
Personal Beliefs Quotes

There are 1707 quotes

"Resilience is a bucket, a bucket or a box or a bag that holds lots of other things. It holds social capital, the people you can access around you, your belief in the things you can get done, and your thoughts about the world, the future, your capacity."
"Religious freedom allows each of us to decide for ourselves what we believe, how we live and act according to our faith and what God expects of us."
"If you can dream it, you can have it. It's the law of attraction."
"Why would you ever let your own thinking be decided by a democracy? You decide what you agree with and what you disagree with; nobody else gets to tell you what you are okay with and not okay with."
"I hate that pride is a deadly sin. It makes me crazy."
"I don't love calling myself a centrist... It implies that you are triangulating your beliefs from someone else."
"Trust in yourself a little and compartmentalize your own true views from the noises going on in social media."
"Christmas is not something you mess with, in my opinion."
"One of the most fundamental of all human rights is to think and believe what you will, for whatever reason makes sense to you."
"I believe in objective truth, regardless of my or other people's opinions or feelings on the matter."
"There's the difference between personal belief and just being an asshole."
"Just because you have a thought doesn't necessarily mean it's true."
"Every single time someone tries to dismiss our reason for being as just being random, I don't even want to talk to that person."
"Vaccines are safe and effective, but personal beliefs and individual choice should be respected."
"I'm doing the best that I can... I love Jesus, I believe that what we're doing... is showing the character and intention of Jesus."
"Jones would get a chess tattoo referring to her favorite quote from the Bible, the epistle to the Philippians: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
"Everyone's going to tell their story from their facet, from their belief, through their fears."
"My religious beliefs are my religious beliefs... They're mine to interpret, they're mine to understand."
"You don't have to agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals."
"People do not derive their values from their scripture; people insert their values into their scripture."
"I really want to share my point because it's not a point that I want to start arguments with; it's points that I truly believe."
"We have given in to feelings and emotions... 'I feel like a woman, therefore I am a woman.'"
"Holiness is not in the fear of being caught; it's in the fear of God."
"I don't believe in fake it till you make it."
"Confronting your own beliefs and philosophies and really taking a hard look at them and saying, 'Does this serve me anymore?'"
"Personally, my feeling is that I believe in personal liberty."
"The basic fear that lies underneath the lives and minds of those people who expect disappointment, is the belief and the fear, in powerlessness."
"Inquiry honest inquiry is generated when you are willing to discover that your conclusions are dead wrong."
"I have grown to completely detest hero worship, and a lot of that is because I grew up in the Mormon Church."
"You can be very much anti-discrimination and think discrimination is wrong and evil and bad, and still believe that the government does not have the right to compel people to violate their own personal precepts on things like association."
"We can all have our own opinions at the end of the day."
"It's necessary as you look at your goals and your dreams, it's necessary that you have a strategy and a game plan to change the story that you believe about yourself."
"I don't have any option but to consider reasonable what I consider reasonable. It's not about arrogance, it's about recognizing the value of having good standards of evidence."
"You can't pass a law to change someone's heart."
"You can't put people into these boxes. Everybody has their own thought process."
"To support a woman's ability to make that decision does not require anyone to abandon their faith or their beliefs."
"I also do not like the idea of hurting others."
"Most people traditionally have gotten married because they believe that it is the right thing to do, that it betters you."
"This socialist approach to everything where everybody can just free ride their way into success, it's just not my cup of tea."
"Roe v. Wade has been reversed. How do you feel about abortion? Is what you feel about abortion important?"
"Jack believed in the inherent goodness of humanity and felt a deep social responsibility to protect that."
"I think my conception of God might be different than yours."
"I did not think I was racist. I thought that I saw a truth that no one else did."
"Sometimes we spank our kids, and regardless of what people think, I'm gonna say how I feel about that: I don't like it."
"You don't have to be a Christian to be a good person. You just have to make up your own definition of good."
"Whether or not you believe in astrology, I hope that you found this video fun."
"The notion that you should forgive each other, it's because God wants you to. No, the reason to forgive someone has nothing to do with whether or not a God wants you to or not."
"I am not authorized to impose my religious views. I have them, but they are not to play any role in my judgments."
"I'm not going to let people that cancel me change my views. I'm not going to be right-wing."
"Each of us carries a representation of systems of ideas in our imagination, in our mind."
"Align yourself with the energy of true love. What does a true love relationship look like and feel like to you?"
"We're always going to find a way back to what we think we deserve."
"Doubt and fear are the devil, are they not? Is not fear the most destructive of all wrong elements?"
"We need to get back to what God said, not what people think."
"Honestly, I just saw religion as something that was just a bunch of rules that I didn't want to follow."
"The price is always worth it because the price paid for you and the price paid for me is infinitely more than any price you or I will ever pay."
"It's possible to live in this world and have friends that don't really live for God but you yourself still be able to be all in for God."
"Religion, faith, and beliefs are based on one's personal relationships, and I am not here to debate nor argue about who you should or should not love."
"Think for yourself. Everybody's going to tell you what to think."
"Why should the government be able to force you to parent a message that you don't actually believe?"
"Another aspect of real game is busting your negative limiting beliefs and just building core inner confidence in yourself."
"People are entitled to their own opinion to make them feel good, whatever helps them sleep at night."
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
"There will come a time where you have to stand on what it is that you believe, and you're gonna have to know Jesus for yourself or you will be swayed."
"Half the time, sixty, seventy percent, I'm not saying the popular opinion. I'm saying something I believe."
"This isn't about contracts or money; this is about something that is far more powerful: your connection to your faith, your moral belief system."
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."
"Character is not rooted in likability, character is rooted in a belief system."
"I rather lose it all by standing up for myself and what I believe in."
"You can make your religion truth or you can make truth your religion. Choose one."
"Your brain has never been on page with Hollywood."
"It's not leftist to work out, it's just a good thing. Not everything you do is supposed to be for revolutionary purpose."
"I think women are more inclined to want to child rear, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"I think there's a divine feminine and a divine masculine."
"At the end of the day, if he feels like I'm wrong, then he can get on his platform and say that I'm wrong."
"Albert Einstein wasn't a fool, he believed in God."
"Different people read texts differently based on what they think, believe, and presuppose."
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world."
"Your reality is a reflection of your convictions."
"I would never use my platform as a way to push my personal beliefs onto my subscribers. I respect you and your personal beliefs."
"I'm a fruit inspector because the Bible says that you should know a tree by the fruit it bears."
"I separate people's personal views away from the art they create."
"This album is about Jays relationship with God not mine not yours, but I do find it best to have a broader understanding of something as important as spirituality before offering these Christianity for dummy like tutorials."
"Life isn't fair... I learned a lot from a woman named Byron Katie."
"I've often said I'm a Christian, a conservative, and a republican in that order."
"He's a bull but they see him as authentic because they don't see him trying to disguise the things that he believes as empathy."
"I've always been very open with the things that I believe. It just sucks, I imagine, it must be pretty emasculating to have to backpedal like this, soy boy."
"Michael Ball Roberts is proof that you can turn your life around."
"I'm going to stand by what I think is right even if you think it's wrong."
"I feel like at the end of the day... it's karma."
"I was a real super Christian... and I'm not gonna do it."
"It's a chance for us to fight for truth, not absolute truth, but what deep down we know is more true."
"Everyone is going to experience life differently, and not everyone is going to believe in what you believe in."
"I don't care what anyone thinks. I don't care if my mother doesn't approve or my father or society or whoever doesn't approve because that's a big message here."
"I mean, it's not like it's like I don't I don't view it as much in duck maybe like Orthodox or even conservative..."
"The beliefs that are in your unconscious mind are not buried, and they're not hidden."
"Personal benefit, that's my belief. So that's okay. Okay?"
"The secret to living this long is God and cigars."
"I tell my kids how you feel about yourself is how you should feel."
"We had no God we had Noel as long as we remain in our adulterous way of life."
"On birth control: 'I personally have a big problem with contraception.' Large families seen as blessings."
"If she's promoting some it has to be something that she believes in and she believed that is okay to have sex with many people who want so naturally you're gonna think she's doing it too."
"People genuinely think and feel about their religion."
"Almost none of those core basic ideological foundations have changed in my mind at all."
"Sheila Johnson has built a reputation on making bold investments that tap into her personal beliefs and passions while building businesses."
"Believe what you want to believe, boycott what you want to boycott."
"Be brave enough to step back and question it."
"If you don't stand by what you believe in, how can anyone take your opinions seriously?"
"We are eternal on our soul level and we are limitless on our soul level."
"Truth and have faith that all will work out for the best."
"We recognize the popes, but you can also resist the popes, and it doesn't make you a bad Catholic."
"For me, I think they hate him because he once in a while would tell the truth that you're not allowed to tell."
"My goal here is not for somebody who believes something differently than me to walk away feeling like I dislike them or don't care about them."
"Rock the boat if necessary, don't deny what you believe to be true."
"Are you really comfortable saying that publicly?"
"Sincerity is silly, sincerity is so silly in a world, yeah."
"To think what you want to think is to think truth regardless of appearances."
"Are you okay simply the way that you are? Other people may believe that. I'm not one of them."
"Your assumptions create whatever you're gonna think, whatever you're gonna feel, whatever you're gonna believe."
"No, I believe in myself. I'm a conservative. I hold the belief that fathers should be in the home. I have a belief in God."
"You didn't make it this your argument religious but I know that it's really religious so I'm going to argue against it as if it is."
"I believe that people should speak freely and be themselves."
"I can't tone down what I believe to be truth."
"Is it your right to have anti-vaccine beliefs? Sure, and it's my right to think that you're a danger to others and a public health threat."
"We are all built with beliefs, wishes, and desires."
"I'm racist in that way, you know, but also, I also rock out with the culture."
"She's full of [__], I don't think she believes any of the stuff she's saying."
"You want to be a person that believes what they believe, sticks to their truth, and lives on the right side of history."
"Remember, whatever you do, you do it because deep down in your heart you believe it is better and more lasting."
"Living a less stressful life in the middle of believing that people actually care what you think means you have to take your stuff much more seriously."
"Focus on doing something you believe in and that is of quality; that's when you'll find true happiness and friendship."
"It's alright to have people disagree with you."
"Follow things that only make sense to you, okay? You only do what makes sense to you."
"That's why I think it's incumbents on us who actually do believe in free speech, to push the limits, to know where the limits are, to definitely not go over the limit, but to push it right to that limit."
"If you're going to say you have a preference for X Y & Z, stand in that preference in all aspects of life."
"We all have our delusions, our ideas of how the world works."
"I think trying to confront your beliefs head-on like questioning why you think certain things is important."
"If you believe in something, don't let others shame you into not doing it."
"I just don't feel like that's respectful or fair and again this is my personal take on it."
"Don't ever say that again. Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality."
"Investing for me is just another form of having skin in the game of what I believe and getting feedback whether those beliefs are in line with reality or not."
"I couldn't reconcile those things just with faith or with blind faith."
"Every single decision you make must reflect your worldview."
"It contrasts immensely with my feelings towards my God because while that's anime the grotesque apocalypse enamored my Fascination towards the experimental and Abstract."
"Zendaya and Tom were never looking to put their romantic life in the spotlight. 'I think loving someone is a sacred and special thing,' she shared. 'It's something that you want to experience and enjoy amongst the two people that love each other.'"
"We have Jesus in the Bible in the New Testament that's where we need to see him not get all these silly relics."
"Does the government give you the right to be armed? No, not in my opinion. It's a god-given right."
"Everything that I had been taught was wrong."
"I don't think there is a man in the sky who's watching and judging who I have sex with or what I'm doing privately or any of that stuff."
"I'm a First Amendment absolutist. I believe in only two things completely: the First Amendment and boobs."
"I'm just going to run on what I know to believe is true."
"They don't even know I disagree there was assassination I think they are evil people and they don't care."
"I personally feel strongly about it because it is destroying the credibility."
"It is your worldview that is Waging War on ours."
"That's why I believe in America. And that's why I believe in God."
"There's a difference between love and acceptance."
"I'm very pragmatic about my career. I think things happen for a reason."
"The key dividing line I think now is: do you trust people, yes or no?"
"I genuinely think believes in her mind that she's the real progressive and everyone else has just gone overboard you know"
"I just can't with a good conscience... I just hope that there's gonna be a day when standards will be recognized."
"We should never feel scared to stand up for what we believe in."
"Great dreams are still dreams, and dreams are the best. You can do anything in a dream."
"Follow your heart and you will never be led astray."
"I don't care what you were told in the past; I'm going to think differently."
"A personal truth is what you believe about yourself when no one else is looking, no one else is listening."
"This is just a reflection of his political beliefs."
"When I defend someone's right to say something and I don't like what they've said, invariably I get told that I'm endorsing what they've said."
"I actually know a liberal feminist who watched our interview with Tara Reid and said, 'You know what? I believe Tara Reid and I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden anyway.'"
"Just because you talk to someone doesn't mean you take on board all of their beliefs."
"I don't believe in god but I consider myself a Christian because I like what Jesus said and find value in that."
"If somebody says Christianity makes them a better person, that's a personal truth."
"Free speech means not only the ability to say what you think but it also means not being forced to say something that you don't think that you don't believe."
"I believe that we were raised in a cult. I believe that we were raised in a religion that thrives on control."
"I believe in creation just because I want to. It just makes sense to me, and I believe it."
"I don't care what the white man thinks about me."
"Through this study, I've realized that surprisingly I still find myself rather enamored by many of the biblical ideas I learned as a child."
"I think it's gone beyond saying 'Live and Let Live'... now it's got to be 'you have to stand up and declare that I'm right.'"
"Trust what you know and your intuition to be true."
"I cannot put General dysphoria in the category of mental of ill I'm sorry I cannot put that in the category of mental illness because I think mental illness in itself is already stigmatized."
"Just because someone says something doesn't mean you have to automatically agree with them."
"You're establishing your own new ideas and beliefs."
"I divorced a whole man because he was a Trump supporter."
"Religious freedom means a bunch of people can believe stuff about religion that you don't yourself believe."
"I feel I'm extremely sympathetic to their worldview I think that their religion is a very good religion if I were going to join a religion it would probably be Satanism."
"Protest is a constitutional right... I've never cared if people don't believe."
"I don't think it is ever stupid to share your opinion about something or someone especially if you think that something or someone's doing something wrong."
"I support happiness and choices, but that doesn't mean I have to encourage it."
"Feeling like a woman doesn't make you a woman."
"Despising Donald Trump is probably the morally correct position, and I share it!"
"I'm personally of the belief that Marne should not be on the internet."
"In order to be true and faithful to God increasing in our world, you must be willing to be counter-cultural and to stand for what you believe in rather than what society tells us."
"We're gonna teach you something called confirmation bias... interpreting information to support your own beliefs."
"The point is, Tug is not doing this for the money. Tug has been doing this because he believes in it."
"You don't need to be from some out of step sect to believe this, you just have to be human and acknowledge what people actually want."
"Steven Avery believes it too. He believed he was wrongfully singled out by the sheriff's department back in 1985."
"I'm unvaxxed and I'm actually very proud that I fought the machine and did what I thought was right for myself and my family."
"Sing what you believe to be true, there actually is no better service that you can possibly do to people, no matter what it is that you're doing."
"The burden of proof should be on other people to explain why the things you care about are harmful, not the other way around."
"Knowing the right facts, knowing what you believe in, that is going to make me vote for the right person."
"I just believe in speaking your truth, and I feel like people don't always shine light on that fact."