
Social Progress Quotes

There are 408 quotes

"Every time we've realized a social ill or malady was not due to personal fault but a condition or circumstance out of their control, it's become a more humane place."
"There has been progress in marginalizing racism."
"In the decades since, concepts like socialism, labor unions, universal health care, and universal basic income have gained the kind of support in this country and elsewhere that was previously unseen."
"The more people speak up, from all political persuasions, from all walks of life, the easier it is to move forward."
"Advances in medicine, communication, and education play a significant role in achieving global unity."
"Social progress is made on the backs of people who push against bigotry, not who capitulate to it."
"The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice. It is up to us how quickly to bend it."
"Roe and Casey have failed, but the people, if given the chance, will succeed."
"Benign neglect was the idea that we've made enough progress for black people, so now we just go ahead and not do anything for black people anymore."
"If we don't work together, we're not gonna get anywhere."
"It's great that Scotland is the first country in the world to offer free period products."
"Society moves on and progresses. It brings us to new technological heights, it reduces our exposure to harmful things, and it offers more equality for previously repressed people."
"It's really nice to see it become more inclusive."
"Society is slowly starting to allow more and more people to join in the party. And if future generations look down on us for our lack of inequality, I guess it's a good thing as it'll mean progress will have been made."
"Social progress is inevitable... history has shown that."
"I have no interest whatsoever in abiding by some harmful arbitrary standard out of a need to stick to tradition when there's a perfectly serviceable and better one that makes people more happy and hurts nobody lying right there."
"Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, we're making leaps and strides in the name of respect."
"Women have made a ton of gains positively in society."
"Every organization that says we choose people before profit is making progress towards a better world."
"Did 'Will and Grace' help win the battle for gay marriage? I think the answer is absolutely yes."
"We can be more gay now. That's objectively a major step forward."
"Now is not the time for reform around the edges, now is time for dismantling the policies and practices that have held us back."
"This generation will take us there, I have to believe that."
"We're in an era that's moving away from racist beauty standards, obviously, we still have a long way to go."
"And we are all better off for their fight and for their victory."
"The direction is towards more tolerance of variation and more opposition to coercion and control."
"There are those who know how to move us forward and unfortunately we're being drowned out by a very powerful, very naive opposing force."
"America was attempting to fulfill its founding promises at Juneteenth."
"Encouraging progress has been made in the movement to return Native land to Native people."
"Writing in 1899, W.E.B. Du Bois noted a growing liberal spirit toward the Negro in Philadelphia, in which the community was disposed to throw off the trammels, brush away petty hindrances, and to soften the harshness of race prejudice."
"America has basically achieved equal opportunity in terms of race. We have chased away the Jim Crow bugaboo."
"We believe that technological progress and social progress are intertwined."
"Neoliberalism...is the ideology that capitalism is an overall good and that social progress, historically a liberal ideal, is best achieved through capitalism."
"Neoliberalism pushes back against social progress that is deemed unprofitable, not yet profitable or too radical."
"We have to acknowledge the social progress we've made as a civilization while also realizing where the false steps are."
"The worst thing that you can say is a slur against a group. That's evidence of social, moral, and even intellectual progress."
"Social progress always requires a little bit of antagonism with the society you live in."
"Let us not gatekeep social progress behind the comforts of those who don't know what they're talking about."
"Tolerance is something that was fought for by the left."
"It's unquestionable that America is significantly less racist today than the 1960s."
"You cannot achieve a socialist society without also making significant social progress."
"We must understand the scale of what is happening... 300 million people... entered the banking system... 450 million people... got connected to tap water... 810 million people benefit from [food provision] every day."
"We can only be thankful that today huge political movements have reversed most of these oppressive laws around a lot of the world."
"Making small steps all together as a society... that's how we will actually make an impact."
"The Ark of the universe is long but it bends toward justice."
"We've seen progress but we've also seen in recent years regression."
"I don't see any reason to think that if you look at the trajectory over the past couple of centuries I think it's been basically towards progress towards expanding the domain of Rights and justice."
"So improve this regression yeah so in our country you've been to the mountaintop and see the glory of the coming of the Lord well I think as Martin Luther King put it they are at the arc is bending upwards."
"What a magnificent testimony to the progress of humanity."
"There's never going to be any genuine progress without acceptance, tolerance, and love."
"The way to grant the marvelous liberated life to the maximum number of people is to get sustainable at the level that humans can live indefinitely on the planet."
"The greatest stumbling block to black progress is lukewarm acceptance from people of goodwill."
"We got to stop resting on symbols because the thing is we think okay we're not getting nothing so just a symbol of us getting something that's good enough."
"Progress is being made if you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches there's no progress."
"This man understood that in order for us to advance as a people, we got to own our own institutions."
"Eliminating these gaps and moving together forward."
"Weeks like this one provide reassurance that progress in the fight for justice is possible."
"We're making progress towards being less evil every day."
"Dissent is a necessary ingredient of change."
"The progress of the world will call for the best that all of us have to give."
"I think ending race segregation is a good thing."
"We are witnessing the erasure of topics that only recently represented progress towards inclusion."
"So much of like trans ideology is antithetical towards progress."
"Change has been happening at too gradual a pace."
"I know [ __ ] is rough but indisputably there still has been a lot of progress in terms of social issues and whatnot."
"Hey, it's not all bad. The decade also witnessed further progression in the battle for gender equality and queer."
"Progress has been real. The status of women, the status of gays, the status of blacks."
"Pride is not only a celebration of all we've accomplished as a community, it's also a reminder of the progress we have yet to make."
"But the arc of history will be on your side, and our nation will be stronger for it."
"I think a lot of social progress comes because there are some people who are able to imagine things being very different."
"We will not get to a place of true economic progress in this country until we start to see social class as the identity that it is."
"Confronting the evil part of humanity will make more progress."
"Let's build it together. Let's continue to give working families a fighting chance, face our challenges head-on, and let's keep building a better America because we can do it."
"We're reducing poverty at an incredible rate, people have more fresh water, we have lower infant mortality rates."
"We are in a better place especially in countries like the US dealing with these issues that we have in the past."
"I love black people that are building because that's what's gonna make our community strong."
"Refusing the importance of feminism both in the past and present is truly the regressive position to take."
"Let's keep rising together and educating the world."
"Even just playing baseball, something that seems small, like how that is such a big deal, lets you know how far we've come."
"The only way that we're going to move ahead is through effective governmental action."
"I think to have progress, you have to have it where everyone is becoming okay with everyone else's mixing and matching."
"A step forward for men does not automatically mean a step back for women."
"Seeing the semblance of justice is comforting, but we still got a long way to go."
"Money is such a taboo awkward subject... I'm so happy people are doing this."
"Martin knew that ten years ago, that there will be a day when you as a black human being, with a right or another black human can go all the way across this country."
"Unions are one of the most progressive inventions in the history of modern times."
"This is a dividend on our phenomenal progress... we can easily afford a dividend of a thousand dollars a month for people."
"Any little thing you can do to help will get you further along than doing nothing."
"America is moving forward, I think you'll see marriage equality across America."
"Real progress depends not only on the laws we change but, as I said before, on the hearts we open."
"Marriage equality's journey from unthinkable to bipartisan support."
"You have to heal in order to move forward, and everyone just wants to move forward with no healing for the people that were affected."
"The umbrella of rights has constantly extended."
"Marriage equality took much longer to happen."
"Anytime there seems to be an improvement when it comes to representation and diversity the alt-right always seems to be working themselves up over it."
"This kind of stuff is important to pushing us forward even though it's at a great cost to the victim."
"I'm celebrating marriage equality passing in Australia today; I think it's wonderful."
"Look, we're more enlightened than the generation that came before because social progress is the name of the game now."
"Until we move past that and get towards a society that actually judges people by their character we are going to be lost."
"It's good that we're having that conversation in society a lot more these days."
"We've been on the right path and the steady path of talking about black empowerment."
"The progression of one marginalized group's rights should also lift up others."
"It was an important and necessary step towards building a better world."
"Communication is key if we're gonna move forward from racism, move forward from sexism, and move forward politically."
"I think it's definitely getting a lot better. It's getting better."
"We've solved major societal problems in the last 50 or 60 years and those people should have some statues."
"We need to as a community come together and stop blaming police, just blaming police, and we need to stand together and we need to progress and we need to make things happen."
"We're making progress because people are doing what they know is the right thing to do."
"Education fosters social progress - set up schools and universities to invest in your city's future."
"A commitment to progress: Building bridges, not barriers."
"We all care about making everything more progressive, more reasonable, less harmful, less bigoted."
"For 40 years, China has been consistent in dealing with internal matters, trying to increase the lot of the ordinary person, and they've succeeded. And yet, continually vilified."
"I hope as time goes on, society continues to grow, and maybe one day, like, you don't have to announce your sexuality. Maybe one day, it's just assumed. Maybe one day, like, nobody will give a."
"We have certainly made progress from slavery, but to say that we still don't have more to do is just not aligned with our historical facts."
"As our society evolves we're becoming more in tune with those that have long been unfairly ignored, belittled, or dismissed."
"The dumb jock has made some great strides in the last few decades."
"The frightful veil of prejudice is torn to pieces and is so forever."
"A footballer comes out as gay...lead the way."
"But we've also had triumphs including emancipation and civil rights movement."
"Women have never had dating, socializing, and work life as good as now in the history of mankind."
"Great news to see that these changes are taking place."
"This is not 1950 Alabama we're talking about."
"It is infuriating that this is even being discussed in the year 2022. I thought we settled this eight years ago."
"We have to have strong Black institutions because I am tired of Black people talking about us surviving when we should be having thriving conversations."
"Contrary to popular belief, things are actually better today than they were back then when it comes to the understanding that men and women have of themselves and one another."
"Open mind to others, it is the only thing I've seen that can get us to the other side."
"I feel like any step, baby steps, yeah, towards a better world is a step forward."
"The United States has become a much more civilized society since the 1960s."
"Hopefully with more conversations like this in 10 years or so coming out of the closet won't even be a thing."
"It's clear to me that we are heading for a much more tolerant and understanding society."
"One gay kiss in Star Wars is only an advancement in the world of Star Wars."
"As forward-thinking as we think we've become as a society, there's really a lot more work to do."
"We also stand with everyone pushing for progress and basic human rights."
"I feel like it was so recent that it lingers, and we as women still need to work our way to the top even more."
"Civilized countries like Britain, Australia, and others are far ahead of us on this issue."
"Portrayal of black people has come a long way."
"I think it was great that Jordan Peterson invited a Muslim. We need more discussion and less prejudice."
"Bolivia has shown that it is possible for a small poor country in South America to make substantial economic and social progress."
"Visibility is kind of said to be the reason why the majority is in favor of same-sex marriage."
"This is a situation of glass ceiling being broken."
"I would not be here today if it were not for generations of barrier-breaking people before me."
"The only time on this planet where more and more people are getting out of poverty is because of that one word capitalism."
"We talked a little bit earlier about civil rights, yes there's far to go but man consider it fifty and sixty years ago right?"
"They had equality with men and women which is also astonishing."
"It's not 1963, we can eat where we want, sleep where we want, we own water fountains for goodness sake."
"It's because the socialist government raised people out of poverty, made literacy a thing, raised their literacy, also built millions of housing apartments for their homeless, everybody healthcare. So, and we can't have that."
"I love Lucy helped normalize seeing interracial couples on the airwaves."
"How can we grow, how can we evolve, how do we get this thing right for the little ones?"
"Progress only comes when the masses advance."
"She changed America and guided our progress to become a more perfect union."
"Things are actually getting better even with the unrest."
"That's why we're here. It's not because of political action that we got to this point; it's because of worker action."
"It is especially remarkable when one considers the fact that there was a strict ban on women's football throughout the United Kingdom for 50 years."
"We are far from perfect, but we've also come a long way too."
"Bloodgood was a progressive monster that just wanted to create an environment where normies and monsters could congregate and make peace."
"Men are getting better that way too... understanding that women are human."
"Once progression stops, once the next generation thinks, 'Hang on a minute, things are getting worse,' we're not going to own our houses."
"Progress can be slow and frustrating, but I also know it's possible if we work together."
"I actually think we're winning. This is one of the social issues we're winning."
"The real truth is, those people are idiots. Every time there's been social advancement, as we wake up, the American story, the human story, is one of constant social awakening and growth."
"It's nice to have more representation for people of color and minorities."
"We've moved from discrimination and stigma to support, and that's a beautiful thing."
"We're pushing humanity in the right direction."
"Things that we have fought for for years, imagine that would never happen, are all of a sudden happening."
"It just feels so, so great that we've arrived at a point where this is normal because it certainly wasn't when we started."
"I think in this country we had a lot of great progress, civil rights for instance."
"Every person that I meet in China has a better life than their parents."
"Our babies will start to dream bigger dreams because they can see themselves in this work."
"The world gets better all the time without force being required."
"Change is possible, progress is right at our fingertips."
"Progress is possible, no matter how deeply embedded racism is."
"Every time that people of color have made progress, there has been what Carol Anderson at Emory University calls 'white rage'."
"This is amazing. Mattel came out with their first trans Barbie."
"The wills of Justice do turn and we do make progress."
"But you have to remember that there is a reason why we have grown as a community to the levels that we have grown to."
"We all win when we see more women in leading roles."
"Progress is being made to address some of these problems."
"The labor movement was the principle force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress."
"The battle for equality in this country has already been fought."
"We have more work to do and we will work with provinces and territories."
"There's no such thing as unification without any kind of change."
"Now, we start to have less broken households, we start to have less negativity being passed down from parent to child, from relationship to relationship, from sibling to sibling."
"Mom, how is progress possible if our growth is stunted by perpetual tribalism and xenophobia?"
"Every time our country has made a great leap forward, it's taken the courage, imagination, and impatience of young people to push our legislators to deliver."
"Thankfully, there has been change, but we haven't come as far as we need to."
"America is met with ferocious backlash from those who fear progress."
"The expanding circle of sentiments to include women is a result of the Enlightenment experiment."
"People have died to be integrated members of society. Now that we have the opportunity to go out there and make something of yourself, what are we trying to do? All of us in this room are trying to do."
"It's a new phenomenon in terms of not being sexist, not being homophobic, not being racist."
"The Cleveland baseball team has renamed their team the Guardians, long overdue."
"There has not been enough change... not nearly as much work done."
"The world has never been better. Poverty has fallen from three-quarters to less than 10% in my lifetime."
"Success for me is reflecting back at the things that we have accomplished together and recognizing that millions if not billions now live in a system where they all matter, they all have a voice, they all have an equal footing."
"Progressivism back in the 1950s was calling a lady a feisty dame rather than hysterical if she argued back against her husband."
"Working together and through mutual aid is a path forward towards a better life."
"Black progress shouldn't be defined by white acknowledgment."
"Canada is now on the correct side of history."
"Greater economic opportunities for women, reduced violence against women, expanded educational opportunities for children, and amelioration of unnecessary human suffering."
"Black voters made their voices heard as well. It's crucial to stay focused on the things that will create paths to prosperity for every person."
"I hope in 2019 that we can grow to a place where we can respect women's rights more."