
Child Protection Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"This is about protecting kids in our mind, and if we can't do that as leaders, we have no business being in these jobs."
"We're going to protect the children of Alberta and continue to make sure this is the best province in our country to live in."
"Children who are basically part of social media without their basic consent are at least given some protections."
"OCD is a neurodivergency, and being a neat or particular person does not mean that you have OCD. Please stop saying that; it's actually very invalidating for people with the disorder."
"We have to protect our kids because it's legitimate, but to deny them that and just say you have to do flag football, which is amazing... but we shouldn't mandate what that alternative looks like."
"Our mission we say is twofold: like it's obviously to protect children and it's also to reclaim our name and community from these radicals who have completely infiltrated it and destroyed it."
"The reason why pedophilia is usually seen as wrong and why I believe it's wrong is because children typically do not possess the mental faculty to truly consent."
"Protecting children from online sexual abuse is not just an issue of law enforcement; it's a societal imperative."
"All victims deserve justice; all criminals must be punished. But when a crime involves a child, the stakes become so much greater."
"Child predation is the universally scorned activity, and Matt was doing his civic duty by alerting the greater public."
"No child deserves to be punished for the issues between adults."
"If you want to protect kids, you want pedos to go to therapy. Simple as."
"When it comes down to children being raped by grown men, we all agree on that, no matter what our politics."
"I think that we should protect children and their ability to make adult decisions when they become adults."
"You have rules and regulations to protect kids for a reason. That's why you don't see 10-year-olds driving vehicles, buying alcohol, buying tobacco, gambling, and things like that."
"Don't sexualize children. That should not be a revolutionary statement."
"We need to put kids in a place of absolute protection. They should be the first and last thing we think about when we are devising any kind of policy."
"The harrowing case of Erica Parsons unveils a deeply disturbing underbelly of our society, reflecting a tragic failure at multiple levels: familial, societal, and institutional."
"Ultimately after pouring our guts and our hearts into this little boy... we're truly going to protect his privacy."
"Everything that preys upon kids, especially the way kids are indoctrinated, needs to be canceled."
"Your job is not to upset your husband or whatever; it's to constantly protect your child."
"I'm not a big fan of like raping children, so I think the pedophile shouldn't seek to change."
"The normalization of pedophilia, the fact that there is such a term as a minor attracted person... that's a crime against a child."
"Nobody should get a second chance to hurt a child."
"Silence and secrets do not protect children. Honesty and openness do."
"My life will have a huge impact. My foster mom will make sure I help save and protect other babies."
"Children are not cash cows to exploit for profit."
"Inherently manipulative game features that take advantage of kids and turn playtime into paytime should be out of bounds."
"Sometimes the only evidence that exists that a child might be getting hurt is on some micro SD card under a carpet. That dog's going to find it."
"We're going to hold people responsible for betraying the trust we put in them to protect our children."
"Keep children far away from pornography. Try to keep yourself away from it as well."
"When humans see children being exploited, abused in these horrifying ways, the overwhelming majority of humans have a natural anger and sadness response because we want to protect children."
"Child protection is a complex issue that requires appropriate funding, resources, and time to form meaningful relationships."
"We need to know that those concerns will be acted on appropriately and that those people who need to act on them have the tools necessary to do what they can to save children like poor little Arthur."
"If we don't talk about it, less children will be protected."
"We should not discriminate about color but we should be actually protecting children."
"Child sexual abuse is not an exclusive right of one particular ethnicity or one location."
"There needs to be protection for these kids of some sort."
"There are fewer evils greater than the abuse and exploitation of innocent children."
"If the families are broken apart, if children are being molested, if women have no sanctuary or protection in the society...then the basis, the essence of the society itself has become rotten."
"You're better off to put a millstone around your neck and drown than harm children."
"We have a safety fence all around the pool because safety is our number one concern."
"Be a troublemaker, so you lose a friend. Who cares? You save a child."
"It's a shame that child safety laws have not yet caught up to the rapidly changing digital world."
"The law in this country says you cannot have a 40, 50, 60-year-old man cannot get a child of 11, 12, 13 drunk out of their head and then have sex with them. That is rape."
"You're an enemy the second you sexualize kids. That's it."
"Any case that involves a child being groomed online and lured away from their home is really difficult to talk about. It's upsetting, it's frightening, but at the same time, it's also very important to share these types of cases because people need to be aware of the dangers of being online."
"We need to protect all kids. I'm not talking about just my kids. I'm talking about we need to protect all kids. They're the most innocent and vulnerable people in our communities."
"In 12 years, we went from nothing to skirting gambling laws in order to get children to buy loot boxes."
"The health and safety of an entire community is put in jeopardy when it is led by staff who do not react to clear instances of abuse, especially the abuse of minors."
"Who's protecting our daughter, you know? What is this going to look like?"
"As mothers, we are so connected to our children that the idea of anybody hurting a hair on their head is something that causes us pain just to even imagine."
"It's absolutely disgusting that the parents were kept in the dark."
"If your goal is to end the purchase and sale of children, one of the easiest and best things you can do is not buy children."
"Culture and media have a huge influence; you cannot say that a child can protect themselves from those things."
"All I'm saying is maybe we should protect our children or afford them the same protection as Congress gets."
"We don't send children out onto the battlefield when they're fighting physical wars." - Kirk Cameron
"I mean I have a paternal instinct to protect my child."
"I'll always stand by that. I think it should be illegal to involve children in cults, and that would include Scientology."
"I think it should be illegal to involve children in cults, period. End of story."
"Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult experiences a primary exclusive sexual attraction to children."
"Q and honors are making it markedly harder to actually protect children from abuse in this country and around the world."
"When you educate a child about sex or reproduction you give them the tools to understand what's being done to them."
"That's what I would like to see. All foreign aid cut. Every penny of it to every country. Take all of that money and use it to protect our own children. There's a radical idea."
"Every child deserves the right to be safe and protected from sexual abuse."
"Bottom line here: Republicans are gonna have to say that it's more important to protect the children in this country than to antagonize the NRA. Are they prepared to do that?"
"Real ones ain't messing with little kids and sex trafficking man that's not what's going on man."
"Every one of those victims is a child and they all deserve equal support and justice."
"The gay thing was over. This is about breaking kids."
"I feel it is my duty to expose the misconceptions about child protection."
"If people are out there abusing dogs or abusing children and there's a bunch of activists who are speaking up against it, no one's gonna say you're forcing your opinion."
"In Florida, we believe in the protection of children."
"A new and even tougher federal child pornography bill has reached house senate conference."
"No educational organization, institution, or company who really cares about kids is going to be in the business of calling the police on them."
"Bringing a firearm into that classroom is not going to make those children safer."
"Protecting children being anti-child trafficking should not be a right-wing virtue."
"Protect your kids. This is why parents are getting so angry and upset with where we're getting to in the modern day."
"When are we finally going to take action to protect kids from the insanely destructive effects of the internet and social media?"
"Parents, you need to be fully aware of what's coming at your kids."
"When harm is done to children it hits differently. There's something almost inhuman about it because it's so unnatural, so avoidable."
"Shinoshi provides peace of mind for busy parents knowing that their kid is safer online."
"You and I are to defend our children's innocence as long as possible."
"Why not expose what's broken so that maybe we can do things to protect kids?"
"Watchtower needs to move away from this thinking that there needs to be two witnesses to something as insane as child sex abuse."
"She's treated like she's got an agenda of some kind, but it's like no, my agenda is to save these children."
"The ultimate goal should be that every child is welcomed in life and protected in law." - Ramesh Ponnuru
"I had sexual abuse when I was a child so it makes me very angry when I see other people sexualizing children."
"I just go to the kids every time... they don't have a voice. We need to be their voice."
"This work is so important because not only was this damaging for the kids who were on screen but also the kids that were watching."
"Protect your kids. Protect yourself. Understand how valuable you are and understand how valuable kids are. And protect those kids even if they're not yours."
"What is one thing that we're not talking about as a society that we really should be talking about? It's pedophilia and the erosion of safeguarding towards children."
"One innocent looking doll breaches your child’s privacy."
"I hope that a lot of you feel that you will remember the smile of that child and not the cruelty of the individuals who should have been there to protect him."
"This is not just about inflicting violence on a child; it's about not taking action to protect that child."
"Physically seeing a small child hiding from an angry adult is really unsettling."
"I did not want to leave Molly with this man in the white car."
"We have to have a network to protect our children."
"I probably would have laughed at the idea of grooming a child too because it's so absurd."
"Adults should never be asking kids to keep things a secret."
"Her technique of taking these pictures... now they do help solve a lot of cases against child abuse."
"Children are not adults which what may be appropriate for adults is not appropriate for children. That this must be said at all demonstrates that our society is in a state of moral collapse." - Ben Shapiro
"It's this kind of dismissive language that both invalidates victims of child sexual trauma and allows their abusers to continue down a path of Destruction."
"They protect those kids that there's nobody else to protect them but them."
"I don't know why we don't do our best to protect children, it's our duty as humankind."
"This judgment is not political, it's about protecting vulnerable children."
"It's not shocking to me that Kanye doesn't want his daughter, who's six years old by the way, to wear makeup or crop tops."
"Y'all need to cut the cameras when [__] are getting shot. Imagine you're a child watching the news and then suddenly you just see that."
"This one will help save lives and innocence."
"We should consider actually removing our kid from your home using Child Protective Services... If you're a reporter on these issues and you just repeat their words, then presumably Big Tech should muzzle you."
"Of course there should be restrictions on what kids are allowed to see in movies."
"We have to break the cycle and protect the children."
"Children can't consent. Don't prey on them. Controversy solved."
"I introduced a bill called the protect children's innocence act."
"Absolutely it is a priority for this administration to combat human trafficking and the exploitation of children."
"It's sick, we live in an upside-down world. We don't protect children anymore, it's like parents' job is no longer to protect children, it's to ruin their innocence."
"Republicans have dedicated an entire political campaign to fear-mongering over sexually explicit material being shown to children."
"Children should definitely be way more protected than they are being currently."
"Exploitation of children on YouTube and social media platforms in general is bad."
"We are dignified people who own our minds and we will not allow them to be hacked and invaded in this way and we won't allow our kids to be [ __ ] hacked and invaded in this way."
"They're grooming kids into an ideology and simultaneously into sexuality, hitting multiple steps of the grooming process." - The insidious nature of ideological indoctrination coupled with sexualization.
"The responsible thing to do is to contact authorities. Jim Bob did not contact CPS or police."
"Is the punishment adequate for child predators? If we increase the severity, are we able to combat this seemingly epidemic?"
"It's important to protect the most vulnerable... I would do anything to protect my child."
"Federal, state, and local government should aggressively enforce existing statutes to stop the perverted sexualization of minor children."
"Justice will be served. He is where he belongs, away from innocent children."
"Life in prison for child predators: a necessary punishment."
"To play with us you're not playing with him, you're bullying him."
"Whatever is happening in these groups or their beliefs, their demonization of children is extremely dangerous."
"My organization is dedicated to serving kids that have been the victims of abuse."
"We're not killing any more kids. I'm drawing the line."
"Just love your kid... Try to limit the exposure your child has to social media."
"This is not just about me and Pyro, this is about the safety of kids in our community."
"Childhood should not be about being exploited."
"She was too young to remember that particular incident, but very recently, a woman tried to get her into her car to help her find her lost puppy, and the first thing she did was come tell me."
"They're not going to have intrusion, they're not going to have their child sort of having to stick behind a wall just because there are photographers out there who are greedy."
"The red line has always been just leave kids alone."
"You're mutilating and molesting kids. Stop it."
"Lego heads have a hole on top for safety, designed to prevent choking hazards."
"There is no one that Jesus has a bigger heart for than children, and this story is specifically about the exploitation of children."
"Everyone's coming together basically to protect the kids, that's the point."
"It's become a very difficult thing to realize that indeed there are people in our world who prey upon children."
"The successful conclusion of the case in Lodi California together with the legacy of poly class and the foundation for missing children became the models by which child abduction cases across the country are now handled."
"The only thing you have in life is to protect your children to some extent."
"When a kid goes to school, he shouldn't have to fear... getting shot by guns."
"People need to believe their children when they see something honestly."
"Protecting children wins votes because who wants to be against protecting children."
"There's no gray area here you're for child sexual abuse or you're against it."
"This is something we can turn around and save an awful lot of kids."
"Sexualizing children is never a victimless crime."
"Any attempts to normalize child abuse of any kind should have no place in our society period."
"I think it's a good wake-up call for all of us to be more vigilant in protecting these precious kids who can't speak up or protect themselves."
"Moderation is important... not like the hypocrisy stuff... that go you think deliberately showing porn to minors..."
"Children should be at the front of the line when it comes to protection from the government."
"As a man, it is my job to stand up for the children and their future."
"Keep your Furry Paws off of our children, and it's very easy to support it."
"I want you to promise me that you will do everything possible to prevent this from ever happening to another child."
"The world we are living in is becoming more and more dangerous for Christians and for anyone who wants to defend children from these ideologies that are destroying countless young lives."
"We must protect these children from being bullied."
"The legislation will also provide children under 16 with the right to ask platforms to remove their videos without their parents prior authorization."
"The position that I've taken in all of my sentencings involving child pornography offenders is to ensure that despite the attitude and view of many of the offenders... that they were causing significant harm."
"The ultimate test for a society is whether you're willing to protect children."
"The poly class case was special because people cared, because the whole community stepped forward and said, 'This is the last child you're going to take.'"
"You definitely don't want your sons or daughters to be in this situation where these are the sort of things that they're exposed to."
"Sarah has gone on to win numerous awards for her work in child protection."
"Children they are the future of our nation if we can protect them the nation will be collapsed."
"Why should my children be harassed by a sadist?"
"There is a solution to this. Anything can be minimized. A child can be saved today."
"Believe your child's story, even in the face of deep fakes."
"The first lady's love and protection of children, very, very important to me."
"We are now much better in dealing with pedophiles."
"Don't let no nobody you're in a relationship with disrespect your child under no circumstances."
"Our job is to number one protect the next generation because the children are the future."
"Why are some of the most powerful people in the world still trying to protect the world's foremost predator of children?"
"Tesla's seeking approval for a sensor that can detect kids left in hot cars."
"Protecting the vast number of children that play and enjoy that game is very important."
"If you genuinely believe these people are a danger towards children, then you really would have gone to the police by now."
"We have to protect our children, please, please, please."
"Frankly, no company should be setting kids up for addiction by teaching them to gamble on the content of these loot boxes."
"Maybe it's time to set up an organization that possibly can go to these organizations and say hey what are you doing about those who exploit Children online?"
"Teaching kids the idea of bodily autonomy and consent is not sexualizing a child. It is protecting a child from getting abused."
"The protection of children is being compromised by the misapplication of these maternal instincts that matches exactly what I've seen"
"We cannot live in a world that's built on fear. We have to do what we can to make sure that we provide the greatest safety measures we can for our kids."
"This is a platform for us to have open and candid conversations about children who are being taken advantage of by people who are in charge of protecting them."
"The goal of my platform is to bring awareness to the murder and abuse of children."
"Mercy to the pedophile is cruelty to the child."
"I'm trying to stop you from sexually mutilating children, you damned monsters."
"There's a price to shielding kids from reality; exposure to risks can make them more cautious."
"We're doing this 2 million tickets... to send Washington and all these governments a message that children are no longer for sale."
"There's nothing more valuable than helping free children from sex slavery."
"The obvious thing for Watchtower to do is to get rid of the two-witness rule and to issue instructions for elders to call police immediately."
"I'm horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career to exposing child abusers."
"This child living in this truck, in a shelter, on the street, wherever, that cannot be this child's future."
"Ignoring them is how you end up with a Republican committee voting against protecting children."
"Whatever you can do right now to protect as many kids as possible, do it."
"I think they can design games that don't rely on gambling directed at children."
"What parent wouldn't go to the ends of the Earth in order to save their kids?"
"There's really nothing controversial in here, everybody should be able to get behind the message: child trafficking bad."
"What that woman in that restaurant did was save this child's life, absolutely no question."
"Every single life is so important. We need to protect kids and protect lives because we don’t know what kids could grow up and accomplish."