
Possession Quotes

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"Serotonin system is engaged when we feel rewards for what we have in our immediate environment or we already have in our possession."
"Knowledge is the key that unlocks what's already yours."
"Every single person in this house is actually becoming possessed; I'm the only one that's normal that's left."
"Your thought of a thing constitutes its origin. Therefore, the Thought Form of the Thing is Already Yours as soon as you think it."
"It's only when I could easily release those things that I could keep them."
"Now the loot belongs to me once again. Feels good."
"All possession is based on consciousness. All gain is the result of an accumulative consciousness. All loss is the result of a scattering consciousness."
"The crown is broken in pieces, but there's more in my possession."
"Only God has the power to penetrate truly into a person's soul, so the soul of a possessed individual remains free."
"The essence of a possession is a person going into a trance and a demonic sounding voice coming out of them attacking the people, attacking religion, usually using very crude and violent language."
"Whatever is obtained must be maintained, and whatever you possess, you must protect."
"Being demonically possessed at death does not close off heaven for you; possession is always only in a physical sense."
"Was Anneliese Michel really possessed by demons, or was she just a tragic case of severe mental illness that went untreated?"
"Oh no, he's doing yoga and he's possessed. There's no coming back from that. Bagsy, I'm the leader now."
"Your 'yours' was never yours, it was just your turn."
"I will never forget you. You belong to me. Your name is written on my hand."
"No one wants to give up something that they worked hard to get."
"Willingly allowing yourself to be possessed by a demon in order to subsequently banish it and emerge more powerful than before is a pretty gnarly process."
"Possession has to have a purpose you can't just knock it around your back four and think you deserve to win a game."
"Thank god I got my booster. Hey, hold up, you little [__]! Those are my powers!"
"Do you recognize this ring? It's not yours anymore. I deserve this goddamn [__]."
"Janet opened her mouth and a deep man's voice came out."
"Some of these are mine, some belong to someone else. But I'm choosing to be human."
"Stay off the moon. It's not yours. It's ours."
"Could you imagine this? Like you just pick a certain handrail in the school. This is my rail. My rail. Don't touch it, Greg!"
"On the bus people watched as Anneliese began to speak in the deep and raspy voice of a man, using foul language and acting crazy."
"Everyone could smell this terrible smell coming from her like burning fecal matter."
"What happens to them now? Good question. I guess you just keep them, put them on your shelf. No, oh no, no."
"Your children don't have the watch, the boy and girl have it."
"Listen guys, just want to say thank you. Don't touch it, don't touch this, this is like the real deal."
"What Hades wants is Persephone—all of her, all the time."
"Because if I give it to you, I can take it from you, but if you build it yourself, it's yours."
"I love this watch as much today as I did then."
"I don't know why I own this knife. I don't know why I love this knife."
"They don't belong to me, they belong to God."
"Now I'm a very happy owner of a 1965 Fender Telecaster."
"David looked up at her, and she could see in his eyes David was gone and a demon was in his place."
"Iconic that [ __ ] wallet belonged to Tarantino."
"Everything works according to law. We each of us have what we deserve. Covet no man's goods, possessions, or happiness."
"One of the upsides to being possessed by this demon is that they will grant you knowledge of every language in the world."
"Something else very haunted and terrifying that I own is this Benjamin, a highly possessed doll"
"Don't let somebody talk you out of your stuff."
"The dress, this is Anna's dress... or she's possessed. I don't know."
"I'm obsessed, it's mine, this is not going back, it's on the floor."
"Remember, possession is nine-tenths of the law."
"Once you've got something, you don't want to let it go."
"You're mine now Forge Master, you have nothing left but me."
"That's what I love. I love that you can take things."
"How big a difference is it to be the team in possession than out of it on days like this?"
"Let this cry rise in your heart: 'That is mine, and I want it back.'"
"Don't listen to anybody that doesn't have what you have."
"Possession is a major component of what Z is all about."
"If you chase it, it means you don't have it."
"These people want what's mine, but I'll be damned if I'ma give up."
"She told this to Ariel Helwani: 'It doesn't feel real to have it in my hands, even though I'm holding it.'"
"I had that [ __ ] unlocked, bro. No one's getting my pens, I'm holding them."
"What we seek most is already in our possession."
"It's no longer mine it's not my house my money yeah my car it's ours."
"Perhaps the most terrifying aspect of this ghastly being was the absolute control it had over the poor girl's physical body without even touching her."
"What kind of weak-ass person ends up being possessed by something they summon, right?"
"Possession is a real thing and that this is lining up."
"It just was not there, proving that this was a demonic possession."
"Your life can't be taken from you because it's not yours."
"Many TikTok viewers believe that she might have actually been possessed by a ghost or demon."
"When will you realize, the more you take, the less you have?"
"As long as I have this baby, I'm at the top."
"Found it! Found it! No, are you kidding me, Sunny? And now the loot belongs to me once again. Feels good."
"I think Moth Gideon is wielding the dark saber like he stole it off of Bo-Katan and she is alive."
"Feels good to have those diamonds rattling around in my pocket."
"If you don't have it on your own possession, do you really own it?"
"Assets in your own possession only is what's going to survive this."
"If it's not in your own possession, you don't own it, you don't have access to it, you have nothing."
"Fear is always coming up because you think you own something."
"The devil cannot possess God's people... If you are open to possession, then you ain't right."
"Having something is important, more important than having it is the ability to defend it."
"Rathian is now in possession of the blade of the black empire."
"This doll is probably possessed by the spirit of an evil ghost."
"He's being possessed. What's going on? What was that?"
"I will not stand by and have everything that's mine taken from me."
"The Antichrist Spirit has already possessed many."
"Oh son of a bitch, it reveals that Mia's now on the other side of the spiritual possession game."
"I want to talk or I want to work through this or I want to get to know you better."
"Permanent thing. Ha! We are gonna keep this city."
"I don't even care for it like when I see how I treat it like I get it and I don't even you know what I mean like it's all good."
"Things that come to you don't need to generate from you... they can come to you, they can be open to things, and maybe they become yours."
"My innocence is literally the only thing I have left."
"I take it, I have it, it's mine. I thank you and praise you for it."
"If someone can take it from you then you might as well not have it."
"When these demons get bodies, weak people that they can take over, this is where fathers will be committing the most heinous crimes."
"Most importantly, I've still got all my clubs."
"I feel like it's supposed to be this armor set that someone has, and whoever that is, it's cherished."
"When you're face to face with the person that's possessed, you're speaking to the demon."
"How was it possible that all of these people around her missed the signs of demonic possession?"
"Sebastian sees Leslie walking away from Beacon, his usual shuffling walk replaced by a confident stride showing us that Ruvik has indeed taken over Leslie's body."
"Whether it's fate or not, Fuko is mine." - Andy
"It's just there and you and you never had possession of it and it's just no harm no foul, exactly."
"You are not allowed to touch yourselves to us or anything that we have here."
"Everybody got something. First thing you got to know is what you own. The second thing I want you to get today is you got something."
"The act of sex in itself is like a possession."
"Look what I got, I have two of them now! Ugh, you can dual wield! I'll be like, they come under your armpits."
"If you are possessed by an evil force, if you're possessed by a demon, love is a force that drives that energy out of you and it can't occupy you anymore."
"They allowed the spirit to possess the doll full-on."
"Look, the three things that possess, they maybe wear voodoo dolls."
"If you have the golden egg, you're not sharing that."
"Wanda says he's all I have, and Hayward says, 'Well, that's just it, Wanda. He isn't yours.'"
"So we have ourselves an evil hell spawn that's literally possessing the mind of another villainous Hermitcraft character in the form of Evil X."
"Jeff the Minion is looking to leave the confines of the game, possess a human body. Okay, yeah, sure, fire off the Afton alarms."
"You got to leave it there stop asking whose it is it's never yours it's just your turn it's just your turn."
"He came to change your culture by possessing you."
"This is an interesting idea: Batman murders people... but because he's possessed by an evil ghost, everyone's just saying he didn't murder people."
"The only ones that have it are the ones that probably have, are considered."
"This person wants to claim you, to make you theirs."
"Harry would just quite literally be in possession of all three Deathly Hallows."
"Whose apple is this? Kore wa dare no ringo? It's mine. It's my apple."
"She's possessed, hello my name's Holly Alto, yeah you look really happy."
"Come on off that ledge Selina... take everything, keep it."
"Drop back preserves team shape, offering opponents more possession."
"Honestly, I couldn't have the watch leave my sight for 24 hours."
"Nobody can take that away from us. In addition to that, this, I do say, speaks to a deeper theme here."
"When you see me driving a new car, that's evidence that I have a new car."
"Mount would really get the opportunity to showcase his ability in possession."
"That's ep and gold and I'm not giving it up for nothing."
"A dead body bereft of a soul could attract demons that had it within their power to possess the body and then make use of it."
"Everything is yours when you stop wanting and chasing it, simply assume it and claim it."
"On that note, I don't think I'm gonna give it back. I think I'm gonna keep it."
"They want to possess you; they view you as a possession."
"It's officially mine now which is nice. We own it, you know."
"You took over my friend's bodies, used them like puppets, and left them nearly dead. Your fight is with me now."
"You don’t understand what happens, people get possessed with the Truth."
"I'll do what I want with it because it's got your [ __ ] DNA on it."
"If you ain't got it in your hand, it's not yours."
"I think if you look at the first half, Senegal like I said has had the ball most of the time than Holland but they haven't looked dangerous."
"I just picked up a flashlight and it's gone, no it's not, it's in your hands."
"She had a sculpture of her face, a bronze sculpture, in our house in Palm Island."
"I have abundance in my hands. I have the world in my hands."
"If you love anything, set it free; if it returns to you, it is yours, if it does not return, it was never yours."
"The power of the Mask is that when you put it on, it possesses you somewhat."
"Possessing this item will grant him ruler status."
"You know, 'It's technically mine, but this obviously meant a great deal to whoever it was that was living here before.'"
"He wants her to belong to him naturally."
"I'm definitely going to keep this"
"The law of God: the guard what is his own, not to lay claim to what is not his own, but to make use of what is given him, and not to yearn for what has not been given."
"Everyone sins, but not everyone has a demon."
"What you're looking for is already yours."
"I want you to be my girlfriend or I want you to be my wife when a man deeply cares about you and has deep emotional attachment for you he's going to make sure that you become his."
"Every so often an opportunity presents itself to possess an extraordinary piece of cultural history."
"Nothing can be taken from the man who has freedom."
"All we want is to free ourselves from this prison and to banish the demon that has possessed the spirit of my mother."
"Okay guys, so today we are picking up my new car."
"They have to be mine, they have to be mine."
"Kane tells them that the magic bags could hold a whole mansion and only they can hold on to it."
"This is the greatest thing I own."
"I'm obsessed with it this is what it looks like you guys there's wind so I might have to voice over this exterior tour but let me show you guys this is the exterior of my car it's obviously an all-white SUV I'm so happy with it it's so beautiful."
"Finder keepers, sorry it's my house now."
"I got it, uh, four years ago, yeah."
"I guess they got Max a new camera; he's really excited that it's silver."
"Abusers are possessive, treating their partners as possessions rather than equals."
"During the ritual, individuals would be possessed with the spirits of the Gods."
"We're extremely, extremely happy that we have a mattress now."
"He was now the owner of all the property."
"Can't take what they don't know you have."
"Once you have something in your hands, you hang onto it and do not let anyone take it from you, no matter what."
"He's not out of the picture, he's dead, he's 100% dead, but now possessing this spring Bonnie springtrap suit."
"What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?"
"I've got my grubby fingers on it, haven't I?"
"That was his little pride and joy."
"In possession, the liberation process is in six stages."
"For scholars of the Halloween franchise, you can trace this central idea of Michael Myers being possessed by an evil that has entered his body."
"It just makes me love you more, wants you more, want to make you my own."
"I want to take everything away from you."
"I sincerely apologize... it was not me, I was possessed with poison."
"You're stuck with me, got it, little teddy bear? You're all mine for life."
"Never prefix anything you want to be real with 'my'—'my' is an ownership word."
"It's a tale of deception, possession, and unrepentant evil."
"Let's fly up here; we have a four-wheeler."
"I got a new car, it's my biggest motivation in the world."
"There is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away."
"I finally had my ring that was made entirely out of purple gold."
"The things you own end up owning you."
"She deserved to have the ring since Kat had no use for it anymore now that she was single."
"Jealousy is born out of the sense of ownership when you seek to own another person."
"I own the thing like I can just go in and I'll take it, gonna keep it."
"You're mine, aren't you, honey? Then don't worry about the details, just relax."
"This thing is my baby and I love the Overland."
"We just needed to hold onto the ball."
"He abducted her and held her captive for years so that he could be the only person who possessed her."
"Possession is nine tenths of the law."
"I've got every card I have is something somebody else owns except for the train."
"I'm taking the car. Your car. What, the pink slip is in my name. I am taking back my property right now."
"I might keep it forever actually."
"This is mine. You want this white one right here."
"That's yours in front. Sailed away, make no mistake."
"I will never sell, I will be sad if they break."
"It's never leaving my hands again, but I'm really glad you're here along for the ride."
"I do still have the Studebaker fire truck."
"That Ferrari was my pride and joy."
"I'm just really stoked to have this building now."
"The Chucky Coalition reveals their master plan. They're not here to kill Nika but to possess her."
"Her ability to possess a gun was taken away from her."
"Etrigan carries Batman’s sleeping body through the Gotham streets, but Terry wakes up, his body now fully possessed by Alkazar."