
Smoking Quotes

There are 403 quotes

"Chronic loneliness poses as significant a risk for our physical health and longevity as cigarette smoking."
"Everybody knows smoking is bad for you. That's like common knowledge."
"It's your cardiovascular health that's at high risk with smoking."
"Smoking literally killed both my parents... it was the cigarettes that took him out."
"Please stop smoking. There's pretty darn good observational data that smoking increases your risk of breast cancer."
"Most of the great advance in cancer over the last 30-40 years came from people not smoking."
"In 1950, researchers Dr. Ernst L. Wynder and Evarts A. Graham released a study that showed smokers had a greater risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers."
"According to the CDC, smoking kills approximately 480,000 Americans every year. Additionally, the United States spends at least $300 billion every single year on smoking-related illness."
"Armed with this knowledge, he started a project to produce a safer cigarette that would eliminate or at least minimize the harmful ingredients."
"A lot of people asking to smoke cigarettes, surprising amount of comments."
"I never said it ever anywhere that everybody that I would smoke. I think it's pretty common. I think it's a lot more common I think, and like now I think it's really a lot more acceptable, you know?"
"Quitting smoking is like the hardest thing you'll ever fucking do in your life."
"Honestly, I would rather do boot camp a hundred times over than quit smoking."
"500,000 people a year year in year out dying from smoking-related diseases."
"Why would it be one or the other? It's like saying you can exercise or you can stop smoking. How about both?"
"The most important factor which resulted in the decline of cigarette consumption in the United States and other countries was the taxation of cigarettes specifically."
"Smoking costs a lot of money – quitting can save you thousands."
"It's best not to smoke or vape anything at all."
"Lee Tang Witnesses one such incident and he can't keep himself from putting out a smoke on the lady's car's windshield."
"I was smoking like two packs a day. I wasn't just gonna get cancer, I was asking for cancer."
"It took away the fun of smoking and turned it into something completely different."
"Nothing is as good as fresh air, but for people who are otherwise going to smoke, vaping is substantially less harmful."
"Smoothness is like the biggest factor honestly because who the [ __ ] wants to take like a harsh hit?"
"It's the smoothness that makes a break. You can have the most filtered piece ever, and like, try to get the smoothness, but at the end of the day, you gotta get smooth weed."
"When you look down the table, I think the people who are vaping are kind of cooler than people who are smoking."
"Dad grass is reviving the pleasure of the casual smoke so you can chill out without the stress."
"Decades of evidence that smoking kills has caused consumption to plummet."
"Cigarette smoking: a leading cause of preventable death."
"Average smoker had a 9 to 10 fold risk of developing lung cancer."
"Remember smoking is dead vaping is the future and the futures now."
"I think cigar places like have the last out okay I think it's like uh hookah bars and cigar like places are like the last places anywhere where you can actually just smoke inside."
"You can feel the difference in the quality of smoke."
"If you are a smoker it should not be apparent to your client."
"It's never the time to start smoking but definitely not now."
"I want to tell you about a serious problem I used to have, a bad one... I used to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day for like 16 years."
"People with oxygen tanks who continue smoking should get nominated as well."
"Man's tongue turned green and hairy due to rare reaction to cigarettes."
"One of the only things we've done right in America is that no one smokes anymore."
"Dear Edward smoke but don't smoke too much Xeno Davidoff and the date and that's the box I think I've told you the story I'll say it again though I promised him I said I will not smoke too much I will smoke one every year."
"If you knew what it was doing to your lungs, you would think twice about it."
"When Dan is running the smoker, I will frequently... smell the smoke and it's like you're camping. It's magical."
"You can actually smoke there's the pads there that collect the all the yuckiness from the burning tobacco."
"Show someone their jet black lungs, that might be what it takes."
"I eat, I smoke, I lose my cigarettes while gaming."
"Finally, old enough to smoke – that's awesome, me. Congratulations, that's great."
"Nicotine narrows your arteries, stiffens the walls of your arteries and it raises your heart rate."
"I do it for the taste, not for the nicotine effect."
"Smoking is a bad habit, it's bad for your health."
"This is why millennials need to start smoking so they can understand my references."
"Absolutely, it's very smokeable, it's very smoke free."
"I'm smoking because I'm at a point in my life where I'm like yes."
"Kids don't smoke, it's not worth it."
"My goal is to do what's called a reverse sear that means I'm gonna smoke in very low temperature."
"Let me tell you something, guys smoke your chicken you will thank me later."
"We're ready to close the lid, let it smoke."
"A company in Japan gives six extra days of paid leave to nonsmokers."
"Smoking is something that everyone knows is bad, you should avoid smoking, right? But having a low omega-3 index was like smoking."
"That's what happens when you drink, smoke, and drink, and yeah, beer a day, and drink, yeah, and have a cigarette, everything."
"...smoking causes nearly 6 million deaths around the world each year..."
"Don't smoke, protect your eyes from UV light."
"Every time you see somebody smoking in a video, if you guys don't mind putting together the individual clips."
"I smoked a little more than half of the Winston that Mark had given me and stoked it out."
"None of us... want our children to grow up to be smokers."
"I just don't want to be smoking and they be like you was already fine."
"The Tuka [__] is just like, you know, they talked about smoking on [__]."
"If you smoke it right, you'll need that thick sauce."
"I just start smoking, and a couple more days gonna be like 120 days since I been so high."
"As I've done in Turkey and elsewhere in the Middle East, I occasionally enjoy this traditional and very social form of smoking."
"Some pipes were broken deliberately, modified to suit the smoker."
"A Smoke Box to me is a necessary accessory to add in some of that flavor and give it more complexity."
"The biggest modifiable risk factor for cancer is still smoking."
"Now the wood I've used I actually have a landscaping company near me that I was able to go and buy was all this fruit wood so this is all from fruit trees which makes a very nice flavorful smoke."
"Change your relationship with smokers. If your friends are truly your friends, they're not going to criticize you for wanting to quit smoking."
"Thank you someone handed it to me and said Mike's here, you gotta smoke."
"It's like your grandfather that smokes. It's like, 'Yeah, my grandfather smoked his whole life and made it to 95 and like that's great but all his friends died 15 years ago, right?'"
"You should have just known this smoke was gonna be bad for you."
"I smoke weed, that was my coping mechanism."
"People who smoke cigarettes should not be allowed to work in the healthcare fields."
"Never ever smoke cigarettes. It's the worst thing you can do."
"None of us, not even those who smoke, want our children to grow up to be smokers."
"We want a whole generation to grow up without smoking."
"You just puff, blow it out your mouth."
"Smoking does make you look cool. It's very cinematic. You gotta find a way around that."
"Smoking is a massive risk factor for developing COPD. The chemicals in cigarette smoke cause lung inflammation and damage over time, making breathing difficult."
"Getting someone to quit smoking will have vastly greater impact on cancer mortality than anything else."
"There's no such thing as pipe smoking in scripture. What scripture teaches is temperance."
"'Thank you for not smoking.' 'Why?' 'Since when?'"
"You always have to press your puff on firm pressure."
"We don't have to hurt anybody by making them smoke."
"It's crazy that you couldn't smoke weed out in public, you know?"
"There's something so relaxing about having a smoke and being able to go to a place where you can actually have a small, really loves the place and really enjoys you know what comes with it."
"E-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than cigarettes."
"Many people take the hot brisket right off the smoker and put it immediately into a warm oven or a cooler to rest, but I found if you do this, the brisket stays at too high of a temperature for too long and can end up falling apart and getting overcooked."
"Smoke 'em if you got 'em in the front-wheel-drive car!"
"222's will make up a kettle. Bigger. 222's, you got 44 instead of 37. So again, why are you paying 2 grams for that? But I'm going to show you what that can do, because believe it or not, it's one heck of a smoker."
"That's how you smoke. Yeah, but everyone used to do it. I think after Godzilla did this, he turned around and was like, 'Damn, it worked! Oh, [__], yeah, give me another head! Give me another head! Give me another head!'"
"Her voice was fine, it wasn't her voice, it was her lungs. She smoked three packs of Newport a day and still could sing like that."
"Smoking is the number one modifiable risk factor that you can do by to reduce your chances of getting this disease."
"Is it cool if I light up in here or no?" "In my office, sure. Everywhere else? I'd actually prefer you not."
"My dad died when I was 11 brain cancer. My dad was a very active smoker he smoked about a pack a day."
"I'm sorry if I didn't, but we smoke right there must be coming from the tunnel."
"...when you do get that perfect one where you have like two, three beers, and then you're like, 'Let me have a cigarette,' it just cuts it a little higher. Like, 'Yeah, we can do that too.'"
"Being lonely can be as deadly as smoking."
"She said I want to smoke I'm right now she did she was like she was like can I have one I was like have you smoke she's like no oh my God and I was like Nick you you monster."
"You want the bulk of your smoke within the first three hours."
"I mean, what more can they do? I mean, there are five packets now that say, 'These will kill you,' and people are still smoking them. I don't know what they can... I don't think they're messing with you. You could ban them altogether."
"The engine stopped smoking and we didn't have any more blow-by issues."
"Approach Virginia blends with maturity and patience for a better smoking experience."
"Loneliness is worse for your health than eating fast food french fries and actually worse than smoking a pack of cigarettes."
"If I got drunk, I can smoke three... They just start evaporating in your hand, right?"
"He could have sworn ten times over that he had been smoking at the right hand window the last thing before he went to bed and here was his cigarette end on the sill of the middle window."
"If you want to prevent a heart attack, the number one most important thing for you to stop is smoking."
"Kids smoking, awesome. It's great. I love how David, they don't even really know how to smoke yet."
"Without question, smoking is the greatest risk factor for vascular disease including what we call microvascular dementia."
"If you smoke, you need to be very active. You need to run, you need to lift, you need to do all those things."
"Former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy reported that having weak social connections is as harmful to our health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day."
"I think of it as a kind of new habit loop. I go from wanting a smoke to either automatically recalling the bad sensations or automatically connecting with the cigarette."
"For most of the 20th century, cigarette smoking was glorified as the ultimate embodiment of the American West."
"Starting in 1964, after the U.S Surgeon General stated definitively that yes, smoking tobacco can be fatal, the image of health and sex appeal slowly began to change."
"...a 2020 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that the flavor ban was effective at reducing cigarette use among young people."
"...the FDA argued that these actions had the potential to reduce disease and death by quote reducing youth experimentation and addiction and increasing the number of smokers that quit."
"Take care of your lungs; it's a crappy hobby to have because it's very toxic, but what can we do if you love it, you love it."
"I'm not against it, by all means smoke if you want to."
"Now the street was about the only place outside one's own home where one could smoke."
"To me, having like a nice setup to smoke with really made me feel less like I was doing something illicit."
"I feel like smoking is just more of a just chill, you know what I'm saying? Like, like you said, people don't just smoke and like, some people shouldn't be smoking all the time. Like, you said, people just be out and they can't accomplish nothing."
"Do you smoke tobacco?" "Uh, cigarettes, no I don't smoke."
"Once you have your smoke on, all you have to do is finish it."
"Quitting smoking is the biggest thing you can do for your heart and every part of you."
"Pellet smokers: good flavor, almost no work."
"You shouldn't smoke. It's bad for you. How much truth explodes."
"Smoking is one of the worst things a person can do for your body."
"Loneliness is worse for your health than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and can take 15 years off your life."
"He's in a subway station underground; he's allowed to smoke."
"He just smoked too many damn cigarettes"
"The only downside I think to the park, I don't mind if people want to smoke."
"It's a good alternative to a smoker during peak season."
"Anything that has Skittles in it burns really nice."
"So, seriously, turn that off. Smoking is not cute."
"Don't smoke, chat. How about the rest of your life?"
"It's awesome to be able to use a wood fire pellet smoker."
"Nothing was created to be smoked. This is kind of common sense."
"Smoking is just a waste of money, man."
"Smoking is not gonna cure your depression. Smoking is not. It might make you feel like your depression is being cured because you're high, but once that high runs out..."
"I wish I could just stop smoking because I got to tell you you're paying somebody to kill you slowly."
"I'll smoke a cigarette but if I don't light it to begin with it doesn't really count."
"Quitting smoking will increase your external confidence because you're gonna have whiter teeth, brighter and tighter skin, you're gonna look younger, you're gonna smell better, and you're gonna look vibrant and healthy. Health is beauty."
"Quitting smoking will make you happier. Addiction is not happiness. What you're actually trading off by quitting smoking is a life of addiction with a life of freedom because living with addiction is like living a lie."
"Quitting smoking decreases anxiety and depression. Smoking does not help you manage your emotion; it helps you ignore the root cause and distract yourself for a moment. So it's not a coping mechanism; it's a destruction mechanism."
"What smoking does is adds guilt to your life, shame agony, thinking about the next craving, interrupting your life to smoke. How is that happiness?"
"We should have a room where you're allowed to smoke cigarettes inside here."
"Does smoking solve any problem ever? Does it add joy to a happy moment?"
"Some people within this community are former smokers or smokers trying to quit. Many people in this community discuss their experiences growing up with smoking relatives."
"Everyone should quit smoking cigarettes."
"Quitting smoking can definitely reduce cancer risk over time."
"I'm from the suburbs of New York, so we smoked blunts."
"There are five packets now that say these will kill you and people are still smoking them. I mean, I don't know what more can they do."
"The main most important thing about any pipe is that the tobacco chamber terminates bottom dead center with this draft hole."
"I think I would rather that they were vaping than smoking if they're 15, 16 years, commit to it, commit to the bit, lean in."
"Smoking is a good one because it often leads to weight loss."
"Yeah a little more anticlimactic than your typical fire starting sequence but we'll check back in when this thing is smoking."
"Happy smokes and long ashes to all of you."
"The reason they try to make people not smoke cigarettes in movies now is they've shown that if kids watch someone smoke a cigarette in a movie they're far more likely to actually smoke cigarettes themselves."
"Start smoking with a smile with Chesterfield smiling all the while."
"Join me and the new thousands who enjoy Fatima's extra mildness, Fatima's rich, better flavor and aroma. You'll discover what all we Fatima smokers know: in Fatima, the difference is quality."
"When you smoke and it's like your first time, oh my God like you're gonna [__] cough so hard."
"Irene Ryan's life took a tragic turn due to her lifelong habit of heavy smoking."
"Smoking is both a risk factor for lupus."
"Smoking is associated with a reduced risk of endometrial cancer, possibly due to earlier menopause."
"Cigarette smoking is a major modifiable risk factor for things like heart disease, high blood pressure, all those nasty things that kill a bunch of people."
"It smoked like a kind of cross between a Cohiba and a Romeo."
"The first smoker in history is generally considered to be Rodrigo de Jerez."
"Quitting smoking is probably the most important thing that you can do to improve your health if you haven't quit already."
"...smoked meat contains no preservatives."
"Hello, yeah, is that the NHS smoking outline? Need help giving up? Call 0800 169 0169."
"Thin blue smoke is what you're aiming for."
"Nowadays, cigarettes have been cancelled."
"...so if you are someone that is a smoker you do have this area that is designated to use."
"You saw how it smoked, you saw how it gave off horrible smelling fumes, we saw how it could be hazardous to your health. You don't want to do it."
"You want each individual sausage to be smoked individually and properly."
"The smoke flavor wasn't bitter, it was really good, the smoke flavor came through."
"In the '70s, smoking was much more prevalent and socially acceptable than it is now, it was common to see people smoking in public places, including schools."
"I know you don't smoke, but I'm going to get you high today."
"Nicotine can interfere with blood flow to the skin, affecting wound healing."
"Please do not smoke anything, even nicotine gum or hookah."
"Sometimes I crave it. I like smoking it."
"Let Swami ask me to stop smoking, I will stop smoking."
"If you can't quit smoking, I understand, but whatever you do, do not switch to vaping."
"Smoking actually is another one that actually is a lifestyle habit that can be really rough. It seems to have a risk with causing osteoporosis or speeding up bone loss."
"There's a saying that's one to janae smokes."
"We smoking on that Q pack and he didn't even give him time to say anything."
"For the smoothest, coolest, and biggest hits you have to try Freeze Pipe."
"Every time you want to smoke, go for a walk."
"I love smoking cigarettes, I love the relaxation behind it, I love the stress relief behind it, I love feeling like myself."
"If you can quit smoking you can quit anything in your life and you know that one of my biggest regrets in life with smoking the damage is done but anyway."
"Smoking is harmful not only for yourself but for others."
"Smoking cigarettes is the number one cause of preventable death on the planet by a mile, nothing else comes close."
"Greater than 300 million human beings have already died as a result of smoking cigarettes."
"Smoking becomes what it really is: a filthy, dirty, smelly, bad-tasting, ridiculously expensive, deadly habit."
"What is the most common risk factor for a person who has a heart attack? Smoking cigarettes."