
Societal Improvement Quotes

There are 1193 quotes

"We can build a world in which we protect people from damaging folks and hopefully along the way recognizing how people became damaging."
"There's so many positive-sum ways we could restructure the mating market to work better for everybody."
"It probably would be an overall net positive if people did not want to engage in bullying, did not want to engage in violence."
"You have to help the world become a place where that kid like you needed a safety net."
"You're trying to diminish malevolence and ignorance... your best bet is to do something better and use that as a model."
"If you're going to attack, you have to also build."
"I believe healing our country is going to take what I call radical empathy."
"The way to get something changed in the world today is with technology."
"The good things we take for granted were done by radicals."
"Our children are our future, so why don't we start educating our children."
"Abortion is the end of a lot of other problems. There's a lot of things before then, so I would love if for us as a society, focus on providing a better life for everyone."
"I think we deserve better. Americans deserve better."
"The most important thing for the United States is to do the fundamental things right and also to come together."
"We need to focus on creating better conditions to work, live, learn, and play."
"We have to be better. We have to love more, hate less. We got to listen more and talk less."
"We look at all the problems on the planet... I think the biggest solution... is if we can solve people's health and make them more productive for another 10 years."
"Hopefully we stop calling each other cheap names; that would be a nice start."
"We want society as a whole to be better because it benefits all of us."
"It's better to create a world where we have those goods... virtues like forgiveness, mercy, compassion, courage."
"If society is going to get any better, we are going to have to get out of our feelings and we are going to have to move forward into something a little bit more stable."
"People need to believe that the system we live in now is not the best of all possible systems."
"We have brought together a plan that has delivered and improved the lives of the average Jamaican."
"We need systems that will allow people to more effortlessly do the right thing."
"Let's focus on helping people, improving people's lives."
"We have to get smart, we have to get serious, we have to win and win for the people."
"Institute policies to make things marginally better instead of instituting policies to make them marginally worse."
"Every change we make helps a life, helps a human, preserves liberty, helps that family."
"Nothing makes you care more about building a better society than having children."
"We have a lot of work to do. Shows like this, us coming together and having this dialogue, it's only gonna try to get us, you know, not only just to middle ground but to treat each others as humans."
"The world is not fine, but the world is much better, and that's important because that puts us in a very different frame of mind."
"Most people just want to improve their condition and I don't think people are as tied up on the philosophy of the government as they are about improving their condition."
"By almost every indicator imaginable, things are going in the right direction: life expectancy has gone up, child mortality has gone down...and even lightning strike deaths are down."
"All we're looking for is some reason to be hopeful."
"Politics is not where you go for personal fulfillment; politics is where you go to try to fix real problems in society and your personal [stuff] has to take a back seat if you're going to be an adult."
"Until we acknowledge human nature as it is, or at least try to get some more accurate picture of it, we're not gonna be able to fix things."
"The world is becoming a better place, but you're not going to hear about that on the nightly news."
"What do you have to lose by trying something different if you're in one of those situations where you've been sold out and completely forgotten about?"
"I hope we can get there, and I think that among most of those points, [the other speaker] is going to be an ally of mine."
"I'm crazy about the Ten Commandments... they alone would make a good world."
"We want to invest in a better country, a country where people look out for each other."
"Behind every tragedy, there is a lesson to be learned, and whether that be in the form of heightening security or improving mental health facilities, we should never stop in our desire to make our cities a safer place for everyone."
"The process of free speech is the process by which dogmatic errors are rectified."
"I want a class of people that question, that are strong, that are powerful, that make humanity better."
"The country would be a better country if all the best people could accomplish their potential."
"It's the struggle to call out what is good in every American."
"These systems are insidious and will take decades, if not centuries, to dismantle, but we could start chipping away at the foundation by taking personal accountability."
"If we make enough money, how can we have a bigger impact on just making things better?"
"We're trying to combat it and so now, the beauty is moving forward, we can create a counter-narrative. We can create more healthier dialogues and more healthier conversations to be able to create better men, better women, and improve Black America."
"A world where more people are traumatized but less people die is better than a world where more people die and less people are traumatized."
"Your life is going to be a life if you understand the analogy of the Quran... you are going to be the means by which the world will be a better place."
"Free Speech, supporting the rule of law, burgeoning the middle class – these are good morals."
"If more people went home and got families, we would be better off culturally."
"I think that social democracy is the path forward because... we need to make sure that we have a system that understands that [ownership] brings with it negative things as well. It brings with it inequality, issues related to education and health, and the relationships between people and so many other things."
"What has been hidden is coming to the forefront, at least we know what we're dealing with and at least we know where we can find justice and make the world a better place in the long run."
"We need to invest now in the things that will help bridge that gap between rich and poor because as that gets worse, everybody pays."
"I just wish politics in this country was about what we can do to make American lives better."
"The world is getting better on almost every level."
"Justice is the only path to creating a better world."
"We need to educate our children better right from the start."
"If America has no culture, that would only make the country better – it means that the best aspects of every culture in the world rise to the top, creating a super culture."
"Maybe we never get there, probably we don't, but every step closer makes things a little bit better."
"I feel personally that you do have a civic duty to make your community, society, country, nation better."
"Let's effectuate change so that 'remember when' becomes 'right now'."
"Do not let anyone tell you that it cannot be done and somehow it's going to hurt us. It will not. It will just help improve our lives."
"If we want better men, we have to be better men."
"A mandatory national service could ensure that for at least two years of your life, you commit to improving society and learn something marketable."
"But what do we do in reality just honestly, just hand on heart, what do we do to make life better, the life of all people, not just one’s own."
"We need more joyful and sensible human beings."
"America is a great place; it just needs some more love and pride."
"I preach discipline, being diligent, and stoic. We're going to have a better society, not a worse society."
"America's fine if, IF people understand… not how good they have it but how many opportunities they have to make it better."
"The more people know, the better the world's gonna be."
"We would love for everyone to be incredibly rational... but actually, we'll settle for just people doing it slightly less wrong."
"If we all do that, I do think that America can see a better day because I think we're in a dark moment right now."
"The world is actually getting safer over time, but almost no one knows it... life expectancy is up, child mortality is down, global income inequality is down."
"We are trying to bring the education system, which is the biggest problem our country faces, into the mainstream."
"If you center those who are most vulnerable in your considerations, it will make life better for everyone."
"We're not getting normal back, but we can do better. We can do better by one another."
"I feel like I can construct a better moral system with determinism than I can with compatibilism because... determinism gives you the ultimate compulsion to construct the best environment possible."
"Jihad means you strive by your resources, your time, your talent, to make yourself, your family, your society, your mosque, your church, your society better, and then humanity better."
"Large language models have the potential to provide numerous societal benefits such as improving healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability."
"I would love to see America embrace a little bit more meritocracy in their system."
"To attribute every problem in American life to racism or inequity is to be foolish and counterproductive and not to make the world a better place."
"We're trying to build a better society where people can live without fear."
"If we treated each other like people we actually like, the world would be a much more reasonable place."
"I would probably start a bunch of schools... Better schools than we have now."
"Everybody took care of themselves; the world would be a much better place."
"Education should be available to everybody, and it shouldn't be a roadblock because we want people to be able to sort themselves out economically and educationally without having a financial barrier there."
"It's important to put a lot of our efforts into making this a better society."
"We know that the starting point is uneven, but we can generate equitable outcomes and give everybody a level playing field."
"Empower men to be better because if there's better men, that means that women have better options, and that women will be happier and the world will be a better place."
"We have to acknowledge that reality exists and then you have to work around what reality is in order to make a better society."
"What we need is continual, constant engagement in our society."
"The goal of reparations should be to substantially improve the material as well as societal, and hopefully mental well-being of a lot of Black people that were disenfranchised and are actively being disenfranchised by systemic racism."
"Critical thought, I mean, damn, this country could really use a subject like that in schools."
"We have shown profound progress in education, profound progress in health care."
"The recipe for a good world is all there in these ten sublime Commandments."
"We need more active engagement from people. To give back power to the people through education is paramount."
"Inequality exists for both men and women, and it's desirable to address both of them."
"If we can bring accountability in hospitals, in Congress, in Medicare Medicaid, in real estate, in education, a lot of things are going to change. But they fear that one word: accountability."
"I prefer a society of people who are constantly fighting for what is best because it's the sedentary, it's the lazy, it's the inactive which results in real hard times."
"If I can have a difference of opinion but still see the humanity in someone and treat them with that regard, then I think we still have work we can do."
"To the young people who led us this summer, telling us we need to be better in so many ways, you are this country's dreams fulfilled."
"It's not as low as I wanted to be, it's not as low as you wanted to be... but if you look at the numbers, crime rates are down."
"Accept the responsibility for making things better."
"It's easier to build up healthy children than to repair broken men."
"Most people imagine political change coming at the expense of great violence, but I don't believe that's necessary or desirable."
"Just the lives of everyday men and women were massively improved."
"Just because it's all bad news when it comes to like our history, it doesn't mean we're bad people. It means we could be better and learn from it."
"A world in which we set about trying to figure out the future would be a better world."
"We should be more focused on our Collective well-being raising the standards for people."
"We start replacing stimulus of negative with the stimulus of a mutual aspiration."
"If every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board."
"The reality is that we've got to do better for our youth."
"A world with fewer Nazis, however many of them there were before or now, is the world more likely to have fewer people die needlessly in the future."
"Ultimately, we are working to build a happier and healthier world."
"Interrupt the cycles of poverty and violence."
"How do we create a system that emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad?"
"You win elections to burn the capital to improve lives."
"We need to fix the system, not just exacerbate disagreements."
"Civilization is the history of conspiracy - a conspiracy for all of us to do better by working together."
"How can we improve all of ourselves rather than where it feels like we're in Survivor trying to [__] over the other parties as much as possible?"
"We have to be bring honesty and a willingness to talk about difficult ideas back to the table."
"The issue is not the American people; the question is how do we build institutions and connections that allow goodness, decency, common sense of ordinary folks to express itself in the decisions that are made."
"So if we can find other domains, where we can make it easy and help with problems, then that's the place to start."
"I think the key thing is to apply history to try to learn from history what we can do about today."
"Make the world a better place, that's the goal anyway."
"The answer to restoring families is not just telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps; you have to understand the psychology of the average person."
"Psilocybin mushrooms make for nicer people, I really do."
"Society would thrive more without social media."
"There's nothing more important than us developing stronger leaders."
"Cynicism equals questioning, which gets us to a better place."
"Don't let believing that get in the way of making America better."
"Taking full individual responsibility naturally benefits your community."
"Rehabilitation are really critical, particularly in a culture that incentivizes disposal."
"If everybody was able to do this, I think it would be marvelous."
"The family needs to improve for society to improve."
"The role of government is to decrease the suck and increase the awesome."
"Innovation solves problems and makes the world a better place."
"We have to keep inquiring, keep asking, working out how we can live together in a better way."
"We just need to provide people with more homes, more food, and more jobs, and we'll be just fine."
"So this instinct to resist a corrupt and broken system by shutting down everything that doesn't sound right is going to prevent us from getting to a new system."
"How will you restore a society that ensures that its youngest citizens will be better off than their parents?"
"Once we're united, if that ever happens, things will get better."
"The problem is a culture that doesn't align with our nature and a culture that doesn't nourish the best angels of our nature."
"Ultimately, policies are going to improve your life."
"The goal here is to understand the experience of other people, understand our own experience, then do whatever we can to help it. It's about moving it forward."
"The world needs more beautiful, healthy, happy babies."
"Is the way forward to a brighter future dependent on us all individually learning to control our Savage nature or is it achieved by everyone working together to create systems which bring out the goodness inherent in us all?"
"We need to come together, have productive conversations, and reasonable conversations."
"In the 21st century, the best anti-poverty program around is a world-class education."
"If we really cared about society, we would be teaching people how to think independently."
"It’s about helping people. You campaigned for the forgotten men and women of this country."
"Let's improve our healthcare, let's improve our public transport, what Carol Williams and others call the foundational economy."
"The conflict makes the country a better place."
"The number one way to improve female mental health is to make men better men."
"Rather ironically I say let's get on with it, you know? I'm 63 and I want this to happen so my kids and their kids when they're born will be living in a good world."
"Overall, the average life was longer, healthier, and better educated."
"Everybody is spinning, ladies and gentlemen, the job of a journalist is to cut through that spin."
"We have no idea how much better things would get if people stopped really, really trying just to make things worse."
"We need a different kind of justice... that seriously asks questions about how to make relationships among human beings more productive."
"Let's work with this person so that we can treat the cause of what's causing them to behave in a way that may be causing pain, damage, or distraction to the rest of society."
"You've come here to help people, your influence coming to help the world, put humanity in general, move past this black and white thing of good and bad."
"I feel super hopeful about America. I love this country and I think that its people are getting better and better every day."
"Blaming people doesn't really fix anything, finding solutions does."
"The only thing we can do to fix that is shine some sunlight on it."
"We should all be nice to each other and try to make the US a better place in a positive way."
"Even if you were poor as hell, in fact, humanity managed to hit new highs in charity, dirty healthcare, and innovative philanthropy almost on a daily basis."
"Hopefully reducing the ugliness of racism so prevalent in society today."
"We need to focus on our strengths so we can have other people focus on their strengths in order to make this world a better place."
"That's what would fix things, increasing the opportunities and making Mexico a better place."
"Just wait until the 2030s and beyond and you might be living in some of the best times of your lives."
"I think it's very important to bridge the divide."
"Once we all come together, society could be a much better thing."
"It's all about treatment over punishment and really learning how to help people."
"I honestly believe that there needs to be more accountability."
"If all people in general stop judging and live their life for who they are, it makes it better for everyone."
"Change the culture; no violence necessary here."
"The only way society is going to improve is if people understand the thought processes."
"What we need is more good people to go in and do the right thing."
"The essence of true spiritual teachings: you have a responsibility to reach a state where you are clear, open, filled with good energy, so you can do your best in any moment."
"If we want a better world, we have got to start challenging ourselves."
"Every American will be better off when our democracy lives up a little more to its idea."
"Freedom and independence in work are fundamental for a better society."
"If everyone was Christ-like, this world would be a better place."
"If people collectively stopped trying to make things worse, we have no idea how much better they would get."
"They all want to go home at night and sleep knowing they've made the world a better place."
"I just really think we need to educate people more of the chance they have."
"At the end of the day, we're just Americans trying to make the world a better place."
"Give back and change the world for a better place."
"Being aware of that helps to protect ourselves against it. Let's take our breath, let's take a second, let's look around, let's do some homework."
"If we could all come together and teach the 'whys' instead of just the 'do's and 'don'ts', it would be better."
"A reminder that we can forge a more perfect union, one act of kindness at a time."
"Together, we can build a more equitable and just society."
"We actually do have in our power to make the world a better place. We can undo that conditioning, we can undo that propaganda."
"It's a step in the right direction and we want to encourage like good behavior like with any children you want to encourage good behavior."
"What if we start building infrastructure where people can see bigger perspectives because they get the information they need?"
"New things are being born Moment by moment... to make our world better."
"Society has to improve, and that isn't up to just one single person."
"Both can come together, both should come together."