
Personal Potential Quotes

There are 489 quotes

"The mountain is a mirror of our capacities coming up, and we've got so much more within us."
"We are built to be happy, strong, and healthy. We've got all the tools, but they are not awakened."
"You'll never rise any higher than the way you see yourself."
"The magical and unique qualities of your untapped potential are unfolding now."
"There's a hidden leader in all of us, there's gifts in all of us. Why don't we tap into it?"
"If you were able to reveal the best of yourself to you in the world, you would be an overwhelming force for good."
"You do have the power to create an amazing future."
"The miracle of your mind holds the key to unlocking your full potential."
"What you can accomplish... is absolutely limitless."
"You can do whatever you set yourself to do. People believe in you more than you believe in yourself."
"You have such a creative mind, and you should use it to something very powerful."
"You need to find the worth in yourself and how that works into the world that you can create anything you want in this life."
"I felt very unsatisfied with my career path. I felt like I could do much more. I could have done much more in Dota in general. I never really met my expectations of what I was capable of, but I never really gave up on my dreams of like really testing what I was capable of."
"I believe I can do anything reasonable. I mean, I can't be a pro NBA player, but as far as anything in business, I believe I can do it if I really put my mind to it."
"I will be victorious. I am worthy of the success. I am the one I've been waiting for."
"It would be a waste of life to do nothing with one's ability, for I feel that life is measured in achievement, not in years alone."
"Thank you for helping wake up this world to their true god-given potential, which you teach and we all know now is unlimited."
"Part of what makes [Batman] so compelling, so inspiring, because we think that theoretically, anyone could become Batman."
"The universe is at your fingertips, if you can learn to fly this thing."
"Any human being can be whatever they want to be."
"I think we should just assume that we can... what if all the excuses in the world though of like 'my parents won't let me do this,' or 'where I grew up,' or 'I don't have the education,' you still think it's possible?"
"Greatness is within you, but it's dormant, waiting for the moment to unleash and show the world."
"If the morphin grid chose you to be the Red Ranger it means it's reacting to something with you."
"Everyone has what it takes inside to be successful. Everyone has greatness inside of them."
"I am the source. I am the one that can bring this forth."
"It is not my job to tell people how big they can dream."
"The only limits are the limits you place on yourself."
"It's useful for everyone to know that if you don't live up to your potential, you leave a hole in the fabric of being."
"If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything."
"My old coach used to tell me, 'Natalia, you can do anything you put your mind to.'"
"I think you are a good person and I think you're going to make it."
"Everything you need, everything you want to be is already within you."
"Just because I'm a YouTuber in this universe doesn't mean there's not an alternate reality where I'm a car salesman or a beet farmer or Batman."
"You can be anything you want to be if you work hard within your skill set."
"If your life isn't everything it could be, you could ask yourself, well, what would happen if you just stopped wasting the opportunities that are in front of you?"
"What could I accomplish if I wasn't lazy or if I didn't procrastinate?"
"Each one of us has a vast amount of potential."
"Optimal is something else. And this is possible."
"Live up to your potential instead of imitating someone else's."
"Companies are constantly looking out for people like you, as you hold much value."
"You can be anything you want to be but you can't be everything you want to be."
"I feel like the sky's the limit and the ground is the limit as well, so I could succeed as much as possible or also fail as much as possible. So yeah, a little bit of internal crisis going on right now."
"You have within you that which can do what you want to do."
"You have potential. What do you want to do with it?"
"Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, bro. Do it. Just you know, anybody can do it."
"Your potential is your destiny it awaits your call."
"The power lies within me to create something beautiful."
"The bloodline and talent someone is born with do not determine their destiny."
"Success is to discover what you're capable of and feel that incredible power pushing through whatever is holding you back."
"Your potential is far greater than you know."
"Man's greatest burden: his unfulfilled potential."
"You are in possession of incredible creative powers."
"You have the ability to create something new and incredible in your lifetime here on Earth."
"There's something special, Jim. You're gonna rattle the Stars. You are."
"This is a year of infinite potential for you."
"I have so many ideas, I could fix everything starting with myself. But that's just the beginning, I promise you. It would all be so beautiful."
"I think everybody kind of owes it. I think it's like morally you have an imperative to explore those special gifts you have in the biggest way possible."
"What you're amazing at is already within you just ain't figured out how to get it out and monetize it."
"Life is tragic and tainted by malevolence but the optimism is there's a hell of a lot more to you than you think."
"Strength and power have always been there. Sometimes you just need a moment in time to activate it."
"You're gonna do really, really great in life."
"I thought, why not me? Why can't I be one of these people?"
"What we accomplish in life is only a tip of the iceberg of what's possible."
"Now is your time, and you're going to shine."
"Your belief system dictates what's possible in your life."
"You absolutely can do anything you set your mind to."
"We all have that heroic capability, the ability to create these miracles when we realize our life is on the line."
"You can go further than you think if you trust yourself."
"Everything that you will ever do and ever be is already on the inside of you."
"Bliss is the function of the activation of our potential."
"You can do whatever you want to do if you put your mind to it."
"I think the mind is the only thing that limits us."
"Don't cheat yourself from your fullest potential."
"You have a very high potential for manifesting what you want in this life."
"I'm putting a call out right now to all the Ultimate Warrior fans all over the world, all the other warriors, to get behind a movement that is positive and inspiring men and women who desire to be the best of the potential they have, not the worst."
"You have a lot more power and readiness than you think."
"You have every potential to bring abundance into your life."
"You were born to dominate in an area of life that people are supposed to pay you to do it."
"You've got something special, you've got greatness in you."
"You have what it takes to unlock your world."
"You can do anything that you can. It sounds cliche but you really can do anything that you put your mind to do."
"You have everything within you to manifest whatever you want."
"Believe in your capacity to do something... believe in an opportunity... and your ability to find a way to it."
"You have everything that it takes to manifest whatever you need."
"Men, you can go out there and do anything that you want to do in the world if you put your mind to it."
"You always feel like you have a chance... he has blown me away."
"To realize there's more in you than you ever knew that you could do, to be all you can be, it means never assuming something can't be done, and if it's the right thing to do, never stopping until you achieve it."
"It is in your nature to win. It is in your nature to shine. It is in your nature to love."
"You have power more power than you're giving yourself credit for."
"Maximize the potential of who you are and the best way to do that is to not try to fit in all the time."
"If every single person knew their own magnificence, our world would change."
"TikTok is the product of one man’s intense interest in technology and curiosity to learn more. Its rise proves that the next big idea won’t necessarily come from Facebook, Google, or Apple - it could come from you."
"There's been an ending, but now you're manifesting what you want. You have all the tools to bring your dreams forward."
"It would be a sin to fail to manifest your full potential."
"You're limiting yourself by thinking this is the best you can do."
"Believe in yourself; you have an amazing gift inside you."
"Don't limit yourself and what can happen because truly the sky is the limit."
"You're meant to discover the limitlessness of your soul."
"You are a fierce person with endless potential."
"You know deep down that you're not going to make it look within yourself and be honest are you going to make it or not."
"We are much more than we've been told. We're so much more than we've been led to believe."
"Believe in yourself, trust your ability. It's not hidden, it's not a message that's hard to find, you just have to want to find it."
"Your greatness is in being the space of you, your pool of gold."
"I think he's a guy who will rise to the occasion."
"Not what God said over your life that determines the limit of what you will be. That limit is determined by your belief."
"The breakthrough could actually just be that you surprise yourself with your own potential."
"Much is expected. I expect a lot of myself because I see so much potential, and I want to drain it all."
"You're capable of a lot more than you realize."
"There is a giant within all of us. We are all meant to shine. It's time to shine, it is time to grow, to prosper, it is time to be bold."
"You guys are alchemists, excellent manifesters."
"You may be closer to greatness than you ever dreamt."
"You've got what it takes, it's your moment to shine."
"Don't limit what you can do. You don't have to be someone else."
"People are saying about you that you're going to change the world."
"You've got strong energy. You're meant to be something in this world. You're incarnated here for a particular purpose."
"Protect your mind, protect your peace. You can do anything that you put your mind to, it sounds cliche but it's true."
"You're a vision carrier, a vision keeper. There's greatness on the inside of that person."
"There is no limit. It is an open road here for you guys."
"Jonah is a gift, and he might just change the world."
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
"Honestly, if D can do it, you can definitely do it even better, you just need to get started and you just need to know what you need to do."
"You are capable of so much more than you believe yourself to be."
"You have just infinite good ideas in your head."
"Be proud of who you are, and if anyone ever lacked the vision to see your potential, they need to come to you."
"Reclaim your power, be proud of yourself, and allow others to see your true potential."
"Every person has personal greatness within themselves."
"Your possibilities from greatness to success to love to everything."
"People just knew... He's gonna do something great."
"Believe it or not, most people could push themselves to the limit if they had the fortitude."
"You have the capacity to live better, to be better."
"You were born to win and you are equipped with all the powers of God within you to make you master of your fate and captain of your destiny."
"There is also going to be a realization of your true potential. It's going to reveal a true potential of something you know, and that in itself, it's also going to be rather delightful."
"I think the vast majority of people greatly underestimate what they themselves are capable of doing."
"We really see you at the highest version of yourself."
"If you're able to conceive it and believe it, then you can achieve it."
"People capable of heinous acts are also capable of doing the most beautiful and godly work."
"There's no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
"You actually already have it all, you just have to see it."
"There's a reason why people like FD, people like me, all these people see you. They don't see where you are right now, they see where you're going."
"They need people to tell them that they can do it, that they have what it takes."
"Push your potential to the maximum. That's how you truly become happy."
"Your belief in yourself can get you anywhere."
"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion." - Ruby
"Rise to your potential, really see it, go for it."
"A corrupt cultural environment doesn’t define their inner nature and potential."
"When it all comes together for him the sky could be the limit."
"Literally the only thing that's holding us back from achieving other things is just our own mindset. It's really like what you think you can't do is what you can't do. If you think you can do it, you can do it."
"I feel like we all have something that we can offer the world."
"You can make anything happen, is what spirit wants you to know."
"You have infinite possibility to manifest whatever is for your highest good."
"Anything is truly possible if you set your mind to it." - You
"Your answer is in you; the power you need to revolutionize your situation is already there."
"Sasha Banks should have the world in this company."
"You don't know what you could do if you gave yourself some free time, if you made it a priority. You don't know what you could do." - Instructor
"Anything's possible, me and my friend NOS will sit there and just like writing things over and over again and like manifesting things."
"You are possible. You can succeed with this."
"The possibilities are endless, all you need is to believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in the magic inside you."
"You are capable of being anything you want to be."
"You always have the capacity to make something wonderful happen in your life."
"Your heart is a key; you can reach in there and get the key to open things up whenever you need it."
"You are a limitless being and can manifest whatever you desire."
"What a man thinks he is is what he is, what a man thinks he can do is what he can."
"If you are wondering whether you can be a hero at Camp Half Blood, the answer is always absolutely you can."
"There's somebody already that got their eyes on you. They see your talents."
"Sometimes this show reminds me that I'm not living up to my fullest potential."
"He wrote me a letter and said, 'I predict a bright future for you.'"
"Create the magic you want in your life... don't take any excuses from yourself or any excuses from your current circumstances without seeing your potential to change."
"You really haven't seen much of what I'm capable of yet."
"Inside every individual is a beautiful person waiting to be uncovered."
"I would go back and say you are capable of anything you set your mind to."
"Remember, you are a child of God. It lies with you as to what you are going to be."
"Don't doubt your own capability of making that happen."
"I want to reach my fullest potential and I don't want to be in my own way."
"Be aware of your power, Taurus. Be aware of what you're capable of."
"Anything you put your mind to you can change."
"Edge of greatness - take opportunities with confidence."
"Find those places where you have the power to do something that the powerful people can't do."
"Potential is always going to reward you with harmony, with things that are in alignment with you."
"Work on what you have, you have so much potential."
"I think Natasha will have a beautiful future."
"You are the magician, you're able to create anything you want."
"You have unlimited potential and you are getting ready to experience this first hand."
"We can do more than we think we can do, we're stronger than we think we are."
"Recognize what you could do, what you can do."
"Showed me how much potential I have and how much I can push other people to believe in themselves."
"Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
"You are bigger than the biggest dream or goal that you have."
"You will become so much greater than you even think you can get, like you can imagine yourself like one day I'm going to be like a badass I'ma be 10 feet, I'm saying if you grasp this, fuck 10 feet, you will be King Kong."
"In life, there is a giant with your name on it... only if you tap into the 'it' that God gave you."
"Every single person has that good king and that leader and that badass warrior inside of them."
"You have the power to turn anything into gold."
"You can learn all the talents and skills, but if you don't alter your internal thermostat, you'll live below your potential."
"You're just on your way to something special there."
"You were the one that was gonna do something special with your life, you were gonna make a difference in the world."
"If everybody believed in themselves being their full potential... how much happier and safer the world would be."
"You have the potential to manifest, so act on any ideas about career or finances."
"If you don't bring what is within you to fruition, the bitterness that accompanies that corrupts you."
"Innate power to achieve whatever it is you set out to do."
"He was just a symbol you can do way more than you think you can."
"You can achieve absolutely anything you really really can."