
Personal Capability Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"An ability to tap into deeper parts of our brain, to regain control and willpower over our own bodies, and do things we never thought we were capable of before."
"I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to."
"At the end of the day, you don't know what you're capable of."
"It's not about how much you can lift but where you can carry it."
"You might be balancing a lot of things right now and they're like, 'Oh wow, look, they can handle their stuff.'"
"I was always different than my identical twin brother. He's alive but he's not able to do what I do because I do what I do."
"Stop saying 'I can't.' You CAN. Whenever I say 'I can't do this,' I catch myself. It's not 'I can't,' it's 'I won't' or 'I don't prefer to.'"
"I can do all things through the one who empowers me within."
"Scientology is for an able guy like you, or like me, able to function in life, able to make his own way, does his work and so forth."
"If you can communicate in those means—speaking, writing—and if you can think, you are so powerful that nothing can stop you."
"We can constantly reinforce through each other of course you can do it."
"Just start yelling, you know? If I can do it, I'm guaranteeing you every single one of you can do it ten times better than me."
"Does beating Anderson Silva give you the respect that he deserves? 100 and I have more than what it takes."
"There was absolutely nothing that I cannot do as a black American in this country that a white American can do."
"I can do the impossible. There is nothing that can stop me."
"Imagine what you can do with what you have access to."
"Believing you can do something, that's very important."
"Make games that people want to play for long periods of time."
"You have to be loose and you have to be able to do it."
"If you have the ability to think and be creative and be resourceful..."
"Health is the capacity to enact our lives in the way that we wish to do so."
"It's almost as if when the man puts his mind to something, nothing can stop him."
"You are capable of whatever you think you are capable of." - Rachel Hollis
"A person doesn't have to be held back by their disability."
"You don't mess with her. She's the person who brought down Andrew Cuomo... She's fierce, she knows what she's doing."
"The truth is what you can actually do. Approach it like that. I can't do it, I shouldn't be comfortable."
"When you start to realize how capable you are and you start to believe in your skill and your experience and your knowledge."
"Don't let someone convince you that you can't do something."
"In life, particularly in work, don't just do what you can do, do what only you can do."
"No matter how old you are, what situation you're in, you're more than capable of creating something."
"Thoroughly impressed by albon again... he's showing that he has got the skills and the capability."
"Without the technology that they have in the palm of my hand with an iPhone, I wouldn't be able to do what we do."
"Do your best with what you reasonably have available to you."
"I'm extremely confident... full confidence in my striking abilities."
"If people like Dr. Oz can host this thing then why not an edutainment YouTuber like myself?"
"It's really amazing what you can accomplish when you're this huge... just renovate a house like that."
"As long as you can do the best with whatever resources you have."
"Trust in yourself, trust in your ability to connect with something much higher."
"Tom Cruise tells me yes I can... 60 year old Tom Cruise, 60 yes you can."
"80 to 90% of your ability to do this is about you."
"Your pistol, the better gear... it's not going to substitute for the [__] skill."
"If he can do it, that means that I should be able to do it as well."
"If you can heal, you gotta do what you can do."
"Believe in your capacity to do something... believe in an opportunity... and your ability to find a way to it."
"There's a whole world out there, man, that believes in what you can do and what you can say and the energy you bring."
"You can do anything creatively, it's in you."
"You're more capable than you give yourself credit for."
"Start where you're at... focus on your ability to escape a disaster zone."
"The world needs more heroes but why wait for them to show up when you have it in you to become one of them?"
"You are enough with or without other people around, and Saturn is really trying to show you just how capable, just how self-sufficient you are."
"He has the potential and the ability to go into that legendary great category."
"Smartphones can't replace your creativity or your mind."
"All right, so I actually know how to do this, but I've never had to do this."
"Your provision of resources is your most valuable skill."
"He would never require of you something He would not enable you to do."
"You have everything you need inside of you to deal with any challenge that comes your way."
"You're going to be able to do the things that you used to be able to do and enjoy them."
"I think there's an aspect of people having the ability to be able to work... towards something."
"A strong mind can carry a weak body, but a weak mind cannot carry a strong body."
"You have the ability to be in this for a long while."
"You absolutely can do this, you absolutely can do this."
"It's not just the gear, it's also what's in here and what's in here."
"You can do whatever the hell you want to do if you put your mind to it."
"It's a really awesome thing that you can do."
"And if I can have it back, can I use it? And if I can use it, can I control it for good? I don't know. Let's find out."
"It's not about the resources you have, it's about how resourceful you are."
"If you can do the stuff yourself which you really can there's not really any excuse why you can't."
"I remember thinking to myself, you know what he's right, this doctor doesn't know me, he doesn't know what I'm capable of doing, but what I'm willing to do to get to where it is I want to go."
"I don't even want to be president of a homeowners association. I don't think I can run your life better than you can."
"Congratulations to the Blue Origin team. It's just so cool, it's so impressive."
"If anyone proves you can do anything and multiply it kind of next to each other simultaneously it's Elon, right?"
"You are fully capable of achieving your every aspiration."
"During a tough situation like the Black Mesa incident, those within would learn what they were truly capable of."
"Eric is maybe the smartest dude I know, just on a raw IQ level."
"I can take money I as a black man I can take money and go to Nigeria I could buy acres of land as much as I can afford you agree with me right"
"Yeah, we are very different but in a sense we are the same because we can do a lot in a month."
"You believe you can do things that you didn't know were possible."
"If your IQ is 85 or below, I don't think you're ever getting up past level three."
"You're going to really feel in your heart that you are capable."
"There's no such thing as a limitation right now."
"You have a cell phone in your pocket that has all the knowledge that you need."
"If you are passionate enough about something, I believe that you can, you have the capacity to do it, even though it may not feel like it."
"If you doubt yourself, then no matter how capable you are doing things, that doubt will pull the rug out from under it."
"Everyone overestimates what they can do in 12 months and underestimates what they can do in 20 years."
"What is it you can do, each and every one of you? Well, I think perhaps the most important thing to start off by saying is that we are living at a time in history when the individual, you, has more power than ever before."
"Love yourself enough to be like, 'Yeah, I'm worthy of this. I can do this.'"
"There is nothing stopping you from doing it."
"You have an unction, an anointing, the ability to get the job done."
"Keep me in the [__] game. This is my type of game and it showed."
"If people are actually doing it, then my assumption always is I can do it and I can do it better."
"So I can use this power to change the future. And that's exactly what I intend to do."
"Believe in yourself, believe that it's possible, believe that it can work out, believe that someone like you can do amazing things."
"There's a difference between having things in your control and not being able to do them."
"I don't want my channel to be about what you can't do, I want it to be about what you absolutely can if you bust your ass."
"You can do it, but you're going to lead by example."
"It is you, who can do this. You, you and you. Everybody."
"Could you live without apps? I could but I got an ID."
"You're actually someone who is more capable than you give yourself credit for, and that you have almost enabled a lack of action by telling yourself that there's nothing that you can do when actually there is."
"Focus on what you can do, not what you think you should be able to do."
"There is no such thing as oversaturation because nobody can do it like you can do it."
"You are capable, intelligent, and able to move through this."
"I know who the [ __ ] I am and I know what I can do."
"You are so worthy and you are so enough and you are so capable."
"I never seen nobody peek like me, [expletive] messing with the wrong one, that's for sure."
"This is the start of me knowing that this real estate investing was something that I could do."
"My biggest fitness motivation is feeling capable."
"Once you have that hammer and you're really good with the hammer you can do anything."
"Don't doubt your own capability of making that happen."
"I feel like we have the ability to unlock the world's wisdom."
"If I can, I will. If you think about that really deeply, you can and you will."
"You are the magician, you're able to create anything you want."
"If I can do it, trust me, you can absolutely do it."
"Maybe you can't make everything that I can but maybe you can make something."
"So, Tony has like a person, he has a person that we could all dream of. Like, Carlos could never do what Yoni does."
"I may have undersold Terry... a total badass."
"I know a lot more than what you're giving me credit for."
"Men do what they want, boys do what they can."
"I don't need your help with my choreography, Abby. I can handle it on my own."
"Dream big enough that you now have the ability to execute anything you want."
"You've got no limit really to what you can do."
"I'm about to make a curriculum... I still got it."
"When you increase your skills, you increase your ability to do things like travel and work at the same time."
"Every weapon is only as good as the person using it."
"I do what I can do with what I have with the knowledge that I have."
"You just do what you can you do what you can so there are people that are going to be able to do a lot more than you and there are people who are able to do a lot less than you but the base Allah promises the best to all of them."
"My hearing is so lit, I can't put anything on the MP."
"People that are great gift givers are either extremely thoughtful and creative or they put a lot of time and thought into things, and I have neither of those capabilities."
"I think people who are free have an ability to figure stuff out and solve problems."
"You may not be gifted in the way school wants you to be but that doesn't mean that you're any less capable."
"This is the weapon. This is just a tool, we're the weapon."
"You have what it takes to be a great leader."
"Everybody here in this audience can do their miracle."
"Just because I can't do everything doesn't mean I can't do anything."
"Honestly, I don't think anybody other than Khaled could do this."
"I worry about what I can do and not what I can't do."
"Determinism is the carving out of the future, and if one is determined enough, they can accomplish anything within the capacity of the reality in which they find themselves."
"Whether or not you think you're actually capable, just know that if you try, you will at least gain some wisdom from it."
"I feel like I could be better than I was at 37 and 38."
"You're using your wits, you're using your speed, and your brains to bat your friends up and keep fighting."
"It's not about driving yourself into the ground, it is about moving your body and realizing all that your body is capable of."
"You have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, you're going to be very successful."
"You have more power than you might give yourself credit for."
"Look at that confidence, like I can really take care of this."
"Ask yourself one major question: What can only I do?"
"You're faster and you are smarter than you think."
"I'm gonna shoot her in the face, it's kind of my specialty."
"Most anyone is capable of what we've done in the entrepreneurial world or in the business world."
"Abundance: the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it, period."
"You can do anything... but you just can't do everything."
"I look past what something is currently and look to what it could be and it takes a lot of creativity but you guys are totally capable of that."
"Independence means knowing that you have the ability to take care of yourself and your family."
"Once you've made the decision, you can do an amazing amount of stuff."
"You are indeed probably the best person to save your own skin or somebody else's."
"By focusing my frequency I can use my body as a lightning rod."
"I am what the Bible says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I will have what it says I can have."
"Spencer doesn't usually start a fight but he will finish it."
"Any new habit that you formed first started with you having that self-belief that you're capable to do so."
"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."
"What you look like has no impact on what you can do for this world."
"Trading is a risky thing, and as I always say, although I can do it doesn't mean you can replicate the same thing."
"What can you do to this building that nobody else can do that nobody else has found? That's the creativity part."
"Clearly you can do it, you just have a hard time taking standardized tests."
"Trust yourself; you have what it takes to succeed."
"Anybody can do whatever they want. There is a way where you have a brain and you have the ability to problem-solve and you can actually go forward and do what you want to do."
"Confidence to let them know I could do it too."
"Having that ability is a big, big thing. It makes a huge difference."
"I'm a firm believer that you can get really great results at home so it is something that I believe that pretty much anyone can do in any kind of space."
"When there's something you feel like you should do, you feel kind of incompetent."
"One of the greatest powers that you have is the problem to solve problems."
"High value is determined by what you're capable of and the ability to change reality to fit your goals."
"Chase your dreams no matter what, if you can do it, make sure you do."
"You have all the tools, you have all the resources, you have been prepared, you're qualified for this."
"I have all the resources I need, inner and outer."
"I might get picked last in gym class, but if Elmer Fudd can dunk, how hopeless can I be?"
"If you use the right technique you can do just about whatever you want."
"He's a good jack of all trades and he's good in you know they say um Jack of all trades master of none I'll say Jack of all trades master of all."
"Look at that. These people don't know what you're capable of."
"You're right there, you are capable of making manifestations happen."
"You start to realize just how capable you are and just how accessible like means are that you can make something happen."
"You can't hurt me... I knew I could pull off whatever I wanted."
"The power of science is amazing. I can battle. Isn't that super amazing?"
"Each and every one of us, in whatever capacity we have, we could help someone."
"You shall be confident knowing that you can do all things through my strength."
"Literally like anything you guys want in [__] in your life you can do it."
"We're really only limited by our own imaginations."
"If you can't step up to the plate and deliver, it's not for you."
"The dude is literally the smartest person in every room you walk into."
"Nobody listening here should say 'I can't do that.'"
"I can take thoughts that only exist in my head and bring them into reality."
"If something's possible for one person, it's possible for you."
"You're capable of a lot more than you think. Teach, inspire others, and let nature be your greatest teacher."
"One thing I knew... was capable of creating some good food."
"It gives you this feeling that you can do it."
"Anything you turn your hand to, you can absolutely accomplish."
"You have the power within you to work something out."
"The most capable hand is at the end of your wrist, never forget that."
"Ronaldo has standards... Some can't handle it."
"Not everybody can do it, you could be an incredible writer or an Incredible artist."
"The main takeaway of the story is that anybody can do it. Don't be intimidated."
"You've got to use all my skills under the helmet, you know."