
Public Sentiment Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"Give me a break. The American public is tired of being played for suckers."
"Public sentiment is everything. You can get public sentiment either by making an argument or by inciting emotions."
"The American people are not feeling very loved right now. They're not feeling heard by the Biden Administration."
"Most people... just want is for their lives to work, and if politics isn't doing that for them, they're gonna get pissed."
"The American people are looking for answers and they're looking for hope."
"People used to cheer in the street in New York City... Praise the healthcare workers like they were actual heroes."
"It's just how the American people work, they want change."
"People are ready for a political revolution."
"For all his absurdities, Donald Trump was successful when he was absurd but he was authentic. He spoke to something; he spoke to anger that people felt."
"Most Americans are cheering for the results... unemployment's the lowest it's been in 50 years."
"All the American people want is some semblance of normalcy."
"They're not after me; they're after you. I'm just in the way."
"Public sentiment is everything. With it, you can accomplish almost anything; without it, practically nothing."
"It's so easy to have this mistrust in the government these days... it's sad that that's where it's at, but it's just kind of the reality of things."
"Speaking to people here all afternoon, people have been telling me that they wanted to be here so they could give her Majesty the send-off that they felt she deserved."
"The American people are not going to sit home for the next year. It's not going to happen."
"We just don't have a real appreciation of what it means to have a foreign force be there for so many years, causing massive amounts of resentment."
"Skepticism is at an all-time high, but the reasons for it are at a usual low."
"Elections like this one really do give us something to be hopeful about."
"Is it because people are fed up with social media corporate elitism and the disaster of communication and censorship that we have in the United States? Well, yeah, that's definitely one of the reasons."
"The Chinese public's hatred of the rich has risen, driven by the Chinese official media. Capital and capitalists have become derogatory terms in China."
"With public sentiment, anything is possible. Without it, nothing is."
"The French public were poor and frustrated and angry, and Marie was kind of a scapegoat for that anger."
"That to me, that is more distressing actually than any of these discrete incidents. We're in that dystopia."
"When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan."
"Don't trust big tech companies, 'cause I don't, along with every other human on the planet."
"I just think people are so sick of constantly being bossed around, restricted, mandated all these different things, we've had enough of it and we want people to be able to make their own decisions."
"We're not seeing the shifting of the political winds yet, but you're seeing a shifting of the Winds on the public sentiment."
"It's absolutely obscene that it's all being used to keep this war going."
"It's literally giving money to people in other countries for things that have no value for most Americans."
"The sentiment towards NFTs: in large part admonishment and hard rejection."
"The hedge fund industry is perceived as bearing no real risk, leading to justified rage."
"It's not that those policies are inherently popular or inherently wonderful, people aren't resonating to the policies, they're resonating to the notion put forward by the radicals that a change in policy will occasion a change in the spirit of man."
"People don't feel like the government is looking out for them."
"Anti-police sentiment gained traction during the BLM riots."
"Abusing the copyright system is universally despised."
"People are hungry, tired of getting fed rubbish garbage."
"The people are done with this crap, and they've been done with this crap for quite a while."
"Obama more than any other single personality except for Hillary Clinton felt the wrath of the voters on November 9."
"The goal is to get the people in our country angry enough that they start demanding our leaders take this crisis more seriously."
"The majority of the general population are crying out for some honesty."
"Most Americans aren't interested in seeing a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2024."
"58 percent say they would prefer someone other than Biden as their nominee in 2024."
"The people have had enough of being led to failure by a bunch of elites."
"There is some kind of optimism. People are starting to say enough of this, standing up, and saying it didn't work. It's not working, and we will not suffer any longer."
"We are seeing it. I'm certainly seeing it. More and more people are starting to stand up and be like, 'This is ridiculous. Defend the police.'"
"In the post-institutional age that we're in...people with bylines, massive buildings, the institutions that once kept our country together are now being mocked, ridiculed, and not taken seriously at all."
"We're bringing our soldiers back home. Nobody expected that from me, and people are so happy about it."
"People were just understandably annoyed at this post."
"Are you seeing a trend here? Yeah, uh, people are not happy and people are continuing to not be happy."
"This is what Britain needed today, this is what we've been needing."
"People shouldn't be alarmed, they should be enraged."
"You're not a Putin stooge if you're asking how much longer you can take this; you're just a normal person trying to live your life."
"We never really gave them peace. We never won the hearts and minds, if you will."
"The vast majority of Americans are appreciative of the service of law enforcement."
"Regular people are starting to have a little bit, they're reaching their limit."
"All that matters is you see stories like this and people start saying with all of the chaos and violence, do I want Joe Biden?"
"Nobody wanted Allegra to resign, and I was very sad that she did so."
"Regular people are sick and tired of what's happening."
"It's not fun because it's like this Goofy story people like you we're genuinely happy that they went to jail."
"There's a reason that internet censorship is gaining more and more steam now. The normies want this because they don't want to deal with your [ __ ] [ __ ] and they're tired of hearing 'get off the internet if you can't take it.'"
"Malik Ducard described inappropriate videos as 'extreme needle in the haystack.'"
"No one wants to look back at COVID, okay? No one wants to look back at COVID."
"Democratic party politics is now completely disconnected from the American population."
"A constituency that is losing hope and looking for change."
"Nobody wants Biden, and the people that even his own supporters don't want him," stated the speaker.
"People are tired of being forced under throats constantly."
"When you look at those differences, it's no wonder that the American people want a change in leadership."
"Sympathy and crappy policy matter a lot more than sympathy and good policy."
"A portion of America was still so enraged with the concept of a black man was president."
"They really hate the divisive angry rhetoric and the toxic politics."
"There is a feeling that status quo politics just is not working... people are tired of it."
"A pessimistic Outlook that reflected what a lot of people were feeling at the time which makes Peter's eventual return as Spider-Man all the more cathartic."
"I think it's a very exciting, important time in our history."
"The elites have realized that the people have stopped listening to them, that the people want to determine their futures."
"Eventually, that acceptance of reality will come, and the fact that even now there is this growing sense of Ukraine fatigue beginning to gain hold across the West is confirmation of that..."
"I think that people are getting fed up with the politics of misinformation, half-truths, untruths, and division."
"People are just sick and tired of being sick and tired."
"I do not think it is tenable for half of us to feel one way, half of us to feel the other way."
"This notion that somehow in 2021 when we're living longer, healthier, the world is mostly at peace... people want to believe that this is just the worst time ever."
"Going back to normal is going pretty horribly."
"Vladimir Putin is really expressing what most countries around the world, most peoples around the world are feeling."
"People will be losing confidence in the electoral process."
"We are truly blessed to have the kind of leadership that we have."
"People are incredibly frustrated and angry here in Texas. I encounter that anger all the time." - Todd Benjamin
"The American people know that they are not better off than they were four years ago."
"People don't like getting cut. Juries don't like to see people getting cut."
"Science is just trying to understand the natural world around us by using facts, evidence, and reason."
"Politicians don't speak for the people but that can only be allowed to go on for so long before the people finally get pissed off."
"I think it matters that people are pissed off."
"People are tired... the system does not work for them."
"This is intolerable and having a court or a jury say that might feel like some justice."
"74% of all voters think Trump supporters did the wrong thing by inciting violence and threatening our democracy."
"Maybe they're just trying to demoralize people, I don't know. That's what some people think."
"It's the purest reflection of sentiment, people are putting their money where their mouth is."
"We have to get started, there's a big difference though because people have really been through a lot."
"The people just said 'fuck off, we're gonna try it this way.'"
"This sense that the Taliban was sweeping to victory was also felt among many of the common rural people."
"Thanks for the vid, thanks for the tutorial, I just saved my whole universe from dying in a zombie apocalypse still using my tutorials, that's so amazing."
"I think there's a lot of distrust and distaste about that."
"The vast majority are outraged at what Russia has done."
"Good will always triumph over evil." - Rally attendee
"It's a way of getting people all riled up against incarceration."
"Russia's people are sending messages all across the world to cease this war."
"His victory sent a clear message: Argentinians wanted change bad."
"Imran Khan has become emblematic in Pakistan for the people's desire to breathe, to stand up as free men and women."
"The people of Libya had grown disillusioned with Gaddafi's unfulfilled promises."
"this is a w in the fight against systemic racism in this country and this is something that the people who are Against Racism are celebrating and the people who are for racism are mad right they're mad about it"
"We don't care because this law just doesn't make any sense."
"People are desperately and deeply unhappy with what's going on in the world."
"The politicians are never so bad you don't live to want them back."
"The share of Voters who strongly disapprove of President Biden's handling of his job has reached 47% higher than the time Sienna poll at any point in his presidency."
"We must change not only public policy but also public sentiment."
"The optimism dropping by more than twenty points just since May. What's the cause? The cause of that drop or democratic policies being enacted by winning the White House in the senate."
"A very timely offering because we started the show with this New York Times Sienna poll showing how awful people feel about the economy."
"The White House is wildly out of touch with the American people on this thing, like super out of touch."
"I think the American people, no matter how you vote, are sick and tired of drama."
"The American people hate critical race theory."
"Americans aren't clamoring for it; this was not the message of the last election."
"There are a lot more lovers than haters in this country."
"The American people want to move on and get things done for them."
"Chinese netizens flooded the comments section with sarcastic remarks."
"Years of savings for homeowners have turned to dust, leaving the populace lamenting these woeful times."
"When the righteous is in rule, the people rejoice; when the wicked is in rule, the people mourn."
"People just got fed up with it, and when that all blew up in '92, people were ready to say enough is enough."
"Concern about AI outweighs excitement across all major demographic groups."
"Sure, Putin’s approval rating has gone from 67% to 77% over the last year, but as more bodybags containing sons return to their mothers, we might see more support for the West and less support for perfidious Putin."
"I think maybe that they're starting to show a little bit of discontent out there."
"Enough is enough, basically. It's gone on for way way too long. Enough is enough."
"The worst possible thing for any of us is going to be not resolving these issues and having establishment elites poopoo the people."
"The goal is to have things so unstable, so scary, chilling everywhere, shocking images... the American people are being tenderized right now."
"No one's happy, the U.S. is in very dire straits."
"California will not survive... They've had enough, the public have had enough."
"How long will the American people be allowed to be fleeced?"
"The feeling that that people are are caught up in something that they really don't understand is overwhelming."
"There's no something on the horizon but people just feel it."
"The whole debate was fueled by a lot of negativity, and ordinary citizens were getting angry that while they served their time in the military, celebrities would get Exempted simply from promoting overseas."
"People feel worse about the conditions of the world than we often give them credit for."
"He threw he he like laser focus resentment right back at the political class and I think that's one of the reasons why so many people love them and why so many in the political class despise them."
"I think people are sick of being told that wrong is right and right is wrong."
"It adds to the sense of complete outrage among all Ukrainians."
"The vast majority of Americans, they don't want to sexualize kids."
"There's a palpable sense of frustration about people trying to get jobs."
"I've never been more optimistic about America and America's chances than I am today because I know the American people."
"2024 is shaping up to be... the country's more than ready because nobody wants those two choices at this point."
"It's like a national sentiment... it's a national sentiment against foreign ownership."
"United against the Glazers... it's a national sentiment."
"Who isn't tired of COVID? Everyone wants to get past it."
"Of course, a lot of people would be worried."
"I don't care about no stormy Daniels I don't care about no hos no prostitutes no slots or no tramps what I care about is how Congress is wasting our money."
"When somebody can come around and say, 'Look, I am for these progressive policies.'"
"Americans are tired of that anti-American stuff."
"Regular Americans in the American voter base are not for this."
"Maybe we're not crazy, maybe we're onto something. It's about time we get mad about it."
"We live in a world of social media and if you look on my Twitter feed for example the anger element is palpable."
"You know, it's so depressing what's going on."
"At the end of the day, America, you can freaking keep her. We don't want her back."
"I am bullish on America... there is a mass Awakening where people are not buying the BS anymore."
"There's more Chinese people that really want the truth than you think."
"That's what people want, they want it to go back to being good."
"Just be good again, make Disney great again."
"It's not great that Trump is president, it's not like something to celebrate."
"The reality is, if Donald Trump actually gave a damn about any of this, it's a good bet he probably would have been reelected."
"It's not that people don't care, it's that trust has been broken."
"Everything is unraveling because people have had their jobs stolen away, they've been locked away in their apartments, they've been isolated, their friends and relatives have died, and everybody is incredibly angry."
"People are tired, they're really tired the way politics have been for a long time."
"We had a duty, as a government, and we made the choice of helping them."
"It's a very bad sign ultimately for where Democrats stand across the country."
"Trump's win is the biggest Fu to all his enemies, the media, the politicians, Wall Street, Hollywood."
"Stop bullying and patronizing the silent majority or they will rise in terrible revolts."
"If the country really was over President Joe Biden... that is not what's happening."
"These people are rejecting, they're so angry, they are on edge. These people want to do everything to bring down Trump."
"Understanding that if people are worried about the economy, they're going to flock to safer investments."
"Can you understand the rage in the country as a result? I know I can."
"Let's go Brandon is the perfect phrase for these times."
"People are stressed out and they need to vent."
"Trump was not the reflection of hate in white people. He was a reaction to the state of distress inflicted upon them by an establishment that either manipulated them, took them for granted, or ignored them altogether."
"I think in terms of this wokeness the majority of America has had enough."
"The My Lai Massacre fueled anti-war sentiment and eroded public support."
"The outrage is good because it marks change, we're getting things done now." - Mia
"I have never seen spirit like it is right now and the reason is because crooked Joe Biden is so bad, he's the worst president in the history of our country."
"He is a middle finger to the establishment which everybody wants to send."
"I think the power of it comes from the fact that we've reached a point in history where people's frustrations at elites are justified."
"Like the Chernobyl musketeer, please America put this man out of everyone's misery but now actually seems like it might be a good time to talk."
"If there are massive numbers of people who feel passionately about it, everything will change for the better."
"When are people going to say enough is enough?"
"You've restored the hope that they can realize the American dream."
"Man, these people need to go to trial. It's crazy."
"The electorate right now, the American public right now, is more cynical, distrustful, and angry than it has ever been in the history of the people."
"Millions of Russian citizens are currently counting down the days for their country to be freed from Putin's dictatorial regime."
"And for the first time in my life have I ever felt that the government truly is against the people."
"It was one of those things where Americans were like, 'A pox on both your houses.' They're like, 'Screw both of you.'"
"People do not like their rights being taken away."
"Majority of Americans said that Joe Biden should resign."
"Everyone feels affected, everyone doesn't like it."
"People don't want to have a miserable winter if people can't handle another winter where they don't go out to parties I think that's completely fair."
"Forced lockdowns are not things that people will basically Stand By and endure any longer."
"Enough is enough. It's disgusting, it needs sorting out."
"The people in charge are not looking after the people that are being ruled. We are angry. Don't condescend us any longer. Tell us the truth. Things have got to change."