
Societal Perceptions Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"The huge divide between how we think of our physical health and how we think of our psychological health."
"Is there something that there's a societal affiliate with, that it is true to say about somebody who has a specific race? Because the moment that you say that, you are going into racist propaganda."
"In order to reach our true heights, we must cast away our social perceptions and be our naked selves."
"Nobody said teen pregnancy was inherently bad. What they said was Teen unplanned pregnancy isn't it."
"We all know women who are intelligent, successful, good-looking... but she doesn't seem to attract men."
"Implicit bias against black skin is a thing. There are numerous studies that show people see black people as less trustworthy, less hardworking, etc., just on appearance."
"We think highly of beautiful people. More attractive people are more likely to get hired, they're more likely to get job offers, they have higher earning potential."
"The more I thought about what other people thought of me and what other people had done to me, the less I was able to believe in my full potential."
"It feels so amazing to be adopted. I was in that place for a long time, you guys. Y'all don't understand, nobody wanted to adopt me because they think that I was freaking bad."
"Hot guys with bad personalities get away with everything."
"The stereotype of the airheaded, dumb blonde 'mean other girl' is just that, a stereotype."
"They've turned this whole conversation around in the last 10 to 20 years into that sports and football in particular, oh it's a source of toxic masculinity."
"Art in a museum is hung to be judged and critiqued 24/7, much like how people are in real life."
"Pheromones mean body odor. That's actually an offensive label created by big deodorant."
"The fact that media are so derogatory to the most powerful women in the country then what does it say about media's ability to take any women in America seriously?"
"I think the problem that we have with talking about sex a lot is that we have two different energies: we have sex and it's playful, lusty, exciting, wet, curious, fun, awkward but in a funny way, and then we talk about sex and it's filled with insecurities and ego, and it's stiff and competitive and dry."
"You should be judged based on you, as opposed to their conception of you."
"People in red states don't think about people in blue states all that much."
"It would be unfair to judge the whole by its angriest and most regressive members, yet all too often we fail to treat Islam and Muslims the same way."
"Having disabilities is sometimes a bonus when it comes to parenting."
"It's the assertion that white people feel threatened. It's a joke."
"Black brilliance and Black arete and Black success, but I expect that. I'm not surprised."
"The West Family appeared to everyone as a strong, happy, and well-off unit... until they weren't."
"The lady-like veneer is always there, but the veneer always masks an undercurrent of passion."
"A lot of times, especially in hip-hop, the CEOs and cops are painted as the bad guys."
"We enjoy the suffering of successful people because we want to see them humanized."
"Racism is precisely a failure of colorblindness... it is not colorblindness is the antidote to racism..."
"It's tragic to think that her daughter will grow up with a mindset that people hate her when they don't."
"Our Humanity, yes I'm trans but like I'm so much more than one and every trans person is so much more than that."
"Undoubtedly status must come above looks, there's just no doubt about that."
"A woman can be brash and abrasive but also sharp and incisive."
"You can be dumb as hell but still a good person."
"Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're smart."
"Men were no more disposable than women and women were no more valuable than men."
"This is all happening right here in the United States of America where for a long time people just had this fantastical facade hanging in front of them."
"Isn't it scary how a lot of the things that Alex Jones we thought were silly crazy Alex Jones rants are like wait a minute why why why are you making Alex Jones correct stop doing that."
"Life is really precious and you don't really care about what people think about you anymore."
"Sometimes when we're too successful, that is a problem."
"Symphony do one thing and this is for anyone that might be self-conscious as well... listen to me nobody gives a [ __ ]."
"Cannabis is really a plant that was really made for us physically more than any other thing in the world."
"Most black people shouldn't [have an issue with it] because when you think that he's simply being racist then you allow them to paint the picture that it was only black people in the streets acting like idiots."
"Bald men tend to be seen as more masculine and attractive to women."
"We shouldn’t assume a constant anxiety about all things nuclear is inherent to humans."
"How many bodies is too many bodies for a girl? One."
"Sadly in modern American society, there's a stigma with getting healthy amounts of sleep as it is often seen as lazy or unproductive."
"I have experimented and, you know, there's a lot of research going on right now in psychedelics and I think it's becoming not such a faux pas to talk about."
"The baddest kid in your school is probably now the nicest guy in the world because he just had to go through it."
"People aren't as racist as you'd like to think. The internet paints it that way so you can get away with bad behaviors."
"Black fathers taking care of their kids is abnormal when it's not."
"Just because people are white doesn't mean they're racist."
"Most of the time it's out of fear that you're not going bigger, it's out of worry about what other people will think of you."
"Avoiding animal cruelty in factory farms is perceived as radical or extreme."
"People take you less seriously when you are exercising adult agency or are attempting to be seen as an agent."
"Being Down syndrome does not mean that there is something horribly wrong with you."
"If you are black, Hispanic, Latino, whatever it may be, you can go full-on racial identitarian and not only is that just overlooked, it's actually seen as a positive thing."
"Women hit their prime in their 30s and 40s and if you did already know that then i'm gonna assume that just means that it intimidates you and you can't keep up."
"This is a white person who shot three other white people who were attacking him."
"If nerds were no longer being bullied, ostracized, and rejected by Society but in fact championed and celebrated and were now cool then what really was a nerd anymore?"
"But that what's really remarkable about this is that even reasonably well-off people think of themselves as victims."
"What does my curly hair have to do with anything? You're more concerned about this aspect of me than I am because I'm more than my skin tone and my curly hair."
"Most mentally ill people do not do anything violent or harmful to anyone else."
"Would you treat a murderer because they speak well and dress in a suit?"
"The saying goes everyone hates lawyers until you need one."
"Sometimes being a woman is like living in an aquarium."
"I think the concept of vocational education got a bad rap."
"Dad bods... if a dad gains weight after just being a dad... ooh sexy dad bod."
"Femininity is not synonymous with taking a back seat."
"If the only difference you see between a kyle written house and this is race you're a racist and this is the prime"
"When a black person is brought up, it's usually negative."
"I think people just assume minivan, they're gonna be slow. There's a stigma, like a mom in there that's just annoying."
"Everyone focuses on Texas because it's such a big population center, but even then it's like 36 million people and everyone's like wow, this is like the whole world over here."
"Patients with schizophrenia: More likely to be victims than perpetrators of violence."
"Just because you make millions don't mean that you know anything. Money don't make you smart."
"Not like this... 'Oh, you play video games like on the side right?'"
"True freedom is giving people the permission to misunderstand you."
"Short Kings rise up, doesn't mean nobody's looking at you."
"It is time for a more accurate portrayal of single people and single life, one that recognizes the real strengths and resilience of people who are single."
"It's tempting to keep just keep your mouth shut because that's the safe way, but then what if they think I'm in favor of that?"
"Tough guys that are really just soft? Love that. It's like, don't judge a book by its cover."
"College is not as good as people think, it's watered down."
"Women like muscles because of the traits and character traits it conveys without even having to open your mouth."
"Why is everything I do even positive an issue?"
"This is the end of that believable women sort of scenario that we had before, and I think that's good."
"People just assume that your politics mirror that Supreme Court justice."
"I understand that yeah, there are a couple of privileges that come from being more attractive."
"In the end we're all on a spectrum I hate the word normal because that means that some people are abnormal and really there's just a variety of differences."
"The only thing worse than being pissed on is when everybody else thinks it's just raining."
"Regular people are much more kind than is being portrayed."
"There's more to sex appeal than simply stripping down to your birthday suit."
"Short hair as society teaches us almost implies like you have more authority or more power."
"A lot of people's only problem with trans people is the secrecy and lies."
"Old money doesn't care about new money. They don't."
"People either villainize her, victimize her, infantilize her, bully her, or fetishize her."
"I just believe like I'm that nigga. Outside, you be like, 'Yo, I worry about.' I don't care."
"Women leaders, I think they are judged more harshly."
"Their brokenness in how they see us is a reflection of their brokenness."
"You don't want to give people the impression that different classes of people, different classes of companies get treated differently."
"We can't be equal because like, name one female genius."
"Women in activism usually get what she calls a default eye roll."
"What's good they tell bad, and what's bad they tell us is good."
"You don't understand how many poor welfare Queens are driving Cadillacs and [__]."
"Just because I got a certain occupation or people look at me a certain type of way don't mean I'm not a real person that's been through some real things."
"The pleasures of life are not just reserved for the young, beautiful, and the rich, even though it feels that way. It's for everyone to enjoy."
"You hear these big mass murderers, you know, they go and they talk to their friends and they say, 'No, we've never seen them even hurt a fly.' Well, he just didn't show you that side."
"When it comes to judging black behavior, even facts don't matter."
"Rich people can be dumb, rich people can be stupid."
"It's just British... it matters because that's then how people see each other."
"I just have like a very different way to look at it you know what i mean like l.a and people in general see a girl in like booty shorts it's like oh sex it's like no i'm working but it's longer"
"The stigma of UFOs is like a collective illusion. It's dangerous, as the collective illusions of our generation become the reality of the next."
"We are all made of matter, but to women, if you're not good looking, you don't matter."
"Dark-skinned women do get a bad rap in this country."
"We seem to ignore the European experience as valid in the United States."
"A bi woman and a bi man is not a straight relationship. So true. So agree with that."
"You want people to remember you when you were at your best and not be pathetic."
"No one wants to be around the girl who's only good looking on the outside."
"People aren't angry because they don't see men as human beings."
"People like to say 'Oh, he's just a white supremacist.' My message resonates with a lot of non-white people too."
"Some people argue that the only difference between a cult and a religion is the size of the cult. Now, I disagree, I really, really disagree."
"Nobody cares about your age and that's true it just is."
"Who's more likely to go public with a relationship: men or women? Women lies, lies, women, yo all day."
"I just don't think that me wanting to be a mom is a bad thing."
"People see you as engagement material, wifey/hubby material."
"It's easy to say it's a conspiracy theory, but the bafflement runs hip-hop."
"With all the stories we tell, murder hobos may seem like a title that's only given out to the hardened psychopaths that come once in a blue moon, but in reality, they're actually pretty common."
"Finally, people will shut up about their white savior myth. This is just another white - no, it's not. Doesn't end that way at all."
"The privileged status of these illegal white immigrants challenges the notion that all undocumented individuals face uniform struggles."
"Contrary to popular belief, dark-skinned women who talk about colorism are not haters."
"Why does truth, dark skin, and confidence equal aggression?"
"The science doesn't change, but our ideal of what is obese has changed."
"Black men show the world that they love white women."
"If the world's only gonna see a fox, there's no point in trying to be anything else. You are so much more than that."
"Why is capitalism treated as this evil thing?"
"It's easy to write off MGTOW as a weird group of goofy celibates."
"When you see a black man come up, he look good, he flashy, they gotta say doing something wrong."
"I remember when people laughed at doomsday preppers. Yes indeed, I do. I remember when I started canning and jarring things."
"When people don't value your life, they don't value your words."
"The average dark-skinned woman has features that are closer to hers."
"Why the heck do you have to hide it? Why does someone need to be ashamed of themselves for using something the doctors gave them?"
"Shorter men feel the need to improve upon their looks to get a chance at dating."
"Being teased for looking like a boy when you were younger doesn't mean you are one."
"Just because you're going to therapy doesn't mean there's something broken or wrong."
"Suicide is not a joke. Depression and mental illnesses, Are not... are not a joke. It's just turned really way to scarily real."
"If everything else in your life can be a societal construct, then so can depression. Isn't the real thing about being human how you overcome these trials and challenges?"
"I feel like women just generally are more hated by default."
"I feel like when it comes to certain stereotypes, it's often commonly seen so like for black women are often seen I was like aggressive or loud or like quote-unquote ghetto or whatever like that's when the stereotype comes into play."
"Heavy women don't realize this comes down to even your safety."
"People perceive the world to be more dangerous than it actually is..."
"It contributes to their womanly wisdom and compassion."
"What exactly is wrong with being adopted? Well, um, lack of parents."
"I don't want any of us to feel as though we are descending into invisibility."
"You're making women into infants, giving the impression that women are not capable of making their own decisions."
"Some of these people, like billionaires, they appear to be children."
"Not every liberal is dumb, not all Republicans are racist."
"There shouldn't really be shame attached to having grown up in poverty."
"So people weren't nice cuz they thought I was going to die."
"Why not lie about being on HRT or not? If I said I was natural, actually was, and looked like more people would believe me."
"Why can't somebody see my inner beauty and not pay attention to my outside?"
"Like oh he does he just makes a lot of money oh that's what he does okay so at least the ones I've talked to it's just it's pretty obvious."
"Being okay with people thinking you're stupid because you're always open to learning something new."
"Don't fear food you guys, it's so unfortunate that in today's society we are made to think food is bad."
"You can get away with a lot more if you lean into your blackness."
"Here's the deal I'm saying that in terms of that's the standard you can't vilify someone and make the world think that they're actually guilty before the thing is played out you can't give them a serial killer name like the Kenosha shooter."
"Hair not only shapes how other people see us, but it also shapes how we see ourselves."
"It's interesting cuz our notions of what a very strong man looks like have changed over time."
"Just be yourself, don't worry so much about what other people think of you or how they perceive you, just relax, be yourself."
"The guys that are actually red pill have empathy for women."
"You really never can judge a book by its cover."
"Racism has many, many faces. It has many dimensions. Resentment and envy of a group's success, who happen to be identifiable in terms of race, is racism."
"So the perception that the world has just seeing this is that you didn't love her when she was fat but you now love her now that she's thin, and that seems very shallow."
"What made this crustacean go from prison food to a well-known delicacy?"
"People can no longer see a girl beyond her sexual nature."
"Every single person on the planet, no matter how perfect they look or seem, they all experience the same pain and problems and insecurities."
"Why do red pill guys lend so much weight to BPD abuse whereas NPD abuse is worse?"
"Looks aren't everything but you look strong."
"Men are more quickly realizing they're being lied to about women."
"The more money you have, the less people trust you because it is the root of all evil."
"This is a rape case, and people have to stop laughing at a boy when he gets raped by an older woman. It's not funny."
"I like dark-skinned guys, I think lightskin girls and darkskin guys get better together."
"Our view of the outside world is first shaped by Cinema."
"These can be looked at as grandma cars but if I was in that price range and that's what I could afford I really wouldn't care."
"You're going to break free of some pattern of how the world sees you, okay?"
"But I don't truly believe people care as much as they portray."
"Be a good person, show that what they're saying about non-believers is entirely untrue."
"I feel like even I see a lot of people thinking it's more of just a sex thing."
"Adult acne does not make you less than, it does not make you unworthy."
"A stark reminder that for most of these people, they're teenagers."
"I became super confident. I didn't give a [ __ ] about what anybody thought about me."
"People could have every reason to feel sorry for us, people have every reason to feel guilty but that doesn't mean they're ever going to."
"Let's take away the negative connotations that growing your own food is for like poor people or uneducated people."
"For you to be seen with a black man wouldn't in any way jeopardize your career, but for me, at least in my previous perception, I felt due to my image I would be letting down half of the people who made me what I thought I was." - Tupac Shakur
"At the end of the day you never know what someone's going through you can see the happiest hottest richest most famous people and they could be absolutely miserable."
"Just because you're popular doesn't mean you're like a good person."
"Viking people mistake vulnerability for weakness."
"It's like they're not guilty, you know what I mean?"
"At the end of the day, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being high maintenance."
"Americans are obsessed with the idea that everyone who hasn't got perfectly straight and white teeth is a mutant."
"I don't like people equating toys with childhood."
"There are actually many more people who are awake at least at some level than mainstream messaging would have us believe."
"The prevailing narrative is so disconnected from the reality on the ground."
"You don't think that the kids are race into consideration and that's I guess why they're so confused by this."