
Community Unity Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"We feel as we stand before you today, the community's unity. That's what great communities do."
"Our strength is the strength of our community unity."
"We need to come together as a community, stronger than ever."
"What a turnout, what a crowd. And I really think this is time now for everybody our country to come together."
"He teaches us that the only way we can solve our problem is to unite together among ourselves, clean ourselves up, rid ourselves of the evils we've become addicted to here in this society, and try to solve our problem ourselves."
"This was something that grew out of the Arab American and larger Muslim communities in Michigan, but it had great power among progressives, among Jewish people, Christians, Muslims, people of other faiths, people of no faith."
"Economically, financially, socially, there's going to be a huge storm coming, and when that storm comes, people are going to come together."
"The Plains Island went from being on the brink of war to being the most united island of all."
"Isn't the world better now that we've been able to come up above the ground. It's amazing."
"Let's unite over spaceflight, over physics, over rockets doing cool things and people working really hard to do cool things."
"I never thought I'd live to see the day where Wizards would announce something that would unite the entire Magic the Gathering community."
"It's about everybody coming together for the common good."
"It's really a celebration of coming together with our community."
"It's very important that we all come together to express our horror at the illiberal turn that society has taken."
"We need to make sure that we come together and we don't allow them to ignore the law."
"You must own or you will be owned. You must either possess property or you will become property."
"We ain't going for no goddamn divide, we ride for our sisters."
"Don't divide the community, don't preach hatred, don't foment sectarianism, don't teach a Muslim to have in his heart hatred looking down upon another Muslim."
"Join in those mass meditations... the power of the people with one heart on one mind."
"It is attainable for us as black folks to unite, thrive, and have a true part of the piece of the American Dream."
"As the late philosopher Troy Bolton once said, 'we're all in this together.'"
"I think we can connect black and white and brown people in a way that can be transformational."
"When we say 'pick a side,' it's not us against the police, it's us against the broken system."
"What's going on in the black community? We need to unite, get reparations, and help one another."
"Melissa's disappearance united the Fairfax community in compassion and outrage."
"We need to quit tearing each other down and go to work."
"He had continued Nur ad-Din’s efforts to rally the Sunni community."
"I believe that we all have to take pride, and everybody in America pulling together."
"They feared God more and they feared being out of his alignment, out of his timing, walking away from who he's chosen more than they feared Adonijah and his band of very men."
"We are one crew up here, and even though we have two different neighborhoods, we all have the same goals."
"If we get those cities to stop beefing and coming together, what does that do for unity? What does that do for our economic standing?"
"Met with some XRP holders today and nothing has changed. Great people, great community. It's ironic how a decentralized community can be more united than a centralized one."
"It's no longer community versus Bungie, it's community with Bungie."
"At this moment Tekken has won almost no other fighting game in the world does a fully united community in love with the game continuously pushing it forward."
"We will either sing together or sail together."
"The only way that this works is if we as a community come together and try to fix this morally bankrupt system."
"Unity is our strength, diversity our beauty."
"Love your neighbors as yourself... and we'll get back together next week. God bless you everybody."
"Our biggest thing that we're promoting is we all need to be on code."
"Let's come together, time for us to wake up... More than anything, now let's come together."
"It's not a zero-sum game. Stop the tribalism."
"Break the stereotype that black men and black women cannot work together."
"Real things happen if we stand together as a community."
"I think the most powerful work that Veritas has done is the work that brings people together."
"We need something that everyone in this town can get behind. We need a symbol, something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us."
"It's important that we the people stick together."
"Now is the time for those of us in the body of Christ to rise up and show the world what real unity is."
"Everybody was not black no but everybody was on board to deliver an excellent program and that's what matters because all black people don't think alike."
"This isn't about Toronto this is about a country coming together and and rallying behind a sport it's really one of the most incredible experiences of my life really I'm truly honored to be here with all of you I feel."
"This week I went to Liverpool where both sides of the city have come together to do something truly wonderful."
"Support your local farmers and ranchers. Things are about to get bad fairly quickly. 1% of the population feeds 99%. We can't make it without the people. We're in this together."
"We're already together, I don't need a gang summit, we need to expand that five minutes."
"Isn't it a necessity for us to all come together in sympathy and compassion?"
"But ultimately I don't think that the The Narrative for the future should be us versus then we are all together."
"We all showed love because we respected the culture."
"Can we use this opportunity for education, can we use this for constructive dialogue that we might come together to lend understanding to those who have no understanding?"
"The key to unity is to speak the truth in love."
"Bringing people together is the key to build a better, prosperous, safer, and healthier society."
"The pandemic has brought us together, and we must embrace and build on the spirit of collaboration for the future."
"We feel united and the world can feel incredibly divided."
"Local communities coming together is crucial."
"My hope is that we can come together, and stop looking out for ourselves, but look out for everyone else."
"Let's move on together as a fan base and a club and players and try and sort this mess out."
"We all need to be family and we only stick together because we are in this together."
"These guys are telling the truth as they experienced it."
"There's an energy of people coming together and not complying with negative narratives."
"When the gaming community is more unified, I think it makes for a better market overall."
"I'm a fan of music... and it's good man when people get together and a lot of egos have to be pushed aside."
"We as a YouTube community need to unite against this threat."
"Create a better kingdom unity, a unity that looks more like the way Jesus did."
"You have to understand we could do a whole lot more together than apart, and if people don't want to come together, we need to identify those people and leave them alone."
"We need to stand together, learn, listen, and love one another."
"It's a sad day for crypto and we just need to stick together."
"We respected the Four Fallen, we gazed upon the fountain, we lit candles for our tributes, we blessed the statue, we fought the lost boys, we sung away our age."
"This is bigger than battle rap to me, it's about bringing the city together."
"Unity and us being together and us building us evolving in us elevating and that's pushing the culture forward is gonna get us way further."
"Coming together is all the black people and all the Latino people coming together."
"We stand together as a community, we live together as a community, we fight together as a community." - Sheriff of Jacksonville
"The community is really coming together because this is the biggest leveler we've ever had to go through."
"I want more unity. I really want to be building up that unity long-term benefit."
"Get those books as fast they can, that way we got some unity, we got a platform, we can communicate."
"It is clear that it is not just this sort of poetic pie in the sky notion that humanity needs to all pull together at times like this. It is self-interest for every community in every country."
"We can all unite behind the justice that needs to be imposed on these nefarious activ[ities]."
"There's not going to be a disaster. It's going to take time, but we have to come together."
"If we don't learn to stand together then we're gonna get our butts kicked."
"You're not going to get everybody to bleed the same, but we all believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead."
"We need to come together stronger than ever right now."
"Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the spirit."
"The most high is gonna eventually bring us together, he's the one's gonna bring us together, he's gonna show the true hearts of the people who have been wanting to follow him."
"The people of this community are united in suffering, united in bereavement, united in grief."
"A community is like a quilt interwoven with many different parts."
"We all shine together we are black beyond measure this is our time our moment to move forward beyond the gun violence the hospital closures the unaffordable housing"
"It's nice to work with people online and to see people actually unite as one."
"The organizers have united the Hindu community."
"This film is about bringing community together."
"I don't really want to fight with other black people in anything. White supremacy is a big enough battle for all of us."
"Unity is what I'm preaching that's the most important [ __ ] that's big from a city that is known to not have a lot of that exactly."
"Art can be used as a political mouthpiece and a method to bring people together for change."
"United we stand when we work together under his lordship; great things happen."
"If we repent, if we get together and at least agree on repentance, there's hope."
"If we want to get to that Unity... it will start with you."
"The fastest way for this to be over is for all of us to remain united."
"White women need to come together because until unless you come together there's no hope for us."
"If we come together as a community, I think we can really make a difference if we're strong and we work as one body."
"This is a perfect example of the potential to have positive outcomes when we come together as a whole community."
"We must not let the SEC or any government divide us as a community."
"We believe in Brick by Brick activism and making a difference in large numbers we're going to have to come together to do this as one to really shift The Narrative of our society."
"From the beginning, they focused first and of course on finding Maddie, but they emphasized repeatedly how important it was to do this with true love, unity, and faith, regardless of the outcome."
"People were so happy that they just came together... It's just about justice."
"We either all learn to live together as brothers and sisters and we all perish together as fools." - Mario Van Peebles
"Not a single Muslim here will make that comment about Quran or the Bible."
"Tragedies usually bring people together and help to awaken them, paving the way for the light to shine ever so brightly."
"Our IM is so strong. If we go with that energy, even the lion will flee. Let's all hold on to Allah and hold on to the messenger of God."
"We need to work together, we need to come together as a community and we need to support each other."
"We have to come together as a people, and we need to do it now."
"We're fighting a virus, not fighting each other."
"We all have huge difference of opinions, but when I can jump on Twitter and see how united the football landscape is, it gives me hope for the future."
"It shows that there is a campus that stands together." - St. Olaf Senior
"We've got to stay together and maintain unity."
"Let's see if we can all come together here all Rocky fans we can turn the hate into love."
"All I want is unity man I really want black people to win."
"I think it's really, really important to show unity in the beauty community, you know?"
"We still have to find a way to come together altruistically to learn from the past instead of just endlessly repeating those mistakes."
"The highlight of the day is how we all came together as a people and supported college game day white black Hispanic Asian all ethnicities all social climate social statuses."
"Stop the hate between motorcycles, drop the brand snobs."
"I'm excited about the unity that I'm seeing in our community. I'm now starting to feel like we are truly the united, we are the beginning of that word, that name, United States of America."
"When we get together, our levels of unity and connectedness will be felt by all of us."
"This is kind of a year where a lot of people really just put their differences aside... and I think it's really kind of pivotal now in the atmosphere that we're heading in."
"If we all come together then maybe that small part isn't really so small."
"The general crypto community is beginning to realize we've been on the edge of the truth for a long time."
"Blacks must come together, unite, and practice group economics."
"We as the church refuse to allow the devil to pit the vaccine against the unvaccinated, the mask against the unmasked. We are brothers and sisters and we are here to pray and to help each other navigate through troubled waters."
"This is beautiful, see the city come together."
"Like all sports, boxing has the unique ability to unite communities and connect people who otherwise would never have crossed their paths."
"We're all out here in these streets together; we don't need to be fighting, we need to help each other."
"The greedy principles that once defined this city were abandoned on that day when its people banded together and refused to die."
"I want to talk about how we solve these problems and bring people together."
"Please be kind to one another. I don't want any shouting and comments; I don't want any hate online. This is really a time to come together to understand, to communicate."
"It's really rewarding when the community comes together and can do something like this."
"We're going to just move on, you know, push unity in Philadelphia."
"We just wish that it was a way that all our brothers from the city on all sides could just come together and figure out a way to win and enjoy life."
"This is another one, get it together brothers and sisters."
"Real leaders unite people. Real neighborhoods come together when things get hard."
"Ral mil bhaaee, tott na aavai, vadhado jaaee."
"Nothing brings a city together like a championship."
"It's all about the people, it's all about to hit this, all about everyone, man, coming together, black and brown unity."
"Queensbridge, we got to have unity."
"The community pulls so fast together, these criminals not only affect the surrounding complexes but they affect the locals in the township as well."
"There's no point in fighting among each other or among other communities. There's a need to rush a building civilization."
"Everybody coming together, everybody's hugging, everybody's like, 'Here's the information, here's the news.'"
"We created extraordinary unity in our community."