
Ethical Living Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"Aligning what you're great at, your excellence, with what you love doing, what engages you, with your ethical sense, what matters to you, you have what he calls good work."
"Do unto others as you would have done to yourself."
"The answer to the problem of humanity is the integrity of the individual."
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
"Most of the responsibility of ethical living has to be the responsibility of the global 1%... if you have the means to do so, if you in any ways can become more sustainable in your individual consumption, do what you can."
"It's better to create a world where we have those goods... virtues like forgiveness, mercy, compassion, courage."
"Just because bad things happen on every level doesn't mean we shouldn't do our bit to try and stop them wherever we can."
"You don't need to harm animals to better ourselves."
"Do the right thing just at the tiny level, and again, this raises your operation and bigger stuff will come."
"We take the most responsibility for ourselves and our actions. That's what the law of karma does—it puts it right back on us."
"It's not enough to go to church or temple; what matters is taking responsibility for our actions and making ethical choices that reflect our deepest values."
"The best choice for me the best choice for we, where's the best choice for we the best choice for me."
"What you do to benefit your own personal health also happens to benefit the planet and the animals that we share the planet with."
"Veganism, to myself, is maintaining a diet that doesn't affect the earth in any way and its inhabitants."
"For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
"If you believe life is sacred, then we must live as if all life is sacred."
"Morality as a topic isn't just about what ideas you have; it's just as much, if not more, about living those morals."
"Life that's of sufficient moral integrity to justify the suffering."
"I'm a big, I'm religious you know, treat others how you want to be treated."
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
"Try to develop your own internal metric... what matters and what is good."
"Conduct yourself in a manner guided by what's even higher than death and Hell, and then you can live in the face of suffering and malevolence."
"I guess I just don't see why you wouldn't just live by that."
"It's just about taking a reasonable effort to further something that you consider to be morally righteous."
"To do right is the path to feeling better about yourself."
"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."
"It's about causing the least amount of suffering to animals, people, and the planet."
"Jesus said, 'At the end of life, you will be judged based on how you treated the least of these.'"
"Don't cheat and don't be racist. That's how I'm gonna sign off."
"Godly fasting leads to godly living; legalist fasting leads to loose living."
"The whole point of morality is not to tell other people what to do but to get some kind of control over yourself."
"What makes me happy is making people happy. This is ... just having a positive vibe around me."
"You cannot in the same moment of thought, want to harm someone and want to do good."
"Maybe there is no God, but maybe that's not the whole point of these teachings. The whole point is to teach us how to get along, how to live."
"Human solidarity will get you quite a long way ethically."
"Practical spirituality is the act of bringing our spiritual values like compassion, integrity, and kindness into every interaction and decision."
"The harm principle: not to do harm to others or interfere unnecessarily with their choices."
"If you're against animal cruelty, you should probably be vegan."
"I wear the armor of God, grounded in morality, truth, and ethical decisions."
"Don't tell other people how to live their life unless it's hurting someone."
"Bitcoin was born in the 2008 financial crisis as an antidote to poor central banking policy."
"Good cannot be accomplished without courage, and it is the rarest of human traits."
"Being born a male is a chance, but being a man is a choice."
"Do not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals."
"Do right by our planet, make the right decisions in life."
"Treat other people how you want to be treated. If you don't want it done to you, don't do it to anybody else. It's the easiest way not to be a piece of [__]."
"It's about minimizing our contribution to the suffering of animals as much as it is possible for us to do so."
"The disposition to do justice and to be charitable, these are not technical skills, they're virtues."
"Civil society fostering moral virtues of self-restraint, justice, of charity, humility is enormously important."
"A leader walks their talk, who lives their highest truth."
"Scamming is for lames... Stealing people's stuff is lame, man."
"I have been trying so very hard to do the right thing."
"Ram embodies three important values: the value of ethics, the value of sacrifice, and the value of valor."
"Like we do this you know for the animals and the planet and also we know that we can do it because because we could be healthy."
"Do the right thing every day and you constantly work and strive to be the best person."
"Stick to your values, stick to the higher path."
"It is the will of God that every single one of His children live in such a fashion that you and I impact other people for good."
"What I want you to ask yourself this morning is this: God, by the life that I'm living, am I pure salt? Am I really making a difference?"
"Live a God-fearing life even if God doesn't exist because you actually feel better doing it."
"Don't let your morals make you lie to yourself."
"In the absence of [taking responsibility], you would be a conduit for terrible things to enter the world."
"Rediscovering our love and respect for animals is not a process of learning anything new but unlearning the moral status that we've unjustifiably placed upon these animals."
"How do you live ethically in a world where there's so many unethical things?"
"Let's get back to the golden rule: love thy neighbor and do unto others as you want them to do unto you."
"If you're a good person you've got everything."
"What veganism is, is to live in a way that excludes as far as possible and practicable the exploitation and use of animals."
"Living a holy life compels us to pursue righteousness and flee from sin."
"Our task is to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all of nature and all living creatures."
"We all want to be good people. We rarely want to admit our faults, grievances, or mistakes, but you must decide what you truly want."
"The Society for Ethical Culture aims to promote ethics, social justice, and moral values without relying on religious beliefs."
"Treat people the way you would want to be treated and let go of fear."
"Understanding that in doing so we are not only impacting lives in the present but also storing up Treasures in Heaven for eternity."
"Muslims live their lives with the Hereafter in mind, striving for good deeds and righteousness."
"It offers answers to how should I live my life, how should I relate to my employer, how should I treat my wife."
"Do it because you know you have good in your heart."
"Compassion for other living beings is crucial."
"Love means willing their good so never be unkind, never be judgmental, never be overbearing—love."
"The point is to be a good human being, the moral life embraces all of what it means to be a human being."
"May I not take your name in vain, Lord. May I love my neighbor and not bear any false witness against my neighbor."
"Working on minimizing waste is already a huge step in the ethical direction."
"If what I've done is right, my life will be worth living."
"Religion is to love your neighbor unconditionally."
"Becoming a great martial artist is a lifestyle, a regimen, a certain ethic that you live by."
"You're far more free by doing it the right way."
"We should try to be better, we should try to cause better."
"Treat everyone how you would like to be treated."
"I challenge ministers to quit this crap and stand up and walk with God and live what you preach and quit upholding killing children."
"Following your joy isn't going to be buying a mega yacht and you know destroying other people's lives is it."
"Intelligence means distinguishing what is right and what is wrong and giving us the will power to do the right and stay away from the wrong."
"Conscious of how our choices are affecting everybody around us."
"Religiosity that lives within these ethical constraints... is going to be a more healthy manifestation of religiosity."
"Could you imagine if everyone just decided to be free and upright within integrity?"
"The way you treat people always has a way of coming back to you."
"We teach the law statutes and Commandments, so that we are not living a life of sin."
"Be careful, do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it's possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."
"The way we treat other human beings... says a lot."
"Living righteously is not a luxury; it's a responsibility."
"Consider this notion of Ahimsa. Non-harming."
"Keeping virtue intact is another thing we should be pushing towards."
"Think about love; let love be without hypocrisy, abhor what is evil, cling to what is good."
"Would you rather be a good godly person or would you rather not endure abuse?"
"I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and Men."
"The highest form of morality is following the truth."
"If you name the name of Jesus Christ... depart from evil."
"Whatever you do to the least among me there thus you also do to me."
"Morality is about making decisions that are life affirmative, supporting all of us."
"Never have to choose between doing good and feeling good every day."
"As long as you aren't hurting those around you, you should be free to be how you wish to be."
"Whether the China Study exists or not, a well-planned vegan diet is healthy, better for the environment, and kinder to sentient beings."
"If you truly believe that God exists, the demand to live in congruence with that belief is incredibly high."
"I don't lie, I don't cheat, and I don't steal. I am an honest, hard-working person."
"Love God who made you and your neighbor as yourself. Whatever you want people to refrain from doing to you, you must not do to them."
"It's not about forcing, it's about providing moral guardrails."
"Love your neighbor as yourself. It's a value we all try to live by."
"That's what makes you a good human man because we all know people that don't and at what cost."
"Good done from the heart in the spiritual world attracts heavenly company, while evil done from the heart brings us into closer proximity to hell."
"I want all people to live righteous and good, whether they're male or female."
"Are you doing something that helps human life become more ethical?"
"Live vegan, it's a beautiful way to be and to live."
"You have to align with integrity and dignity."
"We each have a responsibility for the world in which we live."
"I shouldn't be like them, I should be better than that."
"To lead the good and happy life, you also need to act virtuously."
"Your responsibility all the time all the time."
"Doing the right thing continuously, no matter what you did before, that's what matters."
"People that live their life with integrity are unafraid to stand up for themselves."
"Be not a cancer on the earth, leave room for nature."
"If there's no necessity for us to harm an animal, just don't."
"In as much as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
"Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. If we can just do that in the world, right?"
"Humanism promotes the value and goodness of human beings."
"Let love be without dissimulation... Live peaceably with all men... Provide things honest in the sight of all men."
"Freedom comes with limitations and responsibilities."
"Live by a simple moral system: Harm no one, mind your own business."
"Everything is one. Treat your neighbors as you would treat yourself."
"It is to deliver or to rescue or to save you from the way of evil men."
"It's humanity 101. It's only cool if you're the one doing it right."
"We have to have a basis for right, wrong, for morality, of what is true and what is not."
"Live by the golden rule and prove to yourself that the kingdom of heaven is on earth."
"Focus on progress and focus on being a good person."
"Clean living comes from doing the right thing."
"Always in life make sure you treat people how you want to be treated."
"When you set out to honor self, you dishonor God."
"First, do no harm, and then I would say, do what feels right for you."
"No animal... we need to stop harming them for our own purposes."
"We just have to do the best we can not to kill."
"As long as you're doing the right thing, what do you have to fear?"
"Christianity is not just a set of values that means being really loving and caring toward other people."
"In my ideal Utopia, there would be a complete injunction against unjustified killing of animals."
"Live up to the highest you know. God never asks more than that of anyone."
"A good reputation is more valuable than money."
"It's not about doing what's easy; it's about doing what's right... would you rather live knowing you did the wrong thing or would you rather die knowing that you stood up for what was right?"
"Each of us has the right to live our own life however we see fit, so long as we're not violating the natural rights of others."
"As long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anybody else, then it's fantastic."
"He lives by a code, there are things that he believes about taking care not only of yourself but more importantly taking care of those around you."
"Karma is real, I don't want that on my conscience."
"A vow to live up to Ben's words: great power and great responsibility."
"Let the thief steal no longer, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need."
"I'm an advocate for living naturally and of course cruelty-free, making sure that everything is vegan, but I also think it's fun to do stuff like this and just see what happens."
"Life is not about what is good or bad, life is about what is wise."
"Live a life that glorifies God, a life of holiness, a life of purity."
"You shouldn't create arbitrary criteria to judge other people on whenever you don't live up to that criteria yourself."
"I just feel like when you know better we got to do better."
"Our daily actions are creating misery in the rest of the world."
"Always do your best, be impeccable with your word."
"Be kind, don't lie, open your mind. There's truth inside."
"Don't be a shitty person, do the exact opposite."
"Treat others how you want to be treated, basic but often overlooked."
"Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are the three virtues I use to guide my life and to build my life."
"Never steal because you never know what that could mean to that person."
"Always live with love, with humility, with Integrity, with compassion, with joy."
"Just be a good person, that's all that matters."
"Every religion says that you sow what you reap, treat others how you want to be treated."
"I believe in conserving righteousness truth balance and Order."
"In this world, you must conduct yourself in a way that's worthy of protection."
"We are the owners of our karma. It's our personal responsibility."
"You ain't got to worry when you're a good person."
"Morality exists for us to live in a better world we've constructed and agreed on particular moral principles."
"Whoever sows to please the spirit will reap eternal life."
"An educated person is one who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they can acquire anything they want or its equivalent without violating the rights of others."
"Choosing words carefully, trying not to lie... that's one way in which he tries to act as if God is watching him."
"Responsibility to yourself and to Society to try not to be the worst person ever."
"We shouldn't be trying to cut each other down and be jealous and take advantage of manipulate and hypnotize and get money out of people and all this other evil that came from the group."
"Permaculture starts with ethics: care for the earth, care for people, and return the surplus."
"Veganism is about justice, not necessarily about becoming friends with animals."
"Certain good deeds bring about the light in the cover."
"It's not about your age it's about years of doing the right thing."
"There is no defense that any skeptic or cynic has for a credible, consistent, authentically lived life."
"Every great life has to be earned; it can't be lived on the backs of others."
"Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly." - "What does the Lord require of us? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly."
"The game of life only has one real set of rules folks, and that's to do the right thing."
"What's important is that we find as a species how we can be good stewards of planet's resources other people and live by the Golden Rule."
"You are the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds."
"Gratitude, forgiveness, accountability, inspiration: Values to live by."
"The righteous person is far more concerned with one's own faults than with the perceived shortcomings of other people."
"Keep clean the house, the children, your speech, and your intentions."
"Live and conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Lord."
"There is no law against goodness... against such there is no law."
"Let's use that same energy to do something honest. It's probably easier to make a living then."
"If we can't treat each other with love, then we're not doing it right."