
Behavior Analysis Quotes

There are 388 quotes

"What do you want? Is your behavior getting you what you want?"
"He's skipping like a child, which is so kind of in the spirit of what friendship moves are."
"Clusters basically remind us that no single sign of deception means anything alone. If it's alone, if it's isolated, it means nothing."
"There were several mega clusters there, I'm talking like more than eight or nine signs of deception."
"I use my degree in sociology and psychology, my certifications in criminal interrogation and body language analysis, and over 10 years as an award-winning mentalist to teach behavior analysis and body language analysis on stages and television shows all around the world."
"That’s not the behavior of someone who's confident; it's the behavior of someone who's desperate."
"The key to changing habits is to understand how they work. If you can diagnose the habit, you can change it in any way you like."
"In behavioral analysis, when we talk about deception, we're also looking for statements of omission. This is when somebody holds something back or dances around the truth."
"If we see emotions and behaviors as functional, we can create change at a deeper level."
"Narcissism is a word that is being used to understand bad behavior everywhere - in national leaders, heads of state, heads of corporations, fancy academic types, athletes, celebrities."
"It's going to be very interesting based on what we've seen tonight, the behavior that we have witnessed."
"What we need to focus more on is the psychological and behavioral aspect."
"Someone who fears not being believed behaves very similar to someone who's being deceptive."
"One sign of deception is never enough... Most of the time, we want to see a couple of indications happening at the same time."
"The fact that Mr. Dahmer did not kill any of the men whom he found attractive and had rendered unconscious even after lowering his own inhibitions with drinking shows control."
"Past behavior is a predictor of future behavior."
"Actions speak louder than words. Always. Doesn't matter what someone's saying. I think monitoring their actions over a long period of time are way more honest of anything than they could ever hope to say."
"If you can't figure out the reason somebody's doing something, look at the consequences of their behaviors."
"Never judge the behavior without knowing the backstory."
"The absence of appropriate emotion and the overselling of the inappropriate emotion."
"I'm a psychologist. I've watched people flip things all the time. I get it."
"Before labeling someone an addict, ask if their behavior produces desired results."
"Psychopaths are never childish, unlike the narcissist, but he behaves like a child."
"Once my monthly cash flow from my assets is equal to or greater than my monthly living expenses, then I am financially free."
"Actions repeated over time is the main indicator of someone's character."
"It's like the kid throwing a temper tantrum on the playground."
"It's not bigoted to not want to just allow your country to be dissolved."
"Follow the behavior and where did that behavior come from? Well, look here."
"Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do."
"There's something wrong with that kid... they're as broken as the person they're bullying."
"She was an absolute model of correct statesmanlike behavior."
"Impulsivity tends to be one of the characteristics when we see criminal behavior."
"When nepo gets nervous or he's not sure what's going on he starts moving very very quickly..."
"It's not what people say, it's what they do. It's people's behavior."
"He was avoiding eye contact or was he being aggressive, and all these like everything was just subtle nuances and intimate details."
"Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior."
"Think about your own pain and pleasure response. More importantly, think about everyone else who's trading that doesn't understand this."
"Observing Casey's behavior and talking about what she did and saying it's not normal and that it suggests guilt is not painting Casey as anything, it's just like talking about what we see with our own eyes."
"If a person is a racist, they're not acting like a Christian."
"Every good driver is good in the same way. Every bad driver is bad in a different way."
"Behavior has a massive lack of ambition because there's nothing driving them to do so."
"And he lied about where he was. Innocent people don't do that."
"Look at people's actions, don't listen to the words."
"I would say a mixture of the two because women can definitely bring a new different perspective and it's going to be a lot more focused on how the other girl will feel so impressing her and things like that."
"Their conduct and that's really a dangerous dynamic."
"We're looking for clusters of behavior and we're looking for a pattern of behavior."
"He was always on Twitter you then had to be on everything too every minor infraction was a big deal."
"Trust is built time plus believable Behavior."
"It is a lack of forgiveness and a lack of charitable interpretation of people's behavior."
"Watch their behavior. This is why I'm always about guys taking their time with women."
"Behavioral analysis is probably one of the best indicators of forward-looking predictions that you can get."
"Repetitive behavior is the key to mind control. Think of a hamster on a hamster wheel. They are constantly working their routine."
"It just keeps shooting itself in the foot over and over."
"It's always the most sanctimonious people who are the ones who are guilty of the thing that they claim to be so against."
"The rats went always back to the sugar, and if you're not catching on, we're the rats."
"Nobody strictly chooses to be lazy, they just kind of are, or maybe they kind of choose to be lazy in that they act in particular ways that bring about that character."
"Because they believe their motives to be positive, that's the same thing as acting in good faith. And the problem is it's very easy to rationalize behaviors that are harmful to others and to paint some sort of positive spin on them."
"Actions reveal preferences. Whatever you ask people, look at what they do, not at what they say."
"There's no indication that he was a danger to flee... He didn't try to leave, he didn't try to run."
"People aren't bad because they do bad things, good people do bad things and bad people do good things."
"A history of a certain behavior does not make it rational, acceptable, or welcome."
"The definition of insanity is attempting the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"Overconfidence is a slope and also insatiable."
"Behavior is the fruit, you gotta get to the root."
"Acting out is connected to the unconscious... these behaviors are ritualized... they carry information."
"Acting out is a window... into the patient's unconscious... When you observe the patient's out of control behaviors..."
"Would you treat a murderer because they speak well and dress in a suit?"
"Your peripheral awareness picks up on inconsistencies. When changes happen, it's a behavioral manifestation of something that has changed."
"Change starts with the man in the mirror. We've got to look at what we're doing, we've got to look at how we're behaving."
"Because if you just do the same thing that's insanity doing the same thing expecting different results well you're going to keep getting that."
"There's a difference between a young cat that just don't know any better and a young cat that feels because he got it going on he doesn't have to show you any respect whatsoever."
"Encouraging behavior and not condemning it strongly enough are very, very different things."
"I can guarantee you the last thing a guilty person would do was to do that."
"He cannot resist an opportunity to show status."
"This presents a major contradiction between his words and actions."
"Hypocrisy is The Hangover of an addiction to attention."
"One weakness psychopaths have is that once one studies them and begins to understand them, they become predictable."
"Nothing bad will come from assessing why we do the things that we do."
"I've seen it too many damn times gentlemen, we literally operate as the biggest hypocrites on earth."
"There's no way that a Redemption Arc is not motivating his behavior."
"What we see here is somebody who's covering up something what we can tell about this person is they're not reacting normally."
"Overall score on the behavioral table of elements is a 27 which is extremely high when 11 indicates a possible deception."
"It's useful in terms of identifying behavior in real time."
"Personality psychology studies the patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behavior that comprise a personality."
"Don't condemn the people who want to hustle, hustling is a behavior."
"Predictive of human behavior doesn't make it morality."
"For someone who is a pathological liar... would at least try to put something on."
"Watching somebody try the same thing every 2 minutes for 2 hours is insane behavior."
"He just can't do the thing where he's so dominant that he drowns out everyone else."
"We need to learn to critique actions and not people."
"I just wish... people could draw lines between different types of behavior."
"It's not as common as one would imagine, particularly in serial killing, where you see it is people who are a little bit more disorganized or impulsive."
"He wanted alone time to play out his fantasy."
"He blames everyone and everything else for his problems."
"He was just rambling, and I put my arm around him, you know. He was crying, and it was deep, but the one thing I did not notice was any sort of real tears."
"This is how you know how someone feels about you with their actions."
"We move in a certain way because you see what's going on."
"She's demonstrated it over and over, and she's been pretty consistent about when she's been punitive, when she's been inhumane to her enemies, and when she's done the right thing."
"It's classic behavior of a malignant narcissist."
"It's not about what they say, it's about what they do."
"I can usually tell if somebody is going to be good faith or bad faith based on like hypotheticals or examples I give them and see how combative they get with points that they shouldn't be combative for."
"Actions speak louder than words. That's right, I go over actions vs. words."
"A truthful person also makes spontaneous corrections, so it contradicts what a lot of people think."
"That kind of narcissism is like the exact opposite of Christ-like behavior."
"If he's not faking this constant extreme happiness, then Sonic having mania makes the most sense."
"It's so wild, because it looks like you're doing an ostentatious braggadocio move of swagger, basically, but in fact what you're doing is legitimately conserving your energy until the moment it's needed."
"The behavior that it expresses is captured in the interconnection between all these neurons."
"I don't know why they're doing this all consciously."
"You make a mistake on your homework, what Heidi did was more like a momentary loss of all sanity."
"Sometimes you don't like the behavior but that you can have a little compassion sometimes."
"Anyone can be the person who observes the behavior and decides that they will not interpret it themselves."
"Most people end up falling off a week or a month later. Why do you think that happens?"
"Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons is still better than doing the wrong thing."
"Listen to what people say but watch what they do."
"Don't listen to their words, watch their actions."
"This is not healthy behavior. This is not good. It's not cool. You're behaving like a psychopath."
"Remember, whatever someone is doing to you right now says more about them than it says about you."
"Focus on unethical behavior, not personal attacks."
"Understanding motivations behind behaviors is key to navigating contentious situations."
"The cooling off period distinguishes a serial killer."
"The fact that he studies criminal psychology and criminals in general is really, really crazy."
"The idea is that this doesn't happen by accident. Behavior comes from the environment and from the systems."
"Any change in speech patterns and demeanor compared to a suspect's well-established Baseline is something in which detectives will note."
"She's very touchy-feely, it seems as though at least with Barnett."
"Blair was indeed the aggressor. She always has been."
"The behavior and the person aren't the same."
"It's debatable whether or not his desires to protect people are genuine or he's simply looking for an excuse for violence in certain circumstances."
"If you drive an expensive car, you're probably a jerk, scientists say."
"Usually the person that's shouting the loudest is the one who is guilty of the sin they're shouting about accusing you of."
"You can't just take one movie and make it responsible for all the behavior in society."
"By analyzing your behavior, it helps us know the person's true character. Well, actually, I should also tell you that your family also watched the screen together."
"CTE doesn't explain elements like criminal behavior, deceitfulness, reckless disregard for safety, consistent irresponsibility, and the lack of remorse."
"It's very odd, why would he do that at that moment?"
"She didn't just stop calling everybody for no reason."
"Many people who act this way take no accountability."
"It's sociopathic, psychopathic in some regards to its approach to data."
"Wokeness basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."
"Cheating in the past doesn't mean cheating in the future. Cheating online doesn't mean cheating at home."
"One-time activity does not make lifetime identity."
"The early days are the best days with the Sags... they're gonna be on their best behavior, they're gonna be hearing everything and remembering."
"Your behavior doesn't lie, your feelings can lie, but your behavior never lies."
"This period is liberating in a sense. You are realizing that this pattern of behavior isn't something that you concocted. You're not evil, you're not cruel."
"Regardless, I think that Karen is going out of her way to be overly nice. It's weird, sure, but it is better than her like going the other way and going nuts and becoming hell-bent on like destroying your life."
"Trump's behavior has been so erratic, so impulsive, so out of control."
"An inconsistent action is a consistent answer."
"Even the title has become synonymous with repetitive behavior and situations."
"Actions speak louder than words and a guilty conscience will tell on itself."
"As emotion increases, consistency decreases."
"People who love themselves do not behave the way that narcissists behave."
"It's like a toddler having a tantrum over spilled milk."
"Neither one of these guys pulls the gun up and out in any perceivable way."
"Couples who get caught in fighting all the time... there's a pettiness to wanting to be right."
"Every single negative habit has a positive intent."
"If you're extra nice to a girl, she'll do things that are disrespectful."
"You literally subtract the words from the actions, you're left with actions. That's your answer."
"When someone has read receipts on, they will intentionally not open your message."
"Remaining silent is not what Florida law considers outrageous behavior."
"A lot of behavior is driven just by peer pressure."
"His actions as president appear to be informed through personal gripes and anger."
"If something can be achieved by saying rather than doing, then the narcissist will go down that route."
"The tactic we're seeing from these people, it's the same thing in different ways."
"Whatever that is for gambling addicts, word, yeah, call it whatever you want. Whatever you want to call it, that is what is happening to social media compulsive users."
"Procrastination is disobedience in slow motion."
"I think you could be an [asshole] and be nice."
"Guys who are rude to women they sleep with aren't jerks, they're sexist."
"Nothing in consumer behavior could ever make sense without an understanding of our evolutionary heritage."
"Evil acts arise from a collection of smaller decisions."
"When you do a bunch of shitty things people stop liking you."
"Watching this travesty is not only childish and cruel and spiteful, it's un-American."
"Is he nice for the sake of being nice or is he nice because he has a motive?"
"The longer people take to order, the less efficient they are at the things that don't really matter."
"Once he gets in that mode, it's like a Snowball Effect."
"In this business saying I was going to expose, we're looking at body language, facial expressions, word choice of all the players involved to figure out what's going on." - Cat Williams
"This is just a way for you to recognize extreme thinking and behavior in yourself."
"Their past behavior is the best indication of the future."
"I saw that story, just a picture of a guy drunk, 90% chance drunk."
"They mean no harm, they're just trying to survive."
"What they say and what they do are two different things."
"Recognizing that we're not zombies, let's stop acting like them."
"The common denominator of success was quite simple: successful people make a habit of doing what unsuccessful people don't like to do."
"The woman will always pack her bags early; she doesn't pack her bags the night that she takes the trip. She starts packing her bags weeks before."
"They typically have low conscientiousness and high neuroticism, so they are impulsive, irresponsible, and emotionally reactive."
"Stop making excuses for toxic behaviors and relationships."
"How bad is that to do? That's bad, that's bad, that's bad."
"A jock can be an [ __ ] a nerd can be an [ __ ] anyone can be an [ __ ]."
"Understanding the deeper strata of behavior is crucial, focusing only on outcomes is a mistake."
"That's what a guilty person does. A guilty person doesn't talk to anyone. He lawyers up."
"Everything you do is about a desire to escape discomfort."
"Remember, there's a big difference between words and actions, and you want to look at both of them."
"If you loved it, you would keep doing it. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"These traits are predictive of persistent violent and antisocial behavior."
"Why be rude to someone holding your $1,000 smartphone?"
"A narcissist is often easy to spot because their actions and beliefs easily give them away."
"Karen's level of entitlement is just insane."
"Defensiveness is deadly in seduction; act defensive and you'll bring out defensiveness in other people."
"This isn't humility, this is just cartoonish level behavior."
"We still don't fully understand this behavior."
"It's like I always say, behavior is a mirror that reflects one's true nature."
"If you're always giving in to what you should be resisting then obviously you're not resisting." - "If you're always giving in to what you should be resisting then obviously you're not resisting."
"People don't snap. This is years of him building up to get to this point."