
Societal Observation Quotes

There are 1083 quotes

"You pretty much can't get 86% of Americans to agree that Monday follows Sunday."
"Most people are reasonable wherever you go, but in the social media age, it's no longer about what most people are like; it's about how much power do the extremists have."
"Right now, kids in this country are seeing what happens when we stop requiring empathy of one another."
"Every decade, people in America are getting dumber and dumber."
"All around me I see people that are used to being ignored. This isn't only a love story between characters, this is a love story about all people."
"We need the labels. This world runs on labels, didn't you know?"
"I feel like in the world without problems, people create problems to have some kind of fun and excitement and just some kind of battle to overcome because we're living in the best times in recorded history."
"Loads of people are depressed, anxious... they're not out there abusing and murdering children."
"I feel as though there are so many out there looking for meaning, not in a deeper spiritual way, but instead that they are missing something, something fulfilling, something that sets their wires straight."
"We are some of the most strictly disciplined people in the country by a wide margin."
"You can't, in modern America, not have people in your life that you love, care about, and spend time with, that have different opinions."
"Gaining fame is amazing, being famous is a mixed bag, and losing fame is terrible."
"Our brains are just going, 'This is too much,' and it's just fried."
"Patriotism is loving your country, but I have really seen over the years how devout patriotism is very similar to nationalism."
"So we're in the best of times, we're in the worst of times. And the worst of times is easy to see. You see the terrorism, you see Donald Trump."
"With freedom comes the freedom to be stupid. It's a yin and a yang that if you're going to accept freedom, humans are going to make stupid decisions. You have to accept that as part of freedom."
"You have your finger on something that I am haunted by, which is that people are lost; they're scared in life."
"Humans probably aren't used to getting so much feedback about so many things in their life at all points of your life. It's just a very inhuman thing to be a part of."
"Millions and millions of those jobs are not for like hedge fund managers or chemical engineers. A lot of jobs where the main qualification is showing up on time every day not stoned."
"Dawnstar feels like a society is going on here."
"We got a lot of adults around here in adult bodies that still have child minds."
"Narcissism is a word that is being used to understand bad behavior everywhere - in national leaders, heads of state, heads of corporations, fancy academic types, athletes, celebrities."
"Corporate donors started buying all of our politicians... They all serve corporations now."
"There's just too many people in this world promoting things, selling things, and just thriving off this capitalist hellscape that we live in."
"Any married people here? You're doing something we can't figure out."
"I see something long absent in the sunken faces of passers-by – a glimmer of hope."
"Stop watching me, moon people! It's none of your business what I do in there!"
"As the world is being segmented, it honestly is the weirdest thing because as you see the world growing in division and conflict with one another, you also see the world coming together at the same time around a common thought and mindset."
"America has an interesting relationship with rags to riches stories... The idiom rags to riches refers to any situation in which a person rises from poverty to wealth and in some cases from obscurity to heights of fame, fortune, and celebrity, sometimes instantly."
"We live in a crazy time now, don't we? Where inner peace is something that we don't necessarily get a lot of."
"More and more, I see that there are similar trends. Instead of seeing the world as having very different situations here and there, the common trends are too common, and we have to observe them."
"We are in a different era... this is a different era."
"A comedian's job is to say what others think. People think about stuff but they never say it, a comedian's job has always been to say those things."
"I don't come to these places and feel bad for people. I see things that are missing in my own country... people more connected with their food."
"Thinking is the hardest work most people never do."
"It'll be very difficult for those in power not to conclude from the events of 2019-2022 that, if required, you can control people."
"People try hard and people are nice here. People are really nice. They walk around with a smile in their heart."
"It's hard not to watch this week and feel like we're five seconds from chaos."
"Humans are inherently good, so it's actually difficult to find yourself at the very bottom."
"Stability is really important; most people do not function well in instability."
"Politics is more like a whole theatre festival. There's all sorts of shows, loads of casts, loads of actors, loads of audiences, some of which overlap."
"People will always rate their families the most important thing in their lives."
"This world is going to keep moving whether you buy this stuff or not."
"Don't get to a place where you use the term 'this generation of children' and then say something negative."
"2% of the people think, 3% think they think, and 95% would rather die than think."
"Attention is the number one currency in our society."
"The common people are doing just as well as the rich people."
"Are rich people okay? It almost makes you wonder if being rich gives you a sucky personality."
"They are the generation that is meant to see the shadows and change them."
"The special mark of the modern world is not that it is skeptical, but that it is dogmatic without knowing it."
"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer."
"This is a cultural phenomenon; it's not politics."
"We are living through an extraordinarily chaotic moment."
"One thing that all countries seem to have in common is politics."
"Sometimes I can't help but think we're being played by both sides who in so many areas have absolute consensus around how the country should be run."
"It's incredibly crazy how tribal politics has become."
"I don't think the big story here is necessarily that these individual things happen, but that it's a preview of what's to come."
"The ability to critically think is becoming more and more scarce."
"What people see in you is the case, and you should know people often look at you and see something, and because you are in your current situation, you can't see it."
"We do indeed live in interesting times; it's a little scary."
"I think the country is doing poorly. We have a void in our country."
"The world is a stage, and we are all actors."
"Have you ever seen America as divisive as we are today? No, I think we're in a very divisive point in America's history."
"It's one of the great things about the UK, it's a very rich ethnically mixed society."
"Everybody wants to be a black girl, and black woman and now nobody can say that I'm crazy or paranoid or arrogant because people are literally cosplaying black womanhood out here."
"If you can just rise a little bit above that, you will slay. There is no competition. The world's getting dumber and dumber."
"Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it."
"I feel like it's a time where we get to see who really understands the assignment and can take a joke."
"Nigeria happens to people. It simply means a certain tragedy has been following an individual or a community that should not ordinarily have occurred."
"However, many of those same people were shocked to find that while the internet did bring people from across the world together, it didn't change the essence of who people were."
"It's interesting, currently we have this whole crop of... new atheists or whatever you want to call them. And when you look at most of them, you see that what is fundamentally driving them is not argument and not rationality, they're just sick of what they know of Christians."
"Almost nobody could speak the truth, nobody even think aloud, apart from the small number of people who don't have a wobbly hierarchy above us."
"What I'm interested in most of all is how hysteria poses as rationalism these days."
"The people are so polite, the people are so sweet, the people are so loving like people are so nice."
"Remember, you have to be careful about using the word 'conspiracy' because, as George Carlin always said, 'Where interests converge, no conspiracy is necessary.'"
"Interesting times we're in. Let's see how it unfolds."
"You have a lot of rich people, a lot of people that are always willing to jump into whatever the latest scam is."
"Freedom is fragile and if you want proof that freedom is fragile, look at what happened over the last week."
"We are extreme outliers. We get to live in this unique age in which we and our children are not dropping dead all around us."
"We're here and evil thinks they're fully prideful right now. Look what happened at the Grammys. That's called Pride."
"Every aspect of American culture has become more and more political."
"This is nothing new under the sun whatsoever."
"I think it's bad, right? I mean, it's... kind of a joke. They are doing it like sports fandom."
"Does somebody in upstate New York have more in common with Manhattan or with Pennsylvania? Obviously Pennsylvania, no question about that."
"You have to be realistic about the fact that those guys that you're describing are out there and you are competing with them."
"Pretty sure stupidity was one of the new plagues. That means we're being cursed by very stupid people."
"A population of people whose primary source of information keeps them stuck perpetually at the tippy-top of a roller coaster... ready for something to break the suspense... might make America great again... all of it will happen any day now."
"They seem to find life affirmed by being furious all the time."
"I think through all of this, there's an obvious fact emerging."
"Rest assured that we are all living in very interesting times."
"America is the safest country in world history for Jews."
"Every day we have seen this nation get more racist than anybody thought perhaps would be at this point in time."
"I think there's also a substantial minority of people who have are like the goldstein manual in Orwell's 1984 and they have they have this cognitive dissonance where they don't even concede the notion of doublethink."
"Comfortably numb' thing again, once again Pink Floyd was right."
"Manipulative? Everyone is manipulative. Everyone."
"Do you think you'd follow a fascist government if it happened? Would you even notice?"
"A person is smart, and people are dumb panicky dangerous animals."
"The best lack all conviction while the worst have it in Spades."
"Human beings are more than capable of being hateful towards each other."
"We've got a lot of fucking dumb smart people in this country."
"An ex-president playing golf with his friends is not news, but when you write the headline in such a way, people think it is."
"What happens next, do you find that generally people in a sense just want to not feel alone with their emotions?"
"But if you look at it as a whole, all the guys in halter tops, you know, pumping and gyrating around here... they're all types of people that are trying to climb up the ladder."
"It's actually kind of sickening to see it all laid out like this."
"When you think about how stupid Republicans and conservatives in general are, right when you stare into the darkness and in the darkness stares back at you, Republicans find a way to show exactly how stupid they actually are."
"Human nature is whatever I get, I'm gonna take care of me and mine first, period."
"Money does not make you happy, it makes the happy happier and the unhappy unhappier." - Dennis
"Great minds talk about ideas...weak minds talk about people."
"Thank God actually most of the country is not on Twitter."
"In the age of consequences, life feels phony. People crave authenticity in a world of phoniness."
"This is what it's like to be rich I guess. This is what they mean when they say the rich get richer."
"We're always one step closer to the future when in a supermarket."
"The waiting game became a spectacle, a macabre ballet captivating hearts and minds across the land."
"If people are given only one kind of thing and endlessly sold only one kind of thing, of course they're going to want more of that one kind of thing."
"The secret is... no one gives a [__] about anybody but themselves."
"Sometimes it seems like people really do get away with murder."
"When immigrants love the country more than its citizens, then you have a problem."
"There's not a single person that doesn't mind cockroaches. You'd be surprised, honestly, you'd be surprised."
"There's two paths as far as I see it: creation and destruction. Destruction is always crowded because anybody could break [stuff] down."
"The left and the right combined form one large Center."
"It's liberating when you know someone's full of [__] and someone else is just honest."
"Everything have to be culture work? You know what I mean."
"Bro, I'm a conspiracy realist. This [ __ ]'s actually happening."
"The real world isn't as horrible as the social media world can be."
"The church is more influenced by the culture than the culture is the church."
"The famous are rarely significant and the significant are rarely famous."
"He's going on TV and just lying and making things up and that's absolutely fascinating."
"One of the greatest victims of COVID-19 has been common sense."
"Humans keep doing the same crap over and over again and I'm here for it."
"Two virgins is the ideal. That is the highest marriage rates."
"I just love how no one knew when you started."
"Winter is coming, and everywhere you look, things are cold. There's always this predictive programming around, why are they telling you this?"
"Street kids make up most of the youth in cyberpunk America."
"It's very rare... It's definitely a lot lower than the statistics of the United States, so."
"People were still doing this dumb stuff; we're just now watching them do it."
"If people need to wake up to see what's going on instead of looking at things and just responding and going off of your emotion."
"It started to feel like every man for himself."
"If you talk to most people in this country, it's about trying to get by and live their life and survive and make it."
"Everyone can sense that something is not right."
"The world isn't so nicely nice, let's be honest."
"We live in a country where basically everyone has main character syndrome right now."
"Humans are just repeating the same mistakes of yesterday."
"Last calls at 10 because COVID comes out at 10:01 with a hockey stick and an attitude."
"Doesn't it feel like nobody is in control anymore?"
"There's a severe lack of talent, particularly in the Arts."
"All the things in culture, all the things in life must reflect the dictats of the woke left. It's the most authoritarian force in American life right now."
"We're all sort of conspiracy theorists at this point because if you're paying attention, you're kind of a conspiracy theorist."
"I now feel mostly hatred for people and their ignorance, stupidity, and petty strivings towards shallow money trenches."
"We're living in the last days okay we're living in the last days."
"Everybody's trying to do their best or at least most people are trying to do their best and they just come up short." - Ben Shapiro
"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evidence which everybody had decided not to see." - Ayn Rand
"I guess we can only sit back and see how this unfolds in the following months and years."
"I remember when I first started YouTube, Clinton was in office, the world was a different place."
"It just goes to show how easily everybody is manipulated in this world, like people just want whatever sounds like the simplest thing, the best thing for them in the moment."
"The left decided we're constrained, snip the cord and jump so far left everyone else is left standing there watching them."
"White girls can do anything and be famous. A white girl could slip and fall in the middle of Rodeo Drive and all of a sudden she's a star."
"It just seems to be getting crazier and crazier."
"When is government too big? When is the tax code too complicated? When are there too many regulations?"
"We live in a sensationalist world, don't we?"
"It's crazy how there's so many states that are just huge and then there's these smaller states like these tiny tiny states."
"People are way smarter than their government."
"Real life is not what you see on Twitter or mainstream media."
"Restating the obvious is the first duty of intelligent mankind."
"The world is filled with folk who will use you and think nothing of you."
"America has limited us. That's what America do."
"We're privileged that people see us not a color, privilege that we don't get stared at when we walk into the room, privilege that we don't get followed by security when we go shopping or pulled over when we're in the wrong neighborhood."
"Haters are losers, winners don't waste their time insulting other people."
"There seems to be these people that are made of Teflon in the world... no matter what they do there's no accountability."
"More Americans were eating out than buying food at grocery stores."
"What do you do when everyone else is doing it, man?"
"My new year's resolution above all else was to lead a less stressed lifestyle."
"I'm the [ __ ] social experiment for everybody. That's why people mad. I'm in first class. Like, I'm premium."
"Oh, I know of what this Lady Whistledown has written!"
"We should be thankful that the idiocracy part of it has far exceeded their ability to implement their fascism."
"We should all carefully watch what is going on in Russian Society right now."
"Everything's political. Certain things are political. That's just human nature."
"Most people are honest, not because we're such great people, but because we know that if we're honest we'll probably get further."
"There are some good people in Night City too... exceptions to the rule."
"They always produce fantastic quality builds but they are iterators they love to take something that's great and work on it so it's better and then work on that till it's amazing and then work on that again."
"We are now currently seeing the last desperate gasps for air from the Legacy Media."
"Common sense isn't so common, and that's true."
"It all kind of starts to paint honestly like an uncomfortable picture."
"People are starting to realize...the ability to reason, common sense."
"There's a majority who understand that something is going awry... my book is now a bestseller for five months already in Germany."
"People live in the moment and forget to look at a wider context."
"Remember this when this happens: when you turn on your TV and every single channel is covering the same thing, it's you. I hope you're going to remember this."
"When you take a step back and think about it, it's crazy."
"Just when you think things can't get any crazier, well here we are today."
"Nobody cares. Nobody is looking at you. Nobody cares."
"Sometimes being a woman is like living in an aquarium."
"It's really amazing to see this happen in America."
"You're not alone. There are people who care." - (No specific name mentioned)
"Money is literally, it moves everything around us."
"People aren't that typical; everyone's unique in some way."
"Sex sells and you can’t fight that truth any more than you can fight gravity."
"The Roaring Twenties were looking a little bit like the Boring Twenties for a minute there."
"The only freaking good thing that has come out of this stupid pandemic is every once in a while you see a bit more humanity than usual."
"It's a very, very, very interesting time to be alive, tradition is done."
"We all love violence, let's admit it. War is the same as hitting."
"The level of cruelty is the most I've seen in my lifetime and it's not close."