
Health Challenges Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"Mental health impacts all of us, and those with a life-changing diagnosis like cancer are no exception."
"But he wasn't breathing, you know, through a tube in his throat, for example, because people with severe ALS, the muscles to their diaphragm and their lungs essentially give out as well."
"He'll need a lot of positivity to get through it all, as anyone else who has suffered from such an illness would need to."
"The physical effects of prolonged radiation to the body is something we know will be a problem, but haven’t figured out a long term solution for yet."
"Side effects can be really, really awful to deal with, which is a major reason why a lot of people are really adverse to taking their medication."
"My mom and I are proof that you can have so much fun even post-diagnosis. I mean, my mom was pretty far along in her dementia, and I took her to Disneyland."
"Yes, we knew we wanted to have a baby, but we weren't sure if it was going to be possible considering I'd just gone through a year of breast cancer treatment."
"Don't use your illness as an excuse. You're already in trouble, you got your problems, and they're serious, but if you can hold on to the distinction between the part of you that can, in spite of this, and the part that can't because of it, and not blur that distinction, then that's one more thing you have on your side."
"It requires a lot of willpower and strength to overcome any disease, but if you're here and you have decided to fight, then you can do it."
"I want to talk about the hard road we've been on for the past half a week since the egg retrieval on Wednesday."
"They've got serious responses mental health responses of a normal type to a very incapacitating problem."
"There's no doubt that he had a lot of neurological difficulties and many of them were likely related to both concussion as well as anxiety that he's been dealing with lifelong."
"These are big changes and losing the sugary food altogether is hard."
"They're gonna work this thing. They're gonna work this cancer [expletive]. They're gonna work this year. They're gonna work this thing."
"She had to have a major operation at three months old. She's a warrior."
"The reality is some people still struggle with blood sugar and weight."
"Everyday people are challenged by extraordinary medical conditions."
"Nobody dies of AIDS, they die because AIDS kills your immune system. So you gotta fight every second that you're here."
"It is still possible to lead a meaningful life while I'm having these side effects of the medications."
"Bronson faced his health issues with the same stoicism and resilience that had characterized his life and career."
"Most people don't stand a chance even if they want to be healthy."
"Sustainable weight loss is incredibly difficult and rare."
"If you start a diet just after ovulation, you are going into the toughest time to restrict calories."
"Some healthy people do not work as much as she does with this vaccine injury."
"Throughout the day, the girl was constantly trying to sit next to me on every ride that we went on, talking about her cancer and how she wants me to be there for her."
"Keeping a healthy lifestyle is not a priority for a lot of people, especially because they have very busy routines."
"It's easy to put on weight but hard to take it off and these people are proof of that."
"Alabama people are pretty nice about everything despite their poor health and relative poverty."
"Chopin suffered from ill health much of his life, partially the result of having contracted tuberculosis."
"Acceptance is the key when you are going through a dreadful disease."
"This thing is beating me right now, I didn't want to do this chemo, I didn't want to do Red Devil, I didn't want to lose my hair, I didn't want to give in."
"In sickness and in health, I'm gonna stand by you."
"Living in chronic pain, having no answers as to why, is so defeating."
"There is nothing intuitive about denying your body food when it's begging to be fed."
"I may lose my health, but I will not be dismayed because I still have Jesus."
"You guys helped me so much in my life, you make battling cancer that much easier."
"Our food system actively works against us to keep us from being healthy."
"You waiting on answers to see when you can move or when you can get in or... You can have one year where everything is fine, but that next coming year, you catch a bad cold and it's all over with."
"The prospect of life without antibiotics is barely imaginable for a world that has had a cheap and plentiful supply of them since the end of World War II."
"Weight gain is just as hard as losing weight but nobody, and I mean nobody, talks about how difficult it is to gain weight."
"We are driving our own disease, we are the only thing standing in our way."
"I find it very difficult to maintain a good physique whilst doing anything close to a hard intermittent fast."
"I need help to get in and out of bed and to use the toilet for a long time I thought my arms would remain strong a doctor told me they would but they ended up losing strength which I don't mind telling you was hard to accept."
"Isaiah Acosta, 21, was born with a variety of health concerns including a rare ailment known as agnathia which left him without a lower jaw."
"I was massively epileptic so I had massive seizures and I had to and my arms would dislocate I had to pull myself together overnight get it back together get my face on and get back to work that toughened me up."
"I just can't produce testosterone on his, uh, how do you guys stay positive about the pain in the world experiences at times?"
"I didn't care if I was gonna die, I had cancer, I didn't have cancer, I was just in love with the moment."
"Window display of friendship: a young boy fighting for his life and the inspiration he got from far away."
"There's not much more to say unfortunately, mental health is really hard."
"The human immune system is the last great Frontier of medicine... we have been effing with it."
"Krista was born with fetal alcohol syndrome which then would later go on to cause her to have seizures when she was just a young child growing up."
"Giraffe with hole in mouth struggles to quench its thirst, showcasing resilience."
"Cystic fibrosis is hands-down the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me."
"Significantly harder to cure some lethality...going to slow them down as much as it does is going to be very beneficial."
"He won't live, sighs his numerous brushes with death."
"Regeneration was introduced as a way of writing out first Dr actor William Hartnell when his health had made it impossible for him to continue."
"Their pledge to take care of each other in sickness and in health wasn't just an ordinary vow."
"So if your body has to make 100 times more replacement proteins and then have to deal with all of that, it's going to fail."
"The problem is an obesogenic food environment with cheap, highly accessible, hyper palatable foods."
"We are emerging from this kicking, spluttering, and coughing a bit."
"But it can also mean adjust your crown the crown is to know so adjust your knowingness know that you will be successful know that you are going to be at the top of your game and achieve your goals."
"I'm chunkier and I got water retention. I'll survive, okay? I'm a survivor."
"That's an interesting problem with an injury. Winter nights are bad."
"It's not easy, but it's worth it for the benefit of my health."
"The natural world has the answers we need in our quest to beat cancer, find solutions to antibiotic resistance, respond to natural disasters, or traverse the toughest climates imaginable."
"My tongue was all torn into pieces from the seizure."
"It's a pact between two people to be with each other through sickness and through health."
"She had all was dealt with severe asthma but the more she stuck to it the easier that it became for her to work out for the first time."
"Walter Hudson was bedridden, but that didn't stop him from eating three meals a day."
"He's the first guy that I can think of that actually was able to compete at a highly competitive level despite the fact that he was getting one of the most intensive chemotherapy regimens that we can give a person."
"No plague, sickness, or disease should ever dominate people's lives. Rise up, challenge it, break its neck."
"Through sickness and in health... I believe in that."
"I canceled dates last minute saying that that's how life is with these health challenges, you cancel things last minute, and he's still stuck around."
"She was a cancer survivor and lived with alopecia for 25 years and a stroke survivor and most importantly a saint of the Most High God."
"Even in that, the Lord is doing something with the church and so I'm super thankful um that I get to walk this journey even if it's with HIV."
"Dealing with sleep issues is one of the most frustrating things."
"When you look at the Euphoria of a kid with type 1 diabetes eating a piece of birthday cake at a birthday party, it just makes everything worthwhile for this kid."
"Food addiction is probably one of the worst addictions because you have to eat in order to live."
"You gotta hope that he could beat it, and it's a deadly battle."
"Excited about turning 40, because when I was 34, it was like four months before my 35th birthday I was diagnosed with epilepsy."
"Regardless of my complication, regardless of insurance complications that I went through as well, like I'm really lucky and I'm really really happy with where my body is now."
"If you're in your mid 50s or early 60s, you may have noticed some certain changes that make your everyday tasks a little more challenging or uncomfortable."
"Despite facing multiple health challenges, Christina's spirit and determination remain as strong as ever."
"I'm just afraid to accept help. Problems run rampant in my family and it's like, you know, I've already went through renal failure and I was losing a bunch of weight. I was doing so good and then... thyroid."
"I became a vtuber because I was born with an immune deficiency condition called CVID, which does not allow me to be around people. So that's why I became an anime girl on the internet."
"Yeah, I'm so privileged to have expensive hospital bills, a heart rate of 130 plus every time I stand up, failure of my autonomic nervous system, and getting judged by entitled people."
"Living in a spaceship for an extended time presents insurmountable medical problems."
"Strength has nothing to do with you dealing with cancer."
"Despite these formidable health challenges, she continues to maintain a positive attitude in the face of it all."
"It's hard to not let this diagnosis define you."
"I lived with heart failure for 18 years... you think of heart failure, you think of an older person... but there's congenital heart disease or some babies that need heart transplants because of being born with heart defects."
"I flipped the script both times with cancer and chemo and with transplant, and I allowed both of those to teach me and guide me."
"He will continue to carry out his constitutional duties."
"The health is worse than ever before but the opportunity to have good health is better than ever before."
"We may not have a choice in our diagnosis, but how we face the challenges this disease brings is really ours to define."
"I'm a nearly 80-year-old woman racked with health issues... I don't care about the money."
"I also have thyroid disease, I also have a chronic Epstein-Barr infection that has been active for like six years, it's ongoing, it's bad."
"It's always tough to hear about an athlete struggling with health."
"We're being constantly challenged by a myriad of different antigens all the time."
"He was a warrior, had a lot of health conditions over the past few years, but he still talked his junk and was a strong man."
"A bunch of health issues but he's still here, he's still kicking, aren't you bud?"
"Mary Wells overcame early adversity when at the age of three she experienced temporary paralysis due to spinal meningitis."
"I have such a rare opportunity where I have a chronic pain disorder, yet I'm able to go to the gym."
"In this world, there are still many people who never stop fighting to survive even though they have been diagnosed with a deadly disease."
"If you're just so concerned about a wedding and oh, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do that, but you're not thinking about, okay, what if this man is paralyzed? Who's gonna pick him up and out of bed? Who's gonna give him a bath?"
"Health issues and complications inhibit your ability to attend to what's around you, participate in learning activities, and gain life experiences."
"I've spent half my life ill, but just as sure as the tide starts turning... I stand on my own two feet."
"I have a mom that's battling cancer."
"Mel is a true superhero despite facing challenges with sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, and empyema."
"I had to learn how to walk again and everything due to complications with having my child."
"When you have a spinal cord injury, you just don't know how things will go."
"That muscle mass as you lose it when you age becomes incredibly difficult to restore."
"My daughter is not a monster; my daughter is a little girl who was born with health problems."
"Like every health challenge, understanding and empathy go a long way."
"My dog's name is Brownie; he's a poodle shih tzu and he's actually very old, he's blind, deaf, and diabetic, and he's 16."
"AFib is a beast to contain; it's probably not something you can cure, but just by minimizing the burden, you minimize the risk of the dreadful complications."
"It's like this force multiplier, is all of that so true that it's worth dealing with the fact that she's sick all the time? Yes, definitively."
"The struggle with Lyme disease also put his career at a precarious crossroads."
"It's not always easy living with COPD, but I try not to let it hold me back."
"He was born with a weaker immune system, and we thought he would grow out of it."
"She was still able to accomplish a lot even having lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and all the other stuff that goes along with it."
"We are here tonight to salute the bravery and the courage of one very special little boy who's living with HIV."
"Food addiction is hard because we have to eat to survive, but we don't have to eat the food we're addicted to."
"It's a problem if women at the height of their careers, or in their role as parents, are disabled by pain and heavy bleeding."
"You may not have control over your diagnosis, but how you face the challenges that this diagnosis brings is really yours to determine."
"He's owned by a very special young man named Jacob. Jacob is five years old and Jacob's currently struggling with some pretty serious health issues."
"Let's help y'all combat this together."
"It's awesome to change my mind in 2016 when I start dating Jen, but the problem is you rewind to 2012 when I was going in for chemotherapy."
"YouTube has consumed my life... and then I have to live my normal life on top of health issues. It's a lot."
"Infertility is a really difficult struggle."
"Yes, mom and I have a really cool, great relationship; we have just kind of been through a lot with my health, so our bond is very, very strong."