
Color Quotes

There are 10059 quotes

"Reality as we experience it is not the true nature of reality. Color does not exist; color is something that our perceptual apparatus has somewhat arbitrarily assigned to different wavelengths of light."
"I'm extremely drawn to color and pattern. It makes me happy."
"Does blue look the same to me as it does for everyone else? What if everyone else sees blue as I see red?"
"We pushed ourselves when we were thinking about material design to make clear and deliberate design decisions regarding color and typography."
"Ancient statues and buildings were colorfully painted."
"Her friends say that color fit her perfectly as well, because like Lauren, pink was very sweet but it was bold, it was eye-catching."
"When you look at a water lily... what Monet is doing is doing hyperbole, doing peak shift, but in color space, not in form."
"I love the color purple, it changed my life."
"The resulting loaf here, the gochujang loaf, has almost a fiery red-orange crumb when it's fully done. It's beautiful."
"With color, it's all about your personal expression."
"Your brain adjusts the color it sees so that white stuff always looks white, regardless of the lighting."
"Different types of light sources produce different colors of light."
"The vibrant colors we see are due to different types of clouds."
"The color in this is really strong, really saturated."
"I absolutely adore green; it looks incredible."
"This is a new color for 2023 Bronco Sport Heritage Edition. The color is Robin Eggs Blue."
"Color is a lot about - like I experience color as an emotional thing. It's something that you feel."
"Bring that old color back to life a little bit."
"The checker shadow illusion...which one of these squares is the darkest?"
"Memory colors... We just intuitively know the colors of certain things... there's this concept of memory colors where we know what the red of a ripe red tomato is."
"It's really fun! It's really colorful! It's bright! It's silly!"
"I never realized how beautiful colorful Roblox is until the colors got taken away."
"God is not colorblind but He doesn't want us to be blinded by color. He doesn't want our hue to define our relationship."
"I really like the color if you don't like this color you could go to like a brat and check out all the colors or choose another color of homespun."
"This is like reminds me of those vintage cars we used to see when I was growing up that were painted in the candy apple red color."
"It actually came out so pretty. Literally the perfect color."
"Have you ever heard of Shields green? It's a shade of green invented in 1775...thousands of people died because of their exposure to Shields green."
"I think we're going to see more color brought in because I think people are a little bit tired of the basic neutrals."
"It was a life well lived, a life lived in color."
"My favorite image is of a region called NGC1333, where stars are forming and very colorful."
"I think tradition and ritual can provide much of the color... for the human experience..."
"I would invent a color called Sky Glow, a pale ethereal blue with hints of lavender and pink."
"I think it's gonna be as colorful as Wachowski siblings his hair."
"You've got an entire color wheel at your disposal to play around with as you wish."
"This is orange, this is why I always recommend Colourpop palettes."
"It's good to have some color in your life, remind you that there's warmth and joy in the world outside."
"Damn, I love that suit bro, I'm talking about the colors and everything."
"It's about spring, it's about color, it's about love."
"Each of Night City's mega buildings has a unique color scheme."
"What a lovely shade it is, it's a beautiful shade for all you gingers out there."
"Color is very, very important to me. I would say it's more important to me than sharpness."
"Thinking differently is what led to Rainbow."
"You can see that the text title here is red."
"Alert success - background color: var(--success-color)"
"Magnificent painting. Love the color palette. It's all really well done."
"Phoenix Rising offers a significantly improved color palette with rich greens and deep blues that really pop on the screen."
"If you're a fan of ruining the past and hopes of building a brighter featuring there's tons of bright terracotta blocks that you can take out of the structure too."
"I think these two are my favorites of the minis when it comes to color stories."
"I'm pretty sure p, q, x, y, z. Oh no, is your character associated with the color purple?"
"I love this poster. It looks great. I love the color scheme of it."
"Tender touch can mean so much. Enjoy the colors of life, balance yourself with everything."
"Let's add more gorgeous look to your hairstyle with the power of the rainbow."
"Wow dude, holy [__], I mean, a ton of bright color right?"
"I want yellow black red white and blue, and that's how it should be."
"I'm really loving this color, it's really starting to describe me."
"Cotton candy lagoon: Lake MacDonnell's bright pink salt lake in South Australia."
"Ocean of blood: Hormuz Island's crimson waters caused by ferrous oxide."
"Anyone who thinks that reality is colorless has not been to Hawaii."
"You've got a color in my eyelids, it's not cold, it's blood. I wonder what cold means, cold is the orange, it's like ink but it comes from minerals."
"They're absolutely beautiful in the white there."
"You thought you knew red, but you're a goner."
"It's just about finding things that especially classic silhouettes that everybody knows but nobody's seen in those colors."
"Look how blue it is right through there, holy cow!"
"Vote for your favorite, is that the blue or the orange, wow, I love that."
"This palette is very soft, it is very, very pigmented."
"Blood Falls in Antarctica is a bright red waterfall flowing from the ice, hosting a community of microorganisms."
"Lake Hillier in Australia is a pink-colored lake surrounded by dense woodland."
"Please, please change this color scheme. It's horrible."
"Just a very lovely neutral versatile gray color."
"This car looks good, especially this metallic gray."
"Expressive colors, striking patterns, and accessories that inspire confidence."
"The best practice for JPMorgan was to make it purple."
"Seeing the blue red green yellow and pink colors in nature is something to remember."
"People witnessed one of the strangest weather phenomena in recorded history: the rain was red."
"What do you reckon about the color? I quite like it, actually."
"This isn't immersive. I'm absorbed in the architecture and color of the setting."
"Finally, a rainbow Julia set: adding vibrancy to the fractal world."
"The fire mario shirt... the orange color scheme is really nice."
"This look is pretty interesting because we haven't seen as much of this in red."
"Just not change color when it asks you to, and it turns out really quite amazing."
"I'm just glad I didn't get red or green, that would have sucked."
"It's gonna be very colorful house, except for the bedroom."
"I love this rug color, I wish the other rugs were this color. They're not, they're difficult. It's fine, bye-bye-bye."
"I've never owned any other clothes with this vibrant blue color and I kind of like it."
"Pokemon oh boy, he's also definitely an orange obedient boy."
"Anytime you have a candy like a hard candy, that's this color, has coffee flavor."
"Colors are so fundamental that the very Gods seem to be divided by them and one God the greater will is recognized by one exceptional color."
"Why are chili powders always red? We're question ancho chili powder red chili powder this is more like brick."
"I actually really like this color it's showing up a little bit more like pinky on the screen but it's a bit more brownish that's coming off on camera for some reason."
"Color theory is at least to some extent a provable science."
"Silver is one of those colors that never goes out of style."
"Blue is like the prettiest color. Like blue looks vibrant and normal."
"Blue looks literally beautiful. It's like crazy."
"Phoenix has also become associated with strong vibrant colors."
"I think it's bold, it's unapologetic color, it's now."
"It does, I feel like, brighten your mood when you're wearing a fun color."
"Every wardrobe needs like a classic neutral coat but I also think that it equally needs like a fun pop of color as well."
"Some of them are fading in and creating almost their own little patch of color."
"The colors you've chosen are they're amazing look the purple the yellow it's very very cool."
"Color is very important to spiritual uplift and how color and vibration are used."
"It's just so beautiful some of these shades like sidecar so gorgeous smog I love the shade toasted one of my absolute favorites."
"Yellow just makes me feel happy, I love it so much."
"I think it's cute a couple more little live swatches this one looks beautiful this is kind of like a green gold like a minty gold"
"Why is the shadow green? I didn't know that shadows had colors - this is kind of fascinating, huh?"
"It's like drinking 'It's a Wonderful Life'... In color."
"I love all the detail and the character designs I think the colors pop really really well."
"I'm obsessed with green, you guys know my eyes are green. It's my favorite color, it's just really tranquil for me."
"When you describe a frog as being purple, you imagine this cute little critter with a vibrant purple color scheme that warms your heart."
"Yes, all about the car in this case with in Miami blue."
"Wow this one's like a kind of a greenish vibe to it, I love this."
"I think this is the closest we're gonna get to purple."
"It's always fun to have a pop of color in the room."
"Blush happens to be like one of my favorites right now."
"Regular black is black. Regular smear angel regular black. I'm regular black."
"Who doesn't love that? It's just so, it's my favorite color periwinkle."
"I'm kind of like a boho lily with color but nothing too bright."
"The Phantom Purple, Emerald Green, Midnight Black, echoing the diversity of today's vibrant youth."
"Redken is my most used color line for so many reasons."
"It's just bright magenta purple goodness."
"It's just a beautiful peachy almost on the verge of coral like a really light peachy coral color."
"It's a beautiful muted plum, it's super deep, it's beautiful on the lips."
"It's a really great one for those who love neutrals and are looking for like a little bit of color that's not too in-your-face."
"My favorite color is actually red, I just like the idea of a blue ninja."
"I am obsessed with it; the colors just really tie in with all of the baby pink vibes I've got going around."
"Trees are brown trunks with green tops; it's expected, it's easy."
"... the paint really pops I love the way that it looks the turquoise is definitely a really good idea in my opinion."
"Chandelure's ghostly standard vision is already that color, so the franchise's artists did the opposite thing for its shiny and turned the Flaming Chandelier's fire red-orange, and it's awesome."
"While its shiny form remains the same, Gallade's prominent green changes to an eye-pleasing blue, and its red body spikes morph to orange, making it even more appealing."
"Now it's time to give the bird some color. Green for the body and pink for his wings. I'm done; my bird looks pretty."
"It's a stunning color and was used in the time of the New Kingdom to decorate everything from statues to sarcophagi."
"Your brain perceives the reddest apple as the sweetest and ripest."
"The new Ultra red looks darker and richer, and my wife described it as cranberry."
"This color was so fun to create; we really worked closely with Seoul to create this color."
"This season electric blue is very popular."
"It just makes me so happy to see all of these colors."
"Green is one of my favorite colors."
"I absolutely love the color I love all the texture that's in here."
"I love this body, I love this color."
"I take it as flattering, the thought of you picking blue out of all the different colors."
"It's just a perfect vibrant green."
"I love this type of color for summer."
"It just works perfectly by itself over any color."
"It's time for Getting Colorful Blue Edition."
"By adding one extra color to this black and white, you get one of the most beautiful color combinations for spring, in my opinion."
"This is really lovely green color."
"This raisin shade is like the perfect peachy warm pinky color, like it's like if Peach and mauve were, you know, blend it together."
"He was very good at painting; he felt colors; he received good reviews."
"The Russian word for red, 'krasni', originally meant beautiful and has only come to mean red in more recent times."
"This color is like my perfect 'your lips but better'."
"I love this color; it truly reminds me of a brick, like a brick red, that beautiful burnt orangey brick red."
"He feels different from his friends and sometimes, he sees things like a color that only he can see."
"I've been so into the color green."
"The very best color charts are the ones that you see in the world around you."
"Chromaticism allows composers and songwriters to enhance their music and to add colors to it."
"Green is my favorite color. I think it is so chic and unique when done the right way."
"You are the rainbow in their life."
"It's so beautiful in Lisbon, just walk around and there's just everything looks so different and all different colors."
"That color is absolutely gorgeous."
"I love this color, so airy and natural and just pretty."
"Money is green, that's the only concern about color I got."
"I love what Fuji is doing with colors; they're really the only camera manufacturer doing anything interesting in terms of color."
"This has also been known as the Red Castle because the stone that has been used to build it has a red hue."
"Look at how beautiful that green is, I wasn't even a fan of this green and Dodge Vipers because I like red, but this green just pops, it is so beautiful."
"Pink profusion Salvia wins for the best color this time of year."
"Iceberg roses come in a bunch of different colors, and one of them is pink."
"The white color is actually the most sacred color."
"I cannot tell you how craziness to me the difference paint and colors make."
"The colors that you chose for this tattoo just work so well with each other."
"You suddenly realize how colorful the world is again."
"They send out blooms in the spring that are coffee colored and I think they're just so pretty."
"Their blooms are like a lavender color with a white throat, they last for a really long time."
"I've never seen one like this, blue, oh that's fantastic."
"So yeah, that's how to add some colors to your webpage."
"Color is a psychophysical phenomenon, our brain's perception of physical stimuli."
"This color, like if you wore this color, somebody would stop you and ask you what it is."
"Add a pop of color, but make sure that it is still compatible with the grand scheme of things."
"The element of color in interior decorating sets the mood for your entire home."
"I really love how the colors turned out in all these squares."
"I think it's beautiful and vibrant, I love this green."
"I just love the color and the style of it."
"Let me tell you, that Caribbean turquoise looks sick."
"I think orange might be my summer color I'm thinking when I'm wearing orange I just feel like it just Blends in so well so I think orange might be my summer color"
"This baby, it's gorgeous. First of all, I love the color."
"These are actually beautiful, do you see how the outside is basically flaming hot red?"
"It's all color-coded... it's nice to see like the rainbows."
"We use skilled craftsmen to spray all the shades and the sunburst and the color."
"Silver is a great neutral color especially for the winter time."
"I just really really liked it. I'd say this is kind of like a warm tan kind of camel tone but with a slight like orangey red kind of tinged to it."
"I love the beige tone. I feel like it's a really really nice color."
"Red is definitely your color I do not really true true that until now it's very elegant but it's really sexy at the same time."
"It's just a happy, beautiful color."
"The color and contrast coming out of this camera is just beautiful and very easy to work with."
"Wow, look at that color, that's a rainbow iridescence."
"Green is your color, look how gorgeous you look."
"The color looks unreal. I couldn't be any more happier."
"I got these because I have a red shoe already, but I wanted a red shoe that wasn't so red."
"Orange is the most underrated color. I still stand on that."
"This color story is beautiful, the blue and the green and the shimmers, absolutely love these."
"I think the color story is genius, absolutely love it."
"It's rather restrained in color and texture, but there are metallic looking bits which give it just enough accent to make it interesting."