
S&P 500 Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"When it comes to investing, most people recommend investing in diversified index funds like the S&P 500."
"Awesome, all right. Hey everybody, Rob Power here. Today we are talking about Tesla finally being added to the S&P 500 index."
"For the S&P 500 specifically, there is over 11.2 trillion US dollars indexed or benchmarked to the index."
"Berkshire Hathaway historically... has had a track record of severely outperforming the S&P 500."
"If you're actually interested in investing, just buy a S&P 500 index fund dollar cost average whatever you got left over every month don't look at it like when you retire be happy."
"What I see here is that this thing has legs that can run well beyond 5000 on the S&P. So, I'm not even sure 5300, that's as comfortable as I can get or as far as I want to go."
"The S&P 500 just broke a streak of 12 consecutive months with a negative rolling 12-month price return."
"The S&P went down 50% from a very high level, but it only hit a long-term trend."
"The charts say that we could have a quick trip down to about 3,200 on the S&P."
"Over 20 years, there's never been a negative 20-year rolling period for the S&P 500."
"So how do you get exposure to all that without having to pick the winners from the losers the answer is very simple you buy them all in one investment which is the S&P 500 and then you sit back and let time do the heavy lifting for you."
"Once a company goes into the S&P, all the institutions have to buy it. So there's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy part of it as well."
"Our Benchmark is the S&P 500 and we want to be better than that."
"Just buy the S&P 500 every month and forget about it."
"The bear market for the S&P 500 became official in June."
"The average return of the S&P 500 for three years prior to this one was 24 which is ludicrous."
"For the first time, microstrategy or Bitcoin denominated company essentially will be included in the S&P 500."
"Investing in a low fee S&P 500 Index Fund is the best approach out there for most investors."
"...it's just simply a list of companies says you know on the top is Apple and Microsoft and Amazon and Tesla and Google and all the biggest companies from biggest to smallest the first 500 that's the S&P 500."
"People are in love with approximately seven tech stocks, and they're a big part of the NASDAQ 100 index, they're a big part of the NASDAQ index, and they're a big part of the S&P 500 even."
"Investing in the S&P 500 and holding it forever will give you the Financial Freedom you're looking for."
"If you're a news blogger or your news personality from Bloomberg and you are from the US and you're watching this, remember that you heard it here first. A wizard, a market wizard called Dapple Willis, is predicting that the S&P 500 is going to hit, is going to make new highs."
"Dapper Willie said it here first. The S&P 500, which represents the health of the U.S stock market, is about to make new highs."
"...this is a great start if you just want to keep it clean and you want to try to beat the S&P 500 over a long period of time."
"Overall I focus more on a technical view so looking at the S&P 500 equal weight for example that is definitely more positively positioned from that Ford PE ratio."
"Leveraged just means that they're using financial derivatives or financial tricks to amplify and magnify the returns, the gains, or the losses of the S&P 500."
"If you're comfortable holding an S&P 500 index fund long term, then you should also be comfortable selling covered calls on those shares for a profit."
"The S&P 500 over those years grew by an average of 10 to 11% a year on average."
"Investing in something like the S&P 500... you're usually just going to keep up with how those companies are doing."
"The S P 500 is probably the most famous Index Fund in the world which tracks the top 500 us companies including Apple Tesla visa and Coca-Cola."
"The S&P 500 is becoming quite concentrated in a handful of businesses... and in my opinion many of these stocks are also becoming quite expensive."
"The average return of the S&P was 7.23, so we beat the market on growth."
"When you invest in an S&P 500 index fund, you are investing in a broad diversification."
"Over the past 20 years, equity REITs have outperformed that of the S&P 500."
"More than 70 percent of all new S&P 500 CEOs are simply promoted internally."
"The S&P 500 on track for its best three-day run this year with investors looking out for opportunities across the broader market."
"Gold has shown that it is marginally less volatile than the S&P 500."
"They must be in the S&P 500 and they have to have grown dividends for at least twenty-five consecutive years."
"Investing in an index isn't a bad idea for your retirement since the S&P has averaged nearly 12 percent growth over the long term."
"Profits for S&P 500 companies rose 22% in fourth quarter and nearly 50% to 2021 overall."
"The 90-year average return of the S&P 500, which stands at 9.8%."
"Both of these ETFs give the exposure to the S&P 500, meaning they both invest in the same 500 companies."
"Investing in the S&P 500 ETF is a way for you to get general exposure to the stock market."
"The S&P 500 has had strong growth since the Great Recession, and in recent years the returns have been parabolic."
"As constructive as we are in the fundamental setup for the S&P 500, we still have a number of macro overhangs and issues to contend with."
"I would recommend that you add to your portfolio some type of S&P 500 ETF."
"You're diversifying risk among the top 500 companies in the United States."
"If you just shoved your money into the S&P 500 Index ETF, you can do that by just paying 0.03% in the US or 0.07% outside the US for the ETF fee."
"The S&P 500 has given an annual return of somewhere around 10% per year over the last hundred odd years."
"The S&P 500 is hovering right around an all-time high."
"If you're holding in the S&P 500 for any 20-year period, your investment was positive, meaning you made money 100% of the time."
"There are many experts who are predicting very low rates of return for the S&P 500 for the next decade."
"Nothing is a sure thing, so let me ask you this, going off of that point: ETFs, I mean if you just invested in the S&P, that's almost as surefire as it gets."
"My goal is to beat the S&P 500 in total return while creating a growing passive income stream for my family."
"If you're looking for an S&P 500 ETF, VOO is one of the best out there."
"On average, 40 percent of the S&P 500's total return came from dividends alone."
"In the S&P 500 alone, they've contributed to more than 80% of the S&P 500 total return."
"The mean return for the S&P 500, that's the average stock's return, is under 1%."
"Accept that boring is good. Embrace the S&P 500 every single day; it's your best friend."