
Life Planning Quotes

There are 1269 quotes

"You're going to construct what you want your life to be. You're going to break it up into different hours and segments so you know when it's go time."
"It's possible to engineer systematically an awesome life for oneself."
"And he would show them this leather bound journal he had, which he filled with beautiful pictures, quotes and ideas on the kind of life he wanted to build."
"That's where life is delicious, in the designing and architecting of it. You come up with the vision because you have total freedom of what you want to do with your life."
"Now, I get to reduce it and get to live the next 40 years of my life, being the woman I wanted to be in the beginning."
"It's okay to not have it figured out. It's so silly that our society makes us think we have to have our lives figured out at like age 18."
"Parents will tell you, 'Do this, study architecture, go to medical school; it'll give you a stable job, make you happy.' But how the hell do they know?"
"Have a vision in your mind of where you are going in life. Engineer your life."
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
"It takes tremendous courage to plan a life on earth, come to body, and then execute that plan."
"The starting point of getting your life under control is to sit down and think about two things: who you really are, which means what are your natural talents and abilities, what do you enjoy, what do you like doing?"
"Before we reach the point when we write ourselves the list of items, 'This is my agenda for life; this is my expectation from life,' take time to first of all familiarize yourself with what is actually happening inside."
"When that happens, you want to have a plan in place."
"This one planning thing will change your life: No phone in the bedroom."
"You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather."
"Pick a maximum of three life areas to focus on; the less you pick, the more successful you'll be."
"The first question to answer is: What do I want my days to look like?"
"Day after day would roll into week after week, into month after month, and without the intention of who I actually wanted to be and how I wanted to live my life, it just felt like there were a lot of days that all kind of meshed into one."
"It's a catastrophe not to have an explicit strategy for your life."
"It's all well and good planning your life in advance, but then opportunities arise and stuff happens, and things never really work out exactly as you planned, but sometimes things work out better than you planned."
"You need to have a vision and a plan for your life, one that includes taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally."
"What do I want my life to look like? ... What do I want this to look like?"
"Dedicated and focused, the next 10 years are the most important years of your life."
"We need to stop really projecting our wants and needs on children and grandkids when they're like, 'Yeah, I got my own plan.'"
"There's a lot of life to be lived. Sacrificing for 3 years gets your financial life in order."
"A Queen self-actualizes when she formulates a vision for her life."
"Last stop on the train if you're thinking long term. It's a great time to be looking at life insurance."
"What does your dream self look like? If you could write any book and map out how you'd want your life to be, what would that look like?"
"When you're planning your life and you think you're going somewhere, your life's actually happening."
"I realized while you're planning your life and you think you're going somewhere, your life's actually happening now."
"But we also have an amazing opportunity to set ourselves up for an extraordinary life both now and in the future if we take the time to learn about how money works and how we want to work with money."
"We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it."
"You cannot create a good life without being clear about what you want."
"Know what you want, not just from this connection but in life."
"I call it 'write your own happy ending'. Imagine that you are on your deathbed right now. What are three things you will want to have done or spent time on?"
"You get to decide what the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years look like; no one else."
"You can't just say 'I'm never going to plan anything anymore,' just take life as it comes."
"If you don't design your life, somebody else will design it for you. We should always be in the driver's seat of our lives, not in the back seat, not in the passenger seat."
"The danger zone is age 27 to 35 where women need to focus like a laser on the outcomes they want in their life."
"Once you have a vision and perspective for your life, it's easy for things to fall into their respective places."
"I think there's a huge factor in the fact that as a 35-year-old guy with no kids, I should probably start thinking about having a family."
"So in this video, I want to talk about how to create your best year yet in terms of creating your most memorable, interesting year yet. This is all about how to find more opportunities to create moments so that when you look back at your next year, you're thinking like, 'Wow, I did so much this year. It was filled with so many good moments. It was so memorable.'"
"Developing a purpose and a vision for your life will help you set the right intentions."
"Instead of planning the next big thing in their lives, like a wedding or some big event, they're trying to figure out how to pay funeral expenses."
"If you don't know what you want, that is the problem."
"Adoption was not giving up; it was just a shift in plans."
"You can't physically consider yourself financially independent unless you truly own your life."
"I spend very little of my day thinking about the life I want to create for me and a lot about the life I want to create for my children."
"I'm going to live like no one else, so that later, I can live and give like no one else."
"If you don't learn how to earn passive income, you will spend your whole life earning income."
"So many of our women feel like they got to go get all the pieces of their life together, and then they think they can fit marriage in."
"The crisis begins when you, mommy and daddy, and the school system tell you to go to school, get a job, work hard, pay taxes, get out of debt, save money, and invest for the long-term in a well-diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs."
"I feel like society just thinks that a 23-year-old should have their whole life mapped out at this point, and I don't agree with that."
"Your dreams help you carve out a real plan here, a way to make things reality."
"Plan how you're going to plan your life and then implement those plans, follow them through."
"You're going to construct what you want your life to be."
"If you're not having a good time, you owe it to yourself to plan and put something into your life that allows you to have a good time."
"You've got to define what happiness looks like and then build a plan backwards to get there."
"This person was really trying to create the life that they wanted, manifest that."
"Now that I can see a future for myself... I'm starting to see all the loose ends that I have."
"Message to the Future: Study the past if you would divine the future. Confucius said that."
"Plans in your life don't fail randomly. There is a purpose, there is a reason behind everything."
"Life is now. Let's start working on where we want to be so that we can live our best lives."
"I map out my life in the calendar... I reminded myself this morning to pack my frozen lunches."
"You're only young once. Do the right thing when you're young so that when you get old, you're set up properly for your older years."
"If you think about the future, you want a future that's better than the past."
"Effectively be a retired guy at age 39 with a two-year-old and a six-year-old at home in a marriage that's like a solid B plus."
"Your 20s will set you up for life. Mentally prepare yourself for this make or break period."
"What you're going to start thinking about what you want to do with your life outside of this."
"I would totally rather know when I'm going to die because they totally allow me to plan and live my life according to that."
"Do not become a statistic. Become seriously intentional about how you spend the time that you have."
"Once you find your queen, then life will set out for you."
"It's important to have children because you eventually get old."
"Put first things first: spend time on what's truly important."
"God's plan for the Christian family: Embrace the blessings of children and allow God's timing for growth."
"She had all of these plans, you know, she had all of these sweet plans."
"Don't set intentions and goals that you know do not fit your lifestyle."
"Start off with a Clear Vision of what you want in all the different areas of your life."
"The worst thing you can do forever's trade time for money, that's the worst thing you could do forever right."
"You don't have to have your whole life figured out in your 20s."
"There's no such thing as good and bad timing, only good and bad strategies."
"Setting a destination for your life will concentrate your energy into heading there."
"If everything fell into place and you could have anything you wanted in the next five years, what would that be?"
"People that have plans for their life generally don't consider suicide as an option."
"Birthdays and new years are good times for introspection and contemplating the past and planning the future."
"A good man thinks about prolonging life for his family."
"Planning for a life which meaningfully begins at a certain age is just frankly naive."
"Nothing happens by accident, it's always planned out ahead of time."
"Nothing is ever an accident; it's all planned ahead of time."
"We aren't planning to have kids for another like five years or so, so that we're more like concrete and familiar with our lives now."
"Everything's going to be in harmony, you're gonna have it figured out, it's all gonna piece together by the end of March."
"Create a vision board - it's like having this white canvas where you can create your life."
"Your 20s are a pretty exciting time... set yourself up for financial freedom or just a future full of Lambos."
"Planning starting to pay off, taking a new journey."
"You cannot think like that. If I put all my eggs in this basket and this basket breaks, where do I end up?"
"Sit down and ask yourself what 10 things you could do to solve this problem."
"I've never spent much mental energy trying to plan ahead."
"Put first things first. Make them your first focus, your first priority."
"You've got to have a thesis, you've got to have a plan, and you've got to have discipline."
"I don't know if my life will feel complete in 12 years or 20 years or even 30 years, and neither do you."
"Right on the precipice of it and I really see you guys moving in this direction."
"You're going to be very upfront about what you want in either a job situation, a living situation, or a relationship."
"I reflected it... it was like the following: I'm on one side of a jungle and I'm on this one side of a jungle and I... had to have the greatest life I could have."
"Please be safe, please stay alive, please plan to be here for the next five years."
"How do I make my partner an equal partner in this life? That's a very, very, very important aspect."
"The root of the problem is telling kids who have no idea what they want to do with their lives to make the biggest financial decision of their future before they have any real world experience."
"It seems like the next logical step... they will be in complete control of everything that goes on in their lives."
"The urgent things show up as tasks just by their own. But the important but not urgent, they don't have complete urgent completion dates yet those are the things that change the arc of your life."
"Knowing your guiding principles helps you establish your goals which helps you establish your projects which helps you know what to do day to day it's all connected."
"Get out right now and build the person you want to be so you can have the life you want to have."
"This eclipse is a good point to make a change like, okay, starting now I'm going to not doomcast or catastrophize my future."
"If you don't know where you want to be in five years, you're already there."
"What if we can make both our happy places a reality?"
"Deciding what kind of life I want to lead and then creating it unapologetically."
"You can create a rich life through planning and unconventional choices."
"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." - Proverbs 16:9
"Let's just run away together. We can have a beautiful life together and we'll put fairy lights up and we'll get a dog. He'll be old and sad but we'll love them all the same."
"Legacy: What do you want to leave when you're gone?"
"Remind yourself what your goals are in life."
"Creating a new life that we want to set us up for the next 35 years of our life in very, very positive ways."
"If you want to make improvements in your life you have to take the first steps and you got to figure out what you want to do and what it's going to take to get there."
"Pause today and ask yourself: What do I want? What am I doing? What do I want to do? What's next?"
"This is the time where you're going to be very focused on your future and progressing in your life."
"Isn't this the perfect time to figure out what the heck you want to do with the rest of your life?"
"Design your life like a story. There is a structure that makes stories interesting and fulfilling."
"Remove yourself from the equation and just trust the plan."
"Something could be setting you up for what you want to accomplish in your life next."
"One of the best things I did with my time in my life earlier on is to figure out what exactly it is that I wanted to do and to align myself."
"Risk management, especially in your 30s, is crucial."
"Time is your greatest friend until it becomes your fiercest enemy."
"Your 40s: the fork in the road moment where you control what the next 20 to 30 years look like."
"Design your life proactively and say what you want."
"I genuinely believe that if I do that for two more years and I still want to bring the night and I'll be like yo yo like uni now you know what I mean."
"Identity is you asking the questions until eventually you get to a point that you get to the deeper part of who do you want to be, what life do you want to live, and why do you want to live this stuff?"
"If you don't make decisions in the short term with your long-term goals in mind, they will be impossible to achieve."
"You've got to have goals for how much fun you're going to have this year, what kind of fun you're going to have this year that's measurable and specific."
"So we have definitely just had to be really patient just really pray and just really trust that whatever God has planned will start to unfold and we'll make so much more sense."
"A lot of people have this perception like well I'm gonna work so hard until I get older and then I'll kind of rest but resting our body as far as not really doing anything physically or mentally is not working out for people very well."
"In your 40s, you want to start answering the question: What's the goal that I am working towards?"
"You want to measure four, five, six, seven times to know you're prepared for the next phase of life."
"You're not building towards anything. You're going to crash into a wall by the time you hit 30."
"In order to be successful... graduate from high school, don't have a kid before you're 20 and get married before you have a kid."
"In order to achieve anything in life you must know yourself totally first, know what you really want."
"If you have no goals and no aspirations and you're not storing up for the times to come, you gotta get your house in order, people."
"Build first on the word and then begin to add all of the different components of your life."
"Make a wish, make a grand plan you want to see for your life and then manifest it."
"Life ain't planned, if you're casual about your dream, it will end up a casualty."
"Time is not your friend. Time is a very, very important asset, and we are losing time every day."
"Always remember to have a concrete plan in mind and please don't die inside by yourself."
"Start with authenticity, then build everything else in your life around that."
"I'm seeing what God's doing in my life, that like I used to be like I'm going to do this and then talk to God about it but now I'm like all right God what do you want me to do and then we can talk."
"Figure out the best way to live the best life you can."
"Women now want to finish their education, have fun, and then settle down."
"Claiming your 20s is one of the simplest yet most transformative things you can do for work, for love, for your happiness, maybe even for the world."
"I'm gonna be more so like, I want everything I want to do, I wanna do with my wife."
"This person truly has like their job figured out, they have their life kind of figured out, they know the trajectory they're going in, they're probably already quite successful, they probably already bring in quite a bit of money as well."
"In a man's heart he plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
"I had made the money, then I was like, 'Now what do I do?'"
"So what do I look like? Get you some life insurance if you don't already have some, that's so important."
"I want to help you really go after your dreams whether that's eliminating debt, starting a business, building your dream house or buying your dream car."
"Trying to figure out your vision and the corresponding goals is what people really should be focusing on."
"Understand what you're optimizing for in your life."
"Changing your future is about creating the life you want to live."
"I don't think people talk enough about... being certain of what you want at the end."
"You got to date at least three years before marriage."
"Focus on what you do want in your life... what you do want to create in your life."
"An eclipse is a new moon when we plant seeds effectively. Focus on how you want your life to feel, not just what you want it to look like."
"When you choose to follow God, he will establish your plans and your purpose so that you end up in a good place in his story."
"If you had six months left to live what would you do."
"You're not getting younger, that means you need to make much more calculated decisions."
"Seven to ten years from now you probably will be getting married but that's okay because the universe has other things planned for you."
"The purpose statement can change but I think that the core activities or skills that you're weaving into the purpose statement are probably going to stay somewhat consistent through life."
"You could have a kid and then also save up for a [__] epic 10-day trip."
"This is magical time now. This is when the cosmos is imprinting the new patterns for the next one year."
"It's time to program how you want your life to be, what you want to manifest."
"Imagine what you could do with six years of your life back."
"By the end of the month, you are probably gonna have a much much clearer idea of what your future is gonna look like."
"You're rewriting your plan, redesigning your life, and opening yourself up to abundance."
"Adulthood, fulfilling dreams, planning for retirement and midlife crises await."
"Having a clear roadmap in life definitely helps."
"Block out all of that time in the day and then you will see how realistic or unrealistic all of your priorities and activities that you're trying to get done each day are."
"This chapter of your life is all about making plans, finding your true north."
"You gotta have life insurance. We all going to go that way one day."
"That's right, on a great trajectory financially."
"One of the best pieces of advice you can get is to do work that you are passionate about or that you enjoy if you can because that's what you're going to be spending your life doing."
"Most people live life, they have no clue what their next 10 moves are gonna be."
"Whatever decisions I make is anchored to those ideas and those visions."
"Don't assume the next step in a relationship. Ensure alignment on major life choices."
"See ye first the fourth dimension and the perfect plan of your life will come to pass."
"We're going to live like no one else so that later we can live and give like no one else."
"Follow your dreams, but also have a backup plan."
"I personally think that the next expression or step in happiness is hopping into some of the things that you really want to do and then figuring out how to make them happen."
"Start today planting some seeds to get going, so by the time you're 30, you can do whatever the hell you want."
"Are you resting? Have you bought your home? Let's make sure that everybody's taking care of themselves."
"Everything in life is about your next five moves."
"Five years from now, what decision will I wish I made today?"
"Don't wait until you get there, then you start making predictions of your life. Start now. Stand now."
"I was just expecting to play baseball, basketball, football in high school and go get a real job after that."
"If a man can't find a wife and he turns to be 55 years old with no kids and he wants a beautiful woman, he got to pay, that's punitive."
"But nothing ever goes according to plan, does it?"