
Capability Quotes

There are 11577 quotes

"Skills matter. Skills mean you can do something other people can't do."
"You're smarter than you think you are, you're more capable than you think you are."
"You are actually so much more capable of accomplishing these things than you realize."
"If the president could do what Cassidy says from where he sat, I want that man for president."
"Let's remember who we are: we are the United States of America, and there is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"Your capability is constant, but how much of it you use depends upon the identity you have for yourself."
"This just shows that you can do anything if you set your mind to it."
"You're more than enough; every one of us is more than enough, fully capable, fully qualified to walk into any room."
"You are more than capable of getting through it."
"The pandemic should have given us all confidence that we're much more capable of response than we think."
"The dedicated person of average intelligence is capable of much more than the lazy or erratic genius."
"We're also the most capable, resourceful, and resilient species that has ever lived on earth."
"You are capable of creating the friendships that you deserve in life."
"If knowledge is power, learning is your superpower."
"The world's hard and I absolutely love that we have the ability that we have."
"We need leaders who are capable and with proven integrity."
"Education is what you learn, and what you learn dictates what you can do."
"In this competition, there's nothing that you can't do. It's true; you're unstoppable."
"Most people who are capable are not running for office. Most men are frightened of politics today. It is a shame, isn't it?"
"I'm amazed at what a human being can actually do."
"If you have the capacity to do something, you have a responsibility to do it."
"I think our kids are more capable than we realize or that we give them credit for. They're more capable of handling physical freedom and handling tough, intellectual, and emotional subjects."
"The human mind is very powerful; it does a lot of things well."
"It's impossible to become a capable man or a man of my capability without struggling, without facing serious adversities, without trying to overcome often insurmountable odds."
"If you want to see what you're totally capable of, you have to decide for yourself what's okay or not."
"You are stronger than you think, smarter than you think, more capable than you think."
"The capacity of a human being is spectacular; it is unrivaled."
"Part of that equation was capability versus barrier. So, at what point do we stop tearing down the barriers and instead focus on building up the capability?"
"Confidence is literally believing that you have the capacity to deal with the unknown."
"Believe in yourself. It's the first step to becoming capable."
"Each and every one of you is capable of great change."
"I am strong, I am mighty, and I am worthy. I can't do everything, but I can do something."
"I'd take her in a heartbeat. She's brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman."
"Any job that a man can do, a woman is also capable of doing."
"I believe whatever capability that God has given me, using it in the right direction lies the ability to succeed."
"All of us cannot be geniuses, but we can strive for excellence."
"All of us are much more capable than we believe we are."
"When America is united on an issue, we have the capability to move heaven and earth."
"Somebody might be corrupt...that doesn't necessarily mean that they're not extremely capable and very clever."
"Healthy people can do all the things that are needed in the world."
"The highest being who is most capable of solving the problems of this world is the one that can be at peace with every single thing that comes into them."
"There's not a single thing American workers can't do."
"When you're prepared, it allows you to be a rescuer."
"Are you saying that your ego's writing checks that your body can't cash?"
"It's a testament to your abilities that you've made it thus far."
"If you're in a conflict, it means God knows you're equipped to win."
"Spirit's coming through right now being like do not worry about anything, you are so capable."
"Whatever your dreams are, you're capable of reaching them."
"This grain of rice can do really sophisticated things. It's got a hundred thousand neurons in it."
"Human beings are absolutely incredible. We are capable of extraordinary."
"The more you're entrusted with or the more capable you are, the more able you are to contribute, and the more you ought to."
"Learning is a uniquely human activity; we're all learning, we're all capable of learning hundreds or thousands of different things over the course of our life."
"Humans are awesome. Humans are freaking awesome. The resilience, we can do some shit."
"There is nothing stopping you if you were born female from doing everything that men can do."
"Stormbreaker is capable of withstanding the power of the Infinity Stones."
"A woman could be president or a woman could be anything that a man could be but it shouldn't be because she's a woman, it should be because she's just capable."
"The fact that he has ADHD doesn't mean that he's less-than or a failure. He's actually quite successful at what he does."
"If the biological bar has not gone down in terms of our capacity as a species in this short period of time, perhaps the societal bar has gone up in terms of what we expect of children."
"I run to be strong and I run to prove I'm capable of doing stuff I didn't think possible."
"The United States, at scale, is not capable of making a phone."
"I am smart, determined, and capable. I don't believe for a second that I'm incapable."
"Nobody else in the world does this, and no one else can do it."
"Take a few deep breaths really focus on 'I am. I am capable of this. I am doing this. It will happen.'"
"Why am I doing it? Because I can do it. Because there'll come a time in my life I won't be able to do it, so I'm gonna do it."
"There ain't no can't. I can. So I'm going to do it."
"You can do it on your own. There's a lot of independence here."
"Remember who you are. There is going to be circumstances around you that happen that make you question whether or not you're capable of certain things in your life."
"Stealthy, we're not overt; we're not going loud and proud, yet we have a lot of capability in this little bag, but we don't want the world to know about it."
"You're capable of doing [the pursuit of truth]... but the only way that you can do that is if you're free."
"Victoria never believed that she, as a woman, was the best person to be Monarch. Yet, by the time of her Diamond Jubilee in 1897, she had proved that a woman was more than capable of being the Monarch."
"It's the most capable tanks in the world. It will enhance the Ukrainians' capacity to defend its territory and achieve strategic objectives."
"If you want to play the game with 56 chunks of render distance, you are going to be able to."
"You are capable and Allah burdened you with amazing potential."
"The only belief that matters: that if I failed at something, it's because I'm not good enough yet, but I can get good."
"People on the left are capable of putting their pants on without a [ __ ] guide."
"When you ain't got hands ain't even a smart move."
"He is a petty tyrant who refuses to listen to the legions of people more capable than him in every regard."
"Just because you can do it doesn't mean anyone else can or should."
"You can do it, Cody. We're to give him some reassurance."
"Even if you don't think you can do it, human beings are capable of some pretty amazing things."
"Just the human beings can accomplish something like this is amazing."
"Remember, you're probably a lot more capable than you could ever imagine."
"The capability of doing a crime is different than actually doing the crime."
"If you ever had to kill anybody, could you do it under the right conditions? Dad: Yeah, I can do it."
"This picture of the stars at night, that is impossible to do on any other phone."
"Everything, absolutely everything, is figure-out-able."
"Marceline and Princess Bubblegum, seemingly all-powerful in their own way."
"Don't worry, I can fix everything. I'm the duke, remember? Here, watch, see? Good as new."
"Could I take down a country? I hate to tell you but I could. Some say I'm already doing it."
"God does what I can't do, not what I won't do."
"I have short arms and this can come very annoying from time to time but I'm not disabled to that I feel inferior or that I think I cannot do certain things."
"If you can't handle your paycheck properly, do you really think you can manage 10 times that amount?"
"Now unto him who is able to do immeasurably more… To him be glory in your life!"
"One of the few characters that can do that and that is a very very strong thing to have."
"There is not a single thing beyond our capacity."
"These five are definitely capable of taking down the killers."
"Given the time and training Leon is good to go as a killer killer."
"Minors are capable of making life-altering decisions."
"There's nothing that I could not do. Whatever I'm asked to do, I can do it."
"The entire vehicle will be capable of lifting 100 metric tons."
"We need to focus on what we can do even if it's one thing."
"The more responsibility I take on, the more I find I'm able to."
"I used my big brain and I solved my way through it."
"If there's anyone who can do it, it's the Americans."
"I feel like they're building in some capable, like their most capable models or something."
"I think we're in a position now, let's say this was five years ago or maybe even 10, no one would accept that the government was capable of doing this."
"There's not a single thing, nothing, nothing beyond our capacity."
"Invest in yourself until you actually have the ability."
"If you did it, it's possible that whoever's watching can also do it."
"Anyone can do it if you're determined enough and consistently show up for yourself and practice."
"Does beating Anderson Silva give you the respect that he deserves? 100 and I have more than what it takes."
"If you can't even kill the robot, who the hell can you kill?"
"Level seven already? H guess he really does have some tricks up his sleeve."
"I had to defend myself and show that I can do this."
"Dead Space truly does prove that it isn't your size that matters but how you use it."
"This isn't about sexuality, this is about ability."
"Matt Hardy can still go, yes he can go and he's got all that knowledge and experience..."
"I saved myself I've got all the tools I need."
"He's a God that is big enough that he can handle the big questions."
"He certainly does not let the wheelchair limit him."
"When America acts as one, there has never been a single thing we've been unable to do."
"We actually don't need new discoveries to have the future be much better... we actually know how to do it."
"Just because she's a woman and younger doesn't mean she's not capable."
"There’s nothing this larger-than-life spirit can’t do!"
"Training fills gaps in capability, development realizes potential."
"You're completely yourself and can handle anything."
"Despite her somewhat disastrous end, however, for a first-of-her-kind vehicle, the Snow Freighter had proved itself as highly capable in the environments that she had been designed for."
"It's not that we can forget what's happened this week or over the last three months, but it's a reminder of what we can do."
"Active power consciousness is knowing that you can do and how to do."
"Listening to things like this and getting people to believe that they're capable is hugely powerful."
"Goku confirms from Jaco that Moro had been sentenced to death, leading him to remove his gi with the Galactic Patrol Insignia stating that from now on he will fight Moro as an Earthling."
"You don't necessarily have the same benefits you have to go turn it on all the stuff you can do this in a matter of minutes."
"What I want you to know is that you can do it."
"Confidence to me is a knowledge of what one is capable of doing."
"There's tremendous power in being able to do that, so you know we have, there's no part of our system that is not heavily that does not heavily, you know, leverage."
"I think what we all have experienced proves that together there's nothing we cannot do."
"The mantra is, 'If you want it, you can do it.'"
"We're able to track in excess of a thousand objects."
"Gun Lancers are known to be the superman class of Lost Ark because they can literally do everything."
"The power of intelligence, the power of the mind."
"We are unbelievably resilient and able creatures, and we do not have any conception of our upper limits."
"I want to prove that wrong, I want to show that we can still be more than useful and be the center of a team."
"They certainly feel like they could drive anywhere and more or less over anything."
"He has the ability to be a top five wide receiver."
"We are great at creating problems but we're also good at solving problems."
"If you have a will, I think you can do just about anything."
"Those who understand it can produce what the world calls Miracles."
"Humans are so much we're capable of so much more than we think."
"Can you look insane? Yes, and Adina Menzel can absolutely sing."
"Don't focus on what you can't do, focus on what you can do."
"The fact that you can't believe that Jews are capable of doing this doesn't mean that they're not capable of doing it it just means your this is an argument from incredulity."
"If you got energy, you got power. You have everything."
"Despite the shortcomings, these are some very fun and capable, classy watches indeed."
"Without the technology that they have in the palm of my hand with an iPhone, I wouldn't be able to do what we do."
"Almost anything that needs to be done in your home is figure-out-able."
"The Ioniq 5 has a towing capacity of 1,600 kilograms, which is exceptionally high for an electric vehicle."
"If you can walk, talk, speak, read, think, smell, taste, all that stuff, you have the capability to do something big with your life."
"Everybody got a step to [ __ ] up. But I'll be honest with you, I don't think everybody built for it."
"You're capable of doing this in a business, in a relationship."
"She may be little and blind but she will [ __ ] destroy you."
"AI is already smarter than 95 plus percent of people on the planet."
"We all have that heroic capability, the ability to create these miracles when we realize our life is on the line."
"If you can help them if it's within your power then you should."
"Winning here doesn't necessarily mean winning the world champion but means have a winning team that's capable each weekend."
"Every single person in this room's got capabilities of ministry that John the Baptist didn't have."
"You're allowed to grow too. You are wildly capable."
"A game that illustrates Ubisoft's capacity to revive iconic Brands."
"Can't take it... show them what we're capable of."
"Everybody with disabilities is not slowing off and some of those people that may not be able to speak and do things as well they're highly intelligent."
"Your ability to conquer challenges is limitless."
"You can do more than you think that you can. You are capable of so much more."
"If you show that you really want to do it and that you're really capable, people will not stand in your way."
"The Lynx is a very impressive vehicle with quite a bit of capability, and clearly, they put a lot of development into trying to make this vehicle modular."
"This is the United States of America, and there's nothing we can't do when we do it together."
"I believe you can handle it. I believe you can handle the truth."
"They'll always need men like us, those who are willing to do what others cannot."
"If a 90 year old woman can do it, you can do it too."
"She's a realtor and she's a chemical engineer."
"And I wonder if they have the bandwidth to be able to make a different game after this gets up."
"You literally can do anything, your talents are extremely great."
"So just by adding one new instruction our computer will be Turing-complete..."
"Your Cricut can cut upwards of 100 materials, that's incredible."
"I came too far to not show what I have. Let me show them [__] what I'm really capable of."
"Aqua Terra, there's a bit of a clue in the name there. It can genuinely do everything."
"Why am I able to do so much in so little time?"
"You don't need a degree to be good at something."
"As soon as you decide to take action...you will be fully capable of doing that."
"I just want them to be shocked because they have no idea what I could do."
"Anything that we can do with this computer, we can make a command to do that."
"We've finally got someone that can start a move and finish the move."
"I actually can be so confident in my body not because of the way that it looks but because of what it's capable of doing."
"The success of the operation underscored the determination, expertise, and ability of the Ukrainian forces."
"Paying off that debt in full... changed not only my perception of myself, but my perception of what I was capable of."
"We're the United States of America. There's nothing, not a single thing, we're unable to do if we do it together."
"Passion behind something, you can pretty much do anything."
"Human beings are capable of much more and great things."
"Just because you don't feel like doing something doesn't mean you can't do that something."
"It's amazing that we live in a time now where you can do that in something so heavy and big."
"The anointing gives you the ability to know and do God's will."
"Every mouth comes with a pair of hands and a mind."