
Societal Understanding Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Every time we've realized a social ill or malady was not due to personal fault but a condition or circumstance out of their control, it's become a more humane place."
"People don't understand how fragile democratic ideals are."
"If there's anything we're going to take from this, let it be the fact that conservatism as an ideology is predicated almost entirely on an inability to understand the world around you."
"The question is not did racism take place, but how did racism manifest in this situation."
"Nobody is vilifying policing in a broad perspective. We're vilifying police brutality."
"We're all intersectional because we all understand that things can have more than one cause."
"Perception is reality as the saying goes, and I feel like this story and this concept is missing. It has a lack of perspective in understanding the problem."
"It just takes a lot to make you think that one party thinks one way and not another party thinks another."
"that should be known to all people that all people should understand this is not a people in islam or people in christianity who makes ham to the society it is the ideology which harm the human being"
"We can acknowledge historical fact without it thinking it leads to another line of thinking of like that means this nation, you know, these people need to be eradicated or they need to be moved."
"Arguments about sides in this struggle are often deeply heated because they tie into people's actual understandings of the world around them."
"Even smart people who know about the importance of hierarchies... it's just not a topic that tends to enter their awareness."
"You are the only repository of functional information about how the world works in America right now."
"Protesting environments aren't chaotic; riots are."
"I think defunding the police or demilitarizing the police needs the structure of how policing exists in America itself needs to be restructured."
"It's deep programming when you realize how things actually work."
"What we are watching right now is a return to a misunderstanding of civilization... you are not at the mercy of forces around you... you're a free rational actor... you have a responsibility to make good and moral decisions..."
"Well, we're not gonna understand each other better if we stay separated."
"I think eventually... people will figure it out."
"Reasonable people have different views based on their backgrounds, based on their heritage, based on how they grew up, based on a range of other issues."
"I want real conversations. I want to know what's actually going on."
"If you're just a kid in the middle of England or the middle of the US who doesn't have family who understands this..."
"The whole system behind them has pushed them to that point, so we have to see past the excuses people use and try to understand."
"We all need to understand that's the big victory in this election."
"What is cynicism really? Cynicism is the belief that nothing can be changed. It is a natural and accurate understanding of the reality around them when they are atomized, when they don't have political parties, when they don't have institutions."
"We've got to get much, much better at telling stories about why America is the way that it is today."
"It's all acceptable, it's all authentic, and it's that complexity this short-circuited approach completely forgets."
"People vote their damn temperament, giving you more understanding of those who sit on the other side of you politically."
"Stories and narratives essentially orient us to the world."
"The racial contract can block white people from realizing what's really happening."
"The more you separate yourself from the collective, the more the world is going to make sense to you."
"It's incredibly useful to go back into history and see who these people were and what they were actually trying to accomplish."
"A functioning democracy depends on a shared understanding of reality." - Dan Pfeiffer
"There is always something we can do... it's about understanding the reality of the world we live in and what we can actually do about it."
"Racism must be understood as more than a set of individual beliefs."
"I mean, there's a lot of nuance and lot's of different ideas about it, but for the most part we know what it's supposed to be: the ability of the people to make decisions for themselves."
"This paints an entirely different picture about our past, doesn't it?"
"Mental disorders will never be excuses for doing bad things... mental illnesses can make someone act like a monster and we should understand that..."
"Complaining? Just understand. Be more sympathetic and empathetic towards them. Mental health is important."
"We are being forced to see things through another perspective."
"Understanding ancient Rome's economy: mundane realities reveal the essence of a society."
"The concept of systemic racism is often confusing because it's not located in the individuals or the policies but in the 'system.'"
"When you understand why, you understand why people dislike black people."
"Choose a leader that understands what's going on."
"There are no simple black and white ideas in the world."
"I want to encourage everyone to be patient with these folks... remember they're ignorant like little children."
"We're all part of the same system in a much more integrated and thorough way than we ever appreciated."
"Until you live in a black or brown person's body, you're not going to understand."
"Once you understand what your damn culture is, the politics, the education, the economics, the judicial, everything falls into place."
"Old people in power don't understand things, Millennials take over soon."
"I think it's really important to know our history and understand how it informed how our society worked."
"Media representation is a powerful tool to shape cultural understanding."
"You have to understand the cultural moment, you have to understand the thinking at the time."
"If you're going to judge the Ukrainian people by a group of 100 idiots... it's the same as looking at Palestine and judging the Palestinian people based on the actions of extremists."
"Recognizing that is the beginning of political wisdom."
"What it says is really the cultural ignorance of not understanding how we are a diverse society."
"Gullibility is an absolute precondition of social organization, of civil society."
"Evil exists as a force in this world, whether we describe it in terms of witchcraft or psychiatry."
"Comedy can still thrive in a landscape where we are more understanding and accepting."
"I appreciate Gen Z so much because I feel like they just have a better grasp on these things."
"Yesterday's conspiracy theory is today's history."
"Black folks are not monolithic just like other races."
"An average Yoruba that is smart enough knows what is going on."
"I'm not sure why we need it... I'm not sure that in order for black people to overcome, all Americans need to understand what we've been through."
"Folks understand that the black experience is not monolithic."
"So it's extremely important to understand the underlying psychology of what's happening here and how this happens."
"Every culture has a story, a worldview that explains who we are, what life is, and what our purpose is."
"Somewhere between denying horrible events and calling them out lies the truth or psychological trauma."
"Everybody's different, everybody's got their own battles to fight."
"I think the world is a lot more complicated than what I consider to be a very low resolution description."
"Our civilian society is not very well connected to the men who protect and serve everybody."
"There's a complete lack of real-world understanding of what actually goes on in people's lives."
"Trans women are women, trans women are trans women, it's a very different experience, women are women."
"Most people are good; we're all trying to understand the world."
"There's a big difference between circumstantial racism and systemic racism."
"It's tragic, it's really, and it's probably more there's much more understanding to be found in psychology or mass psychology or sociology than in political science or political philosophy."
"It's rational to believe conspiracy theories because enough of them are true."
"What we were looking at was not the betrayal of evangelical values, we simply didn't fully understand what those values were."
"Trans women are women because biological gender is different from gender."
"Golden ages were short, and written history is recent. Understanding ancient times helps us understand the present."
"Things are much more nuanced and complex than the vast majority of people will ever realize much less admit to but i don't want to ramble on for too long."
"History is about understanding who we are today and where we can go in the future."
"We live in the knowledge Society. The more you know, the more you understand, the better you're gonna be off in the long run."
"I feel everything I do, I can't control my actions, my mind yells for help, but my body does not agree. I wish the world would understand."
"The more you're aware of all these things that are going on, the smarter you're all going to be."
"The only way to permanent negate all of the various forms of class conflict is to understand how capitalism controls and manipulates society."
"The Negro situation is commonly perceived by whites in terms of the visible manifestation of discrimination and poverty."
"Representation is a huge deal, seeing your reality represented and the perspectives of people you already know and love in the real world on screen is a big deal for yourself and helping others to understand the life that you live."
"Chris Nolan is one of the few directors who gets to go out and make these really unique really original IPs."
"Asexuality, like pretty much all sexualities, is not approached with the nuance or complexity that it deserves."
"One of the most important things you need for a functioning democracy is a populace that knows and understands how the world really works."
"What you're talking about is exactly what systemic racism is."
"A call for solidarity...to figure out what's going on in contemporary social movements." - Emphasizing the importance of unity in understanding societal shifts.
"When we talk about people who are my age and there are people who are within the 18 to 29 year old demographic they may not necessarily understand the whole, you know, idea behind the civil rights movement."
"I think that to me is an important difference and it's critical in explaining why a person who identifies as gender different from when they're assigned as at birth."
"But when we don't teach history and our children don't have a good grasp on the subject of History, those are the kind of responses we get—just no more Hiroshima's no more Nagasakis."
"Common knowledge can have dark sides and bright sides."
"Understand that mental health and understand that those issues in life are not always so easy to put a finger on."
"Ethnicity is a cultural thing not a biological thing."
"We all have our biases, and I think it's important to talk to people of all walks of life."
"It's essential that we understand and learn the history of how government created segregation."
"This theory that every single white person in this country is racist, I think throughout the conversation and understanding a little bit more of my ignorance and the definition of it, I feel like I've shifted a little bit."
"We need to actually start seeking out actual history, let's start seeking out what actually happened and let's start actually trying to understand the experiences of others."
"They're not the ones that need to learn lessons about the real world. They understand it, they're trying to bring it to people like those two who have no interest in learning, unfortunately."
"Almost everything we know about addiction is wrong."
"Shocking actually interacting with trans people and understanding that they're just humans like you and me is a good way to actually see them as that."
"Have you considered the perspective of black individuals in America?"
"The move from conceptualizing racism as something that one locates at the level of the individual to something one locates at the level of the system."
"The world in many ways is... higher understanding, greater sensibility, changes... but not despair because it can be changed. You despair when you think it can't be changed, and that's not true. It can be."
"The fact is there has been kind of a massive underdiagnosis of autism over the years... What's that thing about like left-handedness... the autistic people have always been there it's just that more of us have a name for who we are now."
"They want to explain their understanding of society to you in a different way."
"Nothing in dominant society gives us the information we need to have a complex and nuanced understanding of this topic coupled with our investment in it."
"We want to make these abstract theories relevant to your life. So therefore don't shy away. If you have opinions, if you can reflect how the course helped, or did not help, to understand yourself in society, do so. Right?"
"Truth is a kind of line that lives on like it just keeps going so everything we're talking about right now, people could argue it, they could politicize it, they could do it, but it's still true."
"I think an understanding of institutions as morally formative is an essential piece of that puzzle and that we've lost that understanding."
"It's hard to explain to the rest of society, and it's definitely becoming a little harder, especially for a herd 300 cows."
"It's very important to understand this because it helps you understand where we are today, how we got here, and where we're going."
"If we can decouple human value from wage labor, we'll have a much richer understanding of what it means to be human."
"Sophelia then begged ekisen that she wanted to learn more about that world and what is likely to be in society with her own eyes."
"A historic perspective is very important in preparing somebody that has to deal with society and human beings."
"Increasing the diversity of what we teach is critical to providing students with a better understanding of who we are as a society and where we are going."
"As a family, trying to raise three autistic children in a society that really struggles to understand what autism is, is really hard."
"The great thing about public service is it takes you out of your privileged life and lets you see other people living in different ways."
"We need maps of how society works as a system."
"Until the people of this society can understand and separate the concept of impractical success and real-world consequences, cases like this will continue to make their appearance."
"How many of you really have an understanding of politics and how the world works?"
"Whether it is the dessert shop or the rights to the road, Demon Lord Ramiru understands human society well."