
Activity Quotes

There are 7391 quotes

"If you use it, you get to keep it. If you don't use it, you'll lose it."
"Doing something active, doing something together with other people, and doing something meaningful."
"Human beings, as individuals and as a species, we thrive when we are active."
"Social connectedness was protective against mortality and was as little as going bowling once a month with your league."
"Say no to garage queens; get the miles done."
"People who have remained active throughout their lives and are engaged in cognitive activity tend to have less risk of Alzheimer's and other dementias."
"It's not how many things you do; it's how much you enjoy doing the things that you're doing."
"I'm thriving in this new busier, active, social version of me."
"People think that space is a quiet and desolate vacuum of emptiness between the stars and planets. There exists a vast realm of nothingness. However, space is very active."
"The problem with the world right now is people are always trying to upgrade their activity without upgrading themselves."
"I lose track of time whenever I'm in the kitchen for several hours in a row."
"The underlying intent with which you approach an activity will directly impact the outcome."
"Shake off the stress, let's start with shaking it off."
"It doesn't matter if you bike an inch or a mile. Biking is biking."
"Orphans were more vocal and more active at both periods compared to the mother-reared kittens."
"You'll be highly active, very creative, extremely dynamic, and profoundly productive."
"I felt terrible this morning and I didn't want to do anything... but I think the best thing for me when I'm feeling anxious or depressed is to get out and do something."
"She was super active, so we played a lot. We went to swim lessons... and she took dance."
"I really love this update. I love the fact you can chop your own tree and bring it over."
"If you had a pogo stick, you could say, 'Hey Justin, let's go get some froyo on our pogos. Yo, yo, let's go-go froyo.'"
"You will not recreate until you do something recreational."
"The most important thing is you're going out there and you're having fun."
"I have to be doing something because if I'm not doing something, then what the freak am I doing? Why am I alive?"
"Good morning and welcome to the West Midlands Safari Park."
"With this rocket ship play tent, crawling tunnel, and ball pit with a basketball hoop, this set is a must-have for active and curious children."
"You gotta get out there and do stuff, otherwise you're never gonna grow."
"What's the purpose of living? To sit in your house and numb yourself?"
"I had to pause and step back, now I'm really excited to jump in."
"We are patterns that get maintained over time because there's a lot of activity beneath the surface."
"Feel the energy coursing through your hands as you're doing this."
"Your success is going to come from activity, from being busy, from being obsessed, from being so into it that you don't know about, oh my gosh, it's the Monday morning blues."
"Embrace a more active lifestyle, celebrate what your body can do."
"Subjects were happiest when engaging in activities that brought them into the moment."
"The Milky Way galaxy is an extremely active place."
"Combining other activities like skiing or cycling keeps you fresh and prevents burnout."
"Yeah, look at this pond that they have. He's doing the dirt over there."
"Ikigai translates as something like the happiness of always being busy."
"Get your ass up and go out to a place where you socialize and mingle."
"Everyone that I have met that is successful does something to stay active, whether they have a ripped body or they're just super healthy, it doesn't matter."
"Nature would give us some space from each other as well as the freedom to roam and stay active."
"It's better to wear out than to rust out in all honesty."
"Wow, that is fun! I do not have to look down. Okay, let's go ahead and reload this thing."
"Every year I make it a goal of mine if not one thing you know at least multiple things but I make sure that I'm always like trying to do things and don't have money just sitting around not working."
"There's literally always something going on. That's what I want to do."
"A quick fun dance class online can make you feel energized."
"Engaging with something actively keeps your mind sharp."
"Digging out root crops is one of the most fun things you can do."
"Some people sitting down... Isn't as easy as clicking a button."
"Make something exciting happen every game because I don't want everybody to show up and sit around doing nothing all day."
"They're constantly on the go, very strong Gemini energy."
"I actually feel better when I'm being productive in some way."
"As long as you have something to do, you won't be depressed."
"Stay safe, stay active, love you all, peace."
"Boredom is a wonderful motivator to go do something."
"Okay, got some interesting stuff going on here in the base."
"There's always something to do no matter where you turn."
"Excited to get that going on here in a few minutes."
"Once you get started, it is so hard to stop."
"It's the presence we have while doing it that matters."
"It's never too late, and doing something is better than nothing."
"You always feel like no matter what you're doing... something meaningful."
"Every day I feel more and more motivated to just jump back into the swing of things."
"The best way to grow as a Christian is to get busy serving God."
"Your social life is gonna start being even more active and prominent."
"It's not like you just slept through it either, you were actively cleaning."
"No matter what, the most important thing during those times is keep your body active and your mind busy."
"There's no reason to be bored, there's always something happening."
"Could involve travel...communication...actions being taken...a lot of movement."
"Chopping wood is the most exciting part of this run."
"It's nice to have something that mandates that takes you outside of your head."
"This is how it might have looked on market day, a buzz of activity."
"Doing anything is better than doing nothing."
"The more active and determined you are, the more powerful you are going to be."
"Let's go thrash on that, let's go drift it, let's go track it."
"Get out of your car, put on a pair of comfortable shoes, and just go out and walk for two or three miles."
"Positive energy way more. I want our high were more active."
"Bonsai come on dude you gotta stretch those legs."
"Burning abandoned tanks is a favorite pastime of Ukrainian soldiers."
"Wow, this is the most fun thing I've done all day."
"It's just so busy... tourists going back and forth."
"This will be the pride and joy of the community... it'll be where the things happen."
"They're healthier, they're more active, you know?"
"The Jack Russell Terrier is a joyful, active dog who enjoys working."
"It felt like fulfillment because it was exciting and it was something to do."
"Creating a bustling, vibrant, and exciting place."
"When you do things that have no meaning, it actually increases your frequency."
"Thankful that at least the indie game scene is still as active as it is."
"I was doing muskrat. That's what I was trying to do but I got interrupted."
"Once you've had one, you'll never have anything else. They're so active, agile, loyal, loving."
"Just climbing trees and climbing monkey bars as a kid and I just thought what can I do to get through this as fast as possible."
"It's not about doing the activity, it's about putting your heart into it."
"Thursday is a very hyperactive day... facing the fear."
"It's really not that hard to be more active and eat smarter." - Dr. Jim Stefani
"The difference is like you step away from a sound check or you know you go on a long walk or you're in the grocery store or you go to a coffee shop and you just knock them all out."
"The Royal Promenade is a hive of activity, from artwork to shops to bars."
"I've been taking on life more, doing things I've been wanting to do."
"A lot of action is what I'm seeing and it is successful."
"Finally, you could go back and go to all these places on the map and you can actually do stuff there."
"Nothing can hold me back, you know what I'm saying? I'm still out here doing my thing."
"Do what you do, whatever it is that you do, do that."
"Only person whoever makes a mistake is the one who doesn't do anything."
"Jack Sparrow is the physical manifestation of motive, he's always pursuing something, he's always active, he always has a specific goal."
"The streets of Hamburg seemed to be filled with countless people, walking, cycling, in carts, everywhere."
"Joe Biden doesn't have anything better to do on a Friday?"
"Another thing that I like to do is I like to walk from one end of the apartment to the other."
"I will be out there on a Saturday night at one o'clock in the morning."
"The vibes are immaculate, let's get walking."
"But anyway, I'm gonna get moving, places to go, people to see, things to do, possibly a fish and derby to win this weekend."
"But if you're doing, you know what I'm doing right now, I honestly enjoy doing stuff like this."
"Retirement sucks; human beings aren't meant to do nothing."
"That's it, man. What else am I going to do? Sit on the couch?"
"I feel proud. It's good, isn't it? It's good that stuff's happening and people are doing stuff."
"Something is coming to successful fruition which is then going to set into motion a lot more activity."
"My Apple watch is like, 'Girl, it's a workout.' I've already done 2.4 miles today, almost 200 calories."
"Let's go to spin class, let's start moving our bodies together and find community in that sense."
"Absolutely incredible, we're going to go golfing, any more senior citizens want to go golfing with me right now?"
"Retiring is one of the worst things you could do for your brain health. Use it or lose it."
"You know what is not passive? What's actually very active? Well, that is taking your finger and clicking that like button."
"Let's get up to trolling speed and get a fish."
"Go where the action is, go where the volume is, go where the movement is."
"We got no sleep. This was some of the most insane Paranormal Activity I have ever heard."
"I've never been someone who can just sit down and chill out."
"A busy old day of lots of skating and smashing it."
"This is really therapeutic again though, guys."
"Energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity."
"Look at this place, it is humming... I am loving it."
"The most active of all phenomena, though, were the orbs, or bright blue balls that zipped across the fields at night."
"It feels like there's a lot you can do at any given moment."
"This was heart racing, we did a lot of fun stuff."
"Yay, now we're gonna top with some more tomato sauce real quick."
"We're gonna do it because it's fun, and hey, maybe we'll learn something."
"Life's Too Short not to smile, look around, playing. Oh, he's making stuff happening."
"Every day, when you move around, there's little bits of inflammation. It's like throwing gasoline on an existing fire."
"The rhythm of God is that you would rest and then you would get up."
"I think that today is progress. Might even go move my body, we'll see."
"Coming out here and doing something like this would be a great way to reset their minds."
"Antarctica may not be as devoid of activity as one might assume."
"Have you ever seen a busier gas station in your life?"
"Being busy is like the best cure for anxiety."
"It's technically a little bit challenging but it's also incredibly relaxing."
"Let's do that and see if we can spot anyone."
"Reactive like a bunny rabbit, or active like a killer whale."
"Whatever fights that we get offered we're going to take. We want to be as active as possible. Let's get this thing going."
"All right, see ya, we're going to start off by taping the entire house."
"Mentally, I'm much better off when I'm also physically doing things."
"It's shocking the amount of exercise that you get done."
"Anyway, I think there you go, it goes to show you can have eight club gatherings of people painting at the same time active at the same time."
"Hope that Chad is just spamming Sonic right now."
"You just had to listen to your body every day. Every day that you knew that you felt good, then do something. Do something."
"Sometimes things are uploaded without location, and so with that I'm just going to get to it."
"It's obvious: you twitch more, you fidget more, you stay awake more. It's a legal high, I love it!"
"Things are going well, lots of people are turning up to use this area."
"It's gonna be like a couple of busy but fun days ahead."
"It's now what you do with it that makes it fun."
"Within a 60-second window over 100,000 Showdown solo Showdown battles started... it really goes to show just how active brawl star is."
"Our spider transit hub, getting busier and busier as we build."
"We grossly underestimate how powerful and how busy the spirit of the Antichrist is at work in this world."
"Steps are so op like just getting some walking in throughout the day."
"Alright, we are going to be doing a tag team."
"Valentina who just wants to be insanely active as a champion are you hoping to be kind of the same way and just fight as much as possible?"
"A Bitcoin wallet that hasn't been active for nearly nine years just moved more than 29.47 million worth of BTC."
"Take that power of the sun! I better get moving."
"Do all of the things, otherwise you may miss the next build."
"So whatever gets her active is what I'm all for you know so I think that's such like a big overarching piece is you know independent of just saying hey do whatever diet helps you lose weight"
"Knowing all of that, it's also a fun thing to do."
"Both shuttles are now in action and being used."
"More base builds, more collaborations... and when we see good raids, we'll do more raid cams as well."
"I just find the process of arranging the flowers so relaxing, it's like a type of meditation."
"Consistency is good, a lot to show that you're active and that you're involved in things."
"You get over here and you try catching this."
"Let's get ready to do some running then, we'll do the running in a speedy way."
"Time flies when you're doing chores at camp."
"Expect a lot of shaking and moving this summer."
"We must begin to enjoy the things that we're doing."
"Being productive and on my feet, getting things done, I find very worthwhile and purposeful."
"Charity is what keeps me busy and motivated."
"I'm finally in Manila... this place is bustling the capital the heart of the country Metroplex of activity."
"Let's make a coffee and I got my little Loko rolly rolly."
"Lockdown restrictions are finally easing off and if you're anything like me you're seriously starting to consider getting up off your ass."
"Staying active throughout the day is the best way to combat being sedentary."
"I believe in being active almost every day. I don't like lying about being an absolute pudding. I like to move my body."
"Getting active... transcends beyond mere physical activity into the realm of art."
"Turn your activity into singular art that is uniquely you."
"It just seems like there's going to be a lot to do."
"Just something to do, just some stuff to do. Come on man."
"There's a lot going on, a lot of good developments."
"Real estate market is starting to turn over, a lot of activity."
"Working is a great way to get out of the house and keep your mind healthy."
"Frenetic activity in the face of a proxy contest is not a substitute for a well-considered corporate strategy."
"Being active not only helps you physically but mentally as well."
"Perhaps this is something new that our settlers can do inside the settlement."
"It's almost fall y'all, which means we are all heading into the busiest time of the year."
"It's like a vacation week with so many projects to do."
"When we last covered Nocturne, it was on March 10, 2017. It's been four years, and while most of that time was quiet, the last seven months have seen moments of activity that expand our understanding of the situation more than ever."
"It's a great way to break up any stagnant energy."
"It's the appropriate environment to do a lot of this."
"We're going for a walk guys, gotta get out of the house man. It's so boring inside."
"You're never bored. You're just bored of waiting for stuff to happen."
"We're getting weird activity, this is basically the heart of the building."
"Very busy, action-packed, a lot of fun, a lot of excitement."