
Cancer Quotes

There are 1050 quotes

"Mental health impacts all of us, and those with a life-changing diagnosis like cancer are no exception."
"Cancer cells, which become these dysfunctional cells that grow at all costs, use something like angiogenesis to grow all these vessels and their preferred forms of fuel for growth are sugar and also protein."
"Metabolic dysfunction and blood sugar dysregulation are astoundingly correlated with many leading forms of cancer."
"The King remains wholly positive in the hope that it does give hope to people with cancer."
"Cancer cells carry the oncogenic and tumor suppressor mutations that define cancer as a genetic disease."
"The phenotype of cancer is cell division out of control."
"Cancer cannot be a disease of somatic mutations in the nucleus."
"My son's cancer diagnosis was a sledgehammer to my reality, and I remember saying to myself, if we get out of this, I'm living a different life."
"The meaning of life is that it ends...my cancer patients have shown me that is when you get that feeling of mortality, that it can be fuel for you to live."
"In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London... The surgery was successful; however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present."
"She fought through cancer so hard. She beat it."
"Genes are correlated with cancer... but the actual cause was a disharmony in the consciousness that created a disharmony in the physiology."
"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I curse every cell of cancer in your body."
"High-profile cancer cases like this often prompt others to check their health."
"The king's cancer was caught early, which will be reassuring to many."
"Cancer is completely indiscriminate; it doesn't care who you are... it doesn't care if you are young or if you are old."
"It's so clear that we're going to look back at cancer and aging in the same way that we're talking about HIV today."
"There's more than 100 foods that can actually starve cancers."
"The cancer ultimately beat him, and it was a very poignant and realistic take on someone fighting cancer but succumbing to it."
"Cancer is multifactorial; therefore, the healing must be multifactorial."
"It's not the actual size of the tumor that kills you; it's the spread of the tumor that kills you."
"The World Health Organization identifies 13 different types of cancer as obesity-associated cancers."
"I was trying to see why obesity is associated with cancer, which was a really interesting question to me."
"Obesity is a risk factor for cancer with about a 50% increased risk."
"As powerful as cancer is in a physical sense, the metaphorical use of it in this context shows how it can manipulate, control, and ultimately devastate lives far beyond the physical realm."
"Sleep deprivation is a strong predictor of different types of cancer like colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer."
"The one-year survival rate for Stage four pancreatic cancer patients is 18%. I'm very happy to report I have just reached that marker."
"We're making headway in a number of cancer treatments."
"Cancer is a disorder of growth and differentiation of cells... They just escape from their programming, you know, they no longer read the script as it were, and decide like escape prisoners, 'Hey, this is interesting. I can do what I want.'"
"The important bit, though, is that this is a procedure that is expected and heavily regulated, so there are a lot of genes to try and prevent this, which is one of the reasons why cancers take decades in order to manifest."
"We have the information right now to win the war on cancer. Let's do it."
"There are more diagnoses of skin cancer than any other cancer in the U.S."
"Nature produced an article last year, May 2016, that 90% of cancers are lifestyle and environment."
"Testicular cancer is almost unique among human malignancies in that even patients with widely disseminated, widely spread, metastatic cancer can very often be completely cured and live out normal, happy, healthy lives."
"Look at the cancer rates in the West, then look at the African continent."
"High protein diet increases the risk of cancer."
"People die of cancer because they catch it too late."
"Stage 4 cancers that disappeared without treatment."
"Thanks for fighting cancer and the coolest way possible."
"I rebuke this endometrial cancer in your body."
"Leave people with cancer alone, please. Please don't bring somebody with cancer into your pyramid scheme."
"Annie Wershing passed away due to complications from a cancer diagnosis."
"We now really have the genetic base of cancer."
"Years before cancer emerges, we can start to understand the microbiome as the harbinger of a problem but also the solution for the problem."
"I realized that cancer is much too much for one person, that it's something that I had to give back to the universe."
"I fortunately finished treatment in March and I have now been cancer free for a little over three years now."
"My mom had stage four cancer and was on her way out in the late 90s."
"When you're battling for your life with something like cancer, it just changes your whole perspective."
"April is actually national testicular cancer awareness month and even more importantly did you know one man every hour of every single day is diagnosed with testicular cancer because I didn't until manscape told me."
"It's time to end the devastation caused by cancer."
"Insulin is one of the main causes of the fertilizer for cancer to potentially grow."
"As long as it stays in the normal metabolic veto cycling, it doesn't matter if you have a tumor."
"Father dying of cancer walks his two daughters down the aisle because he knows he won't get to do it on their wedding day."
"The most advanced application of liquid biopsy is in that advanced cancer setting where the clinical utility is most pronounced."
"This kind of [ __ ] will cause cancer more than your poor diets because it eats you, it rots you from the inside out."
"Just mix the ingredients together so you can kind of become more authentic, Cancer."
"I don't want to play whack-a-mole with tumors."
"Take cancer seriously folks. Get checked often, get a second opinion when necessary, and, most importantly, listen to your doctors."
"This technology seems like it's going to really help Radiologists detect pancreatic cancer a lot sooner than previously been able to."
"I lost my best friend to cancer almost 11 years ago."
"Cancers might start occurring if DNA repair cannot be done."
"Cancer, March 2024 holds a mix of opportunities and challenges; navigate with grace and embrace growth."
"Cancer is not something to take lightly, I definitely encourage you guys to please donate to the charity."
"I can't wait for the day when this hopefully becomes the accepted theory of cancer."
"People with thyroid cancer sometimes live forever, dealing with the cancer but not dying from it."
"It's actually the most common type of cancer among men ages 15 to 35 which is also the exact same demographic as this channel's audience."
"They were tracking their blood tests, their PSA showed that their cancer wasn't progressing."
"The last thing a person with cancer needs is stress, anxiety, or depression."
"Alcohol is directly related to seven different kinds of cancer."
"Nothing happens in the back, you don't get cancer overnight."
"Cancer can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with."
"I have been healing a severe and malignant brain cancer for the past few years with natural medicine, Gerson therapy, and foods. It's working for me. It is."
"Your immune system kills cancer cells on a daily basis."
"At the end of the day, it's like seeing a person with cancer using homeopathy to treat themselves rather than say chemotherapy."
"Let sleeping dogs lie, Cancer. Other people's problems are their own."
"If it's cancer cell that can't heal itself and return to a cooperative relationship with this environment it kills itself."
"Cancer does not have to be a death sentence."
"Vitamin C injections... the tumors or the cancerous growth was basically gone within a couple of days."
"You're going towards a cancer, Libra, cancer is a very good sign."
"The body has always had in its arsenal of tools the ability to starve any cancer."
"I'm never gonna look back on this situation and be like damn I had cancer nah [ __ ] that. Looking back on this situation and being like I beat Cancer's ass at 26."
"Just over two years ago I survived my first brush with cancer."
"Just cancer, but it's like one rare form of cancer."
"Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer... ages 15 to 35."
"It's okay to ask for help, and it's necessary to ask for help, especially something as tough as cancer, and how not only physically what it can do to a body, but especially mentally as well."
"Cancer can almost be looked at like a symptom of the mitochondrial dysfunction."
"What if the model of cancer that we believe in is actually wrong?"
"Hopefully you'll learn that cancer is not always a death sentence."
"Blue asbestos is the deadliest kind of asbestos and when inhaled can cause severe lung cancer or mesothelioma"
"Therapeutic fasting can shrink some tumors rather quickly."
"Organic food eaters had much less cancer than people like traditional."
"Before we can hope to conquer cancer, first we must understand how nature conquers cancer."
"Specific carcinogens therefore do not cause cancer, they merely determine where it's going to occur."
"Breast cancer, the number one cancer in women, is estrogen-dependent."
"If you ignore cancer, it's going to be a silent killer."
"Cancer is not a human disease... it runs way past Humanity in human genes."
"He was diagnosed with this brutal, relentless form of malignant cancer only three weeks ago and in that time it managed to spread rapidly through his system. The only mercy it exhibited was its sharp and swift execution."
"Cancer doesn't beat you because when you die it dies at the same time so, technically, it's a draw."
"April is testicular cancer awareness month... Manscaped is committed to raising awareness."
"Animals in the wild really don't get cancer."
"Everyone's affected by cancer... support the cause, guys."
"Cancer loves sugar... They suck up the sugar."
"Aspirin has a prophylactic protection from colorectal cancer."
"Cancer affects so many people, one man every hour of every day is diagnosed with testicular cancer."
"It's the most common cancer for men age 15 to 35, and that's really scary."
"If you are suffering from cancer and you're about to undergo treatment or you're currently undergoing treatment, you should be boosting your fiber intake as much as possible."
"Cancer is a little more forgiving because they have that nurturing quality."
"The purpose of chemotherapy is to destroy the cells that are cancerous."
"All cancer is DNA replication run amok."
"Lion's mane supplements have been found to slow and even potentially reverse the spread of several types of cancer."
"The seed of cancer is the same in all our cells; what is it about the soil that is allowing these cells to turn into cancer?"
"Insulin plays a huge role in facilitating the growth of certain types of cancer."
"If you reduce the hyperinsulinemia, you're also going to put these breast cancer cells at a disadvantage compared to a regular breast cell."
"Cancer is a cell that has evolved into something that is different, a foreign species if you will."
"I helped fight cancer. It gives you satisfaction to know that you helped fight cancer."
"Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancies in males and is being diagnosed more than ever before."
"Women who had the most soy actually had almost a 30% decrease in recurrence of the cancer."
"DNA damage happens every single day... our body can fix it but when it misses a repair, that is where the beginning of the trouble can lead to cancer."
"Cancers really care deeply about their family."
"The ketogenic diet enhances the anti-cancer immunity of people that are following it."
"Why are so many younger people getting cancer?"
"Cancer is always happening. It's always a balance between cancer and our anti-cancer forces."
"We're trying to teach our immune system to recognize cancer."
"Obesity is not mutagenic. It does not cause gene mutations. Why does it cause cancer? And the answer is that it's a disease of hyperinsulinemia."
"If people really cared about preventing cancer, we would not have an obesity epidemic."
"After a 2-year battle, he had triumphed to beat cancer."
"Cancer is one of the few things that still connects us."
"Cancer is not that bad, we can stop."
"That's why elephants have an insanely low incidence of cancer."
"It reduces depression and inhibits the growth and spread of certain cancers"
"Eating too much sugar can definitely increase the probability of cancer and also make the outcome of people who already have cancer worse."
"This is a totally preventable cancer in terms of death."
"Mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root of many cancers."
"Just hearing the word cancer is scary and it's enough to arouse the fear of death."
"In every cell there's a delicate balance between proto-oncogenes which cause cancer and tumor suppressor genes which prevent cancer."
"After 28 days they saw a significant reduction in breast cancer gene expression, which is huge. This is in humans, not rats."
"I chose not to do the hormone therapy that was recommended by my oncologist when I had the breast cancer diagnosis."
"Too much red meat is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer."
"Racism is not something that suddenly explodes and erupts into being. It's like a cancer. It starts attacking one group of people but like a cancer it begins to spread out with a fatal rapidity."
"You're just gonna be feeding that growth of the breast cancer cells more than you're feeding the growth of the normal cell."
"There is a plethora of evidence that not using sunscreen can cause cancer."
"She literally said that the sun is protecting you from cancer. We're on different planets."
"Soy might play a role in lowering prostate cancer risk."
"Matcha has been found by researchers to kill breast cancer stem cells."
"Surviving cancer is still the biggest victory of my life."
"So press essentially means you were providing metabolic stress to the cancer cells that can stop their rapid growth."
"Believe it or not, one like equals one cure for my cancer."
"Glycemically unfavorable diets are linked to breast cancer and prostate cancer."
"Cancer is largely preventable and not an inevitable consequence of aging."
"If you told me watching an hour and a half of a kid have cancer would be this hilarious."
"His tragic battle with cancer touched the hearts of every American, as did his indomitable spirit."
"Cancer is cancer, whether it's a lot of cancer or a little cancer, you've got to deal with it because that thing will grow."
"I was diagnosed with a very rare form of pancreatic cancer which fortunately was curable with surgery and I was very, very lucky."
"So many times now, I'll cave and plan something, and it gets taken away by cancer. And it sucks. It gets old."
"Cancer is as diverse as our quilting Community."
"When I was first diagnosed with cancer, he and I both would wake up every day with this cancer feeling. Every day. Cancer. And today, I woke up feeling like this. I'm dying."
"Meat breaks down, it creates a very acid environment in the body and can feed cancer cells."
"...animal protein causes cancer and I should say Apostolic cancers there's no mistake about it just on the basis of looking at the biochemistry in the cell."
"Animal protein causes liver cancer and death."
"I was diagnosed with breast cancer."
"To all my beautiful women fighting a disgusting, nasty battle: you are amazing, extraordinary, beautiful. I admire your strength, your teamwork, your fight to kick cancer."
"In patients with colon cancer, those who ate two handfuls of nuts a week actually at a 50 percent lower risk of death."
"Don't let cancer run your life. I have cancer. I am not cancer."
"Unforgiveness is like a cancer, a spiritual cancer that ravishes our body and our mind and our soul."
"We're going to give you today an update on the state of the art of what is an area that is transforming the care of cancer patients today: the use of our body's immune system to fight cancer."
"You can reduce your risk of recurrence, you can prevent new cancers, and ideally, after a diagnosis of cancer, I'm really hoping I can have my patients leave our care healthier than they were even before."
"Quercetin slows down growth enough while being anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptosis to be considered an anti-metastatic substance."
"Blocking fructose could be a novel approach against cancer."
"This review went to the literature and tried to kind of characterize this the ways that fructose metabolism specifically might be contributing to cancer."
"The revolution in cancer immunotherapy has provided new hope for previously incurable diseases."
"The press pulse metabolic therapies non-toxic cost-effective for the management and possible resolution of all types of cancers."
"...a groundbreaking book titled cancer as a metabolic disease."
"Cancer is a type of mitochondrial metabolic, it's not a genetic disease."
"In the future, everyone will be using metabolic therapies and cancer will not be the horrible death sentence and the terrible tragedy that it has been for the last however many hundreds of years."
"Valentine's Day marks my 20-year cancerversary. 20 years of living and thriving with stage four cancer."
"I'd love to kick cancer's ass though."
"You can get cancer for walking around from a broken relationship, end up dead somewhere because you're spending all this time meditating on somebody who don't even want had nothing to do with you no mo. Let it go."
"Some of those patients have gotten into big trouble, but others have been watching them for over 10 years and their cancer has never spread."
"The cancer did not spread, and it was three sites."
"...a simple blood test may be able to detect early signs of colorectal cancer."
"...it's very accurate detecting colon cancer in those early stage cancers which is all important."
"Understanding the molecular underpinnings...of a localized cancer...with lethal potential...is key...that's Precision medicine."
"Chemo is kind of like the first line defense."
"Once you start to get out close to five years after treatment the chances of that cancer coming back become very, very small."
"If it is ovarian cancer, I got this guys. I got this."
"I think there's very good evidence that [exercise] can [help prevent cancer]."
"The term 'Escape mechanisms,' but to your point and it's a very good one, is when people say 'Well, oh chemo, you know they actually are not carrying the cancer on purpose, right?'"
"One billion cancer cells in your body, that's one billion opportunities that the cancer cell has to have a mechanism by which it can resist a drug."
"Maybe it's not the cancer cell that we should be attacking only, we can still attack the cancer cell, but really what the cancer cell has built around itself, the home, the nest."
"I don't care if he cures cancer, I'm still not going to enjoy his character."
"...the greatest suffering I saw reported by patients was depression and psychiatric illness, and often they have both, and they said the cancer was nothing, the depression is unbearable..."
"A big part of that is just because, yeah, you know, one thing you have to understand is that when you think about, you know, cancer tumor development, I mean, a big part of, of, of this is mitosis, alright? And what I like to call mitosis gone wrong."
"If he looks this healthy and he has cancer, do I have?"
"'Cause cancer was just such a light in my life."
"Melatonin may prevent the development or spread of cancer in a number of ways."
"Bell Gibson from Australia gave cancer sufferers something to hope for in 2013."
"The realisation finally that after all of those patient deaths due to it, everybody had advanced cancer, all would go on to die of their cancer, survived."
"And to some lesser extent, kidney cancer was mediated by lymphocytes."
"If you could find a molecule unique to prostate cancer, breast cancer, that is expendable organs, you could develop more effective cell-based therapies against them."
"Cancer cells get their energy mainly by fermentation."