior officers—they're the ones that pay the human toll of war."
"There are many things NATO can learn from this."
"It made my fellow soldiers feel like they're not alone like there's somebody in this world who loves them, who prays for them, and who's on their side."
"The most American war story ever: we were in Fallujah and this is before fluency became what we all know it as now, back when it was semi-safe-ish."
"Most scientific research these days is done for the military or for corporations with a kind of a profit-driven incentive."
"These US service members prove you can overcome any obstacle with the help of your friends."
"Aircraft carriers are the crown jewels of the US naval fleet, a runway that can sail anywhere, allowing them to provide air support anywhere in the world."
"If Russian officials are serious when they say they don't want a new war, Russia must continue diplomatic engagement and pull back military forces it amassed along Ukraine's borders as in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine."
"You can do things to reduce the cost of military equipment and improve its efficacy."
"In the end, I don't care what bit of equipment you have; there is a young lad sitting in that who is more comfortable, whatever is better, a better fighter."
"I'm resigning my commission as a United States Marine effective now... I don't want any money from the VA... All I asked for was accountability of my senior leaders when there are clear, obvious mistakes that were made."
"The defeat of the Russian army is the main cause of many of the present conflicts within the Kremlin."
"The military method is developed to help soldiers fall asleep in less than 2 minutes."
"April is the month of the military child where we celebrate the strength, resilience, and sacrifice of our military's youth."
"The greatest military in the world... we have a lot of people that want to be politically correct or they don't know what they're doing or they're weak or they're stupid, but we have the greatest military in the world."
"Soldiers, sailors, and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force, you are about to embark upon a Great Crusade."
"John Titor claimed that he was a man from the year 2036... he worked for the American Military and went back in time to retrieve an IBM 1500 computer."
"Your Navy, when called upon, delivers. Let us not forget, however, that delivery is made on the backs of our Sailors and their families."
"By meeting their quality of life needs, we are ensuring that our warfighters can focus on the mission."
"We have Junior Sailors in the Red Sea right now, standing watch in combat information centers, deciding which contacts are friendly or pose a direct threat to their ship."
"Executive Order 9981...desegregated the US military."
"My girlfriend was a janitor for a high school when I was working at McDonald's. Now we both work in the military."
"Everything that we do on a daily basis, everything done that we do here on the show, is only backed by the enormous force and might of the American military and the amazing commitment that the men and women of the American military have every single day to keep us safe and to enshrine constitutional principles not only in the United States but for our allies abroad."
"The most valuable thing in war is combat experience."
"The United States Air Force just conducted a test of what may become the world's first modern operational air-launched Hypersonic missile out over the Pacific."
"If Arrow does make it into production...it would provide the United States with a Hypersonic capability that is utterly unmatched by anyone on the planet."
"Chase Hughes, I'm a behavioral expert with 20 years in the U.S. military. Now I teach intelligence agencies and the general public in persuasion, interrogation, and behavioral profiling."
"The president would then review the attack options with the secretary of defense and decide on a plan."
"Despite being eager to begin active military service, was nonetheless pragmatic, knowing that only his own genetic stock would be used to rebuild his legion."
"I think if you serve in the military and you get a good sense of what a blunt instrument it is and how inefficient it can be, you become very skeptical about using military force unless you absolutely have to."
"The top military official in the U.S wants diplomacy with Russia, completely validating the message of the Congressional progressives' letter."
"President Biden has now called up three thousand reservists and is going to send them to NATO's Eastern flank."
"Without our female commander, we wouldn't be wolf warriors."
"The USS San Francisco, a nuclear submarine, was on a high-speed port run from Guam to Australia when disaster struck."
"For every one of you, there's like 10 or 12 other MOS soldiers that just to support you."
"The development of U.S. Hypersonic strike weapon systems is a department priority."
"The Armed Forces of the Philippines has been the Filipino people's staunchest defender and protector from any threat, guided by the light of justice and law."
"The Armed Forces of the Philippines always reassures the Filipino people of its continued unwavering commitment and determination."
"Your Armed Forces, protecting the people and securing the state."
"Their recruitment efforts weren't working the same way anymore, so now they're turning to gaming."
"War isn't fun and I don't think the U.S. Armed Forces have any place in esports."
"The military's air-conditioning budget is more than NASA's budget. Not saying troops don't need air conditioning, I'm just putting that into perspective for you guys."
"This shows the soldier being victorious after battle and everyone cheering him on."
"Change is coming to the European military landscape."
"We have the world's most powerful military, an industrial base, and an entrepreneurial people that are second to none."
"No one runs into battle for God and country. It's for the guy to the left of me and the guy to the right of me."
"The F-22 may be slated for retirement, but it has no intention of going gently into that good night."
"In the military, people legitimately bond across races because they're forced into proximity where they have a common goal."
"Storm Shadow was a significant announcement, and it represents a step change in Ukraine's ability to hold Russian targets at risk across all Ukrainian and occupied Ukrainian territory."
"The forge stands ready to make weapons of war."
"Love is the word they use in the military; what makes the Marine Corps strong are the intangibles."
"JFK ordered the withdrawal of 1,000 military personnel from Vietnam by the end of the year."
"JFK was a world war II hero himself, rescuing 11 of his Navy men."
"We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die." - Bret Crozier, former captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
"The British soldier, all around the globe, you'll find him from Gibraltar to Hong Kong, everywhere he stands against the threatening years, staunch symbol of our common will to order."
"We're now getting confirmation up to so far 13 U.S. service members have lost their lives."
"These brave men and women stayed doing their jobs knowing there is a very strong likelihood of a terror attack."
"DC electrical motors and generators are at the heart of much military equipment, a proper understanding of them is therefore important."
"Singapore is something like a combination of Sparta's military vocation and Switzerland's historical neutrality."
"America without her soldiers would be like God without His angels."
"The United States is indeed a superpower, especially when it comes to its military might, which is unsurpassable in its strength, technological superiority, operational capabilities, and power projection across the globe."
"We are all that separates the world from darkness. The enemy is ruthless. We cannot, we must not fail. Duty first."
"His name was Guan Yu, the military general who served under his good friend and warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China."
"It's a good time to be an army man. I'm feeling so good."
"Military contracts typically come with huge amounts of money, and this could become a massive revenue stream for the Starship program."
"The Nazis build new aircraft factories with war in mind."
"This movie has layers; it's not just focusing on this badass military unit who's just going out there and kicking ass."
"I killed a mother holding her child, and I regret it. I resent myself for it."
"Throughout history, military success has gone hand in hand with technological innovation."
"Could the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning see humans largely replaced on the battlefield?"
"As a cadet, what's the first thing you learn? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do."
"Violence within the legion's ranks was very common, and at a level that led to frequent deaths."
"The military's violence against peaceful protesters is becoming increasingly systematic, lethal, and widespread."
"Nothing can take the place of direct contact between commanders."
"An army fearful of its officers is never as good as one that trusts and confides in its leaders."
"In the skies and beyond, the mission continues, relentless and unwavering."
"The US military loves its extremely broad and rather unhelpful terminology but also loves its acronyms."
"Economy determines military strength because you have to have a strong economy to be able to fund the military."
"They remained the legion that could be called upon to enact what others could not, to be the Emperor's final sanction."
"Nothing but love for those guys, everybody knows I fight for the troops."
"There have been requests for military assistance by both Ontario and Quebec, which, of course, we will be answering. Our women and men in uniform will step up with the valor and courage they have always shown."
"The things that they get by the military are the things that you as a society should be providing already."
"Identifying friend from foe is very important to us. So when we have unidentified targets and we continue to ignore those due to a stigma or a fear of what it could be, that's an opening that our adversaries can take advantage of."
"As a historian, it's easy to talk aerially of divisions and brigades and battalions, but when you're in these cemeteries, you realize it's about individuals."
"Russia in two generations went from having seven children per family to now under two."
"This is kind of the last year that the Russians have a large enough cadre of people in their 20s to have a draft-based military."
"Area 51 is a highly classified United States Air Force base located in the Nevada desert."
"My goal today is to gain two more vassals into our army because the more territory we have, the more vassals we're going to need to defend it."
"The project on military diplomatic history seeks to promote the use of history as a means of enhancing our understanding of modern challenges in foreign policy, international security, and related fields."
"Thank you for your service. Thank you for your sacrifice."
"Our helicopter crash. Uh, the Air Force blasted us down. Time for Plan B."
"Ronald Reagan hated war. He thus set an indelible standard: the graduates of my academy, West Point, must always be soldiers of peace."
"The perfect moment to push against the Germans is when they fight the Soviets, which will happen eventually."
"Normally, I would be more aggressive. However, we don't really have a goal other than defeating the Germans right now, so we can take it slow."
"Let's take a moment to thank the 2000 men and women of the armed forces who are deployed all over the world right now."
"Military contractors spend millions developing prototypes like this, and if the Pentagon actually orders these things, the payoff could be astronomical."
"The Unimog was designed in Germany right after World War II. They originally designed to be used on farms, but the things were so damn tough, they became popular with militaries around the world."
"The sheer firepower of the Venator demanded respect."
"A lot of people are disenfranchised with the military, with the government."
"The title 'veteran' means something. It's not a club; it's a Brotherhood that you have to earn your way into."
"Did I enjoy it? Absolutely. Every single day. The men and women that I served with on the team are dear lifelong friends."
"The greatest military in the world hasn't won a war since World War II because we've been missing a mission and leadership."
"This isn't an interim vehicle; this is a long-term solution."
"Pacific Air Force Commander Kenneth Wilsbach says China has some tough lessons to learn from Russia's war in Ukraine."
"For our troops to come back from Iraq and Afghanistan and be treated like they did something wrong is the worst morale destruction of our society."
"A good example here is Japanese inter-service rivalry in World War Two."
"The Imperial Japanese Army and Navy had a deep problem with coordination and cooperation at a strategic, and operational, and a tactical level."
"There's nobody anywhere in the world better to handle the situation than the Army Corps of Engineers."
"There is no reason why these three young Army reservists should be dead now, and their families grieving. There is absolutely no reason that they should have been there in the first place."
"The British felt that a normal paratrooper unit could get about 20 miles in a day, maybe 25. On a bike, they could get up to 60, maybe even 75."
"Americans are united by shared ideas and commitments such as the ideals of equal opportunity and individual merit. Our military functions as a reflection of our national meritocracy."
"This is going to dramatically improve the conditions for our soldiers."
"Try fighting in the military and then get back to me on what's hard or not. You should show some respect to people."
"The Gauls are pre-eminent for military fame. Their tall persons, their long red hair, their vast shields, swords of enormous length; their yells and dances, and the horrid clashing of their armour; all these circumstances are preconcerted to inspire terror."
"The Russians are in demographic collapse... and they're going to cease to have the ability to carry out offensive military operations within the decade."
"As a pilot and military contractor, Paul Benowitz knew what Air Force signals sounded like, but this was something very different."
"Instead it was because, like a story out of the pages of the 1300s, the mercenaries had stepped in where the conventional military had faltered."
"Many cultures regard the idea of fighting for money to be dishonourable."
"Mercenaries would thrive when there was a large supply of unemployed veterans or military-aged males with few other economic prospects."
"Despite all the military's preparations, an entire fleet of flying saucers seemed to be descending upon the United States."
"I have tremendous respect for the men and women that protect our freedom each and every day."
"Send ammunition. I don't need an exit; I need ammunition."
"I believe very strongly in individual freedoms of human beings, I believe in having a very strong military, I believe in having a small government."
"We've got to make it painful without making it cost American lives."
"A military that is a party military will act based on party principles, and that is a threat to the American people, that is a threat to our Constitution, and that is a threat to our form of government."
"In April 2020, the United States Department of Defense took the unprecedented decision to declassify and release to the world's media three previously classified recordings made by U.S. Navy pilots showing what the DOD described simply as unexplained aerial phenomena."
"You're going to see signs that now have military symbols on them to direct military traffic."
"Rule number one in the military is look cool."
"That's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
"We always say when it comes to our military on the battlefield, we leave no person behind and when they come home, we leave no veteran behind."
"The efforts of UK diplomacy, UK strategy, security, armed forces would be very considerable."
"It's also very important that they are trained to use the...rocket systems effectively."
"You need to have the best possible equipment for those troops, and that's what we're doing."
"DNA could potentially be modified to increase soldiers' combat effectiveness."
"This puppy right here is not your normal everyday tank."
"China ramping up launching of warplanes... as the United States barrels with its own warships into the Taiwan Strait."
"Hollywood's hit on purpose is to act as the greatest, most effective propaganda machine that's ever been created."
"Brother, if I were to remain here, people would say that I did it through cowardice. No, sir. I'm an officer, and I will never disgrace the uniform I wear."
"There were never harder fighters than the 20th Maine men and their gallant Colonel."
"This dog sensed the smell of his friend, a military man he hasn't seen in eight months, and finally."
"When the training is completed, the finished product is a strong, well-motivated, physically conditioned Marine."
"We have demanded of them and they have met the challenge; they are, in all respects, United States Marines."
"The Stargate Project is the name of a top-secret U.S. military unit and its predecessors that operated from 1972 to 1995. Its purpose was to investigate the potential use of psychic powers for military and intelligence gathering purposes."
"A soldier's life depended on his weapons functioning properly."
"The US military has now banned hazing in any form and has a zero tolerance policy for those caught doing it."
"Sanitation: Properly disposing of all solid waste and unhealthy human waste is crucial in protecting the health of soldiers and the local environment."
"It's the most capable tanks in the world. It will enhance the Ukrainians' capacity to defend its territory and achieve strategic objectives."
"The realities of war were that we needed to get those MRAPs to Jalalabad City, and then on to what initially was called COP Bulldog."
"The US is preparing to ship intermediate-range missiles to Europe, after of course the abandonment of the INF treaty in 2019."
"Roman soldiers were professionals who signed on for an obligatory 25 years in the Army."
"Veterans...were just as important to the pride and Heritage of a legion as the legionary standards themselves."
"An honorable discharge...would be granted to all whose records indicated they had truly fulfilled their entire obligation."
"It happens that Kore operatives come face to face with guys they knew from their years in the Army."
"I have a lot of brothers that went overseas with me and didn't make it back. A lot of guys that died over there, and their kids are growing up right now here in the United States of America because they felt that America was more important than their life."
"As a nation, we have many obligations...but I believe we only have one truly sacred obligation: to prepare and equip our troops that we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they return."
"Donald Trump, the only president in modern American history to not start a new war."
"We always have money for war, we never have money for the war fighter."
"America's politicians and military commanders tell young men and women all over the country that if you sacrifice, if you obey our orders without question, you'll be taken care of. But the reality is they're treated as nothing more than disposable equipment."
"The military also needs to trust our leaders; we need to know that our leaders care for us, listen to us, and understand us."
"The plane will be a major asset in the next phase of the fight for Ukraine's freedom."
"The F-14 can take some punishment, so just because it got hit doesn't mean that he's down and out."
"Our department remains fully committed to fulfilling the sacred obligation that we have to those who serve in uniform."
"I lost two men at a very young age in Desert Storm. They went; they didn't come back. As a young officer, as a young leader, you carry that with you."
"Our commitment is enduring, not just to American citizens but to our Afghan partners who have fought by our side."
"I want to reassure the American people that the United States military remains steady, remains ready, and capable of meeting all of our national security requirements."
"The fact that Russia had to mobilize its forces for the first time since World War II indicated that the fight was not going well."
"If you're going to mount it onto a vehicle, are you sure it's worth only having a three-kilogram warhead?"
"Even with a musket's slower rate of fire, because it can hit like a hammer in that small instant of the first shot, it is a vastly superior military weapon than the bow."
"For the first time in over four decades, the entire Israeli armored corps has been called up. This hasn't happened since 1982 with the war with Lebanon."
"The Iron Vision helmet-mounted display system...provides a 360 virtual reality view of the surroundings to crew members."
"The Ukrainian Army set an example of great resistance to the occupying forces."
"Ukrainian flags are now flying in Solidar, which was occupied by the Russian army in the first months of the war."
"The Hungarians and Pechenegs had mostly deserted him."
"Actually, go through this exercise of, in the military, this is commonly referred to as, you know, what are the second, third, fourth order of effects that will occur as a result of pursuing a specific course of action. It's weird how difficult it is to be that person in the room. It requires courage."
"The Pentagon just lost another 2.2 trillion dollars. They don't know where it went."
"Humans are doing great; they've wasted 13 of my very expensive missiles."
"Navy SEALs are among the most elite military units in the world. The BUD/S training has a pass rate ranging from twenty to thirty percent and it ends in a brutal four-day challenge called Hell Week, where you spend four days and nights training continuously with only four hours of sleep in total."
"I put my helmet on, my visor down, my mask up, you don't know who I am... You just know I'm an American Airman kicking your butt."
"Because they're very well-funded and they're very well trained and very experienced, they were actually one of the units that had some of the biggest successes."
"The Mjolnir powered assault armor is more than just a set of armor; it's the culmination of human ingenuity."
"When the military says they need something by a certain date, usually that means that they're planning, that they know something big is about to go down."
"The iconic Space Marines, genetically enhanced superhuman warriors, represent the pinnacle of human modification and military power."
"Given its status as arguably the first large peer-scale conflict of the 21st century, it shouldn't be surprising that people have watched the Ukraine War pretty damn closely for lessons around what weapon systems work, and what weapon systems are suffering a little bit in modern conflict."
"These previous issues haven't prevented the helicopter from becoming integral to just about every modern military's doctrine and tactics."
"We have near infinite ammunition and also near infinite beans."
"Our troops are fully capable and armed, though the perpetual rainstorm isn't doing us any favors."
"People were lying about being 18 just so they could go and fight."
"The golden city will help researchers better understand life during ancient Egypt's golden age."
"We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea."
"I think actually that people that join the Army are fantastic and bold and brave."
"Tim goes out and I think that he gives a very positive image of what Green Berets can accomplish in their life."