
Lifestyle Advice Quotes

There are 486 quotes

"The best way to prevent high blood pressure as you age is to not smoke, get some exercise, and cut down on sugar and foods high in sugar and low in fiber."
"To attract more love, abundance, and joy into your life, allow yourself to live more fully in the present moment."
"It isn't hard to just stay out of jail. It really isn't. Just, uh, stay in school, get a good job, get a good woman, do what you got to do, put money in the bank, and stay away from drugs."
"Socrates's musings on the unexamined life and Confucius's writings on exercising governments by means of one's virtue are the intellectual ancestors of today's advice to wake up early and eat clean."
"I love being the person that provides great tips when it comes to looking good, applying your makeup, getting the most mileage out of all the things we are already doing."
"Creating a diet you actually enjoy because that's what you'll be more likely to stick to in the long run."
"You need to build a community at the places you frequent the most."
"You never want to own a boat. What you really want to do is rent a boat."
"I'm not against you having a nice car. I'm just against your nice car having you."
"I think people should go to like yoga or do like rock climbing or do like try to meet people who are like trying to better themselves."
"Some of the things that I'm going to talk about today are going to make people's quality of life quite simply better."
"Zoom out... take time with your family, take time doing the things that you love and really enjoy that."
"If you can get yourself to the gym every day, eat healthy every day, you're going to find that other things also tend to fall in place."
"We should be eating a plant-based diet with B12 supplementation and go for a walk every day, drink water, laugh a lot, and stay out of the clutches of people like me."
"Get out more, be seen more, have fun again. The key to your happiness and that love life you want is being out more, going out more, being seen."
"Eat from the farm, not from the factory. That is the motto."
"Treat your sleep like you would your job. Try to go to bed and rise at the same time every day."
"Too much of something is never a good thing."
"Everyone, take it easy, calm down a little bit... Wake up tomorrow refreshed, feeling great, maybe get some exercise, eat right, and clear your mind."
"Quit being a simp, start listening to fresh and fit."
"Drive like no one else so that later you can drive like no one else."
"Be the tortoise in a world full of microwaves."
"Make your life easy, make your life simple, get a Ridge Wallet, get out the door."
"Eat when you're hungry, not when you're bored."
"Your 20s are really the best time to get away with living like you're totally broke and no one will question it."
"Don't forget to live a life of freedom and wander."
"If you stop what you're doing, it is better for you."
"Indulge in breakfast, enjoy the food, and breakfast then you can relax and you can be in control a little bit more throughout the rest of the day."
"I think you shouldn't try, you should just be doing."
"It's better to be prepared and just go out there for a run."
"Learning to indulge at home... you can also have fun within the confines of your home too."
"Be stupid just once, often, unapologetically, and deliberately."
"It's all about balance, that work-life balance."
"If you don't have any fuzzy socks what are you doing"
"Maybe things could become incredibly much better if we walk carefully and think carefully."
"It's better to have sunlight than it is to have Darkness."
"It's impossible to build generational wealth if you're giving half your money away."
"Simpler is better. Don't kill yourself over this kind of stuff."
"One way to boost your NAD is through exercise, fasting, sauna, or taking NMN."
"You've been called a try-hard, that just means you need to go outside."
"Let's learn how to maybe drink less alcohol get proper sleep."
"Let rest be a consistent practice in your life."
"Better to have 40 of something fabulous than zero."
"Start acting like a kid. Take a walk, sing, be so silly to the point where you start even skipping or whistling."
"So like that's cool but I'm saying like I even have a dog Lola and like I could take care of her it's just like I can't imagine like a baby like a dog is already like a lot of work."
"The ones who are doing the best are generally people who don't spend much time online."
"Certainly get that buy the dip then go to sleep unless you're Kevin then buy the tip and go stream."
"Find your balance, take care of yourself, do something for yourself today."
"Don't be afraid to step out and have some fun, get out a little bit more, it's going to help you."
"Do not give up do not give up if you're gonna give up it's okay but then this this lifestyle of trading isn't for you and that's okay"
"Just chill out and don't have to go for that adrenaline rush every time you play poker."
"Do it for your overall health and well-being."
"You're angry with her for saying don't eat the Krispy Kreme doughnut every day?"
"Maintain what you're doing, make sure it's clean for some weeks longer, maybe a few more months, and then you'll see the blood sugar will come down."
"Framing it in this way really helps me at least manage my energy in a way that makes more sense."
"If you're going to be a bob, have fun with it."
"Just hit your Macros micros high quality sleep physical activity low stress lifestyle."
"Health over physique, your physique will follow."
"You guys are awesome. Don't forget to be you, do you, stay positive and just live a little."
"I know we always joke around about leaving our house at least once a week to go outside and touch some grass but I don't think it's a joke anymore."
"Stay happy, healthy, and current, but most importantly, stay proficient."
"Eating healthy meal prepping getting into the best shape of your life does not have to be expensive."
"Nothing wrong with us having a social life as parents. I encourage parents to have a social life."
"You got to learn to live life in goal mode and not response mode."
"How do you stay out of the hospital? You eat real food, manage your stress, spend time in nature, have great relationships...and you exercise."
"I want people to take control. I want you to stop worrying about the price of an extra appetizer that's irrelevant in the grand scheme."
"Liking things is a lot more fun than hating things. You should try it sometime."
"I feel like you need to focus on fun... this will have a positive outcome."
"Grow your own, make your own, do it, do it, do it. Get started, have fun with it, have that discussion, make a list, and start the process because it's better to start it now."
"Let go of control and relax into the flow. House."
"You cannot ever eat the entire buffet but enjoy your meal."
"Enjoy what you want to enjoy, that's what I always say."
"Live your life, live your f***ing life dude!"
"Choose carbs wisely, prioritize sleep, and keep stress down."
"Make sure to break out of the bubble, try things you haven't tried before."
"Embrace space... we can actually stand to benefit hugely from embracing white space."
"Get outside, talk to people in real life, it feels good."
"I think everyone should have air filters at least in their bedrooms."
"A beer a day would do more for your spirit than one coke a day."
"It's like Cory actually did... um no I... that was awesome..."
"More important than any of that, get outside, exercise, eat healthy, talk to people in real life, make sure everyone around you is doing well."
"Don't buy into the idea that self-care is wasting all your harder coin."
"Having fun is very important... make your process as fun as possible."
"You know, all he's saying is you get up in the morning and you go around wherever you're going and you do good for crying out loud. How hard could it be?"
"If you're watching this video, hug a loved one. You know, call your friends, get outside, play football in the sun. Don't do this to yourself."
"Live a little, because once you incorporate living a little into your life, you will grow."
"Just stay grounded, keep it chilled, stay down to earth."
"Don't feel like you have to do what I do, do what you want to do."
"Fighting is global, it's worldwide and it's just going to continue to grow and expand."
"Just wake up and do the best that you can and then that's about it if you want to wake up and and do very little that's fine like just do the best that you can in any day I'm giving your current state."
"Get after it friends, eat real food, start exercising more, walk, you know, keep those glucose levels and fluctuations down."
"You should call a friend, go outside, take a bike ride, talk to other people."
"Life is not about rushing, life is not about hustle culture."
"How you start the day is how you end the day. You want to start the day in an amazing way."
"I want you guys to step out of the gym and go enjoy life."
"You don't need to be scared about going for a fucking run."
"Stop spending every single second inside, spend 20% less time inside your bedroom and you'll probably feel 20 times better."
"Most important of all, don't forget to chill once in a while."
"If instead of finding opportunities to work more, you instead want an excuse to work less, then go and watch my video on the surprisingly solid case for a 3-day work week."
"Stockpiling money is a waste; you've got to do something with it. Have fun, win the game, do what you like, and get paid."
"You need to be really strict with yourself and say, 'Look, there's a time and a place.'"
"It's really not that hard to be more active and eat smarter." - Dr. Jim Stefani
"Please buy a blanket. I genuinely, I'm not, you know, I'm not a blanket guy. That's not true."
"We spend too much time consuming and not enough time doing."
"Checking ingredient lists and nutrition labels is a great way to compare different food products, but being overly concerned with what is deemed clean can easily be taken to an unhealthy extreme." - Abby Sharp
"Diversification is the number one thing that I could recommend... whether you're streaming or not, go outside, take a class, learn a new hobby, learn a new language, explore, hike, anything."
"You're not 25, not a rapper, not thugnificent; build instead of destroy." - Dr. Boyce Watkins
"Morning routines are not just for top CEOs and business people, they're for absolutely everyone."
"It's never too late to start a planner, certainly not."
"Don't just be a rich fat dude. You'll get girls but they're going to just use you for your money."
"If you can sort of recognize that that's a mistake a lot of people make and you might not want to make it and like find the little ways that are gonna feel good."
"The majority of people need to have more fun, live more childlike, have more silliness, fun, and adventure in their life."
"It's just so important to not live paycheck to paycheck."
"It's worth a try worrying a little bit less and focusing more on what's right in front of us."
"The very things that we're always telling people to do to promote their long-term health actually do fortify your immunity against this virus."
"If you don't eat well, you can't think well."
"The unplugged Alpha is the best way to live your life if you want to get everything that you want out of life."
"Rock out on life. Stay in the light. Be kind to others."
"Organization, homemaking, homeschooling, and simple living – subscribe for more videos on these topics!"
"If you want to unfuck your brain, think clearly and have a good life."
"It's important for you guys to understand that you do not need to be sitting in front of your computer all day every day to do this."
"Go outside, shut down the internet for a little while, recharge those batteries."
"Just because you can dig it doesn't mean you gotta like it."
"Don't buy a parrot if you wouldn't think having a puppy is too much work."
"Don't just optimize for efficiency, optimize for fun and some enjoyment."
"Just try to walk the world not trying to piss people off."
"If you are able to work out, then you shouldn't be taking that for granted."
"Get a hobby, that's what I just want to say to every conservative."
"If you're not getting any exercise, if your sleep schedule is arbitrary or all over the place, then I would fix that first."
"It's amazing what happens when you stop running and start sprinting."
"Live the soft life. Take it with a pinch of salt, smile, say thank you, and just do what you got to do."
"Life is a lot better when you're hydrated, man."
"You won't just live, you'll live to the fullest."
"Financial freedom is something that's on the way for you."
"Give people a real sense of well-being by genuinely disengaging from work."
"Get serious about your joy. Visit seriousjoy.com."
"Remove all emotion and by the way remove all that news too, guys that's causing you so much stress unwanted unnecessary stress all those chat rooms."
"Limiting yourself is not a bad thing, like at all."
"Thank you guys like always for watching, you guys go out there and go on some adventures of your own, live life, beat the status quo, y'all know the drill, enjoy the rest of your day."
"Making hydration a priority is a healthy way to approach our life, even if you're not exercising vigorously."
"Don't forget to be, do, stay positive and just live a little."
"Figure out the times you want to eat and go from there."
"Don't be a liberal, go to the gym and get yourself in shape."
"People telling you eat less, move less, do less, have fewer children, consume less — they are real scientists."
"Like the Kool-Aid man, oh yeah, you two need yoga, now you need to shower, and you all need to learn how to handle real power."
"Don't go spend it on some jewelry, don't go spending on clothing or something like that at the beginning stages."
"Make it easier on yourself, make it interesting for yourself."
"Let daylight in, let fresh air in, and you will just feel so much better."
"If you show up for yourself you're gonna feel a lot better than if you did some other stupid shit."
"You don't need to do all three at the same time."
"If you can laugh like that, you should do it all the time."
"Be feminine, be hypergamous if you choose, but be realistic about it."
"Enjoy your life. You don't have to be a 10x, shoot for a 2X."
"Keep your schedule simple and common sense. Don't overcomplicate things."
"Live very well and treat them with maximum contempt."
"When you feel like being in peace, go be in peace. When you feel like being with people, be with people."
"If you stay on top of it, you take care of it just like you would your underarms or whatever on your body smells."
"Keep the core part of your routine realistic."
"Clean out your closet, be generous in all aspects."
"Liver King: 'There's a simple elegant solution to living a goddamn Kick-Ass life.'"
"Social media is the devil... become monk yep."
"Fragrance is so important... You don't want to ever have any kind of fragrance in your home that's going to be overpowering."
"Treat yourself doesn't mean you have to spend money, it's really about finding time just for you."
"Make your bedroom a real nice cozy warm safe place to be and recuperate and rejuvenate. That's Sound Advice."
"Variety is the spice of life. Do not let yourself get sucked into the idea that running the same thing over and over again is the fastest way because I think it's the fastest way to burn out."
"Do not, my friends, become addicted to table."
"Start cooking at home more cooking from scratch making a lot at the beginning of the week where you have food for the rest of the week."
"Sometimes less is more... about the quality over quantity."
"Take care of your body so you can be a better gamer God's favorite gamer."
"Eat less but the best, drink less but the best, smoke less but Davidoff."
"Avoid routines. Routines can normally get boring if you like every day we come home, we eat, we watch TV, we go to sleep."
"Find some structured play or some planned joy and enjoyment in your life."
"Just relax and enjoy yourself doing something that makes you happy."
"Don't go after the cheap dopamine, go after the good stuff, go and take care of your body, go take care of your mind, take care of your heart, take care of your soul, take care of each other."
"The best thing you can do... is to buy a bidet."
"Life is not your computer, it's not your phone, it's just like there's so much more to life than the internet, you know? It's a lot of screen, it's life. Just go out and smell the roses and [__]."
"Do something that you can keep doing for the rest of your life."
"You only get one life, and do you want to spend it doing things you don't want to do?"
"Being outside is almost certainly one of the best things you can do."
"Live cheaper than everyone else so that later on the road you can live super comfortably."
"I encourage people to leave their phone behind, go out and explore."
"Get out of crime, marry someone boring who has money."
"Listener since 2014, clean your rooms everyone, five stars."
"Life is more than work, TV, housework on the weekends."
"Live your life. Include fitness. Include having fun."
"Work hard, be a decent man, stay up on Instagram, stay off TikTok, you'll have a better life."
"Fix the sleeping schedule. That will literally remedy a lot of your problems."
"That's not going to be that sustainable for you long term."
"Some of the behaviors, you know, which your grandmothers would recommend to you are also beneficial in terms of what they do to the microbiome."
"Do what you can to remove toxicity from your life."
"I can't recommend it enough people should take more breaks from wrestling but it makes you appreciate it a lot."
"Figure out how to get that eight hours of sleep."
"Most people who eat properly or exercise or get enough sleep will get to their more ideal body weight."
"Different strokes for different folks. Do what works for you."
"Thrifting is always the best way to accomplish that. I'll share with you what I look for what I stay away from to find all the best things."
"Eat well, move more, stress less, love more. Boom, that's it."
"When is the best time to go to bed? Ideally between 10 and 11 o'clock p.m."
"Start living your life the way it is intended."
"All we really need to do is put down our devices for a little bit and go outside."