
Secrets Quotes

There are 2343 quotes

"As the sun sets and the world turns quiet, a powerful secret lies hidden in a simple nighttime routine that could transform your health journey."
"There are some very dark secrets in the world, and in this video, I'm going to share with you part two of the world's darkest secrets."
"Whatever the answer, the secrets of the soul are now within science's grasp."
"This is a creative person... there's some sort of secret that they're holding on to that they need to release."
"You spend long enough thinking about something, and you start revealing things you're not supposed to know."
"She's convinced there are lost signs and secrets scattered on a desolate wilderness of the quadrant."
"Mothers become the first holder of secrets, your first confidant."
"Hollow Knight hides so much cool stuff, enemies, bosses, around every corner that just makes it so satisfying."
"There is a hidden game, lost to time... this game may look cute on the outside, but inside it holds a deep, deep secret."
"It's a hidden code used for level select in the game."
"Those who preach the most have the most to hide."
"What's the big secret? Everybody knows it's happening."
"I bet even the biggest Disney fans don't know all these secrets at the Magic Kingdom."
"These are the scariest lies you've never been told."
"The Nether is a terrifying place, but did you know it holds a secret Mojang never told you?"
"Are you ready to learn all the secrets that you missed?"
"It's natural for children to keep some secrets from their parents."
"You're only as sick as the secrets you keep."
"The universe has by no means revealed all of its secrets."
"NASA insiders revealed the secret behind photos we weren't meant to see."
"Let us move forward in open dialogue, letting no secrets tear our bonds asunder."
"Golden Lion enjoys life with his adopted son, although he still hasn't discovered the dragon saber's secret."
"There are always secrets and hidden details to be found."
"It's not good to keep secrets that make you feel bad. Telling the truth is important."
"For his Spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets."
"The Weeping Angel, the angel cried without its gems, one is blue and one is red, give them back it will tell you a secret."
"This is like breaking open the seal on something that you've been keeping under wraps, my friend."
"The Ark still holds thousands of lifetimes worth of secrets that, while elusive, are only barely hidden beneath the surface."
"It feels like Antarctica is this big box of mysteries packed with secrets and riddles that nobody has managed to figure out completely yet."
"What happens when all the ice melts? What kind of secrets do the sub-zero regions of Antarctica hold?"
"The Forbidden Sector: Not most people know this, but Antarctica has a forbidden sector where no one is allowed to step in except for authorized individuals."
"There's a lot of cool quantum secrets being revealed to us in this update."
"As our knowledge expands, the world and the secrets that it holds grow smaller, forcing the reality of these beings closer to the world around us."
"The world of Egypt still offers many secrets."
"Understanding the Unseen is where the secret to advancing ourselves lies."
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets."
"It's just this fascinating story that most of the time you don't hear because most people will never admit it."
"It's good if secrets are good for me. And if I can share a little bit of my pain, hopefully, somebody else gets a little something from it."
"Secrets are going to be revealed to you. A truth bomb is going to be dropped on you in August."
"This phenomenon, this cover-up, has an expiration date. It cannot last forever. No secret lasts forever."
"In the heart of the Congo, a hidden secret has emerged that could hold the key to our evolutionary past."
"For there is nothing hidden which shall not be manifested; neither anything kept secret that would not be brought to light."
"If you ever go into someone's house and you see that they have an absolutely perfect sink, and you wonder what their secret is, let me just blow it for you: the secret's baking soda."
"We've been chasing UFOs, and what we really need to do is explore the idea that maybe there is something ancient down there that they are trying to keep secret."
"You might think you know everything about Google, but you might not know one thing: there are secret games on Google."
"Secrets and lies can nearly destroy a family."
"This update is a lot more in-depth, a lot more secrets than we anticipated."
"We all understand this: tell one person a secret, it's very hard to get them to keep it. Tell 10 people, and it's extremely difficult to get them to keep it."
"The Lord knows all the secrets; it's a matter of the appointed time of them being revealed."
"I think there's a lot of people out there who kind of know it was an Open Secret."
"What a miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, how about you?"
"This island has secrets that it has not told us."
"How about I tell you my secret when you tell me yours?"
"This is a secret door actually and it's no longer a secret to anyone because now you know what it is."
"What is the biggest secret the world government is hiding? What is the most dangerous thing they are not allowed to divulge at all costs? Quite simply, that is the identity of the National Treasure of Marijoa, King Emu."
"Nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known."
"The more we keep them a secret the bigger they grow."
"What's the one thing that your optometrist doesn't want you to know about? The fact that you do not need glasses. That's right."
"Secrets and hidden lore reveal a darker story."
"No more secrets, the world will be different forever."
"I guarantee there are some pretty big secrets out there that have been kept for decades."
"Sharing secrets isn't about holding back, it's about empowering others to succeed."
"There's still something unfinished, something needs to be talked about, a secret needs to be confessed or something."
"There's a secret the world had not understood yet."
"In the silence of the night, our cameras whispered secrets to the universe."
"The most powerful secret is the empty one because if the secret is empty, you continue to say, 'I know something about you.'"
"Tucker Carlson knows where a lot of bodies are buried and is ready to start drawing a map."
"Finally, the facts will be revealed. The Virginia case is considered the most well-kept secret in the military circles of Brazil."
"Something is going on and this is the dead giveaway for me that things are not as they seem."
"There's really not much to say about Unbreakable that hasn't already been said, except that it's one of those rare films that remains consistently re-watchable even after you've uncovered all of its secrets."
"A magician never Reveals His Secrets but today just for you I'm going to pull back the curtain just a little bit."
"Anything to do with the stuff hidden underground in this game like stuff is so obscure to begin with I never would have found that."
"The world is full of mysteries and secrets that cannot be explained with logical reasoning."
"Eclipses can shine a light on secrets being revealed."
"I just want to say that his biggest problem is that one of his friends doesn't know that he doesn't have a master's degree."
"This is literally the number one secret that I've been using for years and I've barely talked about it publicly."
"Viral spreading of deep knowledge and secrets revealed."
"Area 51: Secret U.S. Air Force military base with numerous conspiracy theories."
"What if there's like a hidden secret? Oh, well, dark tonight and the city's right with lights. Perfect time for this next song. Get the [ __ ] off my radio [ __ ] now."
"Yuya decides to reveal the truth about his door."
"She's literally the secret keeper... this feeling that people will just tell you their secrets and you didn't even ask them to."
"Yeah, I mean, even the reference in the secret room as well with the Michael Afton television and the clock and everything referencing back to him again."
"They feel like they haven't told you everything, and they want to."
"Secrets have been a crucial part of video game design since basically the start of video games."
"People want to know where the bodies are buried."
"Ellie knows what Joel did or suspects that he's not telling her the truth."
"Darkness coming to the light, revelations are coming out, secrets are being revealed."
"There's something being hidden from you in your romantic life because of Destiny and it's associating with this Eclipse."
"We're finally getting to the core of the matter. Why does she not want us to get deeper in this?"
"It just seems like this will be a great way to hide Easter eggs in the game outside of just highlighting stunning visuals."
"Every zone hides not one, not two, but the little demons get them all and a Chokey will appear."
"What you have been hiding for so long shall always come to light."
"As above, so below. As above, so below. This is the secret of the 'Drowned God.'"
"Secrets and hidden meanings are being unlocked."
"One of the most persistent urban legends in Pokemon history was that Mew could be found in red and blue."
"We need a private life. We need secrets. We need to have an internal life that belongs to no one but ourselves."
"Pluto will help you uncover any kind of sexual Secrets or shame or rehab you in your sexual healing..."
"Some of these secrets I'm about to show you have never been seen before in the game."
"Travie knew something he shouldn't have, was followed by people he shouldn't have known, and he realized it."
"The most unhappiness you will ever have is the secret you're hiding."
"In their dying moments, people know there can no longer be repercussions for their past actions and therefore they share their deepest secrets."
"Imagine carrying around a secret like that for decades, hearing people talk about the Loch Ness monster, knowing that you're one of the main reasons why they probably know the myth in the first place."
"You're entitled to be a little silly, and 21 is a silly age."
"It feels like you know the world a little bit more and that you're in on a secret."
"A world full of lore, with mysteries and secrets waiting to be uncovered."
"So if you guys are you know if you if you don't want to know how the magic works you got to tune out because you will start seeing these things once i explain how how it works but i think it's kind of cool so we can share this why not right."
"That's the thing with small towns, they have the craziest secrets."
"A life the husband always wanted with a loving wife without knowing the dark truth."
"If this works, we have actually unlocked a secret way to teleport around the map."
"These are the glitch hacks the developers did not want you to know."
"And there's gonna be a giant Foxy Mystery Box bro, but forget all that for a second, there is a giant secret hack we're about to test right here, that's true guys."
"They didn't want us to see this, bro, that is so creepy, I'm actually freaked out."
"This is nuts, who knew we'd find so many secrets?"
"We're about to unveil the secret final ending of this game."
"I want it to remain in my heart and become a secret between the two of us."
"Secret messages can be a great thing to add to your game."
"They can be intense love that happens to some of you, or they can be the birth of a new, but secret love because the eighth house is secret."
"Either way, it's information that she is not supposed to have, and I am very curious to see how she acts with it."
"Palmyra, established during the 3rd Century BC, holds many secrets of the ancient world."
"He was like, go out, talk to people, get all their deepest, darkest secrets and innermost fears, and then come back and tell me everything."
"Jupiter is the planet of truth and of course when it was in Scorpio, it revealed a lot of secrets about misuse of power."
"Clearly there is something on the other side of the burial chamber's north wall."
"Once you figure it out, toast, like a glass, I figured out the secret to success."
"A game that's got a lot of secrets and easter eggs can add a lot of depth and fun for the players."
"There's no secret, the secret is that there's no secret."
"Everybody's got their skeletons, everybody's got their issues."
"I'm gonna be a bit of a jerk though and not reveal it until we get to the very end."
"Secrets are much more interesting when it's less obvious what you do against them and this adds a very interesting layer to that."
"There's a context for her having all this information and why she didn't share it sooner."
"I mean, yeah, having those secrets revealed is going to be totally embarrassing, but that's seriously not enough to give someone a reason to kill, right?"
"What's done in the dark is definitely coming to light."
"There's secrets that you don't know about that are going to make you very happy."
"What if we went to the old 3D Realms archives and we found this secret game they worked on in the mid-90s?"
"Dee hypothesized if a scientist could find this universal language, it would unlock the secrets of the universe itself."
"Secrets have a way of revealing themselves in unexpected ways."
"He knows things, things that some of you may have a deep vested interest in finding out."
"If you think you're hiding something from somebody, you're not."
"There is stuff they haven't discussed with you."
"That is how you complete the quest line of Los Angeles, the secrets."
"Unraveling Lathe's Secrets: A Journey Awaits."
"Whatever you're hiding today can change your life tomorrow."
"Don't be surprised if some truths come to light that have been hidden away."
"Two golden rules of content creation: if RNG is involved, people are going to watch it, and if there's a secret, people are going to want to know it."
"The secrets of the universe lie in symbols and decoding."
"Something that they did is coming out in the open."
"People know that there are these kind of secret quiet ways to do the undoable."
"In order to unwrap the secret FNAF ARG, let's start by breaking down the stories in Felix the Shark, shall we?"
"Mermaid in the lake: rumors of Courtney the mermaid spawning in All Vale, with ties to a secret pirate hat."
"Most people don't know why it was actually disabled. I know why, so let me tell you."
"Whatever happens in the dark will come to the light eventually. The truth will reveal itself."
"That's the dirty secrets that they don't want to tell you about Wall Street and hedge funds."
"Some things are just better left unsaid and there's unspoken truths."
"We did learn more from the Russian government about what the U.S government knows on UFOs than we have learned from our government ourselves."
"The wooden mask unlocks the secret puzzle to reveal the 10th mask, Konahrik."
"That's when slowly everyone in the cast starts finding out, wait a minute, Win Reed is actually awaiting trial for murder."
"Breath of the Wild has a secret ending for players who really work hard."
"There may be some secrets revealed in the next three months."
"New groups are formed that protect these secrets, and pass them on through time."
"Letters are many, words are more, secrets passed down."
"Eric had actually been adopted by Vincent and Margaret, and he didn't know it."
"It's time to return to room 237 to see if we can uncover any more secrets hidden within the terrifying walls of the Overlook Hotel."
"Full disclosure is coming; in the age of Aquarius, there will be no more secrets."
"the Grand Theft Auto series is no stranger to crazy Easter eggs and fun mysteries to keep the players glued to the games"
"Open those gates, I may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches."
"When there's too many family secrets that are put in the vault and they're buried alive eventually they're going to come back and haunt you."
"Learning all of these little hidden secrets that game has to offer, I absolutely love that stuff."
"Children should never be asked to carry the burden of their parents' secrets."
"If it's such a big secret, then she could easily make money by selling it to others. Aim found out the potion is actually made from her own saliva, so if she bottled it up like snake venom, the girl could get insanely rich."
"Secrets the royal guards don't want you to know."
"The realization that you can cheat is worth the price of admission."
"The secret ingredient of this strategy is that it's simple."
"Distance in a relationship, secrets causing a lack of harmony."
"The truth will be revealed to you the reality whatever that's been withholding."
"There are no secrets. If you like to keep a secret, I guess don't put it in your computer."
"Let's be honest, we've all got a few skeletons in our closet, some of us literally."
"There are so many secrets being kept in the oceans and lakes of the world and some of them are frankly very creepy indeed."
"This book will reveal the secrets of a medieval age far more advanced than future generations would ever imagine."
"An energy of unusual secrets being revealed."
"Everyone has something they can't show to other people."
"Give away the secrets, sell the implementation."
"Government and military secrets can range from terrifying to amusing to downright intriguing."
"Your heart knows it holds the secret knowledge."
"She’s also fiercely protective of a certain secret."
"Secrets don't remain secrets for too long in Cedar Key."
"The CIA has gotten up to far more than the public ever suspected."
"Paul reveals a secret, something so esoteric that even he conceals his own identity."
"Adding on secrets like these to your traditional levels can help a lot with making it more interesting."
"All that is hidden will be revealed. What this implies is that anything that has not been seen, anything that has been hiding in the shadows both internally individually and collectively will come out."
"I can't keep the fucking secret, it tortures me inside."
"How do you get through there? Well, I'm gonna show you this one secret here."
"Naturally, that's only the tip of the iceberg for Alice's secrets."
"These are some of the Sacred secrets of manifesting the life of your dreams."
"This is literally a meta unit that we created, and it's a lower-level secret unit."
"It's a great, if incredibly goofy, secret area."
"The Vatican's deepest Secrets have just been revealed."
"The Fatima Secrets may have gained widespread Acclaim... were eventually revealed by the Vatican."
"All the Easter eggs, secrets, and hidden lore."
"You made it look easy. You're breaking all expectations. What's your secret?"
"It's always a good idea to know where the bodies are buried."
"Secret sin will create a public Scandal, or your secret place will create a supernatural future."