
Harmony Quotes

There are 11204 quotes

"Our life is broadly in balance so we're not screwing up one area of our life for the sake of another."
"Spirit is stepping in to bring harmony and balance back to your life."
"You are a creator; you are here to co-create with the fundamental harmony of the universe."
"People are desperate for authenticity, beauty, and harmony."
"The two of cups...is just about harmony, it's about a strong connection."
"Ascension Karma: The Coming Age of Harmony. I hope so."
"They're wanting more harmony in their life, they're wanting more stability."
"Seeing things much more clearly, seeing things much more optimistically, and this is helping to bring your connection into much more harmony, into much more peace."
"Finding balance is the key to a harmonious life."
"A year from now, you're going to be living a much greater experience than you even are right now, in much more harmony, much more connectivity."
"Harmony between the nations, harmony between the genders, harmony between the races."
"The universe, in its vastness, is not just a canvas of celestial bodies and expansive voids but is an intricate composition of harmonies."
"If everybody plays their little parts and can fit it like a nice puzzle, it turns out to be a nice mosaic."
"It is my belief that we have a true identity, a sense of identity that is so harmonious with our being and our purpose in life."
"The greatest lesson is love, and when you're in harmony with everything in all aspects of your life, that's when everything is beautiful."
"Harmony is what's going to really push this manifestation; it's going to just skyrocket it."
"When we trust completely, our physical, mental, and spiritual planes of consciousness harmonize with the heartbeat of the Earth."
"Discovering our li in turn has the power of te to inspire the world, as this is what truly brings harmony to life, Heaven to Earth."
"Nature’s Way is harmonious because each of its components follows its own li, its way of harmonizing with other manifestations of Tao."
"Never spend your time living in harmony; you must argue with the first stranger you see for at least 3 hours."
"Peace, being at peace with the world and the people around you."
"Synchronicity happens so beautifully and brilliantly."
"I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment."
"For some of you, there is someone from the past you get to set things right, and you find that harmony."
"I am in harmony with universal law and everything is flowing nicely."
"Trust creates environments and creates relationships where there is a symbiosis, where there's a harmony between different people."
"The religion strove towards encouraging harmony and focused primarily on the good aspects of nature."
"The idea of Harmonious, we all live in harmony, that name says it perfectly."
"A healthy aura keeps your energy in balance and harmony."
"The very fact that the creation is in such harmony is an indication there is one all-powerful god."
"In Vedanta, enlightenment and love mean the harmony of Gyan Yoga and Bhakti Yoga, a blend of knowledge and devotion."
"You attract energy that's in harmony with you. You attract people that are in harmony with you."
"What is the next level of peace, of harmony, and of love and joy for you?"
"Harmony in the world within results in optimism and affluence; affluence within results in affluence without."
"Evolution is actually the unification of everyone coming together in harmony."
"Focus on yourself, let others focus on themselves, and things are going to be a lot more copacetic."
"In order to truly prosper, it is necessary that you become a channel through which the life principle flows freely, harmoniously, joyously, and lovingly."
"People are not in a war zone and lead a peaceful life in harmony with nature."
"We have to come together in a harmony of we are one humanity."
"My relationship with my body is one of perfect harmony."
"You don't blend energy, you have to harmonize energy and the ultimate harmonization is when you're ready to balance those opposites equally, two halves make a whole."
"By aligning our thoughts and feelings, conscious and unconscious, we tap into a profound state of harmony and coherence, amplifying our creativity, intuition, and spiritual insight."
"Beauty, harmony, and balance. Initiation. Any conflict you experience now serves your divine purpose."
"When people are in relationships of trust, harmony and progress can be made."
"The emergence of a new society is not just a dream; it is a tangible reality that we are creating together, a reality that reflects our highest aspirations for a world characterized by harmony, justice, and collective well-being."
"All these opposing archetypes find perfect harmony and union with each other entirely through the power of love."
"Radical because you have to rethink all these things you know and they're way better in harmony."
"The harmony of an entire choir fades, a single melody rises above the others, brassy and commanding."
"Our version of a farm would be different: plants, wildlife, livestock, all working together."
"The vocals of Stevie Nicks, Lindsay Buckingham, and Christine McVie weave together like strings on some arcane musical loom, crafting stardust magic with every harmony."
"Pepper and her friends love singing together in harmony."
"Despite the fandom wars, Little Mix and Fifth Harmony have always gotten along."
"In musical harmony, you have two different notes that vibrate in accord with each other, so they sound good together."
"Anything made of molecules, i.e., anything that moves, has a frequency, and all frequencies seek harmony."
"Rationality is not about tamping down your emotions; it's about creating this beautiful harmony between the thinking process and the emotional animal parts of our nature."
"It's about aligning the heart and the mind in the way that's going to help bring you into harmony so that everything starts to fall into place for you."
"The whole universe is about harmonizing energy vibrations."
"Oblique harmony is gorgeous and more people should use it."
"Even the best harmony lines in the world won't sound good unless they're mixed right."
"Tai Chi brings harmony and tranquillity, providing us with inner peace and enabling us to listen and understand others better, thus improving relationship."
"Life is about the balance, right? So, I'm really feeling like you're stepping more into that."
"Energy cleansing creates a healthy and harmonious space in which to thrive."
"I just want all of our Elemental friends to be able to live together in harmony and peace."
"The function of the immune system is to keep harmony in the system."
"Oh, I ever wanted was harmony and balance, for this is my natural state of being, and I restore it now."
"The World reveals if uprights fulfillments, harmony, completion."
"All living beings coexist through cooperation. We must always be thankful for this."
"Reality is weirder than most any of us can put into words. So the best thing we can do is find some kind of harmony together."
"I feel so much beauty, harmony, sweetness, and shelter between us."
"Free speech is the answer and it could also be profitable and it could also be successful at the same time, allowing a perfect harmony of profit and respect of individuals to speak their mind."
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat."
"The beauty comes through the harmony of all the elements, not the individual elements together."
"Your conscious mind's wishes and desires are your creative mind. What happens if two people come together and they're only playing creative? Then they create heaven on Earth."
"Infinite intelligence leads and guides me in all my ways. Perfect health is mine, the law of harmony operates in my mind and body. Beauty, love, peace, and abundance are mine."
"It's a part of its environment. And it graces its environment rather than disgraces it."
"When everything works in harmony, we also feel good as a by-product."
"The common theme was unity, oneness, harmony."
"It's pretty peaceful, everybody loves each other. You know, Taco Tuesday every Tuesday."
"The beautiful occurs at the intersection of three things: integrity, harmony, and radiance."
"Attunement is really like two musical instruments that are tuned to one another."
"You're coming into harmony, you're coming into balance, resolving conflict."
"If those things can happen and not sacrifice all the things that we want to do together, then that's a beautiful thing."
"We want to live in a world that's a beautiful world that honors plants, animals, and the good people of the earth."
"If we can all just get along even in our differences, the world would be a better place."
"I want us to be in harmony with each other. I want to work on our relationship, to develop it further."
"Everybody has to fall apart to discover your harmony."
"When you discover the truth, or you have a love for God, you're in harmony with life again."
"They want to take a leap of faith. They want harmony to return to your connection."
"We believe in harmony and we believe in coexistence."
"Restoring balance: resolution, harmony, stability."
"Compatibility is when two things, (even if they're different) are able to occur or exist together in alignment without problems and without conflict."
"Living in harmony with nature... leads us to a happy life, or eudaimonia."
"We are here to create as much beauty and harmony on this planet as we can."
"The choices that you make in the next 12 months are going to lead to more harmony, more balance."
"Everything in nature works together perfectly, showing that everything has its own place and role."
"Appreciate how incredibly beautiful this world is, how many different species of life exist that are all in perfect harmony except for us."
"The desire for unity regardless of nationality, caste, or race."
"It is not of disharmony within the self; it is not of disharmony within peoples."
"Spiritual practice is transcending this living with harmony with all things as best we can, and through that awaken to our true inherent nature of oneness and love with the universe and all reality."
"The same laws that are working in nature are also working in man... Only in harmony with Him can be found its true sphere of action."
"Our individual struggles are about finding our own harmony with the best version of ourselves."
"You feel like a warm home to me and I feel so much beauty, harmony, sweetness, and shelter between us."
"The theory of five elements is made up of a cycle of harmony and aversion. Harmony being an energy aiding another energy to flow better."
"Life will not feel so hard and like it's you against the world; you'll finally feel like it's you at one with the world, you at one with the universe."
"Paradise means is a walled garden where structure and nature, the walls in the garden, are harmoniously interacting, and where eternal play can occur."
"Global harmony without uniformity is like an orchestra in which every instrument is different, but they all play in harmony."
"Harmony within is expressed as harmonious people, environment, circumstance, and condition in the external world."
"Patience is a virtue. Things are coming together. There's harmony that is happening here."
"You naturally attract that which is in harmony with your state of being, and you'll repel that which is out of sync with your state."
"The minute we heard him sing with us, it was like there are the five pieces. It's like your hand now."
"Everybody played their position... It was really beautiful."
"The Raindrop Technique is a very unique way to establish mind and body harmony."
"We seek to have the content that we make reflective of the rich diversity of the world we live in, and I think that's a world we should all live in harmony and peace."
"We can choose to be in this 300 level of acceptance, willingness, harmony, forgiveness."
"No one is greater than the other, and we can all just get along."
"I'd like to ask all of you to make the same vow, that you are done with this age of mutual hatred and that you will usher in a world where we show consideration to one another."
"Human beings are disconnected from their own true self. The senses, the mind, the intelligence requires to be in harmony with the heart and with the living force within the heart, which we call the soul or the spirit."
"In the symphony of the universe, every note is essential; every silence, every crescendo, plays its part in the grand composition."
"I just love it when everything goes together."
"Everything is joining together rather nicely."
"To everything, there is a season; to everything, there is a harmony."
"In the Golden Age, human beings live in harmony with planet Earth instead of destroying Mother Nature, they protect it."
"We're here to interact with people and live in harmony. We're not here to impose our ideas or I impose my ideas on you."
"Finding balance within yourself and things will balance out around you."
"A chord is three or more notes played together to create a sense of Harmony."
"Don't be afraid to ask questions if you're curious. Asking removes ignorance and once you get rid of the ignorance, we can all just get along so much better."
"Vibrate with the Cosmos, and the Cosmos shall clear the path."
"When your soul is happier, it's more comfortable with the body. When it's more comfortable with the body, the body is healthier."
"Confucianism spread to Korea and Japan, influencing their cultures deeply. Confucian values such as harmony and duty became commonplace in Japan as well."
"Physics is the harmonies you write on a string."
"Be open to change and the flow. Everything feels right."
"I just feel it, it's like I'm in such harmony, time can just disappear."
"We can all come together and we don't have to hate each other there is no reason."
"In Be Stars, well, predators and prey have long enlightened themselves beyond any actual need or desire to eat each other."
"They want harmony in a connection; they don't want to fight."
"In alignment with the love of the universe, peace cannot be disrupted."
"Guard your energy, be in harmonious relationships."
"See a deeper truth and a harmony that comes from within the diversity."
"You guys complete each other's vibe, like the yin yang."
"All these imperfections that we have are actually this vital part of the universe that keeps the universe in perfect harmony."
"Imagine how well Christians will all get along when none of us has a sin nature anymore."
"Balance and harmony are essential in all aspects of life."
"I do believe in the possibility of a world where we can live in harmony with nature, but only if every one of us does our part to make that world a reality."
"Atmos for me...it expands...gives room for everyone to do what you need to do...everything can live together in harmony."
"Everything's going to be in harmony, you're gonna have it figured out, it's all gonna piece together by the end of March."
"It all becomes part of your practice to get into a state of harmony and balance."
"The Bee Gees were so much more than a family of brothers that had gifted three-part harmony."
"Peace is not just the absence of conflict; peace is the creation of an environment where all can flourish regardless of race, color, creed, religion, gender, class, or any other social markers of difference."
"Miracles are everywhere. Remember your childlike awe. Everything is in perfect order. Broaden your perspective. Trust in Divine Harmony."
"The harmony on the bridge is nothing less than haunting."
"Peace, love, and remember, be water my friends."
"They are simultaneously a companion of heaven and a friend of humanity."
"You can't feel harmony when there's imbalance."
"They recognize you as their soulmate, feeling harmonious and uplifted."
"Music is about harmony, harmony is returning to your connection."
"I don't feel like I have to hate white people to love my people..."
"I think we can get it back to a harmonious organic loving kind of Garden of Eden."
"Perhaps for the first time in human history, we will harmonize not just with each other but with life inside of us, the microbiome around us, and we will become part of this whole life system."
"There is a perfect harmony, this is the perfect structure of the prime numbers."
"There's real power in learning to agree with others."
"They want to move into a brighter, harmonious future."
"Nature and this city are in Perfect Harmony."
"True Unity between man and sword requires Harmony of heart and sword, Harmony of chi and sword, and also Harmony of mind and sword."
"Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
"All the messengers and prophets were sent to bring people back to the worship of the one creator. We have to live in peace and harmony with all the people."
"I want competitive and casual to coexist in harmony."
"Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine strong moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends, it is not probable, but it is ever possible."
"While everyone is subject to a fallen human nature, we also believe that by God's grace and through the encouragement of the community of faith, an individual may live in harmony with the principles of God's Word."
"The boys lived harmoniously for 15 months before they were rescued."
"We want to get to what we see here which is peace, peace and strength, and divine harmony."
"You're just in harmony and unity, a drop back into the ocean. This is true spiritual growth."
"You only see this tiny bit of life. Its cycles are in harmony with its universal self."
"Know nothing and dance Sweet Soul for all will unveil itself to you in Perfect Harmony and timing your heart shall create the steps in response to the Music of the Spheres Happening Now alive and spontaneous and free."
"Why can't we all get along you know what I mean it's the spirit of the Nepalese people which is like a never give up attitude."
"They have a natural rhythm just like we all should have."
"This is the actual manifestation of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ [the world is one family]."
"Harmony is based on the pure intent of wishing good for others."
"And the need for harmony between human beings and peace is more important than ever."
"This person is your other half, this is your soulmate, and the harmony here is so obvious."
"It's not just you, it's not just me, it's us, and we must achieve Harmony together."
"Balancing each other out - beauty in duality."
"Their hearts will be unified, joined together."
"On rehabilitation, it's clear that courses like this can bring hope and harmony."
"Respect is the base of everything in order to have a world with harmony."
"Venus going back there will start fixing those things and balancing them and bringing more peace into your home and family environment."
"It's like a symphony... everybody's kind of doing their own thing but they're doing it together."
"I create harmonious connections with people in my life."
"For me, the timeline I visualize is where we live in harmony with the planet."
"We are the future and we have to spend more time loving each other and not hating each other."
"There is a divine order to the universe, and when you organize your mind, energy, and emotions, you harmonize with it."
"Truth and peace shall be associated together."
"Everything just sort of fell into place, the sound, the lyric, and the visual."
"They feel they do feel like this harmony with you."
"Everything blends together with a beautiful sense of purpose."
"The antidote to chaos is not order, it's Harmony."
"That's so pretty and the harmony down on paper."
"Expect it to be successful. This is a lot of Harmony, Peace, stability, and rest."
"Fostering a world where collective success and well-being are in harmony with our aspirations."
"I envision a world where we can live in harmony and no longer have wars."
"Harmony at all levels creates your well-being."